Even if it hurts, I'm okay.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Chairman Do takes a glance at the building in front of him, eyes focused and deep in thought, before he turns his attention to the chauffeur. “I would’ve never thought this would be the place.” He releases a grim sigh, but it soon becomes an amused chuckle as he gazes at the building once more with orbs full of wonder and disbelief. The neon letters reads Moonlight Bar, something sounding way too suggestive and romantic for the old man to comprehend.

The chauffeur smiles, “The Young Master is quite unexpected.”

“I have a feeling he changed in these past few months.” The elder admits with a shake of his head. “Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but he sure seems happier.” Chairman Do laughs cheerfully at the thought, his heart somewhat feeling less burdened to know that his grandson has been doing much better than before.

“Mr. Byun Baekhyun called to welcome you back, Chairman.”

“Baekhyun?” the elderly man seems surprised. “I haven’t seen that child in ages.”

“Since you’re here, Chairman, would you like to go in?” the chauffeur suddenly offers, startling the older man in the process.

“At this age?” Chairman Do snorts at the ridiculous idea. He promptly shakes his head and inhales a breath of air. “This old man will pass; I can’t handle alcohol very well anymore.” The elder then retrieves his phone from the inner pocket of his jacket and signals for the chauffer to begin driving.

“Where to, Chairman?”

The chauffer nods his head at the reply he receives and drives off.

Once the car begins to move, Chairman Do places the phone to his ear and leans back in the leather seat while he waits for an answer from the person on the other line. He doesn’t wait long, for the call gets answered after the second ring. As soon as the old man hears a familiar voice, his lips tug upward into a fond grin. “How are you, Baekhyun?”




“Yes, yes, I understand.” Baekhyun replies cheerfully, smile never once leaving his face as he replies to the elderly man at the other end of the line. He taps his fingers on the marble countertop and nods his head. “I’ll meet you there soon. See you later, Grandpa Do.” Ending the call with a lighthearted laugh, the CEO’s assistant releases a sigh of relief and places his phone on the counter.

His gaze widens in surprise as a cup of warmly made green tea appears in front of his vision. Looking up, Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrow as he meets the bartender’s gaze. “The weather isn’t even that cold yet…” he mumbles, feeling quite odd at the unexpected drink.

Chanyeol shrugs his shoulders, “I know. Just thought I’d make you some.” He answers truthfully and takes a seat on the stool next to Baekhyun’s. Nervously, the bartender bites the inside of his cheek as he fixes a loving gaze at the man. “Who was that?”

“Kyungsoo’s grandfather,” the assistant responds, “Ah, what to do?”

“Did something…happen?” the bartender questions with uncertainty.

Baekhyun turns to the man with a slight pout, “I have to leave now. The Chairman wants to meet up with me for lunch; apparently he just got back early this morning from his vacation.” The assistant rambles on for some time, completely unaware that his nervous friend barely has any idea about his work relations with the Do family. “I wonder why he got back so early though. It hasn’t even been six months…” he trails off, curious as to why the elderly man returned without much notice. Baekhyun only received news of the Chairman’s return this morning when he picked up some important documents at the main company.

“Is that so?” Chanyeol chuckles at the curious male.

“I – sorry, I forgot that you don’t know much about…”

“It’s okay, really.” The bartender reassures and looks away, feeling slightly disappointed in the fact that his friend won’t be staying for lunch with him. Well, life is unexpected; Chanyeol thinks to himself and release a small chuckle, which catches the assistant’s attention.

Baekhyun frowns at the man’s odd behavior. “I’m leaving and you’re smiling?”

“No – no, that’s not—” the bartender stammers, mind going blank at the misunderstanding. His cheeks begin to redden out of embarrassment and nervousness as he shakes his head in denial, eyes wider than usual to show that he didn’t mean what the assistant interpreted just now.

Not being able to hold in an amused laughter, Baekhyun releases it and releases a breath of air. “I was just joking, Chanyeol.” He takes a small sip of the warm tea and grins as the fresh liquid hits his taste buds. “You’re good at making all kinds of drinks,” he compliments the man before setting the cup down and grabbing his phone. “Well,” Baekhyun sadly sighs, “I guess I have to go meet up with the Chairman now.”

