Long live the Queen

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thank you all everyone who reviewed the last chapter this is my favorite fic and I appreciate those of you who like it too. So I noticed some of you mention that Sooyoung is most interesting and that’s actually not a bad thing. She is one of the main characters and if this was a movie she would win an award hands down. I also kind of need to say this as it was recently brought to my attention. I am in no way a wenjoy fan. I don’t ship this however with that being said this was the overall best option for the fic and the kind of fic I was going for. Now before some of you start judging keep in mind that there are so many ppl who use a ship solely for popularity and don’t even like the ship (seulrene for example) I made what was an executive decision for what is turning out to be one hell of a fic. I honestly do have ideas for alternatives to make it joyri. But in the meantime I just wanted some of you to understand the difference between someone using something for their advantage and someone just writing what’s going to be best for their story. With that also being said I want the ppl who do ship wenjoy to know that I am not being biased this is def a seulrene fic for sure but there is other stuff going on too, outside of them. I don’t want you guys feeling like the treatment of wenjoy here is because I don’t ship them. They are at most a side pair and this is the direction they need for the sort of couple they are in here, okay? Had to clear that up. Now after the long af authors note that I hoped some of you did read, as promised big important stuff happening here. Maybe..you all get what you want as far as their dad goes? Ah, okay enjoy! Also I am not at 100 percent but I feel a little better hand wise!


Joohyun took everything in as she sat beside her wife to the lavish and fancy dinner. She took in the people having conversations amongst themselves. Mr. Kang talking with other influential people of note and even the three bodyguards as they chatted with her from time to time. This is her life now. She is Mrs. Kang Seulgi and there will be times such as this where she will attend functions by Seulgi’s side. She better start getting used to it now. The omega could tell that the monolid woman was not okay. Whatever she talked with her father about couldn’t have been anything good.


“You hardly ate anything. Are you okay?” Joohyun asks worriedly because most of the food on Seulgi’s plate is untouched. She knows for a fact that when Seulgi does sit to eat with her she eats. Joohyun gently touches her forehead to see if she’s feeling unwell in anyway, outside of the obvious anxiety. Chanyeol watches this scene and it doesn’t seem rehearsed to him like the dinner at his house. The older alpha is glad to see this development. He’s also noticed the mating mark on Joohyun’s neck, which can only be a good thing. He knew marrying Seulgi to the Bae girl would only be a good investment. Chanyeol is naturally expecting for grandchildren soon. He will discuss with Seulgi again that possibility of having children sooner rather than later.


“I’m fine, Hyun. This food is okay but it doesn’t taste as good as yours.” Seulgi says to her and that makes the omega’s face explodes red.


“Now, I know you must be sick, this food is delicious.”


“Little boss, if you’re not well…” Jae pauses.


“Oh, god…” the other two shake their heads. Seulgi turns to the older alpha with a warm smile.


“I’m fine, Jae. Please don’t worry.”


“She said she’s fine, man. Don’t cry again.”


Joohyun smiles in amusement. Mr. Jae is probably going to be her favorite bodyguard soon enough. Chanyeol excuses himself often because he is in contact with his men. No one’s seen anything so far, but that doesn’t mean she’s not out here. It was publicized that Seulgi would be attending with him. There are photos online and articles. He knows the woman will show her face at some point, as unfortunately she has shown her obsession with his daughter on more than one occasion. He could have never imagined that Gyuri would become obsessed with Seulgi to the point of stalking. Chanyeol will handle it tonight once and for all. The fundraising portion of the evening hadn’t begun yet so people were mingling amongst themselves, eating, drinking, and then Joohyun noticed the dance floor.


“Hey, would you like to dance?”


Seulgi looks at Joohyun curiously after she asks that question. Everyday it seems the alpha is learning more about her wife, which is a good thing. Seulgi can’t even remember the last time she went dancing, and it’s why she agrees and takes Joohyun’s offered hand. It could help to distract her anyway, and so they head out there. Naturally, it seems as soon as they are out there the music changes to a slow song. Seulgi chuckles in amusement as she places her hand to the small of her wife’s back.


“I’m not even surprised by this song change.” Joohyun says softly and Seulgi nods.


“I’m not either. There will probably be photo’s of us dancing too, just wait by tonight online even.”


Joohyun nods but doesn’t care right now. Seulgi is an excellent dancer and the way she guides her across the floor clearly the alpha has dancing experience. Joohyun herself is keeping up with her and Seulgi takes notice.


“You can dance, Joohyun.”


