Who are you?

Triangle Love
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Sana stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Am I doing the right thing?


I'm doing the right thing. 

She took a deep breath, splashing water over her face.

Is there another way to achieve... what I want...?

She took another splash.

No.... this is the only way.....

She finished washing her face, and started to put on a light shade of makeup, just to make herself more presentable.

Shin Hyejeong, i've loved you since I was so little.

I've studied you, seen you, I know you.

How can I not be perfect for you?

A light shade of lipstick went on her lips.

How is Seolhyun better than me!

I know the way you dance, the way you move, what you like.

I'm the one you want! You just don't know it yet...

But don't worry, you'll know soon enough...

With her makeup done, she went back to her room, and chose out an easy outfit.

Does Hyejeong like me?

That night at the park, she brushed my hair....

And then she hugged me... the next morning...

I knew it! She definetly has something for me....

With all of that done, Sana headed for the door, pausing to slip on a pair of trainers.

Come to think of it... Hyejeong even rejected Seolhyun that day!

She must be saving herself for me! I know it!

Don't worry....... Hyejeong-unnie.... tonight i'll take of all loose ends. Everything that stands in our way....

Will be gone...

With a confident smile painted on her face, Sana opened the door, and stepped out into the chilly night of Seoul.



As Sana reached the park, she smiled and took a look around. A pitch black sky was dotted with a star here and there, barely anything was visible. Yet the park still managed to be dimly lit, with the occasional streetlight. Taking silent step after step, she casually stroll through the park, admiring the silent view. It was one of the places she treasued, since it was the closest patch of green to her dorm, in the middle of the concrete city of Seoul. Flowers and ferns dotted the side of the stone pathway, letting their fresh aroma into the air.

Step after step, taking in the fresh air, the centre of the park slowly drifted into view. And in the centre, lay the set of swings, where she and Hyejeong had met last night. She remembered how Hyejeong was that night. Kind, charming, brave. She faced her matters head on, no matter what happened.

Sana chuckled to herself, merely by thinking about Hyejeong.

There was no way she was letting anything get between them.

As she rounded one final corner, she realised she wasn't alone. Just like that night, there was a girl in the park.

Under the streetlights, she could make out the vague details of the person. Yet if there was no light at all, there would be no mistaking whom that person was. A pair of long legs that nearly brought that person almost to a hundred and seventy centimeters. Just the right amount of volume on her thighs and calfs to give her the perfect shape. A waistline an average girl could only dream of having, and a figure that could make even Sana's body look like a middle-schooler. Everything was finished with locks of jet-black hair, flowing seamlessly down all the way to her shoulders.

There was no mistaking, that was Kim Seolhyun.

There was a reason, she was curently employed as the queen of all commercials on Korea.

And yet, no matter how striking she was, how much pride she had, it was all meaningless tonight.

Sana had something that held the throat of Seolhyun.

Finally, she moved in, and she could see Seolhyun shift as she realised her presence.

'So....' Seolhyun breathed. 'It is you...'

Sana smiled.

Seolhyun scoffed inside her mind.

Coy, arrogant, immature. What a .

'Who else could it be?'

'What do you want.' Seolhyun stated bluntly.

'First of all... hmm...' Sana purred, scratching her chin.

This Bish needs to take a hike damnit.

'I'll show it to you. Again.'

Sana pulled her phone out of her pocket, with Seolhyun glaring all of the way. She opened the video, and played it, right in front of Seolhyun.

With every second that passed, Seolhyun could feel herself getting more and more angry.

Her palms balled into fists, and she felt pain streak across her heart, as she saw Hyejeong push her away, once again.

She reached up quickly, covering the screen with her hand, and pushed the phone out of the way.

'What. Do you want.' Seolhyun barely managed, gritting her teeth.

'Seems like... you and Hyejeong have your problems. She doesn't seem to like you a lot doesn't she...'

'Money? You want Twice to win? Fame?'

'It would be a shame if the world knew that there was such a dispute within the angels... wouldn't you say?'

Seolhyun looked to the side, and took a deep breath.

'Your demands?'

'I mean it's obvious you love Hyejeong...'

Don't. Don't go there.

'Though it's even more obvious that she doesn't love you back.'

Seolhyun snapped.

She blurred forward, raising her fist-

'STOP!' Sana shouted, involntarily taking a step back. 

'One more step, and this goes viral.' She blurted.

Time between the two seemed to stop, and Seolhyun comtemplated her next move.

With all her willpower, she lowered her shuddering fist to her sides.

Deep, shuddering breaths.

Seolhyun glared at the girl in front of her.

Her gaze was like cold steel, and it cut through the air, like a hot knife through butter.

It was pretty clear that she had the intent, and Sana realised that.

Sana knew the only thing standing between her life and Seolhyun was that phone.

But it was clearly enough.

Seolhyun was breathing hard.

She wanted to kill Sana. 

She wanted to kill Sana so bad.

For mocking her. For mocking Hyejeong. For mocking them.

For her attitude. For what she as doing.

For everything.

But she knew.... one wrong move and her life was over.


'What do you-'

'One more thing.'

Sana had regained her composure.

She flicked through the phone, and handed it to Seolhyun.

'Feel free to

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
11 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?