The Happy Life

A World Apart from Mine

“OMMA!!! RYAN TOOK MY CANDY!~” four-year old Rhian squealed from the other door. You shook your head in disbelief. When will those two stop bickering?

“Ryannie~ Give Rhian back her candy. You can have a new one.” you said as you tried to pull them from each other. Kai was at work, and you were more than happy to spend time with your lovely cupcakes every chance you get. Work was getting in your way to have bonding time with your kids.

“But omma Rhian noona’s been so selfish. That’s not fair!” he stood still, his cute little arms crossed against his chest. You chuckled and lifted him up. You kissed his cheek which made his almost-grumpy face into a tickled one.

“Aigoo my little twins are so cute~ You should understand Rhian noona. That was her candy anyway. I’ll just make you cookies, ne?” you whispered to his hear. He nodded and you let him down. He stuck his tongue at Rhian.

“Mehrong~ Omma’s gonna make me cookies~” he teased Rhian. The little girl then looked at you with her betrayed expression.

“Omma~” she cooed. Here we go again.


“O-oppa..” you said. He turned to look at you.

“Wae? Gwaenchana?” he asked as he searched your body for any cuts or bruises. You spent too much time inside the bathroom and it made him worried.

“Oppa, I-I’m pregnant..”

His eyes shot open, like that of D.O.’s. He stared at you and slowly, a wide smile formed on his lips. He pumped his fist in the air.

“I’m going to be a dad!” he exclaimed as he pulled you in for a hug. You felt your tears flow down and you smiled in content. We’re going to be a family.

“PUSH!” the doctor yelled as she helped you deliver. Kai held your hand during the entire process and kept on whispering to you that “everything’s going well”.

“AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!” you screamed in pain. You were sweating profusely and you grabbed onto whatever there was to grab onto. Nine months of carrying a child in your tummy was hard enough, but not as hard as giving birth to it. You heard a piercing cry of a baby and you relaxed your body.

“Now, I want you to push harder now for the second baby.” she said. You mustered up your remaining strength and pushed.


“Congratulations, you have a twin boy and girl.” she said as she held Kai Rhian, and you Ryan. You looked at Kai and he was shedding his own tears. You inhaled deeply and looked at your two angels.

“Appa’s home!” Rhian exclaimed as she clung onto Kai’s neck. Kai chuckled and attacked her with kisses.

“Did my little princess miss me so much?” he asked. Rhian pouted.

“Ne~ Omma and Ryan are being mean to me again!” she exclaimed while waving her hands in the air.

“Aigoo, omma and Ryan are mean, you say? Well then, we’ll be mean to them as well.” Kai joked. Rhian nodded in pure satisfaction as his ally formulated a plan.

“Honey, I’m home.” Kai said and walked into the kitchen. You were cooking dinner. Kai hugged you from the back and rested his chin on your left shoulder.

“Little girl’s ranting again.” he chuckled. You sighed.

“They got into a fight about a candy.” you huffed in disbelief.

“Well then we should buy them more.” he said and laughed.

“Oppa you know that’s not good.” you pouted. He ruffled your hair.

“Aigoo, still the same Miji five years ago. So cute~” you couldn’t get used to Kai’s teasing and you still blushed like a middle-school girl.

“Yah! No dinner for you!” you hit his arm and the both of you chuckled.

“Omo my little grandkids are here!” your mom exclaimed. She barely saw her grandchildren since they were at day care and you couldn’t bring them over even if you wanted to.

“Who wants apple pie?” your mom asked which hyped the two sweet-toothed kids to jump in delight. They always loved it when your mom baked them apple pie.

“Omma, you shouldn’t have prepared anything. We’re fine, really. They ate quite a lot before going here.” you said. She just waved her hand in the air.

“Aniyo, moments like these are so rare now that you have your own family, Miji-ah. I miss cooking for my only daughter.” she said while she prepared the food on the table. Kai was talking with your dad about business matters as usual. You doubted if Kai really wanted to work in the company but whenever you asked him, he would just say that it’s fine and that he “learns a lot from your father”.

