Don't fall in love with people like me

EXO One Shots

788 words. I tried. It was originally 458 words though...

You can count this as a part two (or just the extended version) to Xiumin's short story at Chapter 28. You don't have to read it to understand this story.

Prompt used: this one

And think that's about it. Enjoy~


She was danger. Minseok knew this very well. He was playing with fire. He was warned. But he was interested. He wanted to know the story behind her. The story that everybody wants to hide. A painful story and a broken girl.

A letter fell onto the floor as he opened his locker to fetch his books for the day. Packing his books into his bag, he closed the locker and picked up the fallen letter that was laying at his feet.

He opened it, and he knew who had written the letter by the handwriting. His girlfriend, the girl that everyone warned him to stay away from. You.


Dear Minseok,

Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and park, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave, you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.

Yours Truly, you


That was it. Minseok chugged the letter into his bag before walking off to meet Luhan at the entrance of the school gates.

Minseok dug out the letter you had written for him, after he had done his homework. 11.34PM, the clock blinked. He wanted to call you but dropped the idea once he thought you might be sleeping. He read the letter once. He read it twice. He read it again. And then Minseok had an idea. He took a paper and a pen, deciding to use his poetic skill and write a reply to your letter.

You had arrived at your locker, getting your books for the day. A locker fell to your feet. You picked it up. You knew who was the sender. Opening the letter, you smiled.


Dear you,

I will never listen. I will fall in love with you. I will allow you to take me to museums, and parks, and monuments, and I'll let you kiss me in every beautiful place, I will go back there and remember the fun times we shared. The destruction you leave me with will be beautiful, because I won't let it happen. Then when you never leave me, you'll understand why love stories are written.

Your Love, Minseok.


Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you. "I see you've receive my letter." He says. You turned around and faced him. "Yeah." You nodded your head. "I'll send you to class." He says, taking your books off your hands, and holding your hands.

He passes you your books. Before he skips to his next class, he kisses you on your lips. You laughed as he ran off.


The both of you had graduated three years ago. You had moved in with Minseok right after graduation.

You're sitting on a stool, leaning over the counter as you watched your boyfriend flying around the kitchen. He opens the cupboard and then closes it again after he gets what he's looking for. He opens the cabinet and closes it again. "Minnie-yah, it's just coffee. Do you have to be this serious?" You asked. He smiled at you as he measures the amount of coffee powder he has to use. Not a spoonful less, and not a spoonful more. "Of course. It's going to be a fantastic cup of coffee when it's done!" You nodded your head as your boyfriend continue making what he calls 'Xiurista's Coffee'.

It was a fantastic cup of coffee, you had to admit. It wasn't too bitter and it wasn't too sweet. You still could taste the coffee without cringing at the taste of it. It was perfect.

Two cups of coffee on the table, a movie playing on the TV. But neither of you were sure what was playing. The both of you were enjoying each other's company and reminiscing the school days.

Minseok still had his innocent looking face, his face still looking like a bun. His black hair now changed into a light shade of brown. Your wild colourful long hair was gone. Minseok was fond of that hair. It represented you. Wild and young. Your hair now a shade darker than your boyfriend's hair, of course with a few streaks of pink, and it had only slightly reached past your shoulders.

"Min?" You called. "Hmm?" Minseok answered, as he played with your fingers.

"What's the difference between the love of your life and your soulmate?" You asked.

"One's a choice and one isn't." Came Minseok's simple answer.

"Then which one am I?" You asked him.

"Both. You're both. The love of my life and my soulmate." He says, kissing your temple.



So there left 3...



Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Although I'm not sure what I was writing...

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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