Chen (Kim Jongdae)

EXO One Shots


This is a Chen's story... It's a song-fic actually. It's Electric Shock by f(x). This is one of the longest story I've ever written. It's three pages long, in Trebuchet MS font size 11 in Micorsoft Word. Hope you like it!

I present to you; KIM JONGDAE


Electric (Electric Shock) E-E-E-Electric E-E-E-Electric Shock

The electric shocks are flowing down my body
About to faint, risky, electrifying
It’s enough, your love is too much for me
I know you violently value me

“You pamper me too much,” you said to him as he smiles adoringly at you while seeing you play with the yellow Minion soft toy that he’s just bought for you. “You’re turning me into a spoiled brat soon,” you complained. He laughed. “But I’m willing to spoil you, princess.” He smiles.

He hugged you. His chin was leaning on your shoulder. A chill ran up your spine. Even though he was your boyfriend, you still weren’t used to this feeling. “Because I love you,” he whispered against your ears. Your cheeks immediately turned into a deep shade of red.

Like a black hole (yeah) I get in (haha)
I can’t see the end (yeah) I fall, boom (oh)
Where am I? (yeah) Ding dong ding dong
Who am I? (a-ha) My head is spinning

You remembered the day you first saw him. You were a transfer student. It was your first day and you were lost, trying to find the office. No one was paying attention to you. There he was, tapping your shoulder, asking if you need help to get to the office. All you did was to stare at his dark brown orbs and nodding your head and letting your feet drag you along.

You remember how his eyes were like black holes you in. And the more you stare into his eyes, the more you feel yourself falling for him.

The beat is getting faster
It’s beating louder more and more
I’ve already gone past the limit
I’m in shock, e-electric shock

Nanananananana (Electric) Nanananananana (Electric)
Nanananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock (X2)

From acquaintances, you’ve became friends with him. You got used to him hanging around you and before you know it, you’ve fallen for him. He’s the reason why you studied so hard. So that you could go into the same university he’s in. He’s the reason why you were always so eager to go to school so early in the morning. So you could see his face every day (but you had to admit that really sounded more like a stalker). He’s the reason why you even joined the school choir because he was in it.

You were falling for him. You admit that.

You’ve gone way past the limit. You couldn’t stop yourself.

You. Love. Him.

Set the voltage, love me
Don’t shock me without any notice
Don’t crash into me but slightly avoid me
Protect me from this sudden changing world

Chen was touchy by nature. He likes giving you random back-hugs. He also has a habit of hanging his arm around your shoulder when walking with you. Your cheeks would slightly burn up, an electrical feeling would run up your spine before you lightly scolded yourself that he was just really friendly towards you.

The other friends of his (which the students call them EXO) always notice you blushing whenever Chen gives you friendly affection. They knew. They weren’t blind. They knew.

You love Chen.

And what they also know was that Chen loves you back. But they’ll leave the confessing and finding out to the both of them.

Doctor (yeah) What is this? (haha)
I’m out of breath (yeah) and I have a fever (oh)
I can’t speak (yeah) in my ears are ding dong ding dong
My eyes are blinded (a-ha) My head is spinning

The beat is getting faster
It’s beating louder more and more
I’ve already gone past the limit
I’m in shock, e-electric shock

Nanananananana (Electric) Nanananananana (Electric)
Nanananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock (X2)

Electric Electric Electric Shock

This energy takes up everything of me
In your eyes are strong laser lasers
Deep in my heart, the synergy is amplifying
It’s endless, your gauge gauge

When you were sure of your feelings and you couldn’t keep it inside of you anymore, you decided to confess to him. Even if it meant having your friendship on the line, you have to tell him. The rest of EXO supports you because to them, it was pretty obvious. Always blushing when he touches you. Always shyly answering his questions. Always agreeing to what he says. Always laughing at his not-so-funny jokes.

“Jongdae,” you started. And suddenly your shoes look more interesting than Chen himself. Actually, you didn’t want to look at him. You didn’t dare. You were afraid of getting lost in his eyes. He gave a soft ‘mmhm’ sound, telling you he was listening. “I have to tell you something.” You started to play with your fingers, your palms were getting sweaty, you were nervous. “I’ve always like- no wait, love you.”

There, you said it. And before you could even blink, Chen pulls you close, hugging you. Your cheeks pressing against his chest, his hands wrapping around your back.

“I know. I love you too.” He admitted. Wait, he knew?

“You knew?” you asked as you sat next to him on the soft grass patch. His hands entwined with yours. He nodded. Your eyes widened. “Then why do you think I’m so touchy around you so much?” He asked, smiling. “I thought it was like a friendly affection?” You sounded unsure of your answer right now. Chen laughed before he spoke. “You don’t see me being touchy with the hyungs right?” You shook your head. “Plus, I love to see your reddened cheeks. It’s so cute!” He says.

A few weeks into your relationship and you found out something about Chen. He loves giving you surprises. It could be a meal that he cooked. It could be watching a movie that you’ve always wanted to watch. It could be him serenading you in the middle of dinner.

The things he do would always knock you out of breath.

When he touches you, you’ll feel hot all over.

Electric Shock.

The beat is getting faster
It’s beating louder more and more
I’ve already gone past the limit
I’m in shock, e-electric shock

Nanananananana (Electric) Nanananananana (Electric)
Nanananananana E-E-E-Electric Shock (X2)

Electric (Nanananananana)
E-E-E-Electric (Nanananananana)
E-E-E-Electric (Nanananananana)
E-E-E-Electric Shock (X2)

Chen was in the kitchen washing up the dishes. “Jongdae,“ you called. “Yes, love?” His head turned slightly towards you. You slowly walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, your head leaning against his broad back. An electrical feeling ran up his spine. He stopped washing and dried his hands. He placed his hands on top of yours and smiled down lovingly at you. “Yes, my love?” He asked again.

“Thank you for loving me back.”


Thank you for reading.

Sorry if it's disappointing. I even find it disappointing myself. It almost has nothing to do with the song. The story is weird? I don't even know.

But thanks to those who have read this chapter. I love you guys.

And thanks for supporting this story too.

- junwoonie

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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Chapter 12: Omg omg omg "I love you too, Mr Do" adbjaxhsjdjnskdddn
camjunmyeon16 #2
Chapter 5: Was 'my' brother Kyungsoo >.<
Chapter 71: Excuse me,Author-nim...I don't really understand this chapter....Is SHE a playgirl?Why did she have album of Exo as boyfriend?Someone explain plz?
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Chapter 7: Aaaaaw. So cute.
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