“Omma say aaahhh~” young Ryan said as he waved a spoon full of pie towards your mouth. You chuckled at his thoughtfulness and obliged. He’s such an angel. Rhian saw it and did the same.

“Omma eat mine too~” she cooed and you nodded. Thank you Lord for such lovely kids.

“Yah, why does omma have a pie and appa doesn’t? Feed me too.” Kai said as he scooted next to the two ecstatic kids. You heard them giggle to each other and faced Kai with their tongues out. You couldn’t help but laugh at their cuteness. Kai pouted, slightly feeling betrayed by her ally, Rhian.

“Appa, omma should be the one to do that.” Ryan said as he pushed you his plate of pie. Both of them looked at you expectantly. You sighed and got a spoon full of the pie. How could I ever resist them?

“Oppa say aaahhh~” you said, feeling like a teenager again. He happily ate the pie and kissed your cheek which made Ryan and Rhian to hide their eyes behind their small hands.

“Eeew appa kissed omma with pie on his lips.” Rhian said as she pretended to gag. You kissed her cheek in return. She giggled and kissed you back. Ryan quickly got up and kissed your cheek too. You were more than happy to let them attack you with kisses. You barely got to feel this because of work.

“Not fair.” Kai crossed his arms in his chest playfully. You looked at him and laughed. What a child, oppa.

You were pushing your cart to the counter of the grocery when Kai approached you with a bag of chips. You stared at him.

“Just this once, honey~”

“Fine. Don’t let the kids see you.” you said and paid for the chips. He nodded and smiled. You noticed the cashier lady looking at Kai while punching on the items. You looked at her in disbelief. Is she seriously staring at my husband? You tried to ignore her but you saw the bag of chips being punched three times already. You were about to speak up when you heard Kai’s voice.

“Miss, I think you punched that three times now.” he said innocently. The lady snapped out and smiled shyly at Kai. She even had the guts to flirt with him in front of you. You scoffed mentally and you wanted to pull her eyes out of her sockets. His wife’s here, you flirty lady. You were done ignoring her stares at Kai and you were about to explode of anger.

“Miji honey~ Where do you want to go after this, baby?” he asked you sweetly. Finally, the lady took notice of you. Kai wasn’t blind to it. Of course he knew she had been flirting with him through her slightly out of place stares. You looked back at the lady sternly, which made her look flustered. She quickly packed your items and bowed in embarrassment.

“Tch. What a flirt.” you whispered to yourself. Kai followed behind you.

“Is my princess jealous~” he cooed in your ear which made you glare at him.


“Oh really?”


“Well then it seems I can get that lady’s number..” he jokingly laid the bags to the ground and pretended to go inside of the market, smirking to himself.

“You wouldn’t dare.” you said bitterly. It was your first time to feel jealous again, after Ullie. He still walked away which made you scoff. Later on, a guy approached you and picked your bags up.

“Need help, pretty miss?” he asked sweetly. You smirked mentally as you saw Kai froze in his tracks. He turned his head slightly. You smiled at the guy.

“Ne, they’re quite heavy and I don’t think I can carry them alone.” you said almost too sweetly which made Kai return your glare. You smirked as the guy carried your bags. Kai quickly ran up and s the bags off the guy’s hands. The guy looked at him with a what-the-hell face.

“Honey I’m sorry~ Here, let me carry your bags for you.” Kai said. The guy looked at you and blinked.

“Oh, thank you for the offer but my husband’s here.” you said and smiled at the guy gratefully. You hadn’t planned to use some random guy trying to hit on you ever in your life. But times like these were priceless. Kai exhaled as the man walked away.

“I’m sorry Miji-ah. I won’t ever do that again. Please don’t talk to other men.” he said as he pouted. You tried your hardest to laugh at his cuteness but you kept a straight face.

“Promise?” you asked seriously. He nodded immediately and went to open the car’s trunk. When he wasn’t looking, you let out a satisfied giggle. Oppa’s so cute.

