Chapter 42

Perfect for ME

Alison's POV

Baekhyun and I broke up, for good this time, this time it's not for a week anymore, the days after the break up was terrible, I tried my best not to cry and carry myself well, but I can't, I tried hard, really hard, but it just wouldn't work.

I kept on checking his profile, and silently hoping he'd text me, then I thought to myself, this won't do.

I deleted and blocked him, I even changed my number, yes, I was that childish. Sounds funny and pathetic right?

We were done with our final exams, and as a last way to resolve conflicts within our class, we had our class recollection, where we gathered at a peaceful place, and poured our hearts out through messages to our friends.

A rolling paper with our pictures pasted on it was passed person to person until it reaches back to its owner, when Baekhyun's paper reached me, I wrote all my thanks, and sorry's, I wrote everything.

When mine was returned, I looked at his message, he thanked me for the memories I've created with him and all the things we've sacrificed for each other.

When the recollection was ending, the separation sank into us, and the girls (Suzy, Min, Fei, Jia, Hana, Lina & Me) all hugged each other and cried, how we were gonna miss each other when the time comes that we'll graduate, sure we can always see each other, but it won't be the same.

Baekhyun approached me, and hugged me, I didn't hug him back, my arms were just at my side as he rubbed my back.

"Don't cry, you know it hurts me" he whispered.

I cried even more "can't you tell me the exact reason why we broke up?" I asked in between my sobs.

"Let's just say you went overboard this time, and maybe because of L.Joe"

"what's he got to do with this? Is that really the reason?"

"Alison, don't cry anymore, I love you" he said and broke the hug off.


We were practicing for our graduation, Suho was our valedictorian, followed by Kris, two of our other classmates, and Hana. Baekhyun and Taeyeon would receive special awards, and they got to stand on stage together, I tried to distract myself from seeing the sight, it just hurts so much, up until now.

Our teacher asked us to stay and help clean up our classroom, it was a general cleaning, everybody was required to do so. We were grouped into 4, my groupmates were Suho, Luhan, and 3 other classmates. I was standing near the door since I had nothing to do anymore, Baekhyun was there with Lina and Jia, and they kept on teasing him, and he enjoyed it. I didn't mind it, but he got nearer, there he was, just a few meters away from me, he stopped walking and had a chit chat with Min and Suzy.

"Yieee~ I guess you were really enjoying the practice Baek" Suzy teased.

"Why would I be?" he asked.

"Becaaaause, you got to stand on stage with her!" Min continued.

I realized they were talking about him and Taeyeon, so he still got that crush on her huh, stupid me.

I went out of the door and talked to Suho and Luhan, trying to wear the pain off, it hurt, really, but I've got nothing to do with it anymore, I didn't have the right to be jealous right? nor to say anything to him.

Lina drove the car going to our apartment, I sat on the passenger's seat and Hana was at the backseat.

"Hey, Hana-yah" I said "I saw you and Baekhyun talking earlier, what was that all about?" curiosity got the best of me, I can't stop myself from asking.

"He knows Alison, he knows you've deleted and blocked him, he said it earlier, he said he viewed your profile but he can't access it, that's why we , saying why was he checking out your profile"

"Oh really? but I guess he likes Taeyeon now huh? He's always had that crush on her"

"Why would you say so?"

"I overheard their conversation, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I can't stop it" I paused.

"Alison, sometimes, if that's the case, doesn't it make you wonder if all this time, even the time you were together, that even a little bit, he still liked Taeyeon?" Lina stated

"I don't know Lina, I don't know" and stared blankly at the window.

"Lina-yah" I spoke again, "do you know something I don't?"

"About what Alison?" she said.

"I know you're hiding something from me, since you two sit close to each other, I think that meybe he said something to you, the reason why he sent that text message perhaps?" I said. "Baekhyun's not that type of guy, I know"

"Alison, honestly, he only said that because he wanted you to move on first, he'll be studying abroad, and by that time comes, he wants you to forget him"

"I've figured" I said and kept quiet.

That night, lots of thoughts kept on running through my head, I was hurt thinking about it, he wanted me to move on first? so he wanted to hurt me? the pain I felt was a lot worse, what if, what if, what Lina said was true, what if, all these time, he liked Taeyeon?

When we had the graduation ball, our partners were randomly picked by the teachers, we got to partner with the other classes and get to know them better, and unite as seniors.

Hours before the event, almost all the seniors updated their profiles, saying how they were excited and such.

A mutual friend posted: You can dance with all the guys you want, but darling, save the last dance for me.

Baekhyun commented on the said post, saying that he somehow can relate to it.

I arrived at the venue with the girls, and at that instant, EXO was there, girls crowding around them, they were dazzling, oozing with charisma with their suits on, they were like runway models.

First gentleman's choice, a person I knew from the other class asked if he could dance with me, and I agreed.

