Date Night

Triangle Love
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Hyejeong frowned as she stared at herself in the mirror. Why did everything feel so weird?

After her small encounter at the gym, Hyejeong had went back to the dormitories, and was preparing for her date. She had put tight plack pants, a white tee and a black leather jacket. And along with that came a light shade of makeup with red lipstick, just to accent her facial beauty. To be honest, this was as good as Hyejeong looked. And yet, something didn't seem right. Or it didn't feel right.

Perhaps because for the first time in months she was going on a date with a person who wasn't Seolhyun.


Or maybe it was because Seolhyun had no idea who she was going out with.


Hyejeong shook her head. Everything was going to be fine. It was just a casual date right? Nothing else. 


She walked out of the bathroom, and made her way to the exit. She opened the door, and found Seolhyun standing right in front of her, her arm halfway stretched towards the doorknob.

'Whoa Unnie. You scared me.'

'Me too... don't ever do that again...'

'How is this my fault?'


'Eonnie aren't you going to meet your parents?'

'Yes... why?' i'm getting nervous...

'Why are you dressed like that?'

'Dressed like what?' Hyejeong snapped.

'Dressed like... i'm sorry for asking...' Seolhyun muttered.

'My parents said there's a new restuarant opened near our dorm so they decided we would eat there so i'm dressed up, plus this is nothing fancy, just casual babe!'

'Ah sure...'

'I'll see you tonight ok?'


'Baby are you ok?'

'I just... was really looking forward to eating dinner with you.'

'I always eat dinner with you...'

'Tonight the dorm's empty, so it would be just me and you...'

A pang of guilt began to build in Hyejeong's heart. A big one.

'I can't skip tonight......'

'Whatever you say...'


'I'll be all alone without you...'

Hyejeong frowned. She wasn't going to leave Seolhyun sad. 

'I'll make up to you... i'll take you out later. My treat.'

Hearing that, Seolhyun seemed to brighten up. A tender smile grew on her face as she looked up at Hyejeong. 

'A deals a deal.'

'I promise.'

'You said it not me.'

'See you tonight?'

'I'll be waiting. As always.' 


With that Hyejeong slipped passed Seolhyun, leaving the girl to herself in the lonely dorm.


Jackson leaned casually on the car as he waited for Hyejeong. He hadparked it a couple of blocks away from the dorm, just to lower the suspicon. The air was chilly tonight, and with the occasional strong wind it was certaintly cold. Underneath he had only a tank top, but his big coat helped keep him warm. Jackson was always early. He hated being late. And since this was his first date, he had arrived extra early. He had been standing in the wind for almost an hour now, and the boredom was starting to get to him. But just as he was about to pull out his cell, a sweet voice called out his name.


Jackson looked up and saw a tall figure walking towards him. From afar, he could full black, with a white shirt in the middle. Nice~ He waved back, got in the car, and started the engine. The car came to life with a rumble, and as he stepped out Hyejeong was already there.


'Hey Jackson!'

'You look great Hyejeong...'

Hyejeong blushed, and looked away, a smile growing on her face.

'Seriously! I like the white and black- HEY STOP LAUGHING!'

'Jackson....' Hyejeong laughed. ' You're so by the book, telling a girl she's pretty..''

'I just really wanted to say it... is it bad to say that to a girl?'

'No it isn't but... you just seem really by the textbook...'

'Im sorry... I don't anything about- whatver just get in the car...' Jackson muttered.

Hyejeong gave a laugh. Jackson preceeded to open the car door, and gestured for Hyejeong to enter. She accepted the offer graciously with a certain level of amusement. As he closed the door and walked around the car to get in, Hyejeong's brain was already registering their first moments of their date.

I guess he looks pretty attarctive... actually he's sort of handsome... is he playing dumb? He's innocent... in a way that it's cute and adorable... and yet he has manners and everything... funny and mature at the same time...... not too bad at all...

Jackson got in the other side of the car. He placed his foot on the throttle, and the car came to a gentle start. They winded a few small streets, before turning into the main street. Hyejeong sat in silence, simply admiring the view. She had travelled these streets before, but usually on a bis, with all her noisy members beside her. And besides, they were usually never out that late. If they came back to the dorms at night they would probably be all asleep. 

