Chapter Two.

The Devil Inside Me

SOLITARYalone, an individual person or organism not with others.

02; The Day When Zelo and Yongguk Become Humans


"Stop being so mean." I murmured, pushing through the busy streets of Seoul. 

"Yah! What do you mean?" Yongguk asked, shoving people down as if he was a bulldozer. 
"Hyung, let's not make Sukyung mad~" Zelo happily skipped around. 

I rolled my eyes and walked on and on towards the bakery. Yongguk and Zelo can finally eat normally and I don't have to kill people for there greed, but they can still feed off of their souls and jump into my body whenever they needed too.. when the word needed didn't apply to them, they just jumped into my body whenever they felt like it. Whenever they said 'Sorry' to me... I couldn't believe it. They're a bunch of devilish fools that I'll never acknowledge. 

"Sukyung-ah~ Can we get some cake?" Zelo hugged my arm with an anticipating expression on his face. 
"No." I briefly said. 

I was pulled back harshly by Zelo as he dragged me to an alley. Zelo pushed me against the wall, deep into a corner where nobody could see us and he leaned his face towards mine. 

"I said I want cake!" Zelo yelled with gritted teeth. 

It sounded ridiculous coming out of his mouth yet I gulped and tried getting out of his grasp, but he just tightened his grip on my wrists. Then I thought of kicking him in his 'area', but he followed my movements and trapped me with his legs. Zelo smirked which made me a bit more scared then I should have. It must've shown all over my face since he was messing with me right now. 

"You know.. you're a real beauty.. Did you know that?" Zelo asked me, trailing his hot breath all over my neck. 

I kept wriggling around, no matter how tight he had his grip on me. Zelo bent down to my eye level as he stared at my eyes to my lips. 

"Are you going to buy me cake or not?" Zelo asked as if he was the president of the United States. 

I scoffed and turned my head in a joking manner. I turned back to him and he had furrowed eyebrows along with that stupid smirk. 

"Oppa~ I would love to buy you cake!" Zelo said, thinking I would actually say that. 

While rolling my eyes and looking the other way to avoid contact with him, there was a guy behind Zelo. He looked like he was watching us, but I couldn't tell. It was so dark in the alley that I couldn't see if the guy was familiar or not. 

"What are you kids doing here?" A soft manly voice asked. 

Zelo turned around and saw the man. Zelo immediately let go of me and gave the man a 90º bow while I just stood there dumbfounded. The man patted Zelo's head as he came towards me. The alley's lamp post flickered on, letting me see the mans face. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Jin Pyo. The head devil that made Choi Junhong.. a human. You may call me Jin Pyo Ahjussi. Okay?" Jin Pyo Ahjussi introduced himself with a handshake and a bow. 

I shook his hand slowly and studied his body features. I was the type of girl that was good at analyzing things about people which meant first impression didn't matter to me. 

"Jin Pyo Ahjussi, you are a solitude man in his late 40's.. trying to keep his job for the sake of living yet you buy expensive out-of-date suits to show that your family is doing well yet then again.. you get away from that family to live in a system of solitary." I smirked, knowing that I had gotten him from his surprised expression. 

"H-How did you–" 

"Simple. You're open like a book. Not many people were gifted with this power. This is revenge for sending Bang Yong Guk-shii and Choi Junhong-shii to my body without notifying me; or my parents, nor was anyone notified by my date of birth that 2 devils had walked into my path of living with freedom." I sophisticatedly said. 

Zelo had a surprised look on his face once I had spit everything out. The unjust of Zelo and Yongguk coming into my body without even a sign is plain rude. I had to let it all out. No matter how insensitive I was, I needed to let out the burden that has built inside of me. I may sound a bit of a smart-aleck or something, but I'm just stating what I truly feel about 'devils' and what they do. 

"I like you." Jin Pyo Ahjussi said over some time of thinking. 

"That's nice to hear Jin Pyo Ahjussi. I like you too." I smiled. 

