Lovely Lady

A World Apart from Mine

“And where do you think you’re taking me?” you asked Cho Young slightly irritated.

“Will you shut up for a moment and just follow my lead?” she asked with equal sarcasm. She had barely managed you to take a bath and put on (somewhat) decent clothes. Since she was in a hurry, she picked up a slightly short dress for you but nonetheless, you were too much in a panic to notice:

“Yah! I have the right to know! Speak this instant or I swear I’ll forget that you’re my best friend for a moment and kick your !” you hissed. You hated the fact that she practically barged into your room, shook you out of your bed, forced you towards the bathroom, and on top of that, “kidnapped” you. What the hell is wrong with here? And where were all the people in my house when she dragged me out?! The length of your dress wasn’t helping the situation as well.

“Oh I’d like to see you try, deary.” she said and smirked. You slumped down on her car’s backseat and let out a hopeless sigh.

After what seemed like forever, you felt the car stop. You woke up from your little nap and rubbed your eyes. You saw that it was already getting dark. You checked up on your watch and read: 6:02 pm. What the hell?! You weren’t in the mood to go out, let alone be dragged by your stubborn best friend.

“Surprise! We’re going to have our best friend day today!” she squealed as she tugged on your arm and pulled you out of her car. You glared at her. Why is she overly-ecstatic today? You looked at your outfit and gagged at the ones she made you wear. Your dress didn’t match your white heels which made you glare at her more.

“YAH! What the hell is wrong with you?!” you hissed at her, causing her to wince at your pitch.

“I-I.. just want to spend time with you since we don’t get the chance lately..” she whispered. Your eyes soften as you saw her head bowed down. You didn’t know why but you felt something was clearly wrong.

“Y-yah.. Cho Young-ah, gwaenchana?” you asked, careful not to hit any more of her sensitive spots. She looked at you with teary eyes.

“K-Kris.. he.. cheated on me.” she said, almost embarrassed.

“WHERE IS HE? I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL MAKE HIM PAY!” you exclaimed as you comforted Cho Young. You were practically on your way to who-knows-where just to find Kris.

“M-Miji-ah, it’s okay, really. Just sit down!” she tugged your hand down. She noticed people were already staring at your table. But what the hell, you couldn’t care less.

“Why would he do that to you?!” you just shouted in a whisper. She just looked at you with soft eyes and shrugged her shoulders. You couldn’t do more than show her how angry you are at Kris which by the looks of her, wasn’t clearly helping.

“I don’t know, Miji-ah. He just.. I just saw him with some girl at some restaurant, holding hands and laughing. Then I saw her kiss his cheek and then..” her voice trailed off to what seemed like her verge of crying. You didn’t really like the sight of her crying.

“That’s why just please spend this day with me.. Let’s just be happy, ne?” she asked while wiping her almost visible tears from her eyes. You felt really bad about almost hating her. You couldn’t do anything but nod. At least she’s strong enough to still be happy. You mentally admired her.

“Yah! Try this, and this.. and oh, this!” she piled up some dresses in your hands and pushed you to the changing room. You didn’t protest since you promised yourself to just go along what she wanted to do.

“Ne.” you entered the room and changed into the first dress. The first batch didn’t seem to tickle your fancies so you let Cho Young pick a new batch. You noticed she also tried a dress and she looked good on it:

“That dress looks good on you, Cho Young-ah.” you said and you saw her face beam. She was acting all normal again which made you doubt that she was truly hurting. You pushed your thoughts aside when she waved a dress at you. You couldn’t help but notice that the dress seemed prettier than any of the others that were hanged:

“Change into this, Miji-ah!” she pushed you to one of the fitting rooms. You took some time and looked at yourself before you decided to take the dress. It was pretty and simple, just the way you like it. You turned to grab your clothes but you realized they were gone. Your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as you opened the door. You stepped out, still in your white dress and looked around for Cho Young.

“Cho Young-ah.” you called, but she was nowhere near your sight.

You were about to just pay for your dress. You approached the counter and smiled weakly.

“Can I just wear this dress?” you asked. The cashier guy smiled at you and nodded. You were to hand him your credit card when he sang out loud. You jerked your head immediately.

“Isn’t she lovely?~ Isn’t she wonderful?~” he sang loudly making you laugh in amusement. Soon after, his fellow cashier girl joined his singing.

“Isn’t she precious?~” they sang. You laughed even more. This store is amusing. You smiled to yourself. Someone tapped your shoulder and you turned to see the store’s body guard dancing and singing with them. Hahaha this store is so hilarious. You looked around the people inside the shop and noticed they were also singing and swaying around. You turned back to the cashier and he held you a big sign saying:


You looked at them, your eyes shot wide. You bowed immediately and turned to leave. Cho Young should’ve seen this! You giggled as you went out of the store which was still in a singing and dancing vibe.