It was different today though. The seats of the car were very comfortable, and sitting in a private car with Jackson gave a completely new feeling to her. And cruising on the streets at night gave her a rare chance to admire the streets of Seoul. In the city centre buildings were a little taller, with the occasional skyscraper. There weren't many bright lights, but the lights from the buildings still put on one heck of a lightshow. Then there were the small shops at ground level, the GS25 convienient stores, the places to eat, and the rare Seolhyun cutout outside SK Telecom shops. Seoul at nighttime... was truely a gem to her eyes. It gave of a magical feeling... the feeling of a busy city, yet with traces of home. 


'Deh?' Jackson said, breaking the silence. 'Where do you want to eat?'

'Isn't the male supposed to decide that?' Hyejeong challenged.

'I did't want to choose something you didn't like...'

I guess he's pretty caring...

'Haha... then any suggestions?'

'Hmm... well what do you like?'

'Korean beef~'

'I know a beef burger place... wanna try?'

'You're taking out a girl for burgers. On your first date.'

'Is there something wrong... with that?'

' you know girls expect you to take them to... nice places...'

'Burgers aren't nice?'

'No like someplace with flowers and... ah whatever... you haven't really dated have you...'

'My company doesn't let me... and I've never really found anyone... I really like...'

'But you're taking me out...'


'Does that mean...'

'This is... just... repayment for the shoot...' Jackson mumbled.

But under the faint glow of the streetlights, Hyejeong could make out the pure redness on Jackson's face. She smiled to herself. Jackson was actually really cute when he blushed.

'So burgers?' He blurted.

'Sure whatever haha.'

The two got to the burger place after a short drive, arounid the outskirts of Seoul. The place, or rather the stall, was basically a small house, with stools in front of a long table, where customers could watch steaks being grilled. It wasn't the grandest of places, but it would do.

The two sat down on the stools, and quickly placed their orders. Luckily, there was no one around to notice them. They watched in amusement as the chef grilled their steaks, letting out 'whoas' and 'Daebak!' when the meat sizzled in the air. Soon, they meat was served in the form of burgers, and before long they were digging into the delicious food. They talked about everything during the meal. How the fans went crazy when they did certain things, how their companies had strict rules etc. The topics were endless. And they were both having a great time. 

Jackson seemed very casual to Hyejeong. He was a very funny guy, with plenty of jokes to tell. His jokes were funny and creative, but not past the border to be offensive. Moreover, he always managed to keep the atmosphere cheerful, always leaving Hyejeong in a cheerful mood. They laughed along as they ate their meals, and slowly, Hyejeong slowly felt the border between them slowly start to break down. She was slowly opening up and giving to his charm, and was considering him... as a friend...



After they had finished the meal, they got back into the car, happy with themselves.

'So Hyejeong... you need to get back to the dorm now?'

' I think i've got some more time left. 

Damnit... why do I feel like spending more time with him? Why doesn't my heart... want to leave his side?

'Hmmm... wanna go some place special?'

'How do know I can trust you...' Hyejeong said suspiciously.

'You've trusted me for the meal! It was good wasn't it. hehe.'

'Yeah...' Hyejeong admitted.

'Deh? Wanna go?'

'I still don't trust you....'


'Hmmm... lemme think...'

'Fine. I'll take you back to the dorm how bout that?' Jackson blurted out, clearly annoyed.

Hyejeong burst into laughter, amused by the latter's frustration. 

'Sure sure. Let's go~'

Jackson muttered under his breath and started the car, crusing to his secret place. The car winded down a couple of streets, coming to the edge of the city. Upon a small road, Jackson floored the car uphill, climbing uphill. And as Hyejeong watched where they were going, horror struck her brain.

Ah ...... i've been here before....


She had come to this mountain about a year ago. And as she and Jackson got out of the car and stared onwards towards the night view of Seoul, memories began flashing rapidly in her head. The view was the same, just as she remembered. That same pitch black sky, with the grey and dark blue here and there. The mountain overlooked the town centre of Seoul, and from they Hyejeong could see everything. The black buildings were illuminated by the windows and street lights, likes speckles of light in darkness. Cars were rushing here and there, they stopped and went as one as stop lights. And yet, everything seemed so calm, high up on the mountain. Stars illuminated sky, as if the final touch of a beautiful painting. But the view wasn't the only thing that hadn't changed. The s

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
11 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?