The new reality

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi all, and thank you everyone for reviewing the last chapter. Chanyeol is dead and now we deal with the immediate aftermath of his death and what it means for everyone, particularly Seulgi. This is a more heavily Seulgi centric chapter as it should be honestly, who is now forced into the CEO role quicker than even she imagined, and not under these circumstances. So without further ado chapter 14.


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Joohyun watches her wife and how lost she appears. Seulgi is really standing there without saying anything for such a long time that the omega wonders what the people dressed in black will do. Surely, they’re here for Seulgi who is their new boss as they just addressed. Joohyun wants to tell her to deal with this all later, as Seulgi is in no shape to talk to anyone.


“Did my father send you…” Seulgi stops. It’s the first time Joohyun is hearing her mate’s voice in too long since the news broke about Chanyeol. Seulgi sounds as far away as she looks.


“Yes, Ma’am. We answer to you now, Ma’am.”


“I understand, but my father isn’t dead. He’s not dead.” The alpha repeats.


“But, Boss…” one of the taller men speaks. “Mr. Kang is dead, Ms. Seulgi. You will need to come to the morgue soon to identify his body, but he is gone.”


Seulgi again goes quiet. Joohyun is moments away from going over to tell those people to leave and let Seulgi deal with this in the morning. She understands that her wife will have to identify the body soon. Joohyun just doesn’t feel like now is the best time. The alpha is still in shock and can’t deal with anything at the moment. What ends up happening next is Seulgi stepping outside with the people in black. Joohyun is more worried than ever as she waits on the other side. Seulgi is going to need her, and the raven is prepared to be by her side for anything she does need.


“Did he know?” Joohyun wonders. Mr. Kang must have known something was going to happen to him because he told her that the coming days would be difficult for Seulgi and this will certainly be difficult for her wife to deal with. At the moment the alpha hasn’t seemed to accept the reality of the situation for what it is. Her dad is gone and he won’t be coming back. Seulgi stands outside in the rain with Division X. The assassin group under her father’s employ whom are now under her control. The idea of this particular division of their company answering to her always made her ill to think of. Yet, here they are.


“Boss?” A female beta speaks.


“He’s not gone. I don’t believe those reports. He could have easily faked this whole thing to avoid an enemy, but then…” Seulgi pauses. Her father would never enact a plan like this without telling her first. He just wouldn’t do that to her.


“Boss, you can check the video footage at the office if you like, or when you’re able to return to work since the cops are all over the office and have their people there. We managed to get in the office before the cops arrived and found a note. But if you would like to see a copy of the video footage now before then, we can always email you on the private email server.”


Seulgi knows very well they are highly trained and efficient at their work. It doesn’t surprise her that they have people already on this trying to find out what happened to her father. Seulgi isn’t sure if she’s able to see any footage at this time and so she declines and asks only about the note.


“A note?”


“For you, Boss.”


The agent hands Seulgi the note that is safely stored in a ziplock bag to prevent fingerprints other than Chanyeol’s from showing up. Seulgi knows everyone in this group are professional and know what they are doing. Seulgi can’t read this here but it’s some sort of clue. It tells her all she needs to know. She might not have been able to believe it before but she believes it now.


“He is dead.”


Dara couldn’t be still after the way Seulgi ended the phone call with her suddenly and abruptly in that manner. The omega knew her daughter would be horribly affected by the news of what’s happened to her dad and as much as she herself hates her ex-husband. She doesn’t wish for the pain of what this has to be doing to her daughter at this time. No matter how she personally feels about him she wouldn’t have her precious daughter without him, and now said daughter is in such pain and as a mother that only hurts her too. Chaerin is there right away with arms around her.


“Talk to me.” The blonde is not only worried about her stepdaughter who has been apart of her life since she was a young child.


“You should have heard the way she spoke, Chae. She sounded so lost on the phone. I can’t stay here. I have to go be with her.”


Chaerin already anticipated her wife would say that. She nods in agreement that they should go and be with Seulgi now.


“Let’s go be with our daughter.”


