Hell seems like the perfect place for you.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Kyungsoo stares at the screen, right eyebrow slightly twitching in annoyance as he scrolls to the bottom of the page, scanning over incredulous headlines – Kai is dating? Enchantment’s CEO and Celebrity Kai are dating? Kai caught kissing! Do Kyungsoo and Kai are having an affair? Did Enchantment’s CEO give Kai a special offer because of their affair? He scoffs at all the stupidity presented and wonders if these people were in their right minds. Why in the world would he even date someone as stupid and irresponsible as Kai? It’s simply preposterous and quite irritating to even think of.

After all, someone as impulsive as Kim Jongin cannot match up to Do Kyungsoo’s level.

Proven fact with just a glance of the eye.

Even science doesn’t need to prove that real because it’s realer than real.

Grabbing blindly for his phone - mind determined to dial his lawyer’s number and file the biggest lawsuit ever - Kyungsoo crinkles his nose and frowns when all of a sudden, the sound of a bell ringing catches his attention. Knitting his brows together, the CEO gets up from his position and heads to the entrance hallway, wondering who in the hell would have the nerve to interfere their business into his on his break day. – And especially with all of the false rumors circulating everywhere.

Said person probably wants to meet the devil.

Do Kyungsoo doesn’t mind really; he’s probably their only source to meeting hell.

Checking the intercom, face expressionless, Kyungsoo hears quiet murmuring before someone unpleasant is push into view.

Staring straight into the camera with a cheeky, eye-crinkling smile and waving shamelessly is the person that Kyungsoo has labeled number one on his blacklist as of this morning.


Kim. Jong. In.


Oh for ’s sake; what the hell?!




“What the do you want?”

Translation: Oh God damn it, get out of my vision before I castrate you.

Kyungsoo crosses his arms with a disgusted look as he continues to stare into the screen of the intercom, hoping for some huge boulder to fall out of the sky magically and land perfectly onto Jongin – ending the dude’s life for good. That would be one hell of a show to watch; Kyungsoo chuckles lowly at the pleasant thought.

Kai rubs the back of his neck and laughs annoyingly (according to CEO Do). “Mind letting me in?”

Dude’s head is suddenly smacked by a hand and Kyungsoo jerks back in slight surprise.

All of the sudden, the idol is out of view and in comes the frightfully timid manager, stuttering this and that, making Kyungsoo’s head hurt from the sound of nonsense rambling. Groaning lowly and rolling his eyes, he pushes one of the buttons on the intercom screen and watches as Sehun gasps in pure amazement as the golden gates open automatically.

“Oh heeeeey, they’re opened!” Kai yells in the background.

“Oh my God, just get in the car!” Sehun squeaks before disappearing from the camera, probably to push Kai into the car (Kyungsoo assumes).




Kyungsoo scoffs at their stupidity, feeling a slight amount of pity crawling into his heart for Oh Sehun. But then it disappears as soon as Sehun appears in front of the camera again. Kyungsoo straightens his composure and his head to the side, watching as Sehun shows gratitude and holds back the urge to roll his eyes once more. He then ends the short call notice and unlocks the front door, slightly regretting the fact that he had fired everyone just for peace and quiet.

Manual labor is hard, okay?

Tapping his foot against the marble tile of his floor, Kyungsoo soon sees a black van pull up to the front of his mansion and raises an eyebrow (while mentally preparing for murder). Sehun quickly emerges from the driver’s seat and Kai follows suit from the passenger seat, but with the opposite reaction of his manager. He comes out of the car, gaze wandering everywhere except at Kyungsoo, index finger and thumb holding onto the rim of his sunglasses as he leisurely exits the car.

The CEO feels an urge to kill, but keeps it in as he glances at the nervous manager.

“Speak up,” he voices in an irritated tone after a minute of dragged out silence.

Sehun squeaks and nods obediently.

Is this guy whipped by everyone or…? Kyungsoo chooses to keep his thoughts to himself.

