chapter 12

Something Little
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After her little confession to Baekhyun that she is still jealous, everything was back to normal. She started living in her own home once again and she continued writing for her book, she still miss being with Yebin but she promised herself that she should enlighten herself up with what she really feels for Baekhyun first before meeting him again.

            As for Baekhyun, his bruise quickly subsided and his normal skin was back again and by now, at this time of the day, he would be up to practice with his group for their upcoming comeback.

            Jinah sat on her usual chair inside her own home; it was a thing she bought from the local furniture shop down the street with Baekhyun years ago. On her table sat a small carton of strawberry milk and a small bag of baked potato chips as her snack as her arms quickly typed words she wanted to express on her book, she was too engrossed with the thought of finishing her book earlier so she could have some time to relax somewhere in Korea. She’s actually on her last five chapters for her book and knowing her, she would not sleep without finishing it tonight.

            It was already two in the afternoon and Jianh was still in her pajamas and her oversized white t-shirt. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and her eyes were wide open as she looked at her screen, switching from one window to another to look for something to put in her book but as she typed away and her keyboard is the only sound available in her surrounding, her door popped open without her even noticing it was.

            “Hey.” Baekhyun’s soft voice said as soon as he stepped on her tiled floors, Jinah jumped in her seat and looked behind her only to see Baekhyun in his casual clothes.

            “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you knock?” Jinah asked as she looked at Baekhyun, almost glaring. Baekhyun sat on the couch and lifted his head up as soon as Jinah bombarded him with questions.

            “ should change your clothes, we’re going somewhere.” Baekhyun mumbled, looking at Jinah’s bedroom clothes. He chuckled and shook his head while Jinah raised her eyebrows and continued typing on her laptop.

            “I’m busy.” She said but Baekhyun insists coming with her, she just continued on typing whatever she has in mind for her book while Baekhyun continues on ranting and complaining that she should get dressed and join them.

            “It’s 2 in the afternoon and you want to go somewhere unplanned, I’m not going. You should’ve texted me or called me to tell me.” Jinah said, her eyes still attached on the screen while Baekhyun looked at her thin figure.

            “You should get dressed; I’m telling you this is going to be fun.” Baekhyun murmured, waiting for Jinah to finally stand up.

            “I’m not going. You can go wherever you like to. Besides, why would you want to go with me? We’re over, right? Go by yourself.” Jinah said, she stopped what she was doing and just waited for Baekhyun’s reply.

            “Or go with Taeyeon.” Jinah said, whispering the last part to herself. She’s still jealous with the way Baekhyun acted the last time they went to buy some groceries but the latter won’t even do anything about it.

            “What?” Baekhyun asked, probably wanting to catch on whatever she was saying but Jinah shook her head and placed her arm on both sides of her laptop as if readying herself to type something again.

            “Just go with me. I’m with Yebin.” Baekhyun said and Jinah shook her head while sipping on her strawberry milk.

            “Go with Yebin, have some fun with your niece. Can’t you see I’m busy with this?” Jinah said.

            “Yes, I can see you are busy with your book but go just once, you’re stressed for sure.” Baekhyun said, still convincing the latter to go with him but Jinah still shook her head while typing words on her laptop. As time grew, Bakehyun started to become irritated and stood up from the couch.

            “If I tell you where we are going, you’re going to regret not going.” Baekhyun said, smirking to himself as he finally made another plan to force her to go with him. Jinah love this place ever since and they would go there together once in a while before he debuted but since there were too many people there, they stopped going.

            “I’m decided. I’m not going.” Jinah murmured.

            “Oh, we’re going to the amusement park.” Baekhyun said, stuffing his hand on his pockets and smiling as if he finally won. Slowly, Jinah turned her head to see Baekhyu

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Chapter 12: nooo :( he can't even spend his free time like a normal guy!
RaraWu #2
Chapter 12: Noooooo his career...
Chapter 11: Thanks for the updates!! ^^ they already kissed again and she's jealous of Baek's ex gf :3
Chapter 11: woah! so many updates!!!! thank you author-nim~~
starqueen #5
Chapter 11: Omg you updated this so fast with many chapterssss
thanksss so much xD

Yes jinah let out your real feelings
Or is baekhyun doing that on purpose haha
This is your time baekhyun make her yours againnnn
Chapter 5: Wow I like this story a lot! jealous Baek is so hot haha xD
Chapter 5: posting here to encourage you to continue writing your story ^_^ you can do it! fighting!