
Triangle Love
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*Plot by Bobo, writing by Happyhatts. All ideas for plot come from Bobo*


For the fifth time, Jackson stood up and walked to the mirror, fixing his hair.


He was the gym, a rather unpopular one in Seoul. After the day at the photoshoot, something had been stuck in his head, and he hadn't been able to get it out. It stuck out like a red rose in a field of green grass...

And that rose, had a name...


Shin Hyejeong


This name... it had floated in his mind for days. Kept him up or nights, until he could no longer take it. After debdating with himself and over, he had contacted Amber, a friend of his. Amber had contacted Jimin, and from her Jackson had gotten Hyejeong's schedule for the day, as well as her phone number. After reading it, he had decided the gym was the best place to make his move. The place was small and cozy. Moreover, it gave him the chance to show off his body, as well as admire Hyejeong's...... and as working out was Jackson's expertise, he could help her with some exercises. The perfect plan.


Argh when will she arrive...


The sound of a door opening sounded Jackson's ears, followed by some angelic laughter. And these noises set off an alarm in Jackson's brain. He got up to meet the newcomer, only to sit back down immediately. Frantically, he grabbed the nearest weights and started lifting.

Should I meet her? Wait that would mean I knew she was coming here..... that would be hard to explain wouldn't it... I'll just starting working out and act natural.....maybe she'll greet me? Wait... she's laughing? Does that mean..... she's not alone? No worry, stay calm Jackson. You are Jackson, you can whoever is with Hyejeong...


He contiuned pumping his arms, lifting the weights effortlessly. He calmly focused on his arms, keeping his head down. He wanted Hyejeong to be the one to spot him and make the first. If that happened, everything would go more smoothly that way. And yet... after he had done two sets, nothing came. A ball of anxiety started to build in his heart, and his mind started to think up of all sorts of things.

Why isn't she greeting me? Has she seen me yet? I am sitting in the furthest part of the gym...... or could it be... she doesn't recognize me? No way, we were so close last time we nearly kissed......that's not possible....... ah what is going on! Why out of all the girls in this world is Hyejeong the one to ignore me? What the hell?


Curiousity killed the cat. And it sure was killing Jackson. Being close to Hyejeong with having any interaction at was he supposed to endure this? Summoning the full force of his diminshing bravery, Jackson peeked around the corner, and the view that greeted him absolutely stopped his heart from beating.


There she was. The girl of his dreams.


Shin Hyejeong


And there was someone with her.


Jackson stretched his neck to catch a glimpse of the other girl standing next to Hyejeong, laughing.


Jet black hair. Those slim legs. 

He popped back right around the wall and he sat in a chair, thinking.


A second name popped in his mind. And it was there to stay.


Kim Seolhyun


Wait her again? She was clinging to Hyejeong that day...... then Hyejeong went to talk to her..... AND she was the one that went absolutely mental and screamed when I got too close to Hyejeong...... and now they're together again... and they seem to be laughing... 

Could it be....


A couple?

Damnit Jackson if you look again they might see you...

But... it wouldn't hurt to spy on them a little... would it? I mean you've already come all the way here...

Just... one more peek...


Jackson puffed up his chest, and took a deep breath. He stretched his neck, and he looked around more the wall once more.


He froze.


The two girls dressed in sports bras and tights were standing close to each other...... and their lips weren't that far apart either.

And they almost seemed... angry.



'Hyejeong ah!' Seolhyun said loudly, pushing Hyejeong against the wall.

'SHHHH...... someone could hear us you know?' Hyejeong whispered.

'It's ok, I checked, no one's here.' Seolhyun answered.


Jackson frowned. 

What...was I in...the male toliet at that time?

Is Lady Luck really shining upon me today?


'Neh Hyejeong...' Seolhyun puured, cupping Hyejeong's chin in her slender fingers. 'You never made it up to me you know?'

'About what. I don't owe you.'

'You do.'


'For getting so close with HIM'


Seolhyun's free arm slammed onto the wall beside Hyejeong.

'It was for work...'

'Still... it makes me mad seeing you with him...'

Hyejeong stared at Seolhyun, standing right in front of her. The tender, gentle angel she had held lovingly in her arms a few days ago was gone. And in her place, a fiery, seductive devil. And Hyejeong didn't really mind the change.

She didn't mind at all.

And for the first time in their relationship, Seolhyun was being aggresive.

'Am I going to have to do... anything...?' Hyejeong stammered. 

'You don't... just stay right where you are, and let me do the work...'

Hyejeong stood still as she leaned against the wall behind her, her arms by her side. Seolhyun closed the distance between them, inch by inch, moving closer with her waist. Her eyes were sharp, and she stared right into Hyejeong's soul, and found the answer within. What she found was nervousness, uncertainty......along with a fine blend of passion and lust. Besides, the expression Hyejeong was

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Chapter 23: Continue pleaseeeee
cupcaketree123 #2
Chapter 23: Please continued writing this story. It's too good just to leave it like that.
But you should also rest and focus on studying. So until then, just take your time. We can wait. But please do continue authornim. I love this story so much :)
jaydee407 #3
Chapter 13: I ship Jackseol so ing haaard. Love it.
loopie #4
Chapter 23: Please continue writing! Your writing is really good and your stories are gold! Take a break if you are tired I will wait for you to return! Or maybe you can write oneshots since they tend to take less time and we won't be left with a cliffhanger(just a suggestion).

Merry Christmas author-shi! I will wait for your return:)
Chapter 23: Hahahha the excitement of the mysterious update is real!!! Can't wait for your next update soon author!!!
16 streak #6
Chapter 23: Ghost updates are real for this fanfic killin my excitement every time
Chapter 23: >Sees update
>Checks excitedly
>Not actually an update
>Cries in a corner

Seriously though take your time :) Write when you've finally got a break, I'll wait for it that's for sure. Hwaiting~
Chapter 23: Focus on your schoolwork first, I can wait~ Thank you for updating us. Merry Christmas to you, Ian!
Author-ssi where have you gone?