For you, for us.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Settling down into his seat at the very far corner of the quiet coffee shop, the reporter nervously clears his throat as he finally has the opportunity to meet the heir of the famous Kim Group. He quietly thanks the waitress who comes by to deliver their ordered drinks and settles for taking a sip of the freshly brewed coffee. As he does, he sneakily eyes the man sitting across the table. Kim Junmyeon is whispering something into his assistant’s ear, and once he’s done, he flashes a blinding smile before the man leaves. Jongdae realizes, through his observation, that the Kim Group’s heir is nowhere as ambitious as his mother.

Jongdae, not wanting to lose face, gently places the cup of coffee back on the table and adjusts his collar before he leans back in his seat. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Kim Junmyeon.”

“Likewise,” the author returns a quick grin. “Kim Jongdae, earlier, you had said something about meeting my mother?” He jumps straight into the topic, expression now grim and very business-like.

The reporter raises an eyebrow in question and straightens up in his seat. “Wait, you’re telling me that you have no idea what your mother was doing?”

Junmyeon gives the reporter a pointed look. “How much snooping have you been doing? First, it’s regarding Kyungsoo’s relationship and now my mother is involved.” His eyebrows furrow in slight frustration, feeling bewildered at the odd fact that a complete stranger is intruding into a very private matter. The author then releases a sigh in defeat, remembering that the man in front of him is, after all, a reporter. “Nevermind, just - why did you want to meet my mother?”

“I have...questions regarding our last meeting.” Reporter Kim answers with caution, monitoring Junmyeon’s reaction as he thinks of his next move.

“I don’t know what your intentions are, Mr. Kim, but I do hope you realize that what we will discuss today will stay confidential.” The immediate shift in Junmyeon’s gaze usually gentle gaze sends shivers down the reporter’s spine, and he nods in agreement.

Jongdae tugs at his collar, “My occupation doesn’t involve exposing corporations, don’t-”


A pointed look from Junmyeon quiets him for several seconds.

The reporter, contrary to his words, had indeed exposed the powerful CEO of Enchantment (also, the only heir to the Do Group) a few months prior. However, now that Jongdae thinks about it, could his work really be considered exposing if Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo’s relationship is a lie? - Or perhaps, was a lie?

“Look,” Jongdae leans forward, his elbows resting on the wooden table. “I may have done some things in the past that I’m not proud of, but I do have morals. Your mother came to me, asking for clarification regarding my publications a few months back. Yes, it happened that the article involved Do Kyungsoo, but it was mainly targeted at Kim Jongin.”

Junmyeon grimaces at the mention of his childhood friend’s name. “How much do you know about their relationship?” At this point, all he can do is try his best to protect his childhood friend.

Jongdae hesitates to answer. “I…”

“Tell me,” the author demands.

After much contemplating, the reporter releases a loud sigh and reaches into his bag to pull out the manilla envelope. He gives it a longing stare, knowing that the very moment he surrenders this, his dream of becoming the top journalist will be miles away. Yet, at the same time, Jongdae realizes that he shouldn’t ruin their lives anymore, not after what he’s witnessed throughout the journey. He then places the envelope on the table and slides it toward Junmyeon's direction. “All the files concerning their relationship is in here. I assure you that nothing has been leaked or copied.”

The author stares at the envelope with wide eyes. “How did you get-”

“A reporter has his ways,” Jongdae replies smugly.

“My mother - you never answered why you wanted to meet her.” Junmyeon says, a hand firmly placed on top of the envelope.

“I was curious as to why she asked for me in the first place, so I did a little research here and there.” The reporter explains with a nonchalant shrug. He takes another sip of his coffee before continuing. “Turned out, your family and Do Kyungsoo’s family happened to have a rather...interesting history together.”

Pressing his lips together rather firmly, Junmyeon resists the urge to sigh and shakes his head instead. “I would appreciate it if you would leave all of this alone. You’ve already done much, although, if it wasn’t for you, Kyungsoo wouldn’t be as happy as he is right now.” He manages a genuine smile as he sees a flicker of surprise in the reporter’s eyes. “So, thank you for helping him find happiness.”

“I -’re welcome?” Jongdae’s jaw drops in surprise, and he nods dumbly.

“As compensation, how about an interview? I believe this will be my first official one.” Junmyeon flashes a blinding smile and holds out his hand for a handshake.

At this invitation, Jongdae immediately stands up in his seat and grabs onto the author’s hand with both of his, bowing in gratitude. He catches a few odd glimpse from the customers inside the shop, but doesn’t mind them. After all, the Kim Junmyeon, one of the most famous writers worldwide, is offering a rare chance for an interview. Kim Jongdae would be damned if he overlooked the chance. “Thank you so much!”

Author Kim chuckles, “I do hope you keep your end of the promise.”

“Ah, I do have morals.” Jongdae stutters, slightly embarrassed. “Well, it is good to know that I brought them together.” He sits back down with a smirk.

After a few minutes of exchanging contact information, the reporter excuses himself from the conversation and heads out. Junmyeon releases a sigh, not sure whether it’s out of relief or worry, as he watches the reporter leave the coffee shop. Now surrounded by his own thoughts, the author lowers his gaze onto the envelope, contemplating what to do.

Not long after, Yixing comes back to occupy the empty seat in front of him.

“What’s with the look?” the assistant questions, a small frown on his face.

Junmyeon glances up with a faint smile, “That reporter...he gave me this.” He motions at the envelope, smile long gone from his face. “Apparently, it’s the one mother had on the day of the party.”

The assistant follows his gaze and sees the edge of the envelope slightly wrinkled, probably from when Junmyeon had gripped onto it a little too hard. Yixing’s gaze softens as he reaches a hand out to hold the author’s in an effort to provide some sort of comfort to the conflicted man. “What do you plan on doing with it then?”