“Yeah, I used to take dancing classes when I was in school. It’s been a long time, but muscle memory, you know?”

“I do know. I haven’t danced in a long time either, but you know I think date nights out with you and dancing should be in our future.”


“I…” The omega is surprised by the sudden dip Seulgi does and then they make eye contact. The alpha is holding her in such a gentle but strong hold. The way Seulgi is making her feel is not the way she should be feeling at this moment, especially as they are in a public place. But now she wants to lean up and kiss the brunette more than ever. Seulgi starts to lift her up and before she can say anything. Joohyun touches her cheek.


“If you don’t kiss me after that I’m kissing you.”


Seulgi smiles some and places her lips to Joohyun’s in a soft and chaste manner. It’s nothing that will stir any controversy or anything. It really just looks like a wife showing her wife some cute public affection, and of course people are thrilled by it. The two of them hear cheers and applause. As Seulgi walks her back to the table she can feel Joohyun holding her hand.


“I would love to go dancing with you, Seul.”


Seulgi smiles back and thinks she will look forward to going out to dance with Joohyun again. This was just a small sample and the brunette knows they will continue to dance well together, and perhaps even have fun. Park Gyuri wasn’t thrilled by what she had witnessed from her spot up on the balcony area. Just a little longer and she will be able to talk to Seulgi. It’s been hard avoiding Chanyeol’s men as they are practically everywhere at various points, some of them even blending in with some of the guests. It’s to be expected because this is Kang Chanyeol he doesn’t have anything. He is very calculated and meticulous. Gyuri knew the risks of showing up here but they are all worth it. Seulgi was always a cute and adorable girl but now she’s grown up. Kang Seulgi is y indeed and it’s hard to resist wanting to reconnect with her.


“You won’t be needing that wife of yours much longer.”


Dessert is just as delicious as the dinner itself and there are so many options to choose from. She and Seulgi end up splitting their plates with one another because they each have something different.Seulgi tells her that they’ll be starting the actual fundraising part soon.


“Dad will donate a lot and I’ll put up a donation on behalf of us both.” The monolid woman speaks.


“Everyone here looks really rich, so at least it’s going to a good cause. But, Seul…” Joohyun stops. “What are you going to do about her?”


Seulgi isn’t about to get into too many details as far as Park Gyuri goes. No one has seen her yet, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t around. Seulgi simply reaches for her hand.


“Don’t worry about her, okay. My father’s men are all over this place and it’ll be handled.”


Even if Seulgi is telling her not to worry she can’t help if she feels anxious. The feeling of anxiety doesn’t go away even when the actual fundraising portion starts to happen. People are donating money left and right. Chanyeol has his check ready and Joohyun could only see the large amount of zeros. It’s a shame to think that he could have been a really nice man who donated to charity. He could have been a good father to Seulgi, but sadly the reality is something else entirely. Seulgi is in the middle of signing her own check when Joohyun whispers to her she has to go to the bathroom.


“Okay, Jae, Jun, and Yunho will go and stand out in the hall, alright? I’m sorry, but I just can’t take any chances right now.”


“I understand, I would rather have the guards too in this situation.”


“Yes, don’t worry, Mrs. Kang!” Jae nods several times. “We will defend you with our very life.”


Joohyun smiles. “Thank you, Jae.”


“Don’t mind, Jae, Ma’am. We promise he won’t cry...not too much anyway.” The taller man named Jun says to her. Joohyun feels safer than ever really with these three accompanying her, and she’s not even worried about herself in the moment. Seulgi is the one she’s most concerned for. The father and daughter get up from the table not too much longer after that.


“Let’s go, princess. She’s around here somewhere and we have to take the time where everything is busy to flush her out of hiding.”


“I know, dad. Let’s just hurry, please.”


Seulgi needs this over with more than anything. They walk around together to be seen in obvious places in case she is around, but there is nothing. The men are in contact with her father but no one’s seen anything. Chanyeol knows what he’s going to have to do.


“We need to split up.”




“No, I know. I don’t want you on your own, but you won’t be. We just need Gyuri to think you are. She will approach faster if she sees you alone, but sweetheart. I will be close, and nothing will happen to you, I promise. Plus, you have the gun.”


Seulgi knows she has the gun. How could she forget that she has the gun that she really doesn’t want to use. Her father hugs her and leaves a kiss against her forehead and makes to go. As much as the younger alpha hates to admit it he is right. This is the best way to go from here. Gyuri is insane but she’s not stupid. She will not simply show her face if she thinks Seulgi is surrounded by guards and her dad. The brunette takes a few deep breaths and heads out towards where the outdoor garden area is, but stops still inside where she can look out to it.


