
A World Apart from Mine


Dear Diary,

Yes, it's still me. The same Kim Miji as before. I'm just wondering, for the past few days, why I've not been myself. Yes, you can call me dazed, and crazy for that matter. But it won't change the fact that I'm still feeling butteflies inside my stomach. I don't know. Am I that nervous?

Maybe I am.

You know, diary, you're the only one (besides my family and Cho Young of course) who knows about my "little secret". I haven't thought of it for a while, but since I'm finally going to be studying at a real university, I can't help but remind myself that I have an identity to keep. That's the only condition my parents asked me in return of their letting me study in a real school so.. it won't hurt if I kept that secret.. right?

Oh well, since I'm going to be a real student now, I need to make some changes.. like how I talk, how I act and how I speak. After all, I am an incoming junior, and a ballerina, not to mention, I need to somehow "walk the talk", right?

Hmm.. I haven't done much, but I'm hoping that my home school experiences would help me somehow..

Annyeong diary, have a good night!

- Kim Miji ♥


As you made your way to the bath room, you sighed in relief as you thought of your parents finally letting you study in a university. It made you ecstatic and excited.

"Finally." you sighed in sheer delight.



"Miji, get ready now, we'll be going to the airport with the Chos. We don't want to be late, do we?" asked your mom while slightly tugging you blanket off of you.

"Hmm.."  you woke up sleepily.

"This is it." you smiled in contentment.



"Annyeong Philippines! I'm going to miss you!" you thought to yourself while tears of both joy and sadness slowly streamed down your face.

"MIJI! Stop crying! Aigoo this girl, I don't know if you're happy or sad!" Cho Young sighed.

"Of course I'm happy! Korea, finally! I missed being there! Sorry naman, hindi naman kasi ako tulad mo na pabalik-balik doon!" you said jokingly. Cho Young piched your cheeks.

"Aigoo such a cutie. Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to hang out with each other while we're there!" she said happily. You smiled and the both of you made your way to the plane and filled in your seats. You looked outside the window while the plane started to take off. Your mind drifted away to what happened last week..




"Do you understand, Kim Miji?" your father asked you with a seriously.

"Ne, appa." you said while bowing your head.

"It's for your own good." you mom said carressing you back.

You were not crying. In fact, you were more than happy to know that your parents finally agreed to your appeal. "It's better this way, I guess." you thought to yourself.



You arrived at the Incheon Airport and your parents led you to your house in Seoul. When you arrived at the house, you quickly ran to your room and jumped on your soft pink bed.

"Ahhhh it's the same room as I remember it." you pulled your phone from you the back pocket of your pants and texted Cho Young

Cho Young, this feels home. :)

you pressed send and after a few minutes, she replied:

Wait 'til you see our school. Save your energy for that, deary. ;)

you smiled to yourself. Yes, you have arrived at your home. You are currently lying on your bed, thinking about all the possibilities that are bound to happen. You don't know about much, though. You just have to figure out yourself.

"Miji! Dinner's ready!" your mom shouted.

"Ne I'm coming omma!" you picked yourself up, went to the bathroom, and fixed yourself for dinner.

You skidded down the LOOONG stairs to your kitchen, and found your parents already seated on the chairs of the table.

"So, when does school start?" asked your father while reading a newspaper.

You were caught off guard and you almost choked on your water. You forgot that your parents already allowed you to go to school.

"Err, next week, appa. Wae?" you asked.

"Nothing really. Just be careful. And don't forget your promise." he said while putting down the paper and looking at you. He quickly flashed you a small smile signalling that he was happy for you. You loosened up a bit knowing that the tension among the three of you was slowly fading.

"Ne, appa." you said while smiling.

"I just hope you would learn more there, Miji. I'm putting my trust on you. And just.. enjoy. I don't want you regretting anything in the end." your mom told you.

"I will, omma. Don't worry, I'll keep my guard up." you said while flashing your signature "thumbs up with wink" smile.

The three of you happily ate your dinner while talking about your do's and dont's inside the school, your curfew, and small details about your "next big step".

"And finally, NO DATING until you finish college." your dad said while smirking.

"APPA! That's not fair." you pouted.

"Wae? That's a common rule you know. You go to school to study, not to date. Am I right?" your dad asked teasingly.

"Neee~" you replied with a hint of disappointment. It's not like you want to date, it's just that, what if love comes to you when you least expect it...

"Aigoo this little lady. Fix yourself! You're a fine lady, Miji, you need to act one too, am I understood?" your mom asked while smiling.

"Hehe. Ne omma! I promise I'll make you proud!"

After dinner, you went back to your room and started texting your best friend.

Appa said no dating. There aren't any reasons for me to disagree, right?

After a few minutes...

Mol lah yo. It's for me to know and for you to find out. :P Keke but seriously, the only guys I know that are not to mention smokin' hot are exo.


Exo? Who are those? Are they cute? :>


Cute, you ask? More like handsome, hot, and basically, everything you'd ever want in a guy.

Hmm.. Exo? Is that a name for a group or something?

Is that so? Then I'd like to meet them. Keke :)

Won't hurt to try, right?

Aigoo this girl. Sleep and we'll meet again soon. Arasso? Good night! ;)

Hmm.. this will be a long year.

Chapter 3 done ;)

Just wait a little bit longer and we'll get there. Thank you and enjoy.

Stay tuned! ♥

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Ri_ahlimitless #1
Chapter 40: This is seriously one of the best stories tht I have ever read
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 40: The best!!!

the story and ending is very very good!!!

thumbs and toes up !!! authornim^^ thank you for writing this story <3
Chapter 40: Heyyyy ;) thanks for writing this one, it was a fun read, its hard to read a character of kai which is not jerk and bad bcs he's really sweet and nice in this one but anyway, I had fun ;)
aliiya #4
Chapter 40: Omg this story is so good i love the plot and the ending!!!!!
Chapter 40: I freaking love this story. Just the right amount of everything <3
Bellexoxo #6
Chapter 40: Aww~~the story has come to an end..I'm starting to like-actually LOVE this story since Kai,my fav bias is here!!Keep up the good work!!Fighting <3!!
Riesta #7
Chapter 17: I really like the ballet poster :)
Chapter 3: I didn't understand a thing about tagalong..
Chapter 32: oh god, This story just got intense
Chapter 40: This story is so good! Keep writing, you're amazing at it