Dara nods in thanks and hugs her wife. Chaerin has always been so great with her daughter from the time they were first introduced and she is glad to not be alone now.


“Thank you, Chae. I know she’s in pain and needs all of us. We’re going to help Seulgi get through this no matter what it takes. I am just really glad she’s not alone right now and has Joohyun with her.”


Joohyun feels like it takes too long for Seulgi to walk back through the door. The brunette is slightly wet from the rain but this time she does look up at her wife when she notices her. Joohyun wants to say something but isn’t sure what to say. Seulgi speaks first instead.


“The cops will probably show up here to tell me about what’s happened. I’m going down to the morgue.”


Joohyun isn’t surprised about Seulgi announcing her plans to go to the morgue now. Of course the dark-haired woman had hoped she would wait until tomorrow when the rain stopped or at the least she was a little better equipped to deal with this news. However, will there be any good time to deal with the news of her father’s murder? Probably not.




“I’ll drive carefully. It’s not raining as bad now as it was.” Seulgi moves to go retrieve her car keys, wallet, and jacket. The monolid woman doesn’t get far because Joohyun reaches out to touch her arm.


“I’m going with you.”




“I’m going with you. This isn’t something you should do alone. Let me be with you now, Seul.”


Seulgi has no expression but inside she is touched by Joohyun offering to go with her. Of all the things the alpha imagined happening about to be going to the morgue to identify her father’s body wasn’t one of them. Seulgi knew he was being off and hiding something from her. She just couldn’t have anticipated it being his murder and she knows her dad very well. There’s no way he didn’t anticipate it beforehand.


“You don’t need to, Joohyun. I will be back soon.”


“I know I don’t have to. But you’re not going out there alone when you’re not alright. I’m your mate, am I not?” The shorter woman touches her cheeks again in that soft manner only this time Seulgi is looking at her with more recognition than she did earlier.


“You are, but..”


“No,” she cuts Seulgi off gently. Joohyun proceeds to hug her. “I’m here for you, baby.”


Again with the term of endearment that Seulgi isn’t sure how to respond to at this moment. The monolid woman nods against her in thanks and can feel tears again that want to come down her eyes. She is touched beyond words that Joohyun is here for her especially as she has no reason to care that her father is gone. In fact, Joohyun like many people in her life would probably be glad he’s gone and with good reason. Seulgi places an arm around her in thanks.


“Thank you, Hyunnie.”


She smiles some at the soft way that name comes from Seulgi’s lips. The omega may not be saddened by Mr. Kang’s loss but she is in no way glad for what this is doing to her wife. Joohyun knows she will never forget that pained scream from Seulgi’s lips. She’s going to be here with Seulgi and for her no matter what it takes.


Jinri was sitting in the living room with tea mug in hand when the news report showing images of Chanyeol and the cops at the scene of the company came on. The omega dropped her mug to the ground and it shattered instantly.


“He’s dead.” Jinri whispers. Now, it is not surprising to her to find out that Chanyeol has been murdered. Jinri always assumed that one way or another he would meet his end in a way that could match what he’s done to countless others. The only surprising thing is that it’s happened now in such a sudden way. But at the same time Jinri knows the man very well and there’s no way he wasn’t ever expecting for himself to die in such a way as murder. Soojung comes when she hears the mug shatter and she notices the way her wife is sitting there looking faraway.


“Jinri?” Soojung whispers and walks over being careful of the shattered class. Jinri looks down and realizes it’s shattered.


“Oh, Soojung. I’m sorry.”


“What’s wrong? You look out of it.” The alpha touches the side of her face.


“Chanyeol’s dead.” Is all the omega says and points to the tv that still has the news on. Soojung turns when she sees the news and is shocked by what she’s seeing.


“Murdered in his office?”


“Yeah, the cops have no suspects yet but it could honestly be anyone. He has made many enemies over the years, and I…”


“You’re worried about Soo.” Her wife says knowingly before hugging her. Jinri nods that she is worried about her daughter and how she’s going to be in this situation.


