Why you love wearing Chanyeol's clothes

EXO One Shots



1183 WORDS.

I hope you enjoy it...


You didn't know why you loved wearing his clothes so much.


Maybe because it was big and comfy.

A Supernatural marathon had you sitting on the couch. You were waiting for your boyfriend to come back from work. You had slipped on one of your boyfriend's shirt over your head and a pair of shorts, although his shirt was long enough to cover half thigh. Dinner was ready and all you need was to heat it up. You wouldn't take dinner without Chanyeol.

You were so engrossed in the show that you didn't hear the jingling of keys. You didn't hear your boyfriend coming back. It was until he gave you a kiss on your temple, then you noticed he was back. "Hey, Chan~" You greeted, pausing your show and kissing him on the lips. He smiled back. "Go wash up while I heat up dinner. Then we can eat together?" Chanyeol nodded his head and headed up the stairs. But before you could step foot into the kitchen, you heard him call you. "Hey, jagi?" You looked at him. "You look good in my shirt." You smiled before shooing him up the stairs.


Maybe because it smelt like him.

Cinnamon, strawberries, lavender. He was away on a business trip. A week without Park Chanyeol was like a week without sunshine. You missed him terribly. He would call you every night without fail but that made you miss him even more.

You hugged the pillow, a terrible substitute for your boyfriend's warmth. Dressed in your boyfriend's hoodie, one that fell to your knees, you fell asleep dreaming of your boyfriend.

Chanyeol had returned a day earlier that scheduled. Pillows were a terrible substitute for his girlfriend. And since his work had finished early, he decided to take the earliest flight home. Back home. Back to you. It was about 2 in the morning when he returned home. The house was dark and he guessed you were already sleeping.

He opened the door to the shared bedroom and saw you sleeping in his red hoodie. Chanyeol almost squealed at the sight. You looked adorable in his large hoodie. Chanyeol crept to the bathroom and washed up. He headed back to the bedroom. Slowly and quietly, he slid beneath the covers. He gently pulled away the pillow you were hugging and replaced it with his body warmth. He kissed your forehead before falling asleep with you in his arms.


Maybe because it gives you good luck.

The last scoop of your favourite ice-cream. The last book at the store, the book you had been looking for. One of the few lucky ones that were able to get tickets to be upclose and personal with your favourite youtubers. One of the few lucky ones that was able to get tickets to be upclose and personal with your favourite actors. When you got a call from a company you really wanted to work for. Everything happened when you were wearing Chanyeol's shirts.


Maybe because it felt warm.

You had taken a liking of wearing your boyfriend's coats. Although it was oversized, it felt warm. It felt like your boyfriend's hugs.

The both of you were taking a stroll in the park. It was cold but not freezing. The both of you walked hand-in-hand. You gave a small sneeze and Chanyeol stopped. He looked at you. "Cold?" You shook your head but another sneeze escaped your lips. "Liar," he says as he shrugs off his coat and put it around you. "Chan…" You argued, taking the jacket off and putting back on him. But your boyfriend wouldn't have it. "Plus, my girlfriend looks cute in my jacket." He says. And the both of you walked back to the apartment.

The both of you enjoyed the steaming cup of tea. Chanyeol's arm wrapped tightly around you as the both of you watch Disney movies together. You snuggled closer to your boyfriend and his grip pulled you closer. Nope, Chanyeol's warmth are better than his coats.


Maybe because it felt safe.

Thunderstorms. You freaking hate them. The crashing. The booming. The sound of the wind blowing against your window. And the lightnings didn't help. You pulled the hood of Chanyeol's hoodie over your head as you dove under the covers of the bed. Chanyeol was at work and he wouldn't be back till another few hours later. You inhaled the scent of Chanyeol's hoodie. It always calms you down. You felt safe wearing it, like he would protect you. It felt like his hugs.

You tried drowning out the sounds of the winds and the thunderstorms.

Chanyeol had gotten back as soon as he could. It was raining heavily outside, the thunders still there, the lightning was far from gone and the wind still blowing. He walked into the room. The light was off but he could make out a bump under the sheets.

Chanyeol's heart broke when he saw it. He could have pictured what happened. You were scared and he wasn't there. And he could only imagine you diving under the covers to prevent listening to the scary sounds. He noticed how you flinched a little when a thunder struck. He gently pried the covers, afraid of waking you up.

There you were, lying in a crouched position asleep. You were dressed in his hoodie, the hood over your head and your hands were covering your eyes. There were tear stains on your cheeks. You must be scared. Chanyeol thought as he wiped away the tear stains with his thumbs. You opened your eyes. "Hey, Chan…" You said sleepily. Chanyeol smiled and said nothing. He only grabbed his iPod from the night stand and pushed a earpiece into your ear. "Hear this. Wait for me, okay?" You nodded as he retreated to the bathroom. You listened to your boyfriend's choice of songs.

Chanyeol emerged from the bathroom and joined you in bed. You pulled out the ear piece and set it on the night stand. Chanyeol pulled you close to his chest.

He made sure you couldn't see the lightning. You could only see him.

He made sure you couldn't hear the wind or the thunderstorm. You could only hear his heartbeat.

He kissed you on the forehead and the both of you fell asleep.

"Goodnight, jagi." "Goodnight, Chan."


Maybe because…

"Hyung, is noona wearing your shirt?" Jongin asked, pointing at you as you competed against Sehun in an intense round of StreetFighters. Chanyeol nodded, smiling at his girlfriend who was concentrating in the game. "Good job, jagi!" as they announced the winner, you high-rived Chanyeol. Sehun had lost the game, again.

"Why is noona wearing hyung's shirts? Doesn't noona have clothes?" Zitao asked. You laughed. "I do have clothes. But Chan's ones are better." You said as you pressed the 'start' button. Sehun had handed his controller to Luhan. "Yeah, plus jagi looks cute in them." Chanyeol says.

"Because…" You said, pressing a few buttons of the controller, sending Luhan's player a knockout. As the game announces the winner, you smiled, "Because it belongs to Park Chanyeol."



Okay, Chanyeol is done.

3 done, 9 to go.

I love you guys!! Please continue to support this story...

It's ending soon. So please bear with me for a little while longer.

I love you.

Anyways, please continue to read, comment and subscribe!!

And if you guys are new readers, HIII!!!

(Oh, Wing noona is nowhere to be found. She's currently missing in action. So yeah... She's supposed to help me though... But yeah, you know. happens. So yeah... Noona, eodisseo?! My chapters are ending and you're nowhere to be found!!)


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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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