Prompt fic - EXO

EXO One Shots

It's a prompt fic for EXO. It's a general fic.

So here...


Imagine one day you wake up and find out that you were in a coma and you made up a whole life for yourself while you were sleeping. And your fandom was the reality of your world, and the life you live now was fake all along.


And you wake up, and they're all huddled around you and they say "Welcome back" and "We were so worried!" and you feel so happy because it wasn't a dream and they're all real.


"YIXING, HER FINGERS JUST TWITCHED!" You heard a voice. It sounded so familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness of the room.


Everyone huddled around you. All twelve familiar faces that you sworn you've seen just a few hours ago. "Welcome back to the world of the living, dongsaeng-ah!" Luhan says, patting your head. You just blinked. "We were so worried!" And there goes Kyungsoo, worrying about you. You stared at him and then blinked again. "Hey, why do you looked so confused?" Baekhyun asked, he turns his head and looked at Yixing. "YIXING! DID SHE LOSE HER MEMORY OR SOMETHING?" Baekhyun was almost in tears.


"Move. Give her some space." And they moved to different parts of the room. Yixing sat on your bedside. You looked at him and blinked. Is he real? Are they real? You were really confused right now. Just a few hours ago, you were at their fan meeting. Now, you were wait- where exactly are you?


"Where am I?" You asked. "You don't know? Or you don't remember?" Yixing asked. "I don't know. I don't know where I am and I don't know what happened." You were lost and definitely confused. "You were in a coma for a month and we've decided to bring you back to our dorm so you can get better quickly." You nodded you head unsurely.


Coma? For a month? EXO's dorm?


"But you remember us, do you?" Xiumin asked. "Or did the accident hit you too hard that you might have forgotten us?" Luhan says. "Shut up, princess Lu!" You said before you shut your mouth. That came out almost automatically. Everyone laughed, knowing how much Luhan disliked that nickname. "I missed you calling me that, dongsaengie~" Luhan says, messing up your hair.


"So you do remember us right?" Kris confirmed. Who wouldn't? I mean, they are the famous EXO. "Should I call you Yifan gege or Kris oppa or Wufan ge?" You asked. That's what you didn't like. This person had too many names. "Whatever you're comfortable with, mei."


You were tucked comfortably, under the thick blankets. EXO had filled you in with the details you couldn't 'remember'.


"Couldn't sleep?" Chanyeol asked as he came into your room. You nodded, "You too?" He nodded. "Why?" Chanyeol asked. "It feels like everything I've ever known is a dream. Like I made up a whole life for myself why I was in a coma. I'm confused. I'm lost. It made me feel like what if I wake up again, everything here would be gone. I'll be gone. Everything will be gone." You confessed. You felt like tearing up.


"Tell me everything that happened in your dream. Because it seems too good that our precious dongsaeng didn't want to wake up until a month later." And you spilled every single thing that you could remember. From when you're a kid to being EXO's fangirl. Chanyeol listened intently.


"Sounds like a nice dream." Chanyeol told you after you finished. "But I have to tell you that I'm real. And you're real. And I'm going to be here when you wake up. You're not going to disappear." You nodded.


"Ow! What's that for?" You asked after Chanyeol had pinched you on the cheek. "It hurts, doesn't it?" You nodded, "Of course!" "That means I'm real. You're real. And you're not going to disappear." He says. "Now sleep!" Chanyeol orders.


And you slept with a smile on your face that night because you were happy and it wasn't a dream. They were real.



I'm done...

No, not this story...

This chapter is done...

Where did I find this prompt? Tumblr... Tumblr are full of prompts...

So yeah...

When will be my next chapter? I don't even know...

But it'll be up soon. I promise...

So till then...

Read. Comment. Subscribe.

- junwoonie

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EXO One Shot Update: Chapter 36 to 41 is here!!! Enjoy~


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