“My daughter may say she hates him, and maybe she does on some level. But I know for a fact that she has always wanted his love and approval. She isn’t going to handle this well and I’m going to go…” The dark-haired woman stops. “I’ll call her first before I go there.” She doesn’t want to just go over there without notice because it is her hope that Seungwan is there offering some help to Sooyoung. But she knows her daughter very well and help from anyone is the last thing Sooyoung is going to want. Jinri dials and her wife offers to clean up the broken mug while she does this. The phone rings and rings without an answer for so long that the dark-haired woman is getting worried. Finally there’s an answer and Sooyoung sounds drained as if she’s not slept in too long.




“Soo, thank goodness you’ve answered the phone.”


“What’s going on?”


What’s going on? There’s no way Sooyoung doesn’t know what’s happened by now since it’s all over the news.


“I know you must know about what’s happened to your father, sweetie. Do you need me to come over to see you?”


Sooyoung goes silent on the phone for a moment before answering. “No, mom. It’s raining still and cold out. We can see each other tomorrow, okay? I’m fine and you don’t have to worry.”


Jinri doesn’t believe her. She may say that she’s fine but there’s just no way Sooyoung is honestly fine. Sulli decides to respect her wishes for the time being.


“Alright, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


They end the call and Soojung looks at her wife with a curious look. “She’s not okay?”


“No, she’s not.” Jinri nods. The omega knows one other person who isn’t going to be okay either and that’s Seulgi. They’re all a family and have become such in their way and no matter what she knows that herself and Dara will be of any support to their girls whom are going to need them.


There were police everywhere at the hospital when she and Seulgi arrived. Joohyun held onto her wife’s arm for support as the cops kept trying to offer condolences and ask the alpha questions at the same time which was all becoming a bit too much for Joohyun, so she knew Seulgi was probably more troubled by the talking than she was. It was some nice hospital staff that finally intervened to ask Seulgi whenever she was ready to come down with them to the morgue to identify the body.


“Ms. Kang.” One of the detectives addresses her. “You have our word that we will find out who has done this to your father.”


Seulgi remembers the clue that one of the agents had given her to which she stored safely in her home office. The logical thing would have been to let the cops pick it up when they searched the office. Seulgi knows now it wouldn’t be smart to hand it over to them. She knows that she’ll have to have her own people look into this murder too.


“My own people.” The monolid woman thinks. They were all her father’s people just a day ago and now just like that everything is hers. She expects her father’s lawyers to get in touch soon. Seulgi also expects to be sworn in right away as CEO.


“Seul?” Joohyun calls out to her because she’s not saying anything.




“The staff said when you’re ready we can go down to the morgue. Are you sure you don’t want some time?”


“No, I don’t need more time. I’m…” her phone rings and she sees it’s her mother. Seulgi can’t even bring herself to answer it as she thinks of the way she spoke to her mother just a short while ago. Joohyun offers to answer and speaks to her mother-in-law.


“Hi, Mom.”


“Mom?” Seulgi wonders as this is news to her. She knows that Joohyun and her mother speak quite often from what her mother told her. But Seulgi didn’t know it was at such a level of that comfortability for Joohyun to call her mother as mom too. It’s not all that surprising in a way because her mother is so warm and giving of herself to others. Seulgi is touched by how well her wife and mother get along and their own clear closeness with one another.


“No, I’m sorry. Seul and I are here at the hospital. Yes, we’re going to identify Mr. Kang’s body.”


“Do you want Chae and I to meet you? I am honestly very glad you’re with her right now, Hyun. It means a lot to me that my daughter isn’t completely alone at this time.”


“She’s not going to be alone, I promise.”


“That makes me feel better to hear that, sweetie. Is she up for talking to me or not really?” Dara asks knowingly as she has the feeling that Seulgi isn’t up to talking to her at this moment. Joohyun looks at the brunette who has this look in her eyes that says everything. The omega knows what she needs to do without even having to ask Seulgi.


“I think it would be better if Seul and I see you and Ms. Chaerin tomorrow, is that okay? I just think for now it’s probably best.”


