The tables have turned~

Triangle Love
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Time itself seemed to stop in the room, as the two stared at the newcomer.


Hyejeong's eyes were bulged wide. As far as they would go. Her jaw was open.

She felt every single muscle in her body freeze.

Every single cell.

Confusion was written all over her face.




She didn't dare to believe what was happening.

However, there wasn't a hint of anger.

The same thing happened with Jackson.



But not Seolhyun.

She was neither surprised, nor hurt.

She stared ahead.

Steady gaze...

Unwavering eyes.

As if she almost she expected this to happen.

As if she.....

Wanted it to.


There was a stalemate in the room, as all three looked at each, exchanging glances.

Seolhyun's bra was on the verge of coming off, while Jackson was lying shirtless, with Seolhyun stradling him.


The history between the three.

Their relationship.

Everything they had been through.

Who did what with who.

Who was on which side of the triangle.

All of these things.......

Every one of these things pointed to Seolhyun.

It was her call to make.


On the outside, Seolhyun was calm.

But on the inside, her mind was racing.

She struggled to decide what to do.



Everything I anticipated has happened...... 

According to my plan.

Exactly, according to my plan.

But what next...

Do I go...

Even further?


Remember Seolhyun......

What she did to you.......


This is just.......




Seolhyun mustered up her courage. Everything she had left in her.

She got up from Jackson, taking a quick leap, landing lightly on the ground.

Jackson's and Hyejeong's eyes traced her every movement.

She didn't put on any more clothes.


She walked boldly up to Hyejeong, who hadn't been able to move ever since.

Seolhyun looked up to the taller girl. There was a tear or two leaking out, but she could feel that Hyejeong was trying her best to hold in her tears.

The girl took a deep breath.

Kim Seolhyun, you know if you do this.......

There's no turning back......


Seolhyun looked up at Hyejeong.

Her former lover.

She stood on her tiptoes, until she was level with Hyejeong.

She stretched her neck, and gave Hyejeong a kiss on her cheek.

She pulled back, and put a sly smile on her face.

'Care to join us?'


Hyejeong stared at Seolhyun in bewilderment.

She lowered her arm hanging on the doorframe, and unconsiously covered with it.


Care to join us...

Care to join us?

Of all the things you could say.......

You chose to say that?


Hyejeong took a step back, her face morphing into a wince.


Really Seolhyun?

What happened to you?

Why....... why are you doing this!


She took another step back.

Hyejeong could no longer hold it, and she let out a cry. Tears started streaming.


I know I wronged you......

I should've never done that......

It's all my fault...


Hyejeong took one more step back. She no longer wanted to be there anymore.


But you've no idea what i've felt these past few weeks...

I was so alone.

And seeing you with him...

Are you trying to chase me away?

Could you be doing this...

On purpose?


She turned around, with her back facing Seolhyun.


I've had enough......

I tried so hard to get us back together.......

I'm tired...

But you had to be with him.

I'm done...

You had. You just had to.

You just had to fade to the other side of the triangle.

I'm... giving up.

You win... Seolhyun...


She dug her heels into the ground, and fled.

For the first time ever, in her life.


She left Seolhyun, alone with someone else.



The tables, had turned.



Hyejeong ran, into the cold streets of Seoul.

And as if responding to her, the cold streets of Seoul welcomed her.


Hyejeong was scantly clad, in a pair of tights, and thin t-shirt and an over-sized hoodie that didn't nearly provide the warmth she needed. She had no shoes on.

Yet she didn't care. She ran.


The moment Hyejeong stepped out of the dorm, she was lost.

Lost in her own thoughts.


She didn't where she was going. She just wanted to leave. She wanted to be as far away as she could. From everything.


Hyejeong focused on putting on foot in front of another. Maybe it was because she no longer wanted to think about anything, or it was because she wanted to distract herself from everything. Either way, she had decided that there was no way she was going back to that dorm. At least for tonight. Not after Seolhyun had done.

She pumped her arms, faster and faster, pausing only to wipe the tears that flew from her face. Her legs worked faster and faster, her muscles burning. Hyejeong was breathing hard. She ran past a whole sector of buildings within miuutes. As she reached the peak speed her long legs would take her, she started to feel her vision slowly start to fade. Buildings and trees started becoming a blur and she ran faster and faster, further and further from-































A bang knocked Hyejeong out of her trance.




Jesus my head.......


Have I hit something?




Hyejeong groaned. They was a huge pain, radiating from her forehead.

She must've hit something.

When did I become so careless...


She winced as the pain hit her again. She raised her arm to cover her forehead, which was when she realized she was sitting down, on the floor. She fluttered opened her eyes, and as her focus slowly began to return to her.

A girl?

I crashed... into a girl?

Hyejeong rubbed her eyes as she looked at her victim, also sitting on the floor in front of her, rubbing her head.  The girl was blonde, and her long golden hair ran straight down from her head, all the way down to her chest. She had a slim figure, and was quite small all over. A royal blue jacket matched with a pair of grey nike tights, finished with a pair of pink racers.

She knows how to dress well...

The girl, lay down her arm, and stood up.

Hyejeong froze as she saw the girl's face.

The night was old and dark, yet the streetlights gave off just enough light for Hyejeong. The girl's face was very unique and different, almost to the point it wasn't Korean anymore. A light shade off makeup acented the girl's face, giving her a natural, bright look. Her lips were a weak and fading shade of red, although her eyes shined brighter anything. The dark brown eyeballs shined with youth and innocence, and Hyejeong couldn't help but be captivated by them. They reflected the illumination of the streetlights, like jewels in the dark. 


Chhakama chhakama...


Why does she look so familiar...


No way...


It couldn't be...


'Ah jinja i'm so careless...'


The girl mumbled to herself as she got up, rubbing her head. She stood for a second, stretching her back, until she finally noticed Hyejeong sitting on the floor, dumbfounded.

'Omo~ I'm so sorry... are you alright...?'

Hyejeong blinked.

'I'm fine... thanks...'

'I'm so sorry!' The girl replied in a hurry. She stretched out her hand, a concerned expression on her face. Hyejeong gracefully accepted, and the girl hauled her to her feet.

'Ah please forgive me Hyejeong unnie' The girl said again, quickly bowing.

Hyejeong hurriedly caught the girl in her arms, to stop her bowing.

'Nonono don't be! I crashed into you it's my fault! Are

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
11 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?