Chappie 19

Jars and planes that keep us together


You looked at Yongguk’s pout and made a decision. You would work things out between him and your sister, you want them to be as happy as you are with Zelo. So, you spend the night coming up with a plan, when your phone buzzes and you look at the caller ID for several seconds before practically stabbing the screen with your finger and answering.


“Calm down Eri, I am back in Seoul. My company needs me for now. I am so sorry for leaving you, my boss was ready to burn the place down. This brat is taking over one of the CEO’s positions as his grandson and I have ot teach him the ropes….”Ash sighed through the phone.

You realize how tired she sounds and this washes the anger right off of you. She only ever sounded this tired when she travelled or was unhappy at work. The later was obvious but the former had only happened in the beginning of her career. She was always happy at work, she loved work. Clearly she was not so happy now, and you decide it is because she is worrying about too much at once. She is worried for you, despite everything, and she is worried for the company she loves. You are also sure she is worried about your new friends that she abruptly left behind.

“Okay.” You say resigned, there was no point in making her day more difficult. “But, you left me alone. There was a thunderstorm….”

“Zelo didn’t help at all?” She asked in a lighter tone, you could see her smirk through the phone.

“That is not the point you stupid sister!” You yell into the phone. Of course that moment was perfect for BAP to walk into the room and hear your last few words, setting off a few extreme reactions. The most surprising was Daehyun who pounced on you and grabbed the phone.

“If you are going to leave without saying anything then leave some snacks to ease the pain on this side! I expect an extra big package when we get back to Seoul, you got that?” He nearly yelled into the phone, and then proceeded to list off what he would want in this care package until the phone was taken from him.

“Pabo Hyung.” Zelo growled at him, handing the phone back to you.

“Ahaha, tell Dae that I have already mailed a package to them out there. Just don’t leave where you are for a couple of days.” Ash laughed into the phone, her voice was loud enough for almost everyone in the room to hear. Daehyun smiled and realized how rude he had been after yougjae scolded him and offered an apology.

“I miss you unni.” You call into the phone, you hated when work needed her more than you did. “But I know you are needed there, just make sure you come see me before school starts next month…”

She sighed, “I will be back in the states soon.”

“Okay, some of the guys want to say hi. Here you go.” You handed the phone to Zelo.

“Noona, I am very upset with you right now.” Zelo pouted into the phone but after a moment of listening to her he was laughing heartily.

Next was Youngjae who lectured her for five minutes about appropriate times to leave and how it was very rude to leave without a proper goodbye. Jongup simply told her to take care of herself and asked how she was doing, they made small talk about her bike for a few minutes before Himchan decided he had been patient enough and took the phone.

“Ashley-ah, I have some words I would like to have with you.” He growled in a tone that caused the room to become frighteningly silent. “But I will save them for the next time we meet.”

With that he grabbed Yongguk and shoved the phone at his friend and threw him into the hallway so he was alone.

“Yeoboseyo.” He said, not sure how to start. His brain had stopped working yesterday and now it was racing knowing that Ash was on the other line.

“Bang?” Her voice was like his favorite song, he sighed upon hearing it.


“Bang…I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.” She whispered, the honest regret made him choke on his questions that he wanted to ask. How could he be mad at her now? She was apologizing to him, she sounded so tired and he couldn’t even ask her why she had left. Instead they both listened ot the crackling silence on the phone.

“Ash, was your plane ride okay?” He asked with an uncomfortable laugh. “You didn’t go flying through the cabin again did you?”

“Aha, no.” Her words sounded choked, making him worry immediately.

“Are you okay?”

“…..No.” She whispered into the phone. “This is weird, I don’t know you that well but I miss you.”

His breath was caught somewhere between his lungs and throat, refusing to expel. He quiet lonely words were exactly what he wanted to hear, because it was exactly what he was feeling.

“I miss you.” She said again, he could almost see her face scrunched up unhappily.

“Ash,” He began, trying to keep his voice steady. “I miss you too.”

“Hahs, yeah?” He relief in her voice released all tension in his heart. “Sabe says hi!”

“Yeah? Give her a pat for me!” He said, smiling widely into the phone.



“Would you mind if we talked like this more often?”

“No, I would like that very much.”

“…call me tonight.”

“Okay, talk to you later.”


Bang walked into the room with a big gummy smile on his face blinding everyone in there. He handed the phone back to Eri and floated back to his own room. When he reached it he was he had missed a call. While he was out of the room Ash had called him about an hour ago. She had called him before anyone else. She missed him, she wanted to talk to him, and she had called him.

Himchan walked into the room warily, Bang’s mood swings were getting scary now. He could never tell if the leader would stay level headed for long. The big grin on the large man sprawled on his bed provided all of the information Himchan thought he need for now. He knew that grin, he was pretty sure he had walked around with the same grin when he had fallen in love.

“Channie!” Bang called patting his bed, Himchan sat next to his head. “She called me an hour ago, look at the call log. She said she misses me! She called!”

Bang was all sighs of content and Himchan was satisfied with the results of the conversation he had with Ash. Maybe he wouldn’t have to yell at her too much, but she had still caused his best friend distress.


“Eri” Zelo called, you hopped over to him happily and sat next to him quickly being pulled onto his lap. “I want to go on a date.”

“Really?!” You squeal, you really did want to go out on a date with your boyfriend. “What if you get recognized? Couldn’t you get in trouble?”

“Hmmm, that’s true. Let’s go ask one of the hyungs for help.” With that you both stood and went to consult in the DaeJae room.

“Hyung~” Zelo sang as he entered dragging you slightly behind.

“Wassup Jello?” Youngjae called from the bed that he and Daehyun were playing cards on, there was a scowl on Daehyun’s  face. Youngjae was obviously winning this round.

“We need your help. I want to take Eri out on a date, but she said I might get recognized.” Zelo explained their problem drawing both hyungs into the conversation.

“Well that does sound like quite the problem doesn’t it?”Youngjae asked Daehyun playfully, he received a nod in reply. “I think we could help you, but…..”

“But what?” Zelo insisted a bit annoyed with the childish antics of DaeJae.

“Well we would need a favor.”

“……”Zelo stared at the pair on the bed. “What, what kind of favor?

It was Daehyun’s turn to speak as he looked at the couple with a mischievous glint in his eye. “I know that you and Bang have jars of specialty jam from Ash. I want one and I know that you already ate yours, so you have to get me Bang’s”


Yay! More Chappies with in 12 hours! xD


That's right Zelo, you watch out fo ryour evil hyungs! XD
Daehyun looks like he is looking for trouble.......
Thank you for reading! I hope you like the story! If you have any suggestions, please tell me! I want to know what could make it better...
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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.