Nothing is impossible, darling.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     “When you fall in love, don’t hold back.” He hears the familiar voice speaking to him from the other side of the door, and his heart immediately constricts with pain and guilt.


“Because you’ll be able to find true happiness in the end,” the voice is soothing, like a gentle breeze wanting to comfort him through all of the pain he’s received. He tells himself he doesn’t deserve all of this, and that all of this – especially from the one person that he damaged the most – care that he’s getting, it’s wrong.

 “Why are you telling me this? I don’t deserve…”

“You’ve suffered enough already. I want you to be happy, Kyungsoo.”




At this moment, everything else seems to fade away and only the two of them are what really matters. The way Kyungsoo kisses him oh-so-passionately has Jongin struggling to hold the umbrella correctly. His heart is skipping too many beats, and his stomach is turning and tossing with wild butterflies. Jongin feels as if this isn’t real, this isn’t happening, this is all a dream, and that he’s probably just going crazy right now. But the very moment he wraps his other arm around the CEO’s waist, he realizes that this is so damn real – it’s a perfectly scored reality.

He kisses back with just the same amount of energy, heart soaring high on cloud nine with every passing second.

But all good things do come to an end, and when Kyungsoo finally comprehends the situation that they are in, the male immediately widens his eyes and pulls away from the kiss. His breaths are labored, chest constantly heaving up and down, as he stares straight into the idol’s dark brown orbs.

“Kim Jongin, I—”

Contrary to Kyungsoo’s belief, Jongin believes this isn’t how their kiss should end.

And without hesitation, he pulls the CEO closer to him and leans down to kiss the startled man once more.

Jongin expects for Kyungsoo to pull away at this exact moment, to slap him and yell at him for being ruthless and taking advantage of the situation. Except this isn’t what happens. Instead, he feels Kyungsoo wrapping his arms around his neck and deepening their already passionate kiss. Kyungsoo’s touch burns his skin, turns it hot, and results him to want more, more of this kiss, more of everything and especially….more of them.

It’s a reality that’s too good to be true.

A few seconds into the kiss, the two of them begin to yearn for oxygen. Slowly pulling away from one another, breaths heavy and hearts beating out of control, they’re too bewildered of what just happened to form coherent words.

Inhaling a deep breath, Kyungsoo turns his gaze away from the male in front of him and takes some steps back. He brings a hand up to his burning forehead and lets out a shaky breath of air. “I – what just happened…?”

Kai, afraid that Kyungsoo’s fever might worsen if he gets drenched in the light rain, holds out the umbrella to make sure that it fully protects the smaller male from the rain even if it means that he’ll be the one to receive the falling raindrops. “We kissed,” it came out breathy and full of excitement.

Kyungsoo shoots him an exasperated stare, “And you’re happy about this?”

“I – I…it’s just…” Kai doesn’t know how to respond to this. If he admits the truth, he’s terrified that what they have will instantly crumble to pieces. Biting his lower lip, the idol shakes his head in denial and pushes away any hopeful thoughts because he knows Kyungsoo will never accept this, never accept them. “I’m sorry, I was being stupid again.”

The CEO furrows his eyebrows, feeling angered at how easily the idol will take blame for everything that they do together. “You – none of this is even your fault to begin with!”

“I just – I don’t know!”

“Jongin, I’m not myself today. Please, just, let’s just stop arguing.” Kyungsoo is the first one to give up as he feels his heartstring being tugged at violently for wiping the hopeful glint in Jongin’s gaze. It’s quite unusual, a prideful CEO being the first one to cave in and indirectly admit that he’s wrong. Kyungsoo blames all of this on his annoying fever, because if he was never sick to begin with, they wouldn’t have advanced this far.

“Okay,” Kai sighs dejectedly.

Kyungsoo purses his lips together and turns his gaze back on the male in front of him, only this never happens and instead, his gaze fixes on the black van right behind them. His eyes widen in shock, finally remembering that they aren’t the only ones here anymore. Immediately, a string of profanities goes through his mind because oh no, now he really can’t deny that he initiated the kiss with Jongin. The CEO in an irritated breath of air and turns his head to the side as he brings up a finger to point at the van for Jongin to take notice of. “ing hell,” Kyungsoo groans, completing unamused by everything.

Following the CEO’s hand, the idol turns around and his jaw instantly drops as he sees his manager and stylist staring at them in shock. “Oh my God, I am so, so, so, so sorry.” He mutters quietly, begging the heavens that Kyungsoo hears his sincere apology.

“Stop apologizing!” Kyungsoo mumbles through clenched teeth.

“Sorry!” Jongin unconsciously squeaks with terrified eyes.

In the car, he sees the demonic Luhan giving him a suggestive look.

Kai groans out loud and turns away from them in embarrassment. He sneaks a glance at the frustrated CEO and bites his lower lip in nervousness. “What do we do?”

“What do you mean, what do we do? This is all on you!” Kyungsoo snaps and snatches the umbrella from his hand. All of this wouldn’t have happened if Jongin wasn’t such an idiot to run out in the light shower. Jesus Christ, why do people even adore this stupid, trouble making Kim Jongin?! The CEO huffs in anger and gives the poor idol a menacing glare. “I’m going inside!” Kyungsoo immediately turns around and walks back to his mansion, heart still pounding violently against his constricting ribcage and cheeks beginning to turn a shade of red.

“H-Hey…never mind,” Kai calls out, but his voice dies down with a lack of confidence.

Letting out a horrified breath, the idol then does a dramatically slow turn around and musters up an awkward grin to face his staff members. His clothes have small stains of raindrops on them, and his blond hair is falling out of place. In one word to describe what Jongin feels and looks like now is that he’s pathetic, utterly pathetic.

“They’re not going to let me off on this, …”

His stylist holds back the urge to laugh and rolls down the window, sticking his head out slightly and giving the embarrass idol another suggestive wink. “How about you get your inside and then explain to us, darling?” his voice drips of pure amusement and blackmail.

Jongin is sure Kyungsoo can probably hear this and quietly waits for his death.

Sneering at Luhan, the idol drags his feet to the van and gets inside.

On cue, the two males in the front seat instantaneously turn their heads to Kai and give him a look that screams, “In bloody hell, tell me what just happened or else you’re never going to hear the end of this.” Kai flinches in his seat, shoulders hunched and gaze avoiding his two predators. He then lets out an awkward series of laughs, a hand scratching at his slightly damped hair and eyes shifting back and forth between Sehun and Luhan.

“Don’t tell me he’s finally going crazy,” Luhan mutters under his breath and gives Sehun a wary look.

“I think we should take a detour and visit the hospital.” Sehun adds in playfully, sharing a knowing look with the amused stylist.

Kai shakes his head at once, “I’m not crazy!”

“Sure,” Luhan’s voice is full of sarcasm.

“Sehun, please just drive slowly to the front of the house and watch out for Kyungsoo.” Kai does his best to avoid the suspicion the two have for him (although it’s clearly obvious that he’s doing the opposite thing) and leans back in his seat. When he’s sure they aren’t focusing their attention on him anymore, Kai releases the grin he’s been holding back as his heart continues to flutte

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now