This isn't me.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Morning approaches after a stormy night, and now the city is being showered with light rain. The idol awakens at around nine, walking down one of the spiral staircases after freshening up for the day. He expects to find the older male already working on his laptop as he enters the living room, but is taken aback when he finds the place empty. Kai raises an eyebrow and wonders if Kyungsoo has already left for work. Scratching his head, he advances toward the coffee table and finds one of Enchantment’s important documents resting there.

“He’ll never leave something like this at home,” Kai mutters softly as he picks up the document carefully. Briefly examining it, he then places the document back on the table and finds more important documents lying on top of the closed laptop. “This is weird…” he says and glances around the room to find any traces that the CEO could’ve possibly left behind if he did actually leave for work.

None; Jongin finds none.

Frowning, the idol decides to check Kyungsoo’s room and makes his way back up the staircase on the right side at a fast pace. On his way to the CEO’s room, his heartbeat doubles with anxiety and he almost trips on his own feet as he arrives in front of the elegantly designed wooden doors. Not wasting another second, he rapidly knocks on the wooden surface and impatiently waits for an answer.

When Kai receives none, his instincts tell him to twist the knob on one of the doors and enter himself. And he does without hesitation. The view that greets him almost takes his breath away in an unpleasant way. There’s a lump covered by a blue duvet on the king-sized bed, and the air in the room is oddly colder than the rest of the mansion. The idol furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he slowly approaches the bed.

“Kyungsoo?” he voices out in a soft tone.

The male on the bed doesn’t reply, and Kai finds out that he’s still asleep.

However, he still thinks the situation is quite strange. It’s a weekday and Kyungsoo would never leave his precious Enchantment alone, yet the male is right in front of him with eyes still closed and strands of hair slightly sticking to his forehead.

Suddenly, there’s an unexpected gust of wind that greets Kai from the back and the male shivers. He turns around to find the balcony doors opened, the white curtains fluttering against the breeze and getting somewhat damp in the process from the light shower. The idol instantly gasps in realization as he slowly connects the dots together.

Last night, he went to bed before Kyungsoo did (at around eleven) while the male was still focusing on his work. Today, he discovers Enchantment’s important documents lying on the table and Kyungsoo is still sleeping when he’s usually at his office by seven or eight (Jongin knows this after observing the male leave in the morning for quite some time). Then, there are the opened balcony doors during a raining night and the idol wonders if Kyungsoo was too tired last night to close them.

“He probably overworked himself like usual,” Jongin sighs in pity and walks over to close the doors gently. He then walks back to the side of the bed and crosses his arms in front of his chest, contemplating on what to do. Never once has the thought of Kyungsoo possibly being sick reaches his mind until the sleeping male lets out raspy coughs.

With widened eyes, Jongin immediately leans down and places his palm on the CEO’s forehead. He slightly grimaces when he realizes that Kyungsoo’s temperature is warmer than usual. The idol panics as he doesn’t know what to properly do next, since he rarely gets sick despite his heavy schedule throughout the years. Scratching his head, Kai ends up deciding that it’s best to wake up the CEO for now.

“Kyungsoo, hey… Kyungsoo, wake up.” Kai shakes the male’s shoulder lightly.

It takes a while before the CEO’s eyelashes slowly flutters open, and he lets out a soft groan as his eyes adjusts to the bright setting. “Jongin, what are you doing here?” Kyungsoo croaks sleepily as he sits up in bed, a hand on his head.

Kai bites his lower lip, “I – uh…”

“What time is it?”

“It’s around nine in the morning.”

“Nine?” Kyungsoo nearly shouts in shock and grabs his phone on the nightstand.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Kai says quickly as he grabs a hold of the CEO’s small wrist.

The CEO stares up at him with wide and tired eyes, “What do you want?”

“I think you’ve caught a fever,” Kai carefully says, not wanting to anger the awakened Kyungsoo. “You might need to stay home for a few days.” The idol rubs the back of his neck as he waits for the CEO’s reaction.

Kyungsoo heaves an exasperated sigh and runs a hand through his brown locks, briefly checking his temperature in the process as his hand slides past his warm forehead. “Great,” he mutters in disbelief and groans against the palms of his hands. Kyungsoo then returns his gaze back to the worried idol and purses his lips together, a thought appearing in his mind as he stares at Jongin.

Kai raises an eyebrow, his cheeks heating up when Kyungsoo stares at him for longer than necessary. “Is something wrong with me?”


Everything, everything is wrong with you.

And me too, I’m wrong too.


Kyungsoo wants to tell the male truthfully. He wants to tell Jongin what he feels, how his heart reacts when Jongin’s near him, and how Jongin always seem to take his breath away. But he can’t, Kyungsoo won’t give into those tempting urges. He doesn’t want to repeat the same mistakes again; he doesn’t want to damage anyone anymore. The CEO immediately brushes away the nostalgic feelings and shakes his head.

“Nothing,” he simply says. “I need to change, so get out Jongin.”

“O-okay,” the idol replies, his heart beating in disappointment because he thought Kyungsoo was going to say something else, maybe something a bit more heartwarming. But this is Do Kyungsoo, the living descendent of the devil. What did Jongin really expect anyway? The idol lets out a soft chuckle, catching the CEO’s attention again.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, really.”

“Whatever,” Kyungsoo mumbles as he carefully gets out of bed. Once he sets his feet down on the floor and pushes himself to stand up, the sudden movement results in his head to spin and hurt, therefore making him lose balance. L

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now