Welcome to your doom.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     He taps his fingertips in a quick rhythm on the wooden table and exhales loudly in annoyance. Craning his neck to the side, Do Kyungsoo groans out loud and slams his hands down on the table. “Stop bothering me!” he mutters under his breath before trying to block out the constant sound of the doorbell ringing. Connecting his laptop to the surveillance camera located by the golden gates of his house, Kyungsoo in a breath of air through his teeth in frustration as he sees more crowding of reporters and fans waiting outside.

Kyungsoo immediately shuts his laptop close and flares his nostrils in anger. “Don’t they have a ing life?”

Shaking his head in disapproval, he pushes his laptop away from him and grabs a bunch of documents related to his company that he printed out the other day. He tries to read them carefully, making sure the reports from each department are correct, but the constant sound of the doorbell ringing annoys the out of the poor CEO. Fighting the urge to roll his eyes for the umpteenth time, Kyungsoo decides to take a sip of his already cold coffee. He flips to a new page from one file and blindly reaches out for the coffee, only to knock it over by a sudden rush of ringing.

The CEO shuts his eyes closed immediately and restrains himself from throwing his laptop out of the glass wall behind him. Releasing a shaky breath of air, he slowly takes a look at the now coffee-soaked documents and grabs a fistful of his hair.

“ everything!”




“One…two…three…step to the right…now forward…” the dance instructor directs as he watches the idol practicing a new dance move for the upcoming concert. After a few more inspections and directions, the dance director turns off the music and claps his hands, proud of what the idol has accomplished for the day. “Good job, Kai. Work on these dance moves a bit more.”

“Alright, thanks!” Kai nods his head in appreciation.

The dance director turns on his phone and glances at the time. “By the way…”

“Yes?” the idol replies as he opens the cap of a new water bottle.

He puts his phone away and sends the idol a mischievous stare. “Your concert is happening in a few days.”

Kai raises an eyebrow in suspicion. “What about it?”

“Your lover’s coming to watch you, right?” the dance instructor teases the idol, watching as Kai almost chokes on his water before walking out of the practice room. “Remember to practice some more!” He sends a reminder and closes the door to give Kai privacy.

Hitting his chest violently and inhaling big breaths of air, the idol tries to compose himself from the sudden attack and lets out a shuddering breath afterward. He stares at the door and feels a shiver running down his hand. Kai then places the bottle of water on the table by the wall and stare straight into the wall-size mirror, wanting to scoff at the outrageous thought.

“Do Kyungsoo attending my concert? Yeah right.”




The CEO opens his suitcases – both black in color – and walks into his gigantic closet. He grabs several of his jackets off the hangers, casual and formal shirts, slacks, and cardigans before moving onto the small accessories from his rectangular display case in the center of the room. After grabbing everything that he needs, Kyungsoo throws all of the items on his bed and starts folding the clothes neatly before putting them one by one into the suitcases. He then carefully places some of his expensive watches (which are in their cases), ties, and brooches into the remaining empty space in the last suitcase.

Closing both suitcases and brushing the invisible dusts off his hands, Kyungsoo goes to his office desk and opens up the first drawer to find a set of keys waiting for him to pick. He grabs them and closes the drawer carelessly.

“There’s extra stuff I have over there, so all of this should do.” He tells himself softly and grabs his phone to call for the security team to show up and help him get out of his own house – damn it. Once done, he grabs a hold of his suitcases and drags them out into the hallway, only to mentally curse as he realizes how long the double staircases leading to the first floor of his mansion was.

A few minutes wasted of dragging both suitcases down the one of the winding staircases one at a time, Kyungsoo finally makes his way out of the mansion almost breathlessly. After making sure the mansion was securely locked, the CEO takes his suitcases down the small steps and stops in front of his awaiting car. He places the suitcases in the trunk before going to the driver seat.




Kai changes into a set of new clothes – a casual dress shirt with short sleeves and ripped jeans. He makes his way to the set, bowing in respect to the staffs that are busily preparing for his photo shoot.

“We’re still getting ready, so take a seat for a while.” A staff informs the idol as she pauses momentarily from her work to talk to him.

Kai nods with a charming smile, “Alright.”

She feels a blush creeping onto her cheeks and turns away immediately. “If only you weren’t taken,” she mutters softly and shakes her head clear of thoughts to focus back on her work.

The idol leisurely makes his way to the rest area and takes a seat on one of the chairs. “Let’s not bump into Do Kyungsoo today, alright?” he tells himself with a cheerful grin and takes out his phone to help pass time before the photo shoot officially begins.

Just then, his manager tiredly takes a seat next to him, startling the idol.

“You scared me!” Kai exclaims with a pout.

“Good,” Sehun scoffs.

“What kind of manager are you even? Gee.”

Manager Oh rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers to make Kai focus on him again. “I got permission from the company to get you a new te

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
967 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now