“Your assistant sent us your address, first of all!” – Kyungsoo makes a mental note to deduct his assistant’s salary. – “You – you’ve probably heard of this morning’s incident because of how careless Kai was last night. We’re here to apologize and hope you won’t do anything drastic! Please don’t cancel his contract with the mall; we’ll try to solve this as neatly as we can!” Sehun finishes in one big breath, ending it with an apologetic bow; he also drags Kai down with him, earning the surprised idol an unmanly yelp.

Kyungsoo scoffs.

Sorry? Sorry solves nothing.

“This isn’t preschool where a brat steals a toy from his fellow classmate, crush it, and then returns with an apology. Although I haven’t checked, I am sure of the fact that the stocks for my company has plummeted drastically with this ridiculous outbreak – which isn’t even true to begin with.”

“I think the paparazzi crew blew this out of proportion.” Kai mumbles and flashes a cheeky grin at Kyungsoo, who gives him a brief glare. Sehun pinches his side and tells him to shut up through gritted teeth.

The manager bows in apology again and wishes for the best to come.

Kyungsoo gives out a breathless laugh and rolls his eyes.

It’s quite rare to witness first-hand desperation in two days straight (Baekhyun handles all of those for the CEO) and Kyungsoo takes into consideration (though he’s quite amused alright) about Sehun’s request. Of course, his mind is still set on cancelling the contract and filing a lawsuit against said idol and the annoying reporter who took the pictures and released the article.

But a little play of fun and games won’t hurt, right?

“Come inside and we’ll discuss this matter.”

He turns his back and walks inside, not waiting for the other two to enter.

Sehun takes this as a miracle and opportunity to undo Kai’s ruthless mistake and immediately drags the idol inside with him.






“— Kai has always been a well-mannered kid,” Sehun continues to ramble on, not noticing that Kyungsoo’s mind has already wandered off to thinking of how he should pull Kai’s soul out of the idol’s body before throwing it into the fireplace and watch as the soul burn in agony.

Burn, , buuuurn.

The CEO quietly chuckles in a dark manner to himself.

In fact, once Kyungsoo sat down from having a useless chit-chat with Sehun at the font doors, he checked his stocks and indeed they have gone down quite a few. Sighing to himself at the loss of glorious money, (though it was only a few million dollars – he shouldn’t even mind losing them) Kyungsoo glances at his cuticles and waits for Sehun to shut his mouth.

Of course, said male doesn’t.

Kyungsoo suddenly holds up a hand, which finally silences the talkative manager. “I’ve lost money today, got caught up in a scandal that shouldn’t even happen in the first place, and probably already lost face to the business industry already. If I let your company take charge of this, what does that make of me?” Just having thoughts of facing other business prodigies and having to be bombard with dating questions already has Kyungsoo cringing and wither from sheer humiliation.

— And oh God, the image of Kim Jongin being glued to his name just sounds horrible!

Sehun opens his mouth, but shortly closes it and frowns because – damn it – the CEO is correct.

If only he had Luhan’s smartass mouth with him right now, if only.

“Anyways, I’ve already decided what to do.”

Kai stares at Kyungsoo with questionable eyes, but for once doesn’t interrupt with his careless words.

“What – what is it that you plan on doing?” Sehun asks carefully, fingers digging into the material of his blue jeans.

There’s a moment of total tension in the air and no one speaks up.

Kyungsoo stares at the two and crosses his arms, leaning back into the couch. The corner of his lips tugs upward into a devilish smirk, and he slightly tilts his head to the side. The CEO decides to drag the tension on longer and continues to give them a smug-like grin.


“The contract between Kai and Enchantment will be canceled.”


A gasp.


“Regarding the scandal, I might as well reveal the truth.”


An inaudible scream of terror.


“And as for those pictures, they’ll be taken care of through court.”


Kyungsoo glances between the two people in front of him and clasps his hands together, giving them both an eye-crinkling smile and says with pure happiness, “Sounds great, doesn’t it?”

CEO Do Kyungsoo has planned to murder the idol today, but after seeing their faces, he decides it’s better to watch said male suffer in agony of the press and society.


Perfect re

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
967 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now