Chappie 17: Thinking about you

Jars and planes that keep us together


It is raining again for the first time since your arrival in France, you know this because thunder woke you up two minutes ago sending a violent chill through your body. On shaky legs you stumble to Ash’s bed which is made and empty, sending you into a panic. Ignoring the thunder you stumble around the pitch black room and call out “Ash!”

For her to not be right by your side during such a loud storm was strange, especially when she should be asleep right next to you. You jump from the sound of thunder and fumble to look at the time on your phone. It is four in the morning and Ash is not in the bedroom, she is not in the sitting room or the bathroom. You move to the hall, tears blurring your vision, thunder causing you to jump or crouch on the ground for a moment before continuing your search.

“A-Ash!” You hiccup and trip down the hall trying to stand and be strong enough to find her. You just need to find her and get through the storm. “Ash-Ashleeey” You moan through a sob.

Someone who is not Ash is now in front of you. It is Himchan in his pajamas looking sleepy “Eri, what’s wrong?! Why are you up?” he asks you taking in your shaking, crying state.

“Ash. I c-can’t find her. She isn’t in our roooom.” You sob as he pats and rubs your shoulder then holds you in a warm hug. “I need her, I need her. She isn’t here.”

“Shh. Shhhuh.” He whispers patting your head as you shake. “How about we go back to your room and look for her again. Maybe we can see where she went. Do you want me to get Zelo?”

“I am already here.” His voice from behind you is groggy; he moves Himchan out of his way and cuddles your still trembling frame close. “Don’t be afraid of the storm Eri, it will be over before you know it.”

You nod into his chest, still scared and worried for Ash. The three of you move to your room and the lights are flicked on, Zelo is drapped over you from behind taking in the empty room. “didn’t you guys have more luggage before?”

You can’t breath. Her luggage is gone, you are all in the bedroom now and there is an envelope. It is open and one ticket falls out followed by a handwritten note.


I had to go back early, I am so sorry but I couldn’t bring myself to ruin your fun by dragging you back with me. Boss called and they need me, one of the heads of the company died and they need my help to smooth the transition and adjusting to his replacement. Please don’t get to upset,I really did not want to leave you! You are all grown up though and I know you are with good people. There will be a town car on call for you in a week’s time, it will take you to the airport and the ticket is for your flight back to the states. First class this time! Be careful, I love you. Dad will pick you up in a week from the airport. Say goodbye to everyone for me! –Ash

You sob into your hands as Himchan glares at the paper he has just taken from you. “I can’t believe she just left!”

“I can, I don’t want to though.” You murmur into Zelo’s chest. “I know she cares about me, but she cares about work more.”

“But you can still have fun with us!” Zelo pipes in with a hesitant smile, a frail attempt to cheer you up. “I’m glad you didn’t have to leave with her.” He whispers the last part in your ear.”

Himchan is scowling, looking at the two of you he storms out of the room leaving you to your surprise and Zelo’s attempts to make this situation better than it is. You look around the room again and notice something else “She took the cat.”


Bang was once again being woken up by Himchan on a day he had anticipated more sleep. This time he was violently yanked from bed and his face was suddenly ….too close to his best friend’s. He groaned at the sudden movement and white light causing physical pain. Himchan shook him violently until the younger of the two was pushed off the bed and onto the floor.

“Why are you waking me up like this at-“ Bang growled glancing at the clock. “IT IS FOUR THIRTY IN THE MORNING!”

Bang was now roaring at a calmer Himchan, who waited patiently for his friend to calm down. Finally deciding Yongguk was calm enough to talk to, Himchan started to explain the situation. He watched as Yongguk let the information sink in, his body sinking onto the bed and his face sinking in another way. For Himchan, this is the first time he has seen such an agonized expression as his bangs hung in front of his eyes and chin rested on his intertwined fingers.

“Bang?” He called softly as he approached the now brooding guy.

“What time did she leave?” The sentence is choked out and sounds like a guttural roar.

“We don’t know, Eri woke up around four because of the storm and couldn’t find her…”

Bang looks up worried, “Is she okay? Eri? She is still here?!”

Himchan nods “She is with Zelo now, but she was freaking out when I found her before. Apparently Ash left some money and a way for Eri to get back to the states. Her phone is turned off, so we are assuming she is on the plane already.”

