Chappie 2: On the ground

Jars and planes that keep us together


The chaos of the plane landing in a field and the torrential rain had sent the passengers of this flight to Paris-Orly airport into high tension panic. Ash, being a level headed and one who copes well with stress took time to collect herself and assess the situation. From what she could tell through the rain they had safely landed in a small open field surrounded by trees. At this point the wind had died down considerably and it was easier to walk around. She stood close to the base of the emergency exit slide waiting for her sister and watched as a large dark figure flew out of the plane and bounced onto the slide and down.

Something was clearly wrong, the next person should be her sister, who is a fairly small person. So what is this giant blob doing going down in her place. It became clear when the figure came into her sight; there her sister could be seen wrapped around a tall stranger. Their bags and limbs tangled as they stopped at the bottom. He helped her stand and patted her head from where Ash was standing she watched their interaction curiously. There were not many people that could make her sister react the way she did, blushing and running away so quickly.

Of course she had run the opposite direction from her sister, making Ash follow her chuckling at her silly sister. She passed the stranger and stopped to thank him, but realized immediately why Erin had turned beet red. A pale baby face donned a look of shock and a slight smile.

“Zelo?” She asked the boy

He looked at her slightly confused but nodded. She smiled and bowed to the younger idol, “Thank you so much for taking care of my little sister.” She rummaged through her bag and handed him a pack of plastic ponchos. “Try to stay a little dry, if you get sick your fans will cry. Tell Bang Yongguk thank you from me too, there should be enough ponchos for everyone.”

Before he could say anything else she walked in the direction of the younger sister, the rapper standing frozen in surprise at the elder’s calm reaction. Taking her advice he unwrapped one of the clear plastic contraptions. With the water proof poncho on he made his way to his hyungs who were now gathered under the one umbrella that manager hyung had packed.

“Zelo!” They called as he approached, they all looked worried. He probably shouldn’t have left them when they were leaving the plane, but he saw the girl form earlier with her sister and she looked so scared. His instincts had kicked in and before she could hurt herself by jumping out in a panic he grabbed her. The plan was to hold her back until it was safe for her to go, but when she looked at him teary-eyed, blond fluffy hair flying out of a messy bun and her small frame shaking in his hands another instinct kicked in and before he could think he was out the plane with her in his arms.

When he reached their side he pulled out the pack of ponchos and offered no explanation for his actions on the plane to his expectant elders. Bang looked at him with worry “Where did you go before Jello?” He asked softly.

The young rapper took a deep breath, “There was this girl and she looked really scared and she almost hurt herself on the slide, so I went down with her. But when she found out who I was she disappeared and I think she is a Baby. But then her sister, that girl that you saved before appeared and she gave me these ponchos and she says thanks to us for all the help.”

He look at his hyungs expecting them to yell, instead they smiled at him. “If you had those, why didn’t you give them to us first?” asked Himchan grabbing the pack from Zelo and distributing them to the group. “Selfish maknae staying dry all by yourself.” He muttered.

“Haha, sorry hyung.”

You walked through the crowd looking for your sister, finally remembering her. Your brain was finally functioning again, no longer dazed by seeing your bias in person. His face so close to yours, dripping hair from the rain and that smirk…..Gah! How could one think at all when they had just been held by ZELO.

Focus, you need to focus on finding Ashley. But at the moment you were rooted to your spot. About fifty yards ahead of you was the person you who was turning your brain to mush. Looking very cute in a plastic poncho and wrestling with what looked like Himchan was Zelo. You prepared to bolt again, but you were stopped by someone tackling you from behind.

“Erin! Stop running around! It took me forever to find your !” Ash’s voice screeched in your ear. She let go and looked at you fixing your jacket and hood so your hood so you no longer were getting wet. “We need to go over to that bus; it just got here and will bring us to the air port. We are staying at a hotel for now then we will take a train to Bordeaux, okay?”

“Mm, okay!” you smile at her as she leads you to one of several buses. They were parked on what looked like a road, “Ash, where is this? Are we in a park?”

“Yep. We are super lucky! The captain somehow managed to land in the middle of a deserted national park. I can’t wait to get to the hotel, I am so tired. Such an eventful trip. Haha” She is somehow already smiling at this whole ordeal, though there was no sign that she was fazed by it to begin with. You never understood how she could deal with stress so well.