Zelo wasn't believing his ears right now. The harsh Lee Jin Pyo is liking the cold hearted An Sukyung? The one that just spilled out hateful comments is being liked by the head devil? What? This doesn't make any sense! 


Yongguk suddenly flashed in front of us, with a bright smile on his face. Yongguk his lips until he noticed where he was at. He looked around confused and saw our facial expressions which was shown as surprise, like, and some other emotions authornim doesn't want to explain. 

"What happened here?" Yongguk asked. 

"I've been wanting to talk to you Yongguk-ah." Jin Pyo Ahjussi said, changing his personality quickly into a mean looking man. 

Yongguk bowed immediately to Jin Pyo Ahjussi, wiping off his smile. 

"You do know that you're not supposed to go in and out of Sukyung-ah's body right?" Jin Pyo Ahjussi crossed his arms. 

"Ne.." Yongguk replied, looking down. 

Wait, they weren't supposed to? Are they the delinquents that always went to the head devils office because they were ridiculously foolish? Are they those type of kids? Haha, I can't believe it. 

"Junhong-ah, you know better not to hurt the person that's been taking care of you all these years!" Jin Pyo yelled this time. 

I flinched and saw the anger in Jin Pyo Ahjussi's eyes. (A/N: You know.. I'm done with calling him Jin Pyo Ahjussi whenever he talks lol. You'll see it once in a while.) I slowly tried backing out of the alley, but Jin Pyo caught sight of me as his eyes met mine, but this time it was filled with love and care. He motioned with his index finger, a command to step forward towards him. Scrunching my face in pure annoyance, I stepped forward. Jin Pyo Ahjussi wrapped his arm around me and for some reason, I felt really comfortable with him. 

Zelo and Yongguk's facial expressions changed as they saw what was unraveling. Yongguk immediately pulled me into his grasp as I gasped in pure shock. Jin Pyo smirked while coming towards our way. 

"Y-Yah! Let me go!" I yelled, wriggling out of Yongguk's grasp. 

"He can't take you Sukyung-ah! He's a bad man! " Yongguk tried convincing me. 

I got out of his grasp and ran to a corner in the alley. They all came towards me. Zelo and Yongguk had worry in their eyes and Jin Pyo was inexplainable. I quickly made my way towards the entrance of the alley that Zelo had dragged me through and ran for my life, diving into the sea of people going by on the sidewalk. I turned back, earning a bunch of shouts from people and all three of them were gone. 

All three of the guys were gone. 

I smiled in victory, happily skipped towards the direction of my house. 

"How was your day honey?" My mom asked as I heard something sizzling in the kitchen. 

I jumped inside the kitchen; ready to tell my Mom how awesome my day was, until my smile dropped into a straight line. There he was. Just standing there like he owned the place.

Choi Junhong. 

Authors Note: 

Dannngg~ I broke a sweat from writing all that haha. It's not much for a second chapter since I'm still coming up with ideas. I appreciate your comments so please comment and upvote... or even better — SUBSCRIBE~ ♥

I really hoped this chapter was worth it... Also do you like the layout of the chapter? :D I like it too and it was created by me too. It might look similar to another persons because I somewhat got the idea from it, but I didn't use their code or anything. Just pure me.:3 

Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 27: Loll nice ending, I'll take you, Yongguk-ah!!
Chapter 27: Finally i had the time to finish this amazing fanfiction .. thanks alot for sharing i really really enjoyed reading it ...
Yaaaayayayaya ... !! <3
Fighting ..!!
KhunDaeLo #3
Chapter 1: Zelo's so cool. :))
KittensCanKill #4
Chapter 27: Woooaahh... weird and abrupt ending much? eh? lol. But hey! you finished! Thanks for the story author-nim! ^^
You make Zelo so inevitably hot in here LOL
KittensCanKill #6
Chapter 24: It's ok, lol. We like where you went with this story <3 But don't make any angsty fics where everyone dies in the end!! Especially not DaeJae; heart - cannot handle!