Just a girl. Just a boy.

EXO One Shots


And again. Yeah.

Ya know, tumblr has a lot promising story prompts.


This is this prompt.


He'll never know how much I love him.

He'll never ever know.


Two babies were born in a different place at a different time. A boy and a girl. Born in an ordinary family. There was actually nothing special.

The boy was named Luhan. The other was named you.

Luhan had grown up to be a good-looking man. A perfect guy that everyone wants to be, wants to have. Someone good-looking, talented, well-mannered, smart and well, perfect.

The girl was somewhat ordinary. Average-looking. Wasn't all-that talented. Slightly above average in studies. But she was well-mannered. Polite.

Luhan had gotten himself scouted by an entertainment company.

The girl? Well, she had gotten herself enrolled into a high school. Something, most ordinary people would do at this time.

He had became a successful young man, roaming around the world with other eleven individuals, showcasing their talents. Sing. Dance. Rap. Play instruments.

While the girl had stayed in the sea of faces who admired them. Who admired him.

He doesn't know her. Luhan doesn't know her. But she knows him. From his real name to his favourite colour and singers. She knew.

Luhan receives love letters, fan-mails, fan-letters every single day but she still sends him love letters even though she was well aware that he won't even read it.

She works extra hard to get money so that she could pay to watch him perform just for a few hours. A few hours and she'll be contented.

This pattern goes on and on, unceasingly.

Luhan continues to walk in his dream.

She could only look at him with pure admiration, wishing one day… just one day he will notice her. The boy will never know just how much this girl loves him.

To her, he was her life-saver. When everything comes crashing down, just his voice and the songs was enough to let her carry on.

But there is a twist to it.

What she doesn't know was that…

Luhan and the eleven others that were walking in their dreams often envy her.

Because they didn't know what it'll be like if they were just ordinary people. No fans chasing them and disturbing their peace. No endless practicing till late night, no packed schedules till dawn. No cameras pressed against their faces. No paper and pens pushing towards them for autographs. No gifts pushed to them. Just an ordinary life.

How does it really feel?

They wanted to be treated as ordinary people for a day. Not some pop-stars. Not some idols. Just human. Because they were all human.







































































She'll never know how much he loves her. He thinks about her. He misses her. He envies her.

He can't say it out loud. Knowing that fans will go crazy if they ever know that he's in love with someone. Some fans might support him, knowing that he's found his happiness. Others, not so much.

He thinks about her. She was his motivation to carry on practicing. Just to see her smile. Cheering his name.

He misses her. Sometimes, he doesn't see her in the sea of faces. He misses her smile. Her face. Everything.

He envies her. For having an ordinary life. Something he doesn't have.



So yeah!

The life of a fangirl is indeed sad.


YAY! Another chapter!

Read. Comment. Subscribe.


- junwoonie

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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