“I - I don’t know,” Junmyeon answers truthfully.

“I know this is none of my business, Junmyeon,” Yixing still has this endearing smile on his face, his hand still holding onto Junmyeon’s for comfort, “but I think, maybe you should return this to its rightful owner.”

Author Kim glances up with wide eyes, “My mother? You want-”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Then…” it finally dawns on Junmyeon.

Returning his gaze to the envelope, the author pulls his bottom lip between his teeth before in a deep breath of air. He then nods to himself and finds the courage to smile as he returns his gaze to the man sitting in front of him. “I should, huh?”

“Use this chance well, okay?”

Junmyeon turns his hand around and slips his fingers through the empty spaces between Yixing’s so that their hands are now intertwined. Lazily drawing small patterns with his thumb on the soft skin below his assistant’s thumb, Junmyeon nods his head once more and glance down at the envelope. His heart is still heavy with guilt, but the author knows that self-pitying will get him nowhere. Since he started this mess, he will put an end to it - once and for all.




A soft knock on his door has him looking up from his phone. Standing at the doorway in a simple white button down and khaki shorts is Kyungsoo, who has on a hesitant expression. Jongin immediately places his phone down on the nightstand and sits up in his bed, a wide smile decorating his handsome face. He then proceeds to scoot over to the other side, holding his arms out as he expects for his lover to come join him. However, his smile falters when Kyungsoo refuses to accept his request in favor of continuing to stand still.

Jongin raises an eyebrow in question as he lowers his arms, “What’s wrong?”

Kyungsoo doesn’t respond for a few seconds, choosing to quietly observe his boyfriend instead.

As he stands there, the CEO wonders just how lucky he is to have someone like Kim Jongin by his side. A man who is kind, a man who is patient, a man who rivals the sun’s brilliance - Kim Jongin is all of that and more, so much more. Kyungsoo really doesn’t know what he’s done in his life to deserve someone like Jongin. Out of everyone in this world, Jongin chose him as the person to love, to cherish, to laugh with. Yet, reflecting on his actions, all Kyungsoo has ever done is blocking Jongin out of his life. In the midst of wanting Jongin to be happy, Kyungsoo has given him more pain and confusion instead.

Was he really worth Jongin’s love?

Maybe not, but he won’t stop trying until he truly deserves it.

Jongin has waited for him for so long, after all.

In the time that he has remaining, Kyungsoo vows to protect the smile on his face.

“I love you.”

Jongin’s unexpected confession pulls Kyungsoo out of his thoughts.

Eyes widening even more, the CEO furrows his brows, “Huh?”

“You’re supposed to say it back.” Jongin chuckles at his lover’s reaction before patting the empty space next to him. “Are you going to keep me waiting?”

Kyungsoo finds the energy to smile, “Waiting for what?”

“You,” the idol mouths with a wink.

Instead of rolling his eyes in exasperation and mumbling something under his breath like he always does when Jongin pulls these cheesy tricks, Kyungsoo simply just walks over to the edge of his boyfriend’s bed in order to get a closer look at the man he loves. Extending out a hand, the CEO bushes the stray strands of hair away from Jongin’s forehead and leans down to give a chaste kiss to the area. He then pulls back and brings his hands to cup Jongin’s face, thumb tenderly rubbing at his cheekbones.

Feeling his heart burst with affection, Jongin wraps his arms around the CEO’s waist and carefully hoists him onto the bed, his warm gaze never once leaving Kyungsoo’s.

Jongin smiles, “Is this where I get to hear your confession?”

“Why didn’t you listen to me?”

It’s the idol’s turn to be confused.

“You found out about my past, and yet, you’re still here.” Kyungsoo’s eyesight blurs for a while due to the incoming tears. “I don’t know how to protect the people I love. Hell, I don’t even know what I did to deserve you, Jongin. I’ve kept so many things from you; I’ve done so many things to hurt you-”

“You deserve my love because you’re Do Kyungsoo.” Jongin’s thumb brushes away the stray tear that escaped his eye. “You may not know it, but you’re brave and strong. You’ve endured through years of pain, but that’s what made you stronger. You’re brilliant, Do Kyungsoo. The only one fit to rule Enchantment is you.” He brings the man closer to his body, hooded gaze staring into the CEO’s with a surge of warmth and love. “If anything, I should be the one asking what I did to deserve your heart.”

Kyungsoo’s shoulders shake, not from sadness, but from happiness as a bubble of laughter erupts from his chest and escaping through his parted lips. Without hesitating, he leans down and kisses Jongin on the lips. His doubts may not fully be gone, but they’ve lessen - and they will continue to lesson with Jongin by his side each day.

“Don’t ever say you’re undeserving of my love,” Kyungsoo whispers against Jongin’s plump lips.

Jongin laughs, his eyes turning into half-crescents. “We both deserve each other.”

The CEO pulls away from the kiss, his hands still cupping Jongin’s face. “Thank you for coming into my life, Jongin.”

Deciding to be playful, the idol reaches out for his phone to check the time before placing it blindly on the bed, eyes trained on Kyungsoo’s face. “Let’s go on a date.”

“RIght now?!”

The idol nods his head, shoulders shrugging nonchalantly, “Right now.”

“Kim Jongin, it’s ing midnight-”

“That’s the Do Kyungsoo I know.” Jongin grins proudly and leans up to kiss his lover briefly.

Kyungsoo lets out an exasperated breath, “You’re not serious, are you?”

“I want to go to the night market.” He proceeds to get off the bed, leaving Kyungsoo in an awkward position as the CEO slowly gives him an incredulous look. “Oh, and you’re also paying for the food.” Jongin continues on with a playful smirk as he grabs a change of clothes. “What’s the point of having a b

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
967 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now