You and Kai were cuddling with each other in your cozy bed. The rainy season had finally come and it made your room chilly. You buried your face on his chest and closed your eyes. He was already fast asleep. You looked at his sleeping figure and smiled. You never change, oppa- still handsome as before~

Your thoughts were disturbed by the creeking sound of the door. You looked at it and saw two adorable puppy-eyed kids peeking inside. You signaled them to come in.

“Omma, can we sleep here? It’s cold in our room.” Rhian said, holding his brother’s hand. Ryan on the other hand, was rubbing his eyes, a clear signal that he had just woke up. You pulled away from Kai and made space for the two of them. Kai stirred and he opened his eyes, only to see Ryan looking at him.

“Appa can you tell us a story?” Rhian asked. The both of them then turned to Kai expectantly. Kai thought for a while of a good story to tell.

“Do you know the story about a swan princess and a prince?” he asked. The kids shook their heads slowly and leaned in closer to Kai to listen to his story.

“Once upon a time, there was a princess. She was kept inside a castle for 17 years, she wasn’t allowed to go out..” he started. Your ears perked up and you suddenly smiled at the memory.

“She became free for a day and met a handsome prince.” he said. You scoffed lightly at him.

“At first the prince didn’t like her since they didn’t know each other well. But as the days passed and he got to spend time with the princess, he started to like her.” Kai paused as he looked at his kids who were listening attentively.

“One day, the princess had to attend a dancing party, where she was asked to dance for the other princes and princesses. The prince watched her dance like a very beautiful swan.” he looked at you and smiled.

“He fell in love with her. But an evil witch tried to kill him because the witch wanted the prince.” he continued with a somewhat eerie voice to make his story realistic.

“The evil witch casted a spell on the princess as she tried to save the prince and the princess fell into a deep sleep. She woke up and reunited with the prince. The evil witch disappeared because of the evil act she has done.” he paused for a minute.

“Did they get together at the end?” little Rhian asked.

“Yes, the prince asked the princess to marry him and she agreed.” he smiled. Rhian and Ryan looked at each other.

“That’s it?” Ryan asked which made Kai’s smile wider.

“They got married and had two little adorable children named Rhian and Ryan.” he finished off. The two kids seemed at awe of the story and quickly faced you.

“Omma! Is that true? You were a swan princess?” Rhian asked in disbelief.

You looked at Kai and smiled warmly.

“Ne, Rhian-ah. I was once a swan princess.. in a world apart from mine.” you said and smiled.

Chapter 40, done :)

Aww so this has been "A World Apart from Mine". I had fun writing this! ♥ Thank you so much for bearing with my crappy chapters :( Anyway, I'll try to do much better in my next stories I promise! Thank you to all those who subscribe even though I'm not really sure why you did but still, thank you so much and I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!

Here's a kiss from Luhan baby

Please do support my next story in the future like you have supported my very first one :) Omo, I'm going to cry! Haha I love you all and please..

Stay tuned, yes? ♥

-Lady Labyrinthine-V

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Ri_ahlimitless #1
Chapter 40: This is seriously one of the best stories tht I have ever read
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 40: The best!!!

the story and ending is very very good!!!

thumbs and toes up !!! authornim^^ thank you for writing this story <3
Chapter 40: Heyyyy ;) thanks for writing this one, it was a fun read, its hard to read a character of kai which is not jerk and bad bcs he's really sweet and nice in this one but anyway, I had fun ;)
aliiya #4
Chapter 40: Omg this story is so good i love the plot and the ending!!!!!
Chapter 40: I freaking love this story. Just the right amount of everything <3
Bellexoxo #6
Chapter 40: Aww~~the story has come to an end..I'm starting to like-actually LOVE this story since Kai,my fav bias is here!!Keep up the good work!!Fighting <3!!
Riesta #7
Chapter 17: I really like the ballet poster :)
Chapter 3: I didn't understand a thing about tagalong..
Chapter 32: oh god, This story just got intense
Chapter 40: This story is so good! Keep writing, you're amazing at it