Dara understands and tells Joohyun that’s no problem at all and she will see them both tomorrow. But not before telling her daughter-in-law that she loves them both and thanks her again for being there for Seulgi. The call doesn’t last long after that and the alpha nods to her in thanks. She isn’t sure how Joohyun knew exactly what she needed in that moment but she thanks her. Before preparing herself to go down to the morgue the taller woman pulls her wife aside for a moment.


“I can go alone, Hyun. Would you rather wait here?”


“I don’t want you to go by yourself. Can I at least wait for you nearby, is that alright?”


It’s a fine compromise and the pair follow the staff down to the morgue. Joohyun feels Seulgi holding tightly to her hand and she gives the alpha’s hand a squeeze back to let her know that she’s here with her. Seulgi is most certainly not ready to go in that room to identify her father’s body. She supposes it’s now or never anyway and inside the room she goes.


“We’ll be quick, Ms. Kang.” The staff says to her with their hands over the white blankets. Seulgi nods and tells herself that she is ready to see the body. The moments the sheets are pulled back and Seulgi sees how he looks pale, bullet holes throughout his body, ice cold laying there with eyes closed, and unlike himself Seulgi can’t keep looking. She doesn’t want to see her father in this way and can’t imagine the amount of force went into those bullets. This could be anyone indeed.


“It’s my father.”


“I’m sorry, Ms. Kang. I’m sorry for your loss.”


“T-Thank you…” Seulgi nods and wipes away at tears. She has to get out of here because it’s too much. The air feels thick all of a sudden and now she’s trying to find air to breathe. The brunette walks out as fast as she is able and doesn’t even stop when Joohyun calls to her. The omega sees it’s because she is on the verge of what looks to be a panic attack. Seulgi collides into the wall by the elevator and grips at her chest for air.






“Hey, look at me.” Joohyun puts her hands to her face and guides her through this. She knows there are ways to help with panic attacks before they become full blown. She loosens up the monolid woman’s shirt buttons and instructs her to take a few deep breaths. It’s a very good thing they are in the hospital if Seulgi can’t get her breathing under control.


“Hey, deep breaths, okay. I’m right here.”




“I know.” Joohyun nods and holds her as she shakes some. The breathing has settled only some but now she’s shaking. Joohyun has her arms wrapped around her tightly engulfing her in her lavender scent. The raven feels her jacket becoming wet with tears.


“He’s gone...what am I supposed to do now, Hyunnie…” She sobs harder and that breaks Joohyun’s heart to hear those pain-filled sobs from her mate. She runs her fingers through brown locks and holds her.


“I’m here for you. I know it’s not going to be easy, Seul. I know he was your father and you loved him. I just want you to know you’re not alone, alright. I’m here, your mom, Ms. Chaerin, your sister, alright?” She kisses the side of Seulgi’s cheek as she names a few people who are here and that she should rely on right now in these difficult times.


“Let’s sit for a little while, okay? I’m going to get you some water. Do you want to have a doctor look at you just in case?” she is worried since Seulgi looked to be almost having a panic attack. The alpha says she is fine to sit for a while but there’s no need to see a doctor. Joohyun finds them a nice quiet area in the hospital and gets some water. She looks back at her wife who is sitting and leaning back against the wall. Seulgi looks so tired and Joohyun hopes that she can help her now because Mr. Kang was indeed right about these being some trying and painful moments for her. Joohyun knows no matter what she’s not letting Seulgi for one second feel like she’s alone here. Seulgi won’t feel alone no matter what it takes to help her.


Seulgi did feel alone. She woke up in bed that next morning feeling completely out of it. The news would not stop talking about her father’s murder and at the moment the office was indeed closed until the police concluded their investigation. Seulgi expects they will wrap that part up soon and she will be back to work before the week is over. The alpha hasn’t moved from her side of the bed since getting home last night. Joohyun has been checking on her all morning. The first time it was to offer her breakfast but Seulgi wasn’t hungry. The second time Joohyun told her that her mother and stepmother were here and still Seulgi didn’t respond. It’s almost noon now and the door opens with Joohyun and a tray of food. The soup, grilled beef, and rice smell good Seulgi just doesn’t want to get up.


