Chappie 9: Surprise visits

Jars and planes that keep us together


Bang Yongguk was a rational man to some extent, he didn’t like to think too much about fate or destine because he had made his own. But the moment he had seen Ash in the hotel lobby the look he received from Himchan had told him that he had better start believing in fate. What had shocked him at first was how professional and elegant she looked when only hours before they had been on a plane and in a storm.

But there she stood looking clean and composed, not a trace of exhaustion that he was sure could be seen on his own face. With Zelo was babbling to her he was trying to figure out what to say, should he ask about the jars? Before he can get a word in Zelo is asking him if they can eat dinner together, and who is he to say no?

So that was it. They were eating with the girl he thought would become just another pleasant memory by tomorrow. Instead this was his chance to get to know her more; he wanted to know what she did and why she sent food to them. Not that any of them were complaining, she sent food in those cute little jars.

“Hyung?” Jongup called interrupting his thoughts, “Are you going to go into your room?”

“Ah, yeah.” He mumbled, looking around the hall to see the others going into their rooms when the door across from him swung open and a the person he had just been thinking about stumbled out and stopped short looking at him confused.

“Hey!” She says gathering herself. “You guys are staying up here then?”

“Yeah, so you are the reason manager hyung can’t room near us?” He asked teasing her, but she took it seriously and began apologizing profusely. “Haha, don’t worry about it. He could use a break from us for a bit. I swear he needs this trip more than any of us.”

She smiled sweetly “Well then I am less sorry, I’m sorry I can’t talk more now, there is an emergency that they need me for downstairs.”

He nods and she takes off for the stairs and disappears in seconds leaving a confused Bang Yongguk. He entered his room with a grin earning a look from Himchan, “Guess what Channie?”

“What?” He asked his foolish friend.

“Jars girl is in the room across from us.” He said grinning.

“Huh, she is pretty important than.” Himchan said in surprise.

“Why?” Bang asked plopping down next to the lounged out raven.

“Well, don’t be mad. But we did a little research on her. She works for the company that owns this hotel. She lives in Seoul.” Himchan explains, receiving a dark look from the older.

“When was I going to hear about this?” Bang growled.

“Well that depended on whether you wanted know more about her. I thought we would never see them again after the bus!” He tried to explain.

“Ah, yeah. Me too. I guess that makes sense.” The rapper relaxed into the couch and turned to look at his friend who looked worried. “So what else did you find out?”

Himchan raised an eyebrow “Well she lives in Korea permanently, her sister is starting college for photography. Oh, fun fact, she has her license in Korea and the states.”

Bang stared at him for a moment then burst into barking laughter, surprising the other. “You sound like a stalker Channie.”

“You were the one that wanted to know.” He muttered annoyed with the leader.

“Neh.” Chuckled Yongguk. “Do you think getting to know her would be a bad idea?”

Himchan’s eyes widened in excitement, his friend was taking interest in something other than music. “It would be okay.”

“Thanks Channie.” He smiled at the commander of BAP with a soft expression. It was nice to see him away from life for a little while.

“Neh. You know I miss our fans already.” Himchan said with a light chuckle and sigh. “I don’t miss all of the work, but I miss the babies. And I miss my baby.”

“Aigoo. Don’t pout; she will meet us here in a couple of days.” Bang comforted the sentimental Himchan, who always seemed to get worked up when he couldn’t see his girl. “If you are in a bad mood I will tell her you were pouting the whole time you were here and she will tease you.”

“Ugh, fine. I will be cheerful.” He agreed with a cheesy smile.

You were stuck in your room alone again when Ash ran out half way done with her lunch after receiving a call that the head chef had just quit for the hotel kitchen and the sous chef was not prepared to take over. You just rolled your eyes at her when she tried to apologize, in return for her leaving you ate her cookie.

About fifteen minutes later your phone started buzzing, “Hello?

Eri, are you dressed?”Ash asked on the other line.

Yep, why?

Come down here, we are going to visit a friend of mine. I think you will like him.” She explained.

Okay” You grabbed your purse and left the room quickly not noticing the room down the hall had also opened. “So what is this guy like? Why would I like him, is he your boyfriend?

Ash laughs at your poor joke “No, he is just this friend that is in Paris for a little business. You have your camera right?

Always.” You tell her waiting for the lift to take you down.”So I get to take pictures?

Yup! So hurry down here, I have the car waiting for us to go.” She hangs up with that.

The elevator dings and you step in joined by a very familiar tall figure.

“Hey bunny.” He grins down at you as you turn red.

“What are you doing here?!” You squeak in surprise.

Heehee, so I am super duper happy today. So I hope you like the new chapter I may be extra fast this time and post another. But thank you so so much, I absolutley adore your comments! <3

So with some help I have this whole picture deal down, and I figured I would leave a nice pice here. Oh, gosh this is absolutely not mine. But I wish he was. 

Alright, now I am blushing because of my self.....>///<


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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.