Chapter 21

Perfect for ME

Alison's POV

Christmas was fast approaching and I don't know what to give Baekhyun yet, I know what to give Lina and Hana since I already know what they want, but Baekhyun, i just can't ask him, I was debating whether I should give him something he'd like, something expensive and useful or something I made. Giving something for him as a Christmas present is really difficult.

I called Lina and asked what she'd give Kai for Christmas, she said she'd just give him her answer, and probably something that Kai would like.

Days passed by and today is the first day of our exam.

The three of us arrived at school and entered by the back door. I looked around for Baekhyun and spotted him at the front door waiting for someone. I giggled and approached him. I changed my voice a bit "Baekhyun-ah, you waiting for someone?" "I'm waiting for Alison" he said, without even looking at me and just focused on the people outside. I laughed and finally he turned around. "YAH! You didn't even tell me!" he made a fit and pouted. "HAHAHAHA, did you even see your face?!" I laughed again. "Shin Alison, wait until I get my revenge on you" "Try me, Byun Baekhyun. Mehrong" I stuck my tongue out and went to my seat, he followed after.

"Why were you waiting for me anyway?" I asked.

"I wanted to wish you good luck, let's do well. hm?" he said.

"Yeah!" I replied.

Our professor arrived and the bell rang, "okay class, I have here your answer sheets and booklets, when you get yours, you may start. You have exactly two hours to answer this. No cheating, once I caught you cheating, your score will automatically be zero. Understood?"

"YES" Everyone chorused. The professor started handing out the answer sheets and booklets and I looked at Baekhyun one last time, he too, looked at me "Good luck" he mouthed then winked. I smiled at his cheesy antic and started answering once I got my answer sheet and booklet.

After two hours, the exam was done. Everyone stretched their hands and started packing. Baekhyun went to my desk "Let's go, I'll drive you home"

I was confused, why the sudden action? "Why? I'm going with Lina" I said.

"Awww come on, please?" he begged with puppy eyes. "Aish~ okay okay"

I went to Lina and told her I won't be going home with them, she understood and told Baekhyun to drive carefully. Baekhyun and I started walking to the parking lot, surrounded by girls everywhere, looking at us, I still can't get used to this, I hung my head low. "Hey, heads up! Don't mind them. Come" he grabbed my hand and motioned me inside his car. He drove and turned the radio on, jamming along to the beat of INFINITE's The Chaser, the ride home was short and we reached my apartment in no time. "Goodbye Dear, drive home safely" I said. "Mm! Study well for tomorrow, tomorrow's the last day so give it all you've got! okay my princess?" he said. "araso, araso~" I smiled. "Okay byeeee~" he hugged me for a few minutes, he bent down and kissed me, he broke the kiss, waved and left.


Baekhyun's POV

Today's the last day of our exam and I won't be seeing Alison for the Christmas break, so I plan to spend this day with her, EXO knows about it, Lina and Hana as well. The only one who doesn't know about this is Alison. She arrived and took a seat. I greeted her a good morning and she smiled back, not knowing what's in store for her.

The professor arrived and gave the same instructions and wished us Good luck. Time flew by fast and the exam was already finished. Everybody cheered and I quickly went over to Alison's desk. "Hey, finished packing?" I said.

"Yeah, why?" she replied. I grabbed her hands without answering her question, and ran directly to the parking lot.

"YAH BYUN BAEKHYUN WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME? YAH! YAH! ANSWER ME! I'VE GOT TO TELL LINA AND HANA FIRST AND HEY WHAT ABOUT EXO?! YOU CREEP! WHY ARE WE RUNNING? AND WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE PARKING LOT? YAH! YAH! BYUN BAEKHYUUUUN" she yelled loudly and fast, without even taking breaks between her words. She was so curious and had many questions, but I didn't bother to answer them. I let her sit on the passengers seat and fastened the seatbelt for her and played INFINITE's album, "YAH! WHERE ARE WE HEADING?" she said. "Calm down, trust me, this will be all worth it. Hm? I'm sorry for dragging you. Just relax and sleep, I'll wake you up when we arrive. Okay?" I told her. "How am I supposed to sleep when my boyfriend is taking me somewhere I don't know" she flatly said, "you're a freakin' kidnapper Byun Baekhyun!" she added in english. "Hey, I understood that!" and the ride just went on like that.

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Mendaooo99 #1
Chapter 50: beautiful ending !! I'm really in tears !!
Mendaooo99 #2
Chapter 45: now I'm crying for Allison .. !! author Nim !! you got me feeling this way !! I don't know what to do anymore ..
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 30: I'm like screaming over here for beak .. I'm literally feeling so sorry for baekhyun .. haha.. omg ..
locketblingermvp #4
Chapter 50: .......... i..... am... crying... all over my face. Oh god i look horrible.... i just.. cried too MUCH! LOVED THIS FIC! LOVE BAEKHYUN! AND LOVE U TOO AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKIN THISS ♡
<3 <3 <3 <3
Loved this story
i'm sorry bcause all this time i have been a silence reader here.. :( i just made a new account so now i can finally subscribe and up vote this story!!
omo author-nim.. how can u write such an beautiful story like this!!! i wish i can upvote and subscribe for 100 times!!! <3 <3 <3
caterinaa_925 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome! Really sweet:-*)
Kyaaaaaa!!! This was really sweet and sad and everything nice. <3<3<3<3
YoYoRocks #10
Chapter 50: OMG!! This story is so sweet!! Ahhhhh!! I LOOOOVE it!! :D can't wait for ur next story. :)