Bang sighs, “Well, what am I supposed to say?!”

“What did you say?” Himchan asked sitting next to him on the bed. “Do you know if she might have left for something other than work?”

“….I-I don’t really think so?” Bang sounded so unsure answering this more so than he had about anything. “GAAH! I just, I thought she was feeling the same way I was, then she started talking about making a choice and I don’t know I couldn’t really focus on anything other than the fact that she kissed my nose!” He shouts into his own hands, the words muffled by his palms.

“Bang, what are you going to do?”

“I am going to call her, I really don’t care if her phone is off or when she calls me back, but I am giving her a call. Where is my phone?!” Bang started shuffling through his belongings finally finding said phone, he clicked it on and noticed a missed call, text and voice message. Opening the screen he clicked on the missed call and immediately hit redial.

“She called me at one thirty!” He fiercely whispered to a confused Himchan, who at this point had gotten comfortable in his spot on the others bed. “Gah! It’s OFF!”

“Alright, she left a text.” He mutters and clicks again. “It just says to check the voice message.”

He clicks again, glancing fervently at his friend. He then focused on the soft voice over the phone.

Bang, I’m sorry to leave so suddenly. I hope you know that you didn’t do anything wrong I really do need to get back home and help the company. I think this is a good chance for us to clear our heads and realistically think about whatever it is you and I are feeling. Call me when you get back to Seoul. I am sorry for leaving Eri with you guys, she just seemed really happy, so I figured you could all enjoy the rest of your vacation! Tell everyone goodbye. I left a box at the front desk for you guys.”

The phone cut off and he clicked to replay the message again, and again. Then looked at his best friend with pitiful eyes. “Channie, what does it mean when she says she wants to ‘realistically think’?”

“I think it means she knows you are an idol. It means she has been thinking for the both of you. Maybe you should consider not only her feelings or your feelings, but the position you are putting her in.” Himchan says sternly, a comforting hand on the others shoulder. “My relationship works because we work close together and our schedules work well. Zelo and Eri are young and they will be able to figure ou how to grow with their feelings. But how will two workaholics work together?”

Bang just stares at him, the wheels turning in his head almost visibly. “What if I want to be with her, despite everything I want to follow my gut?”

Himchan squinted at him with a half smile “Just make sure you are thinking as the leader of BAP and Bang Yongguk while you are doing this.


“Eri?” Zelo has calmed her down enough so she is taking a light nap on the sofa stationed in the middle of her room. “Eri, I know you really eant to be with noona right now. But I hope you will want ot be with me when you go home, because a week is very short. I don’t think we can fit in everything I want to do to seven days. “

He sees her still half awake and leaning on him and continues “I want to watch movies together, eat dinner and do date like things. I want to go to an amusement park and win you a giant bear and watch you try to carry it. I want to get one of those funny looking two person bikes…”

“Zelo” her voice interrupting his light hearted rant. “I want to hold hands and walk around with you. I want to eat waffles for lunch and I want to get lost in the woods with you. A week is too short for us, but I will still always want ot be with you, even when I am on the other side of the world from you. Just promise not to do any of those things with anyone else.” He eyes are clear but puffy as she stares up at him. “You are mine!”

He leans close to her and touched their noses, a soft whisper of “Mine .” before their lips brushed and eventually were pressed together in a sweet and gentle kiss.

Soon interrupted by a loud hacking sound. They both jumped and looked at the source of the sound, there in the doorway stood the terrible two. Daehyun and Youngjae, soon joined by the ever innocent and oblivious Jongup who pointed out the sun was rising as he joined the group.

It was the casual comment by Jongup about the sun that made the new couple nearly burts from embarrassment, in the end.


Hey there! I hope that you like this chappie! I am a little worried about just leaving it here, but my eyeballs and eyelids are getting too friendly. I will edit again tomorrow, probably.....

So, if you like this story and you have subscribed I give you all of the loves! I really looooove comments, so tell me what you think I am doing wrong or right! :3



Please forgive me for the cliff hangers! I promise to update ASAP! But I do run on the positive power of feedback,,,,xP

Alright, sleep. I need some. NOW! So I can create some more chappies....


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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.