
Marrying Luhan, the Jerk


You woke up feeling some one tickle your sides, “AAAHHH GET OFF OF ME! THAT TICKLES.” You knew who was tickling you. It was Jihoo. He was the only person that can make you laugh like there were no worries.

He stopped and lied down next to you, “So this is going to be the last time that you’re ever going to stay here and I’m here all alone single forever while my sisters are getting married.”

“Oh stop it,” you slapped his arm, “You always seek for a pity party.”

“But you’re leaving today. To your new house with your new ‘Husband’,” He smirked. You kicked his leg, “Ouch what was that for?”

“Don’t remind me,” you growled. He lifted his hands in defeat.

“Well if I were you I would get ready, because he’s coming in around 10 minutes.” He chuckled and ran out the room like a kid.

“Oppa no wonder you’re single,” you sighed watching his back figure run. You got up and washed up, brushed your hair, and wore something decent before going out the door. Your family was downstairs eating breakfast with Jinwoon.

“Good Morning sweet pea. All packed up?” Your dad asked. You nodded and rolled your eyes sitting next to Jihoo who was playing with his eggs.

“At least he’s not those fat old ahjussis Dad would’ve arranged you with, “Junhee stated shrugging as her father sent a glare at his rebellious daughter.

Jihoo and Jinwoon stifled a laugh, but you couldn’t help but smile. You love your family, but when it comes to Jihoo’s playful antics and Junhee’s teasing, you care a lot for you family.

“Our youngest daughter is getting married~” your mother cooed. You just remained emotionless as you ate your bacon.

“But I was engaged first,” Junhee retorted. You parents gave her the ‘yes we know’ look and back to face you.

“I’m glad you accepted the deal. He’s good looking,” Your mother smiled patting you back, “But if he hurts you. You know where to come.”

You nodded and heard the doorbell ring, “I’ll get it,” Jihoo rushed from his seat and opened the door. Luhan was there with his usual eye-smile and was immediately greeted by the family.

He bowed, “Hello, I’m Luhan.”

“Yes, we know. It’s a pleasure meeting you,” Your father shook his hand. Luhan smiled and his eyes wandered to you, who were watching them from afar, “What’s wrong babe? Come here.” He gestured you to come, but you didn’t budge.

“Nicknames already?” your mother squealed and you rolled your eyes. You couldn’t take it anymore, so you dragged Luhan away and outside in front of his car.

“Luhan why’d you come without warning?” you shot him daggers, but he simply shrugged.

“I’m your fiancé. I can basically come as I please and besides you’ll be living with me. Imagine us in 1 bed, sharing ice-cream, while wat-"

“Ok I get it,” you snapped trying to get the image away from your mind, “But just keep it down ok?”

“Honey you’re on the front page of almost every magazine. We made the announcement this morning, so don’t surprised when people bombard you with questions.” He rolled his eyes crossing his arms.

Your eyes rounded, “Everyone will know?”

“Of course. Why? Is there someone you don’t want to tell?”

You were thinking of how Jaejoong would react to this. Would he laugh? Would he regret? Is he filling up with jealousy? You didn’t want to know.

“Yah. Earth to Nayoung?” Luhan waved a hand in front of your face, “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine.”

“Ok then. Say goodbye to your family and let’s go ok?” he lifted your face with is finger and you nodded. He smiled and you went to bid your family good bye.


Jaejoong has just finished taking a shower when he came out to find his father, “Dad what are you doing here?”

“I see your ex-girlfriend had made the right decision,” His father threw a tabloid at Jaejoong and he read the front cover.

‘The Rising Star Luhan, engaged to Kim Nayoung’

Yesterday it was official that Kim Nayoung, the daughter of Kim Jiwon, is getting married to Luhan, a popular model known by girls around the country.

Jaejoong felt like some one slapped him hard on the face. He was too late. He wanted to make things right, but if she’s engaged, it’s impossible, “I don’t love her anymore.” Jaejoong said coldly.

“That’s Good Son.” His Father patted Jaejoong’s back and left the room. Jaejoong flipped the pages finding a picture of Luhan posing for the camera. In one second Jaejoong crumped the picture and ripped it in to pieces, “I will get you Luhan.”

Author's Note

Jaejoong's getting all scary now. What do you think's gonna happen next?

Oh and I might double update today, so stay tuned!


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Anime_watcher #1
Chapter 26: Please Update T__T
intannursyafiqa #2
Chapter 26: please update T___T
Missfaceless_exo #3
Chapter 26: I can't believed that I read this story only a day. But I want to know more. Please update author-nim !!!!!ㅠㅜ
vitey_sanhong #4
Chapter 26: author-nim update more please!!!! im waited for everyday!! btw i ship luhanXnayoung
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 24: I love Luhan so much, and I came into this story loving him. But...this story just makes me want to hurt him so bad.
Kahanbo123 #6
Chapter 4: I should hate you!!! Does he really love someone else?!?!!! I NEED TO FIND OUT!!!
Chapter 26: Please update^^
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 26: I keep re-reading this story and im still soooo curious as to what's going to happen next please update soon x
Chapter 26: chapter 26: the story is very good!! i like it!! i hope you update sooner autor-nim!! fighting :D
Chapter 25: cries bc missed this fic