You tried to look for Cho Young when you passed by a store which sold beautiful flowers. You didn’t notice it back then, just now that it was stalled in a convenient place, you decided to enter it. You were quickly greeted by the lady. You scanned the flowers which were arranged prettily on each stand. You touched one of the arranged flowers and smiled. So pretty~

The lady approached you and gave you a big sign saying:


You were beyond shocked as she handed you the small bouquet of white carnations you were looking at:

You bowed gratefully and headed towards the exit with your brows knotted to each other. What the?

You walked inside the department store, holding two big signs and a bouquet in your hands. You were trying to call Cho Young but it seemed like her phone was dead. You felt quite shy with your outfit-- it really did seem a little too much for a stroll inside a mall. You were drawn towards the cosmetics section since you remembered that Cho Young must be crying most of her time so you decided to buy her facial products. You looked around the products when two salesladies approached you.

“Ma’am, would you like to try our newest cosmetic products? We could give you a free make-over if you like.” she chimed sweetly. You smiled and thought. Hmm, maybe I’ll know what to buy for Cho Young then. You went with them and they sat you in a high chair. They started doing your make-up. One of them then started doing your hair which made you confused. It’s free so why not? You smiled to yourself. After about 30 minutes:

“Omo!” you suddenly squealed. You didn’t know how they did that in half an hour:

You noticed the hair accessory in your hair and looked at it confused. How did that get there? One of the ladies handed you a sign:


You were beyond curious now. Why does it seem you were pampered for the day with free things? Moreover, WHERE THE HELL WAS CHO YOUNG? You stood up from your seat, and bowed at the ladies who did your make-over. You walked towards the center of the mall, which was actually an open field. You sat on one of the benches there, feeling left out as you were in a completely formal attire. You sighed and laid down the signs beside you. You sniffed the flowers and smiled. You looked around, in hopes of getting a sight of Cho Young but to no luck, she wasn’t anywhere. The open field was then filled with nice music. You closed your eyes and felt light. I feel like a princess. You thought, chuckling to yourself as you thought of how you looked like at the moment, plus your bouquet.

Someone shouted: “ISN’T SHE LOVELY?~” you opened your eyes and looked around. Your eyes widened at the sight of the previous cashier guy. Everyone around you turned to look at you. You felt their stares and you stood up to run but a random guy stood in front of you and sang, “ISN’T SHE WONDERFUL?~” your mouth was agape. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!

Soon after, a group of people started to swing and sing along. You looked at them, your bouquet still in your hands. The people around you started to move around, causing you to look at them in pure shock.

“ISN’T SHE PRETTY~” they all sang and danced to a certain choreography. You looked around, they all seemed to be looking at you. One guy held you his hand and you hesitantly took it. He led you towards the center, the one with a big fountain. He made you step up a few stairs and then he joined the huge crowd of dancing and singing random people. You were still confused, but nonetheless, you smiled from ear to ear.

The air was pierced with soft music now, with the instrumental version of the song “I Choose You” by Mario ( You looked around. This song was one of your favorite songs. Your heart began to race as you saw the huge crowd in front of you slowly make a path. You squinted your eyes to see what was at the end of the line.

Hearts thumped.

Breaths hitched.

Throats gulped.

Kai was walking towards you, with a microphone in his hand. He was wearing what probably was the best suit you have seen on anybody. He walked slowly, staring at you. Oh dear Lord, if this is a dream, don’t wake me up. You felt tears forming in your eyes. Is this really happening? He smiled at you as he walked closer and closer until he was in front of you. Your eyes were blurred with your tears, but you saw him clearly beaming at you. He began to sing, “There was a method to my madness girl that wasn’t clear to me. Until the day I saw your face when I saw everything.” You smiled warmly at him, your tears falling one by one. He held your hand and he stopped singing, leaving the instrumental music still playing. You gulped as he stared at you.

He spoke, “Kim Miji-ah, from the moment I saw you, I knew that I’d choose you.” he started off. You chuckled at his words but still smiled at him.

“I know this may not be the perfect romantic proposal you’ve been dreaming of but still, I’m willing to take this chance to ask you,” he kneeled to the ground, took a red velvet box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a one-diamond ring. This is way better than my dream, oppa.

“Kim Miji-ah, my princess, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” he asked nervously. You stared back at him, tears of joy streaming endlessly from your eyes.

“Yes, of course oppa!” you squealed which made him jerk from his position to hug you. He slid the ring on your finger and smiled. He turned to the huge crowd and held his thumb up. They cheered but soon quieted down. You eyed Kai, which smiled at you.

