
Marrying Luhan, the Jerk


Jaejoong’s POV

I stumbled back home to find my father inside his work office talking to some guy. I peered closely and I saw a figure of a girl. I don’t know who she is and it was certainly Seohyun’s body figure or Nayoung’s.

I shrugged it off and went to my room to take a good night rest.



Luhan’s POV


I sat on the café table slowly feeling myself rip in to pieces. I remembered when Suho called me telling me that he saw her, my first love, my best friend, with some other guy.

What happened to her before was unexplainable. Up until now she still doesn’t remember me. It’s like I was permanently erased from her brain. Even if it’s temporary it seems like she won’t remember me anymore.




“OPPA!” She ran to me with her usual eye smile. I laughed at her playfulness and pecked her forehead smoothening out some waves that formed on her hair. She was beautiful, like the ocean and the moon combined, “Oppa let’s go outside!” she cheered.

I smiled, “But Oppa needs to work. I have a photo-shoot later on remember?”

She pouted, “OK, I’ll go myself then.”

“Be careful Hyerin-ah~” I warned, but was responded to a door being slammed. She never really supported my job, but she held on so tight for our love.

When I was finished with my photo-shoot Manager Hyung came in with a pitiful look, “Luhan something came up.”

“What is it? If it’s another interview-“

“No. It’s about Hyerin.”

My whole world stopped. Something felt uneasy around me and I felt absolutely lost.

“I’m sorry Luhan, but it was raining really hard outside and the road was slippery. She slipped while crossing the road and the back of her head with the floor really hard.”

My eyes widened, “Where is she?”


EXO and I were at the waiting room. Her parents were all in tears. They said she lost a lot of blood and her mind would be off balance for a while. I was ready to see her again, to hold her, to tell her she’ll be fine, but when the Doctor came out, it was nothing but bad news.

“I’m sorry to say this, but she has forgotten you.”

I stood there shocked.

“We did a test to see if she remembered any of you using pictures, but she has forgotten only you.”

That was when I ran.

I ran away from them, from her parents, her, and our memories. I was coward for running, but I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.




I sat on the couch as soon as I reached home. I didn’t feel like doing anything. I wish this whole thing would end. The Company, the Contract, me being an idol, the marriage…

Just make everything stop. I groaned sitting up when I heard the door click open. Nayoung came in not even glancing my way. Is she mad? What’s with girls these days?

“Nayoung,” I called scratching the back of my neck. Where is she going? I heard the bathroom door slam close and that’s when I know something’s up, “Nayoung what’s wrong?”

I heard rustling inside, “Just leave me alone Luhan.” I heard her voice crack. She’s crying…

“I can’t leave you alone if I know you’re crying.” I said hearing her opening the door. She opened it and I couldn’t stand seeing her in tears. With instinct I pulled her in to a hug not caring if she was shocked or not.

She sobbed away slowly and quietly. I didn’t mind having my shirt a little wet. She was so fragile if I crushed her she would snap and fall apart, “Nayoung tell me what happened.”

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Anime_watcher #1
Chapter 26: Please Update T__T
intannursyafiqa #2
Chapter 26: please update T___T
Missfaceless_exo #3
Chapter 26: I can't believed that I read this story only a day. But I want to know more. Please update author-nim !!!!!ㅠㅜ
vitey_sanhong #4
Chapter 26: author-nim update more please!!!! im waited for everyday!! btw i ship luhanXnayoung
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 24: I love Luhan so much, and I came into this story loving him. But...this story just makes me want to hurt him so bad.
Kahanbo123 #6
Chapter 4: I should hate you!!! Does he really love someone else?!?!!! I NEED TO FIND OUT!!!
Chapter 26: Please update^^
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 26: I keep re-reading this story and im still soooo curious as to what's going to happen next please update soon x
Chapter 26: chapter 26: the story is very good!! i like it!! i hope you update sooner autor-nim!! fighting :D
Chapter 25: cries bc missed this fic