Chen (Kim Jongdae) - Alone

EXO One Shots

And this is Kim Jongdae. YAY!!!

His voice is beautiful by the way.

And no, this story has nothing to do with SISTAR's Alone.



You sat there, alone. Your phone was on silent.

You wanted peace. You wanted silence. Away from the crowds, away from the city and a day for yourself.

A day away from the city buzz. And you found this place one day while walking aimlessly. It was serene.

No fights, no drama, just you alone.

You didn't want to deal with any nonsense for the day.

You only had written a note and left it on the table.

I'll be fine. I just need time alone.

And at the end was your signature.


Now here you are. Alone.

But Jongdae knew better than to leave you alone. You needed someone there; to talk to, to lean on. And Jongdae would always be the one there.

When you told everyone to leave you alone, you were pretty much shocked about how obedient they all listened to you.

"Chen, where do you think you are going?" Tao asked.

"To find her!" He replied as he grabbed his phone and his car keys.

"But meimei says to give her time alone." Luhan says, grabbing Chen by his arms, "So give her some time ALONE."

"Thats what she WANTS YOU TO THINK. She needs someone right now. To hold her, to comfort her, to lean on." Chen says.

"Okay, so where exactly are you going to find her? Her phone is off and no one really knows where she is right now." Xiumin says.

"I'll find her." Chen says. And as soon as Luhan lets go of Chen, he sprints out the door and into his car, driving off to who-knows-where.


You heard the sound of a car engine coming to a stop. Then the soft sounds of footsteps.

You heard someone calling your name. But maybe you're hallucinating.

But the sound get clearer and clearer. The voice. That voice that you loved so much.

Kim Jongdae.

And within seconds, you felt yourself being pulled backwards into a back hug. Arms wrapping around your waist.

"I knew you would be here."


Jongdae sat next to you, an arms wrapped around your shoulder, your head leaning against his.

He takes your hand and places something in it.

A penny?

"A penny for your thoughts, baobei?" he says, "You seem so lost."

You shake your head. "Nothing, just wanted time away from the city."


"How did you know I'm here?" You ask curiously.

He smiled, the end of his lips lifting. "You told me once that you'll come here when you wanted to escape for while."

You smiled. Because you remembered you told him once, but that was two years ago. He still remembers?

"And you remember?" You asked, lifting your head off his shoulder and looking at him.

"Of course, baobei. I'll remember every single thing you say to me."


It was after a while of comfortable silence that he decides that its time to head home. The sky was turning dark.

He holds his hand out to you, entwining his fingers with yours.

"Baobei." He calls. "Hmm?" You asked, turning your head to look at him while walking to his car.

"Remember that I'm always here and you're not alone."



Next story is erm... One of the remaining members?


I can't guarantee you the next story's character.

So I'll see you guys soon?

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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