Trouble at Home

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hello readers, thank you to those who showed interest in the full fic to the oneshot “My alpha, only.” It’s not totally necessary to read that before reading this, but it’s helpful I guess since that oneshot is related to the full fic. In this story, the couples are seulrene and wenjoy. I’m honestly so lazy to think of personal names for their parents lol. So, I’ve decided that Chanyeol will be Seulgi and Joy’s dad, Dara is Seulgi’s mom, and Sulli is Sooyoung’s mom. For me they look alike anyway as far as being related to Seul or Joy. I’m still new to writing omegaverse, but I’ve always enjoyed reading them. I hope you guys will enjoy this as much as the oneshot I posted.


From the time she was a small child Bae Joohyun had always been quiet. A little too quiet. From what most people would first say when coming into contact with her. She was quiet but always observant. She would quietly observe any situation, and take mental notes. Mental notes that provided her with the correct ways she should behave in the moment. Truthfully, Joohyun was a quiet, shy omega, even then. The shyness lessens, however when she is around people she is close to, and cares for. At first glance, she looks bored, uninterested, but so beautiful that it has attracted many an alpha to her. She’s been able to keep as safe as possible from some of the more aggressive types. Her father is extremely protective over her, and had always been there to keep her safe. She is in fact close to both her parents, so much so that she knows when something is wrong.


For the past few days. The young woman has been taking notice to men dressed in expensive dark suits coming to the house. Sometimes three in a group, other times 2, and worse 4 at a time. They look dangerous and they are all alpha’s from what she could tell. Their strong and overpowering scents are always too overwhelming for her to handle. She normally has to observe from a distance. They come to speak with her father, and not anyone else. It’s suspicious to her. Because these men look important. Or, at the very least they work for someone of importance. The part that Joohyun didn’t understand was why these men were here to talk to her father. Bae Jinyoung is not a man of wealth or importance, by any means. He’s a humble restaurant owner, which is their family’s main means of financial support. It worries Joohyun so badly that something is wrong, that she even asks her mom what’s happening.


All her mother would tell her each time she brought it up, was that everything would be fine. She would also tell her not to worry, and hug her. Enveloping her in the familiar calming scent to distract her from worries. That used to work like a charm, when she was smaller and scared. Now, it does little to ease her nerves. She was worried about her dad, her mom, and even to an extent their family itself. Her father, who never appears scared of anyone, seems to be on edge, fearful, and concerned about the men who come to see him. There is something happening, whether or not they want to tell her.


Sometimes, Joohyun will hear them talking in hushed, quiet voices. The fear and anxiety in the air is strong. The young woman tries her best to shut out the worry. Only it’s hard when these men keep showing up. Whatever it is they want. They won’t go away until they get it. Having, no one to really talk to at home about her concerns. She knows she can always confide in her good friend, and fellow omega Kim Jennie. Jennie is actually a few years younger than her, and already mated to someone. Joohyun has the furthest thoughts of being married or mated at the moment.


She is 26 and wants to figure out her own life, and path. Before settling down with someone. Even though, she can appreciate how in love many mated couples seem to be. It must be nice to find someone so special that you only want to be with them. From someone who had been witness to Jennie and her mate Lisa’s relationship. It is clearly a beautiful, loving one, and she is happy for her friend. For the young raven she isn’t terribly concerned about finding a suitable mate. It will happen, if it happens. She’s not actively looking, even though she is no stranger to having admirers. Unable to really think straight at home with everything going on. She makes her way to see Jennie.


Jennie is already expecting her first child. These days she isn’t always feeling her best. Joohyun had a bit about the fact. She’s already mated, and knocked up. In less than a year. Still, Jennie seems very happy and that’s what matters the most to Joohyun. She brings over some food as well. In the event that, Jennie isn’t feeling up to cooking at all later. When she gets to the door. She’s greeted warmly by her friend.


“Hyun, hi. How are you?” She smiles.


“Hi, I’m fine, Jen. How are you? How are you feeling?”


“I’m well. The baby’s finally decided to stop trying to kick me to death.” She says in mock annoyance. Joohyun knows how much she loves her baby, already. She can see the subtle changes in her friend. In regards to her upcoming motherhood.


“Aw, the baby is probably like it’s sire.”


“Don’t remind me.” Jennie rolls her eyes. If the baby is as energetic as Lisa. She is done for.


“Come in, okay. It’s so good to see you.”


Joohyun enters the house and makes herself comfortable. It’s been awhile since she has spent time with her. Not since, just after her wedding. Jennie is glad to see her too, as she has wanted to speak to her.


“Hey, so I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”


“What, about?” Joohyun wonders.


“Well, I was talking to, Lisa the other day. She said she saw a bunch of guys coming over to your house.”


“Yeah.” The raven nods. “They’ve been showing up everyday. For the past few days. My parents won’t tell me what’s wrong. But I know something is wrong.”


Jennie looks suddenly nervous. She looks so worried that it only fuels, Joohyun’s own nerves. She could already tell it wasn’t anything good.


“Hyun, she said that they look like they work for the, Kang family.”


At the mention of the Kang’s. Joohyun can feel her blood go cold. Everyone whether they are alpha, omega, or beta know of that family. They are wealthy, powerful, and highly influential. There has also been the rumor that the business they run, isn’t as legitimate as the image portrays. It has always looked squeeky clean, a bit too clean for most people to believe there isn’t something shady about it. No one knows whether it’s true or just rumors. Now Joohyun is more worried than ever. Why are men that work for the Kang family coming to talk to her dad. It can’t be anything good. If they want something from her dad.


“Are you sure, Jennie?”


“Yeah. I trust my mate. She wouldn’t say this, if she wasn’t positive. Hyun, if those men really work for the Kang’s. That can’t be good at all. Is your dad in trouble?”


The raven hopes to god. Her father isn’t in any trouble, and especially not in trouble with the Kang’s. Her family isn’t poor exactly. But they have smaller means, and live as comfortably as they can. They certainly do not have the money, it would take to go up against a family like that. She can’t even bare to really think of the possibilities of having to fight against the Kang family.


“I hope not. But I know they’re worried about something. I’m nervous about whatever my parents are hiding."


“I hope not either, Hyun.” Jennie reaches over to hug her friend. She hopes too. That nothing is terribly wrong for her. She wants to remain positive. Only, if it truly has anything to do with such a powerful family. Then it can’t be good at all.


With Joohyun’s parents. They are concerned about the Kang’s armed thugs coming back. So far, nothing violent has occurred. That doesn’t mean it won’t, or can’t happen. They work for Kang Chanyeol. A powerful alpha with the means to do whatever he wants. These men won’t let up. Until the debts that, Joohyun’s father owes are paid. Only he doesn’t have the money. Her mom places her hands to his shoulders. She has never seen her husband this on edge before.


“What are you going to do, dear?” She wonders.


“I don’t know. Mr. Kang is not someone to be crossed. I don’t have anywhere near the amount of money I borrowed from him, either.”


He feels arms wrap around him. He knows she is scared about the entire thing, and no doubt Joohyun can feel something is wrong.


“We’ll figure something out. We’re in this together.”


He nods with a sigh, this can’t possibly end well. You don’t take from Kang Chanyeol and not pay it back.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.