“Do you want to marry me now?” he asked with a hopeful voice. Your head pounded a bit and your brows knotted in curiosity. What, now? What is he talking about? You then realized everything that happened earlier and you unconsciously eyed your free dress and bouquet.

“What the hell, yes!” you exclaimed which made everyone cheer loudly. Kai held your hand and led you to the side of the mall. You gasped in shock as you saw the open area now arranged in a fancy manner, with a priest at the end of the red carpet aisle. You looked at Kai in disbelief. He smiled at you. You loked around and to your shock, every one of your friends and family were there. You looked at the end of the aisle and saw Cho Young standing at one side, while Kris on the other. Your brow raised. So, Kris cheating on Cho Young was.. a lie? You shook the thought of. You were at your wedding and you couldn’t possibly think of anything else at the moment.

The both of you walked down the aisle, you beamed at everyone who was there. How did this happen? You felt giddy inside. Your parents were there. You even saw your mom sniffing and smiling at you with teary eyes.

“It is time to say your vows.”

Kai started his, “I, Kim Jongin, take you as my wife. I promise to forever cherish you and make you feel like a princess.” your tears began to form again. “I may not have been the perfect knight back then, but I promise to be the best prince to you as we start our new life together. Through the coming ups and downs of our life together, I promise to keep you safe even if I lay my life on the line.” he said. You almost thought that he was crying. But honestly, you just didn’t care.

“I, Kim Miji, take you as my husband. I may not have prepared the best wedding vows like you have, but I can probably say some of those which I have been thinking of for some time now.” you stared at him intently, he looked back at you. “I may give you a hard time, and I may be a spoiled princess at times, but I promise to always make you feel just how important your presence is to my life.” you choked as you tried to stifle a sob. “I will love you for who knows how long and I will never put you and our relationship in trouble.” you said.

“You may now kiss the bride.” the two of you kissed each other lovingly, love and happiness shared between. You mentally did a jump and roll of joy, and he may have done the same.

“May I present to everyone: Mr. And Mrs. Kim Jongin.” the priest announced. Cheers were heard everywhere.

“Saranghae, Miji-ah.” he whispered as the both of you laid on the bed.

“Saranghae, oppa.” you said as you snuggled closer to him. The two of you, right after the big wedding decided to head off to Europe for your honeymoon. Everything was perfect—you and Kai happily married and now you were one your first step to making your own family.

He pulled you closer, still trying to catch his breath.

“I want to have 10 kids with you, Miji-ah.” you playfully hit his chest.

“Yah oppa! That’s too much! I just want 2 kids.” you said. You weren’t ready yet, mentally and emotionally. But Kai made everything in life beautiful for you and you couldn’t help but sigh in content.

“Happy I’m your husband, are you?” he teased.

“If it makes you feel better, then yes, I am.” you smiled at him. He kissed your forehead and ran his hand through your hair.

Everything is so much better now that you’re here with me, oppa.

“What do you want to eat?” he asked, as he put on his clothes and stood up. You smiled cheekily.

“Surprise me, oppa.” you said. He smiled back at you and leaned in to peck your lips.

“Well then, prepare yourself for the best breakfast in bed you’ll ever have, princess.” he said and winked before disappearing.

You buried you head on your pillow and smiled.

I’m so happy.

Chapter 39, done :)

Ohh~ So we have come to the end? Next chapter's the last :( Sorry for the (upcoming) super crappy ending. I'm not good at making endings. :( I'm going to start on a new story after this so please do..

Stay tuned, yes? ♥

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Ri_ahlimitless #1
Chapter 40: This is seriously one of the best stories tht I have ever read
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 40: The best!!!

the story and ending is very very good!!!

thumbs and toes up !!! authornim^^ thank you for writing this story <3
Chapter 40: Heyyyy ;) thanks for writing this one, it was a fun read, its hard to read a character of kai which is not jerk and bad bcs he's really sweet and nice in this one but anyway, I had fun ;)
aliiya #4
Chapter 40: Omg this story is so good i love the plot and the ending!!!!!
Chapter 40: I freaking love this story. Just the right amount of everything <3
Bellexoxo #6
Chapter 40: Aww~~the story has come to an end..I'm starting to like-actually LOVE this story since Kai,my fav bias is here!!Keep up the good work!!Fighting <3!!
Riesta #7
Chapter 17: I really like the ballet poster :)
Chapter 3: I didn't understand a thing about tagalong..
Chapter 32: oh god, This story just got intense
Chapter 40: This story is so good! Keep writing, you're amazing at it