It's now or never (I don't repeat myself).

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Inhaling a sharp breath of air, Do Kyungsoo instantaneously moves away from the accidental kiss and turns around to regain his sanity. His grasp on Kai’s phone tightens as his fingers lightly touch his lips, still feeling the impact of Kai’s soft lips on his. Slowly, he brings his down to grasp the material of his shirt as he clearly hears the rapid beating of his heart in his ears.

Kim Jongin nervously glances up at the CEO’s back figure and bites onto his lower lip as he realizes they’ve kissed again. His heart isn’t giving him a rest with the inconsistent and fast beats. He closes his eyes and curses his luck for being so horrible and unexpected when it comes to Do Kyungsoo. Deciding to play with his pathetic life (he believes the CEO is fuming mad by now and he’s pretty much an oblivious idiot at some point), the idol squeaks out two very familiar words.

“I’m sorry!”

Kyungsoo cringes at the words and sighs, “What – whatever.”

They fall into awkward silence for a while before Kyungsoo decides to shove the idol’s phone right into its owner’s face. “Your phone was about to drop, so I stopped it from doing so.”

Although slightly frightened from the unexpected presentation, Kai slowly nods his head and takes a hold of his phone again. The phone is slightly warm of Do Kyungsoo’s touch, and the idol doesn’t seem to mind it one bit. “Thanks,” he whispers as a reply. Kai then glances around the area. “We – we should head back to the hotel…”

“Did the staffs leave already?” Kyungsoo questions, for he wants to confirm his suspicions regarding the idol.

Kai nods again as he scratches his head. “Yeah…about five hours ago?” he answers while looking at the time on his phone. It reads 10:18 PM; they’ve – well, Jongin’s been here waiting for the older male to wake up from his slumber for around five hours already. He somehow figures after using his light sweater as a makeshift blanket for the CEO, he fell asleep while continuing to wait. 

The CEO clears his throat once he’s confirmed his suspicions. “I see. What do we do about these chairs?”

They stare at each other for a few seconds before Stupid Kim Jongin strikes.


“Clean them up…?”


“Oh my God, you’re ing hopeless.”




Kai struggles to carry the two light, foldable chairs as he promptly follows Kyungsoo without saying a word of complaint. He finds it funny, however, to see the CEO still carrying his white sweater even if he doesn’t need it anymore. But, for sure, the idol is just glad his life isn’t in jeopardy with all of that just happened. Kai doesn’t seem to be paying attention to where he’s walking, so when he actually does, he panics as his footsteps come to a frightening halt and succeeds in not colliding into the CEO (and probably sending them down to the ground in pain with the two chairs he’s still holding onto).

Kyungsoo turns to give Kai a stern look. “You don’t have a ride home, right?”

The idol slumps his shoulders as soon as he remembers the downside of staying back for Kyungsoo – no rides home. (That is, unless, the CEO miraculously offers him a ride home, but that’s so not happening.) Kai pouts and crinkles his nose, “Apparently not.”

“That’s what you get for staying back with someone you’re not even close with.” Kyungsoo snorts as he folds his arms over his chest.

“I was being nice, okay?!” Kai quickly defends himself as he raises his chin high. “I could’ve woken you up and let you suffer from your lack of sleep but I didn’t! I could’ve left you to sleep here by yourself—”

“And why didn’t you?”

“I – I…”

Kim Jongin feels as if something’s restricting him from completing the unplanned sentence. He doesn’t know what it is, but no matter how hard he tries to think of a reason, he just doesn’t. In the end, Kai shuts his mouth and frowns in irritation as he stands his ground and stares straight into Kyungsoo’s eyes.

Kyungsoo stands there as he waits for the male’s answer. “What is it?”

When he still gets none, the CEO renders into speechlessness as his brain frantically searches for a reasonable answer instead. “You’re – you’re just that nice, aren’t you?” he stutters once he remembers Kai’s most usual phrase and how it always ties into him being super nice.

Kai heaves a breath of relief and nods his head energetically, “Right! I totally forgot for a second that you don’t know what being nice is!”

Kyungsoo scoffs, “And you make unintelligent decisions.”

“Fine! I won’t care for you anymore!”

“I never asked for you to care! I even told you not to, Kim Jongin!”

Kai surrenders almost immediately and whimpers at how straight forward and ing damn right Do Kyungsoo is. His frown deepens, “Well then, I apologize for caring.” There’s been something bugging the male for a while – it’s what Kyungsoo keeps on demanding from him. “You seriously have this problem with people caring for you, don’t you Do Kyungsoo?” Kai seriously wants to slap himself afterward for making such a bold statement in front of the devil’s human son (or most likely the devil himself).

Instantly, Kyungsoo’s eyes widen in distress and he becomes speechless.


“I’m supposed to look out for you, so don’t stop me.”

“You’re my precious little gem.”

The terrifying footsteps echoes throughout the empty hallway as a young Kyungsoo trembles in regret and fear, sitting on one of the waiting chairs. His cheeks are stained with endless of cascading tears as his muffled cries gets louder and louder by the second.

“I’m sorry, the patient…”


Feeling awfully emotional as tears begin to form and blur his vision, Kyungsoo immediately turns away from Kai and inhale a deep breath of air before shakily releasing it. “It’s none of your business, Kim Jongin.”

