Chapter 23

Perfect for ME

Just as Baekhyun had hoped, he saw you and the others at school, holidays are over and now you were back to class. Everything was the same, screaming fangirls at the school gates, hoping that one of the EXO boys would notice them and accept their love confessions, presents and chocolates, but they denied them politely, smiling back at them, which caused the girls to redden and scream even more. Everyone was happy, sharing stories as to how they spent their holidays, and you were just there, sitting with Baekhyun by your side, spending each moment together.

Alison's POV

"I missed you! SO MUCH! Seriously, not seeing you was a torture." he told me and pouted.

"We can't do anything, you were busy with your family, and I have Lina and Hana with me. You still had fun right? and quit with the pouting. You look like a fish" I replied.

"Yea, still had fun, but it's never the same without you"

We heard our art teacher enter, "okay 3A, settle down, go back to your seats, we'll start with the class now" and everybody shushed and went to their seats.

"Since it's start of the school year, why don't we start it productively? You'll be making your own face masks by pair, and you'll design it and submit it to me next week, here are the steps in making the mask" and he wrote the steps on the board. Automatically, Baekhyun and I paired up, Lina-Kai, Hana-Chanyeol, Kris-Suho, Luhan-Sehun, Xiumin-Chen, and lastly Lay-Tao-D.O. "everybody paired up? the teacher asked. "YES!" everyone replied. "Okay so you may start planning about your masks now, you may go to your pairs, but keep your voices low so that others classes won't be disturbed"

Everyone gathered near our seats

"What do you want to do?" I asked Baekhyun.

"Anything" he replied.

"YAH! Don't just answer me with anything. I can't think of any designs. We're doomed"

"Haha, silly, have you seen Bleach? do you think we could pull of Ichigo' mask? (x)"

"I think I can, just don't expect to much" I told him.

"ByunBaek! You're doing Ichigo's mask?" Chanyeol mused.

"Yah you eavesdropper. Don't you dare copy that idea or I'll punch your face you happy virus" he replied and they started bickering with each other.

"Aish, silly kiddos" I muttered, and looked over to Lay-Tao-D.O

"No, it has to be creative, something that captivates your eyes!" D.O said.

"Tao! Quit with your panda concept, it's just white and black" Lay sighed

"But I like it, it's cute, and it looks like me. See? Can we please just go with panda? Buing Buing~" and that aegyo did it.

"Okay then" Lay and D.O surrendered while Tao pumped his fists in the air.

I looked over to Xiumin and Chen, wondering why Xiumin was smiling happily, and Chen just scratched his head.

"I can't think of anything" Chen told Xiumin

​"We can go with buns! Different colored buns, colored ones, to make it unique" Xiumin excitedly replied

"No, you and buns again, quit it Xiumin, no chance"

"Ah waaaeee? BUNS! BUNS! BUNS! I won't stop until you agree, let's just go with buns!"

"OKAY WHATEVER I GIVE UP! Aish" Chen puffed his cheeks.

Lina and Kai were pretty much going smooth and had everything planned out, Hana on the other hand, was a mess, Chanyeol was still bickering with Baekhyun and they haven't had ideas to start with. Kris and Suho were calm and peaceful, you can't really tell if they had already planned everything out, Kris just had this pokerface on, like everytime! Same with Luhan and Sehun, Luhan just surrendered and let everything go according to Sehun's plan, they were like the best of friends and Luhan cares for Sehun so much.

Our teacher started to speak again "I assume everyone is done planning, I'll dismiss you early, you may all have your break" and everyone started dashing out of the room.

"Let's go I'm hungry, before the buns run out of stock in the cafeteria. FASTER" Xiumin demanded, and EXO except Baekhyun went out.

"Eh? are you not going with them?" I queried.

"I am" he simply replied.

"Then why are you just standing there?"

"Uhm . . ." he kissed my cheek and ran "Byeeee~ See you after break!" then off he goes.

I smiled at his antics and went out with Lina and Hana.

As usual, the cafeteria was purely chaos, all the girls surrounding EXO and some of them glaring at me, this is why I don't want to sit with EXO, they're just too popular that people will glare at you. I didn't mind them and just smiled at EXO as they happily waved at us, we went to the table where Suzy, Min, Jia and Fei were sitting and ate with them.

Break was over and we all went back to class, the hours seemed to drag on as one by one every period was finished, lunch soon came and as usual, EXO stayed at the cafeteria and invited us over but we declined, we chose to stay with Suzy, Min, Jia and Fei to avoid the tension between their fangirls, we just want to live peacefully. After lunch we went back to the classroom, and continued listening to our teachers during class discussion.

*RING* The bell rang and it was already dismissal, everyone started packing their things.

"Let me drive you home today hm?" Baekhyun said as he looked at me, eyes full of hope.

"NO" I joked. 

"AH WAAAAAAE?" He made a fit.

"Araso araso. But it's still too early >____<"

"Okay then, let's just stay and walk around the campus, you fine with that?" he asked

I nodded and we went out, we were strolling around with EXO and girls just turned our way, they must be used to all the attention they're getting, they're not even minding them anymore. I just walked casually, not minding the stares I'm getting.

Baekhyun smiled "you're one brave girl Alison"

I looked at him confused "huh?" 

"You see, everyone's staring at you and sending daggers but you don't seem to mind, you're not even squirming or being frustrated or even looking down"

"I see, but I don't really care about what they think about me, as for me, I do what I want to do, if they hate me 'cause I'm your girlfriend then let them be, at least I have you, and I'm more than assured that you'll always take my side"

"Always Alison, always, remember that" he said as he intertwined my hands with his.

We walked around for a while more when we all decided to go home, Baekhyun and I went to the parking lot as he opened the door of his car for me, I sat comfortably and let him drive me home.

After a few minutes we arrived at my building "Bye! Thanks for the ride" I said.

"Goodbye kiss before you leave?" he pleaded.

I laughed "close your eyes" he closed his eyes and puckered his lips, I saw him pucker his lips and I decided to play a prank on him, I leaned closer and closer and kisssed his forehead.

He opened his eyes, dumbfounded. "Hahahaha, you should've seen your face! Bye Dear, thanks. mwaaaaaaaaaa!" I said and hopped off the car.

"Aish! you brat! Take care, I love you!" I heard him say before driving home. 

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Mendaooo99 #1
Chapter 50: beautiful ending !! I'm really in tears !!
Mendaooo99 #2
Chapter 45: now I'm crying for Allison .. !! author Nim !! you got me feeling this way !! I don't know what to do anymore ..
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 30: I'm like screaming over here for beak .. I'm literally feeling so sorry for baekhyun .. haha.. omg ..
locketblingermvp #4
Chapter 50: .......... i..... am... crying... all over my face. Oh god i look horrible.... i just.. cried too MUCH! LOVED THIS FIC! LOVE BAEKHYUN! AND LOVE U TOO AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKIN THISS ♡
<3 <3 <3 <3
Loved this story
i'm sorry bcause all this time i have been a silence reader here.. :( i just made a new account so now i can finally subscribe and up vote this story!!
omo author-nim.. how can u write such an beautiful story like this!!! i wish i can upvote and subscribe for 100 times!!! <3 <3 <3
caterinaa_925 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome! Really sweet:-*)
Kyaaaaaa!!! This was really sweet and sad and everything nice. <3<3<3<3
YoYoRocks #10
Chapter 50: OMG!! This story is so sweet!! Ahhhhh!! I LOOOOVE it!! :D can't wait for ur next story. :)