You boarded a mostly empty bus and sat somewhere in the middle next to a window, Ash put your bags in the storage above and went to talk to the driver about your luggage that was still on the plane or something along those lines. You decide this is a good chance to calm down and maybe even nap. Plugging in your head phones and iPod you close your eyes and listen to your favorite playlist.

Before you can drift off you feel someone sit next to you and look over expecting Ash, you are instead greeted by the smiling eyes of no other than….Zelo. “It’s okay if I sit here, ne?” He asks innocently

“Bwoh?! Ani, Ash is sitting there!” You say surprised by your own words. Your idol was sitting next to you and you are sending him a way?! What is wrong with you?!

He smiles and moves to stand up but is stopped by your sisters hand, she is smiling down at you both “I will just sit in front of you Eri. I will bore you to death anyway, you know I can’t deal with busses anyway.”

With her insistence you settle back into your seat along with your new seat buddy that is until a flash of lighting causes you to jump a good foot out of your seat. Zelo looks at you with big eyes, Ash turns in her seat with a look of worry. “Ah, Zelo-ssi would you mind sitting by the window? She is frightened by lightning. Haha, sorry for the bother.”

“Ani! It’s fine!” he turns to you, “Lets switch, if you are okay with that?”

You nod, too shaken by the rumbling of thunder to say anything. You finally settle in a seating arrangement and try to settle your heartbeat as well. You realize this impossible with the handsome guy sitting next you, who was currently trying his best to discreetly fix his tangled and matted wet scarf. You look at him under hooded eyes as you scroll through your iPod. He catches you r look and smiles brilliantly.

Immediately you look away, but he takes this chance to speak. “It’s nice to meet you, I am Choi Jun Hong-imnida. You know that I am Zelo already though! Haha, your name is Eri?”

His introduction and question startled you a little, but you decided you need to be polite and did your best not to stutter out “Ah, ne. my name is Erin. But I am called Eri by friends.”

He smiles brightly “Can I call you Eri?”

You blush even more at the implication that Zelo is your friend. “Neh. But what should I call you?”

“Zelo oppa!” He says excitedly.

“How do you know if I am younger than you?”

“Ah! I don’t, how old are you?”

“I am younger than you, I turn eighteen next month.” You say smiling shyly.

“Ha! So I am your oppa!” He says excitedly. “So how do you know how to speak Korean anyway? You are pretty good.”

“Ah, my sister lives in Seoul now. I visit her and she taught me.” You explain, you had been on your annual summer trip to Seoul when Ash had told you not to unpack and that you had a flight to France the next day.

That’s cool! How long has she lived in Seoul? Is she a Baby too?” He asks, showing off his English. Oh gosh, his voice speaking English was so nice. How can someone have such a nice voice?!

This is her second year living there; she is actually the person who introduced me to B.A.P. She likes to say that she can’t have a bias because she likes you all differently. But you can’t help but have a bias, right?” You respond in English. His boyish smile becomes even broader; he leans forward between the seats in front of you and speaks quickly and softly to Ash. You can’t really make out what they are saying.

He leans back and there is a mischievous look on his face. Looking at you with an evil smirk he asks “So who is your bias?”

You blush immediately. “Ah, no one. I can’t choose that kind of thing.” You laugh shyly and decide to put your head phones back on. You see he is still smirking, he reaches over and takes your headphones and puts them on his head instead.

“Ah, Baby! How dare you listen to someone else’s music!” He pouts when he hears Big Bang playing on you iPod. You take your head phones back and place them firmly on your own head. “You are such an unfaithful baby.”

“Merong” You tease back and he steals your iPod from your grasp and scrolls through it. He clicks on a few things and a smile returns to his face as B.A.P. Warrior is now playing. “Give it back, Zelo-sshi!”

“Oppa” he insists holding it just out of reach. “You don’t like the song? Why is it filed under ‘My favourites <3’? What a nostalgic song.”

“I do like the song, it is a good song! Just give me the iPod back!” You plead, you hate people touching your stuff. You pout, then decide to try something, you tilt your head and give him your pleading eyes “Please Zelo oppa? I have another set of head phones. We can listen together?”

His eyes go wide at your aegyo, not expecting you to be so cute. “S-sure” he mutters and hands you the iPod back. You grin and pull out your ear buds put away your beats away. He immediately puts his side in and you both sit comfortably listening to your songs that he picks out. After a while you just hand him the iPod and sleepily close your eyes and sigh. The long bus ride turned out to be rather nice in the end.

Please Comment if you like this story! I will update again soon! :D

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.