Kai doesn’t fail to catch the glimpse of tears in the CEO’s eyes thanks to the streetlamp casting light down upon the two in the inviting darkness. He lets down his guard as he begins to regret what he just daringly said. To see Do Kyungsoo acting so vulnerable for a second seemed so unbefitting, especially when the male is just purely cunning and intelligent. Kim Jongin knows for a fact that he’s done something sensitive and wrong, and his heart begins to suffer the consequences of becoming guilty. “I – I…”

“Don’t talk. Put the chairs in the trunk of the car.”

Kyungsoo unlocks the rented car and Kai does as he’s instructed without saying anything.

Once done, the CEO glares dangerously at the idol.

“Since you don’t seem to know what not caring for others is like, I’ll show you.” He swiftly walks to the car and opens the front door. Kyungsoo clutches the frame tightly as he looks back at the confused Kim Jongin. “I was going to drive you back to the hotel, but it, you can walk back yourself.” With those final words, Do Kyungsoo enters the driver seat and slams the door shut.

Kai flinches as the thundering sound of the car door slamming shut reaches his ears and watches with uncertainty as Kyungsoo drives away from where he’s standing. He then stuffs his hands into the pockets of his white trousers and aimlessly kicks at the dirt ground with his shoes.

“If you didn’t care, you would’ve made me carry those chairs back…”

The idol shakes his head at the thought before finding the urge to struggle against the small tug at the corner of his lips that desperately wants to smile for some odd reason. He heaves a long, restless sigh and begins to make his long journey back to the hotel. Of course, midway back, his brain finally starts working again and he calls for a cab.




The next morning, Kyungsoo arrives on set of the photo-shoot located near the breathtaking beach of Jeju and finds himself subconsciously searching for the face of the idol though the crowd of busy staffs. In the passenger seat of the car, the white sweater of Kim Jongin’s lies there neatly folded. He decides to go against the thought of returning the sweater to its owner right at the moment as soon one of the staffs approaches him.

“CEO Do, you’re here!” she excitedly speaks and clasps her hands together.

Kyungsoo nods his head in greeting. “When does the photo-shoot begin?”

“In about an hour,” she replies and checks her wrist watch. “I’ll be your stylist for today; let’s get you ready for the shoot.”




Kai stifles a tired yawn as he lets Luhan style his hair and coordinate his outfit for the couple photo-shoot.

“Didn’t you sleep last night? Why are you constantly opening that big mouth of yours?” his stylist frowns as he applies hair gel onto the idol’s hair.

“I…don’t know…” Kai responds softly as he remembers the vulnerable look of Do Kyungsoo last night. Those big, doe eyes becoming moist with invading tears, the sound of soft, trembling breaths, and the fists that clenched tightly by his sides – everything about last night kept Kai from sleeping peacefully like usual. He still feels guilty for his bold honesty, although it’s quite hilarious for him to actually feel this. The CEO, himself, always has this threatening aura of brutal truth and Kai’s sure the male never felt guilty for one second.

Luhan sighs and straightens out the slight wrinkles of the idol’s shirt with his hands patting the shoulders. “Whatever it is, make sure to look absolutely joyful for the photo-shoot with CEO Do.” He sends a sly smirk at Kai through the reflection of the mirror and the idol rolls his eyes in response.

“Shut up,” Kai mumbles in annoyance before standing up.

He’s wearing an ed rolled up sleeves plaid layered on top of a simple white shirt along with some khaki shorts and a pair of black converse. “I’m good to go, right?”

“Of course you are.” Luhan answers cockily, proud of his fashion senses.

The idol groans loudly as a playful reply and walks out of the big tent to see Do Kyungsoo already finished getting ready. The CEO is out of his usual formal attire and instead adorns an olive green v-neck with a white cardigan layered over it. He also has on knee-length jeans and a pair of black converse (the same design as Kai). Kai doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but he finds himself staring at the new Kyungsoo in obvious awe as the male stands there with the ocean breeze slightly messing up his hair.

Kyungsoo checks the wrist watch to let time pass by as he waits for the idol to make an appearance. However, he has this odd feeling of being watched and slowly tears his gaze away from the object wrapped around his pale wrist and sees Kim Jongin staring at him just like how the male did back at the concert. The CEO raises a questionable eyebrow as he stares back at Kai and their gazes lock for a second before Kai immediately breaks away and clears his throat in embarrassment.

The idol slowly approaches the older male as if nothing had happened and manages to show Kyungsoo his charming smile. “You – you look nice today.” Kai compliments as he scratches his head, still slightly embarrassed from their gaze back then.

Surprisingly, the CEO doesn’t make a mean comeback. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Instantly, Kai widens his eyes and gasp in shock, “Wh-what?”

The CEO finds this highly amusing and ends up smirking. “I don’t repeat myself.”

Kai points to himself in bewilderment. “Did-did you just complimented me?”

As soon as he hears this, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. “You figure it out.” He then walks toward the photographer to check up on the props and leaves a stunned Kim Jongin standing behind him. On the way to the photographer, Do Kyungsoo finds himself chuckling softly at what just happened and his steps slow down in realization. He stops chuckling and presses his lips together in doubt.

“He – he indirectly called me good looking for the first time…” Kai whispers in surprise as he still continues to point to himself.




“For this photo-shoot, I want the two of you to have fun. The theme for right now is a spontaneous day at the beach, so you two just act how you are with each other.” The photographer stifles a laugh as he stares at the couple in front of him.

So you mean I be scared less while he’s raging with evil? Kai crinkles his nose at the thought.

Kyungsoo tries his best not to lash out at the innocent

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
967 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now