Chanyeol slowly acknowledges the fact and stands up. “Do you want me—”

“—to drive you there?” Baekhyun finishes the man’s sentence with a knowing grin.

“I got caught…” the bartender says, shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Totally,” the shorter of the two teases. “Thank you for the offer, but I drove here, remember? Wouldn’t want to leave my car here or trouble you on a nice Saturday afternoon like this.” Baekhyun explains on the way to the front door of the bartender’s house. Once they reach the door, the two stop to say their final goodbyes for the day.

“Drive safely, then.” Chanyeol speaks with care.

Baekhyun nods his head and purses his lips together into a small frown. “Sorry for not being able to eat lunch with you as promised.” There’s a hint of regret and sadness in the assistant’s voice, and it isn’t such a dead giveaway that the man feels super apologetic for his gaze hesitates to meet the taller man’s.

“No worries, work called, right?” Chanyeol laughs, hoping to lighten up the mood.

“Well, I’ll get going.” Baekhyun declares softly and makes his way out into the hallway. Before he leaves, the assistant turns around and gives the man a breathtaking smile. “Good luck at work today!”

“Thanks. Well, goodbye then.”

“Bye, Chanyeol.”

The bartender really, really hopes Baekhyun doesn’t catch the blush on his cheeks.




“Sorry to have kept you waiting,” Baekhyun apologizes as he enters a reserved room within the luxurious restaurant, a smile on his face as he greets the elder. He shortly takes a seat across from the Chairman’s and thanks the waiter for handing him a menu right after.

Chairman Do chuckles, “I hope I wasn’t interrupting you.”

“No, it’s alright Grandpa Do.” The assistant reassures, handing the menu back to the waiter after pointing out the dish that he wanted to eat. “I didn’t expect for you to come back so soon.” Baekhyun admits his curiosity once they are alone in the room.

“I…” the chairman heaves a grave sigh. “I heard about Enchantment.”

The assistant’s polite grin fades after hearing the reply, and his heart begins to hurt even more at the thought of his poor, poor friend and boss. What did Kyungsoo even do to deserve such harsh treatments, really? Baekhyun nods his head in acknowledgment, “I see.”

“Thank you for staying with him, Baekhyun.”

“I – I, it’s nothing. As a friend, that’s the least I can do.”

“Kyungsoo, that grandchild of mine, I have so many regrets in my heart for him.” Chairman Do admits grimly, lips pursed into a thin line at the thought of his loveable grandchild having so go through so much pain alone. “I always wonder what would happen if the past turned out differently.”

“At least he has Jongin now,” Baekhyun unknowingly blurts out and gasps afterward.

Chairman Do’s frown turns into an interested grin, “Jongin? That celebrity, am I correct?”

The assistant’s eyes widen in shock, “You knew about them?”

“Anything to do with my company, Enchantment, and my grandson, of course I have to know.” The elderly man chortles, finding it somewhat ludicrous that the young lad didn’t have much faith in him when it came to such matters. He takes a sip of tea before proceeding on with his own sets of questions. “Baekhyun, answer me truthfully. The dating news…it’s a cover up, isn’t it? Kyungsoo isn’t actually dating this Kim Jongin, right?” Chairman Do cautiously asks with a serious expression, for he always knew his grandson had no interest in relationships.

It was always Enchantment that Kyungsoo was wholeheartedly dedicated to.

Who could blame him, though?

Baekhyun’s lips part in protest, but nothing seems to form in the back of his throat as he tries to explain to the chairman about what really happened. He flutters his eyelids, flustered due to the change of topic. “Chairman – it’s not what you think!” At this moment, his heart is beating so fast that Baekhyun isn’t sure if he’ll be able to explain everything properly.

“Am I correct?”

The assistant lowers his gaze in shame, but soon recalls something. “I…”


Just as Baekhyun turns around to leave the office, the CEO calls for him once more. Startled, the assistant halts his step and looks at the man sitting behind the desk. “Did you need something else?” he asks out of curiosity, an eyebrow raised.

Kyungsoo has a relaxed smile on his face, something the assistant hasn’t witnessed in a while. “Tell everyone to rest tomorrow; they don’t have to come to work.” The sudden news was very unexpected and shocking. CEO Do rarely gifts the staff with off-days, since he al

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now