“Seul, will you eat a little? Ms. Chaerin helped me make food earlier, please eat.” The raven sits down with the tray. Seulgi looks at her and wipes at her eyes.


“I’m not hungry.” Her voice comes out strained due to her crying. Joohyun frowns in concern.


“Please eat a little. Your mom and Ms. Chaerin aren’t going to leave unless they see you. They’re worried about you too. Here, eat a little.” Joohyun prepares a bite of the rice and beef. Seulgi sits up and does comply to eat some of the food.


“There you go. That’s not so bad now, is it?” Joohyun smiles in relief to see the alpha eating. She is able to get Seulgi to eat nearly half the plate and some of the soup which is more than what she expected.


“Thank you,” Seulgi nods.


“You don’t need to thank me. Do you want to take a shower and come down to see your mom and Ms. Chaerin? They’ve been here since morning.”


Seulgi looks down to her orange pajama top and dark pants. She doesn’t necessarily think she needs to take a shower.


“Why, do I stink?”


“Well, a little.” Joohyun smiles some and leans over to kiss her lips. Seulgi kisses back some and takes a sniff of herself and she doesn’t stink at all, so now she’s looking at the raven who is trying not to laugh.


“You’re just trying to get me up.”


“Did it help?” The omega says seriously. “I’m not saying you’re going to feel better overnight. It could help for you to see our family right now.”


“Our family?”


“Yes, ours. I am apart of your family, am I not?” Joohyun comes back over and hugs her then. Seulgi is overcome with emotion and nods against her the omega feels her tears in her shirt.


“It’s okay. I understand.”


“I just...don’t know if I can thank you enough right now...Hyun.”


“You don’t need to thank me.” She promises with a kiss to the top of her forehead. “Come down when you’re ready, alright. Taking a shower could help you feel better at least. You do smell good, though.”


“Thanks, Hyun. I’ll come down in a little while.”


“Okay, take your time. Your mom and Ms. Chaerin understand.” Joohyun gives her another kiss to her cheek this time before heading back down to the living room. Dara and Chaerin look up when they notice her.


“How is she, Joohyun?” Chaerin questions.


“She did eat more than I expected, thankfully.”


“That’s good. I’m glad you were able to get her to eat at least.” Dara nods in thanks to her daughter-in-law.


“She said she’ll be done in a little while. I’ll make some more tea, would you both like some?”


“Let me help, okay?” The older omega smiles and gets up to help her in the kitchen. Chaerin uses the time to answer a few work calls of her own although she’s told her business partners due to family issues right now she will be taking some time off to be with her family at this time. She knows her stepdaughter is in a world of hurt right now because as horrible of a person as he was. Chanyeol was a man who loved his daughter and Chaerin could always see that personally. Even when she was first really getting to know Dara before she met Seulgi officially he made sure she understood that Seulgi was always his main concern and priority.


“I don’t care if you date my ex-wife. But if and when you meet my daughter I will be watching you to make sure you’re suitable to be in her life, Ms. Lee.” The blonde can remember those words as if they happened yesterday. No one’s going to miss him except for Seulgi and that’s why they all need to be there for the younger alpha as much as possible.


“We need to make sure Seul understands that we are here for her. But we can’t pressure her either.” Chaerin speaks. “I can’t imagine what she’s really going through right now.”


“We will be.” Dara agrees with her wife. Her concern is how Seulgi is internally too and not just whatever show she’s going to present for them when she does decide to come down.


“I worry about Sooyoung too.”


“Sooyoung?” Joohyun asks.


“Oh yeah, don’t let her hatred of Chanyeol trick you into thinking she’s not going to be affected by this. We’ll help her too because we’re all a family here.”


Things haven’t changed for one Park Sooyoung, or so she’s going around about her day as if everything’s normal. The dark-hai

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.