Second gentleman's choice, a friend I've known through the retreat asked to dance with me.

Third gentleman's choice, the happy virus asked if he could dance with me and I gladly agreed.

I accidentally saw Baekhyun while dancing with Chanyeol, Baekhyun was dancing with Taeyeon, ahh, so she's the last dance.

The time for the slow dance was over, and everyone had fun with party music after. Yes, I did have fun with my friends and the other boys of EXO, though fangirls were surrounding them, we took off our heels because we weren't used to them and it was painful, really.

The night was slowly coming to an end, we took pictures and shared stories. I was thirsty so I gladly offered the others that I'd buy some, they nodded and were thankful.

When I reached the station, I saw Baekhyun and Taeyeon, along with Tao, they were there, eating and drinking,

"Hi Alison!" Taeyeon beamed.

I just looked at her direction and nodded with a smile, then hurriedly proceeded to buy some drinks for me and the others and rushed off.

I came back without crying, success finally, I held back my tears, but Lina and Hana noticed it. They knew I was hiding something, but they also knew that I'd tell it to them when I'm ready, so they didn't ask, nor force me to.

When everyone started going home, we went to the parking lot and saw Baekhyun and Taeyeon, again, but they were with Tao and Xiumin this time, and it looks like Baekhyun was about to offer Taeyeon a ride home, I shrugged it off and took a seat at Lina's car. Lina and Hana knew right then that it was the reason why I was about to cry.

"You saw them, right?" Lina said.

"Yea" I replied.

"Are they dating?" Hana asked.

"I don't know, maybe"

And they didn't ask anything more.

Finally, graduation day came, we had mixed emotions, we were happy that we're able to survive high school, we were happy that we got into a good university but at the same time we were sad because we had to separate. We were sad that we can't hang out like before, we were sad that some of our friends we'll be going out of the country to study.

Nonetheless, we went on with the graduation, it was surprising that we didn't cry.

Our class had a very tight bond that no other class could ever replace, nor copy. We took pictures and savored the moment, the last moment that we'll be able to gather together.

Lina, Hana, Suzy, Min, Fei, Jia and I also took pictures, it was a pleasant sight, happiness filled the place, and I saw Baekhyun's parents, they congratulated me and I talked to them for awhile, but I left as soon as my friends did.

"Hey, why don't you and Baekhyun take a picture together, for the last time?" Lina asked.

"No" I replied and walked.

As I was walking I saw Baekhyun and Taeyeon, taking pictures together, there they were, right in front of me. Being happy and all, with smiles on their faces, my heart clenched at the sight before me, and I looked aside, closed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw L.Joe.

"Hey! Congratulations!" he said.

"Yea! Finally, I'll be able to get out of this school, haven't seen you for a long time, really"

"Haha, yea, well, I'll see you in Seoul University then?"

"Yea sure, see you when I see you!"

And off I go. Lina, Hana and I decided to celebrate our graduation a bit so we ate at a restaurant, we ate happily and chatted.

"So, you've never talked to Baekhyun?"

"No, ever since recollection, the last time he said I love you, that was it. During the whole graduation practice, graduation ball, even today, not a word."

"Really? Nothing? Like nothing?" Lina said, eyes widened.

"Yea, I cut off our communication right? I changed my number, I even deleted him"

"Yea right, but you memorized his number by heart Alison" Hana said.

"It doesn't matter anymore, we're over, and we're never seeing each other again, high school's over, so does my love story."

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Mendaooo99 #1
Chapter 50: beautiful ending !! I'm really in tears !!
Mendaooo99 #2
Chapter 45: now I'm crying for Allison .. !! author Nim !! you got me feeling this way !! I don't know what to do anymore ..
Mendaooo99 #3
Chapter 30: I'm like screaming over here for beak .. I'm literally feeling so sorry for baekhyun .. haha.. omg ..
locketblingermvp #4
Chapter 50: .......... i..... am... crying... all over my face. Oh god i look horrible.... i just.. cried too MUCH! LOVED THIS FIC! LOVE BAEKHYUN! AND LOVE U TOO AUTHOR-NIM FOR MAKIN THISS ♡
<3 <3 <3 <3
Loved this story
i'm sorry bcause all this time i have been a silence reader here.. :( i just made a new account so now i can finally subscribe and up vote this story!!
omo author-nim.. how can u write such an beautiful story like this!!! i wish i can upvote and subscribe for 100 times!!! <3 <3 <3
caterinaa_925 #8
Chapter 50: This is awesome! Really sweet:-*)
Kyaaaaaa!!! This was really sweet and sad and everything nice. <3<3<3<3
YoYoRocks #10
Chapter 50: OMG!! This story is so sweet!! Ahhhhh!! I LOOOOVE it!! :D can't wait for ur next story. :)