EXO-M; Family

EXO One Shots

Okay, screw that sad story for EXO-M series cause I can't stand my six babies being all sad and crying and I admit tht I at writing sad stories.

So here you go, EXO-M happy stories...

Starting with...

Yes, that pretty little deer.


You were sitting in the car with Kyungsoo, back from a weekly check-up. "So what did the doctor say about the baby?" Kyungsoo asked, focusing on the road. "The baby's healthy. Mood swings, aching joints and sudden cravings are common. And the usual. " Kyungsoo nodded his head. "But…" You trailed off and Kyungsoo's ears perked up. 'But' was never a good thing. "Yes?" He tried to remain calm. "The doctor said I should eat more, since I'm eating for two portions." Kyungsoo heaved a sigh of relief, but he mentally took note of that. He nodded again.

"And…" You continued. "There's more?" You nodded, "I need to wear looser clothes. It's getting more and more uncomfortable wearing all these." You complained. And Kyungsoo laughed. "Of course. I'll be sure to tell Kris that. To get looser clothes for you."


You were leaning against Luhan's broad shoulder, his hands caressing your bulging tummy. "I still can't believe that there's a mini-me in there." He says, kissing your temple. "You better believe it, because in three months time, she's coming out." You answer him. He laughs. "What are we naming him?" You asked, your hands finding its way to Luhan's and interlocked it with his.

"Hmm… LuYing?" He says, sounding quite unsure himself.

"LuYing? I like it. She shall be called LuYing." You say to yourself.


You were back from another weekly check-up, this time with Yixing.

You heard the door open, then shut close. There were shuffling of the bedroom slippers and the dropping of briefcase and keys, before you hear the familiar "Baobei?" "I'm over here!" You shout from the bedroom. And Luhan's footsteps became louder and clearer. He sat down next to you, arms wrapping around you. "Welcome back, My Prince Lu." You greeted him with a soft kiss on his lips.

"What's that you're holding?" He asked, seeing you flipping a book filled with black and white pictures, pictures that he couldn't make out from. "This?" you asked, pointing to a black and white picture. He nodded. "A book filled with you, me and LuYing." You answered. Closing the book, you placed it on Luhan's lap. "Here, open it." A colourful 'MY HAPPY FAMILY STORY' was written on the cover page.

Luhan flipped to the first page. An introduction of himself and you, and there were two photos on the cover. "BABY LULU AND BABY you " The next page was a picture taken together. 'WE'VE GROWN UP!' was written as the caption. Another page. 'SHE SAID YES AND WE GOT MARRIED!' Luhan laughed. The next page. 'IT'S POSITIVE!' And there was an attached photo of a positive pregnancy test kit.

The following pages had Luhan tearing.

#Mini-lulu's first sonogram. Appa, can you see me? (Kyungsoo and Joonmyun)

#Mini-lulu's fifth month sonogram. Appa, I'm growing healthy. (Joonmyun)

#Mini-lulu's fifth month sonogram part II. (Yixing and Kyungsoo)

#Mini-lulu's sixth month sonogram. Appa, look at me~ (Yixing)

#Mini-lulu's sixth month sonogram. Appa, LuXing will come out soon. Wait for me! (Yixing)

The next picture was a picture of EXO and you together, all thirteen of you squeezed into a photo. It was then followed by the introduction of all eleven uncles and their individual photos.

Luhan closed the book, placing at one corner. He then caressed your tummy again. "LuYing, we'll all wait for you."


Ten grown men were pacing around the corridor outside of the operating theatre. Luhan's with you. And Kyungsoo's cooking for you your favourite food, knowing how much you hated hospital food. The boys couldn't hear any screaming from inside and they were thinking that they might be something wrong.

Actually, not. Since Luhan was there with you, you weren't that much in pain. You were trying your best pushing and taking a deep breath. Luhan was there holding your hand and letting you squeeze his hand or claw him if you wanted. Then you noticed Luhan smiling down at you, before hearing the small cry of a baby.

The ten grown men outside the theatre began to relax, hearing the soft cry of LuYing.


"LuYing is a really pretty baby, just like her parents." Baekhyun commented, looking at the baby. "She has his father's doe eyes and noona's pretty lips . How can she not be pretty?" Kai coins in. "When she grows older, she's gonna have boys swooning left and right." Chanyeol adds. "A pretty young lady she'll grow up to be."


You were sitting down under the shade watching your two kids play with their father. LuYing and LuXing, with their father Luhan. LuXing came along the way, a year after LuYing was born. And LuXing's features was an exact replica of your husband.

You smiled watching the Big Lu playing with the other two small Lus. Taking out your camera, you took a shot of them playing. Once the polaroid has been developed, you took out a black permanent marker and wrote, "HAPPY FAMILY"


I have 39 subscribers to this story!!!

I love you guys so much!!!

Let me kiss you guys!!!

And a big hug!



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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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Chapter 12: Omg omg omg "I love you too, Mr Do" adbjaxhsjdjnskdddn
camjunmyeon16 #2
Chapter 5: Was 'my' brother Kyungsoo >.<
Chapter 71: Excuse me,Author-nim...I don't really understand this chapter....Is SHE a playgirl?Why did she have album of Exo as boyfriend?Someone explain plz?
Chapter 5: I guess that Jagi's brother is Do Kyung Soo...Am I right??
Miss_Imperfection18 #5
Chapter 12: Yeeaaahh! That's my user name!
Demitria_Teague #6
Chapter 63: You're seriously killing me with the gooeyness. ^_^ *~~BWINK BWINK~~*!!!!!!
Demitria_Teague #7
Chapter 7: Aaaaaw. So cute.
Demitria_Teague #8
Chapter 5: Hahaha! I love it. Chanyeol burning the food. I would have loved the chase that insued after that. Jagi watching, eating her food while her brother tries to murder him. Chanyeol may be tall but he's an innocent bunny. He'd be hiding behind her desk and leaping over it. Hahaha.
Demitria_Teague #9
Chapter 4: This isn't awkward. It's my favorite one so far. It's so cute.
Chapter 98: I want the unicorn...