“Okay, it’ll be over soon, Seul.”


By the time Joohyun and the guards return they see both Seulgi and Chanyeol are gone. Now here comes the anxiety and dread in full force. Jae tells her not to worry again and that they will wait for any news from Chanyeol. That’s not good enough, though. What if they hear bad news? What if they don’t hear anything.


“I need some air. Can we please go out?”


“Yes, Mrs. Kang, whatever you need, ma’am.”

Joohyun hopes some fresh air will do her good at least for a moment. But she hopes Seulgi is okay, and if they don’t hear anything soon. Joohyun is going to ask if they can start looking themselves. Seulgi is really in the most danger of all here. It couldn’t have been anymore than 10 minutes for Seulgi when she hears the clicking sound of heels against the floor. The sounds of heels could belong to anyone, but then the smell. The scent of rose is what’s hitting her nostrils and it could only be one person only.


“Gomdori.” Seulgi hears the voice of the woman she hasn’t seen since she was a teenager. Seulgi swallows and turns around to face her. There Gyuri is standing there with that smile that sickens her. It’s a smile Seulgi worked so hard to forget about.


“Hi, it’s so good to see you again. It’s been so very long, gomdori.”


Seulgi backs up some as she walks closer. Why does she suddenly feel like an 18-year-old all over again? She feels trapped and unable to do anything just like then when she was stuck in that room.


“Don’t come closer.” Seulgi warns.


“Ah, but it’s been too long. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you, Seulgi. I really haven’t stopped thinking about you since that special night on your birthday.”


Special night.


It was one of the worst nights of the young alpha’s life. It took Seulgi time to really put that night behind her, and even longer before she could be intimate with another person again. That didn’t mean the nightmares stopped or occasional panic over being stalked hadn’t still been an issue.


“That night was the most disgusting thing that ever happened to me, and you were never special, Gyuri.”


The omega pauses and looks slightly hurt for all of a few seconds before laughing. Seulgi thinks the laughing is what bothers her more.


“Oh, Seulgi. You don’t mean that. Our night was so special and important. I was your very first, after all.” She moves a bit closer and Seulgi remains calm as she can on the outside.


“You meant nothing. It was an unfortunate night that made me throw up right after because it was wrong, and there have been other women after you. Other moments that were special, and you…” Seulgi stops because Gyuri has moved again and this time she’s close enough to reach out and touch her. But the omega doesn’t yet.


“Special like that little wife of yours.”


Seulgi feels her blood boil then at the mention of Joohyun. Gyuri will not get anywhere near Joohyun and Seulgi will make sure of it.


“Shut up.” Seulgi tells her. “Stay away from her.”


“I heard about her from your sister, Sooyoung was it?”


Again Seulgi feels her blood boil because now she’s been in contact with Sooyoung. Her little sister is very important to her too and no one’s going to hurt her.


“You stay away from Sooyoung. She has nothing to do with this.”


“She was a y little thing, indeed. I would have certainly ed her but she declined my offer, and well you know how well I , don’t you?”


Seulgi closes her eyes and has to stop herself from feeling like she will throw up. The monolid woman pulls out the gun and points it at the omega. If Gyuri is shocked in anyway by what she’s seeing it doesn’t show.


“Oh, how cute. You’re not going to shoot me, gomdori. You’re nothing like that dad of yours. He would most certainly shoot me, and then your sister. Now she’s a carbon copy of him. She would probably shoot me too, but you, sweet girl. You’re not going to hurt me, not after what we…” Gyuri moves to her ear. “We shared and I’m here to remind you of it.”


Seulgi raises the gun higher. She doesn’t want to shoot, but god help her if Gyuri doesn’t stop talking.


“Move, Gyuri.”


“Ah, so you do know my name still. I was hoping to remind you of our time and refresh your memory. Just let me…” She moves to kiss her but the gun is still up.


“Move, I won’t say it again.”


“Give me that gun, gomdori. You won’t shoot me.” Gyuri reaches for the gun and they struggle with it.


“Let go!”


“No, give me the gun like a good girl.”


“Seulgi!” Chanyeol shouts as he is seen at the entrance. It took him too long to get here because the guards kept distracting him with other news and of course here Gyuri is. But in the midst of the struggling the gun goes off.


“No!” The older alpha shouts as he can’t tell who has been shot, not a first. Seulgi is standing so still too and he is hurrying to get to her. If she’s hurt in anyway Park Gyuri will wish she was dead before her gets to her.




Seulgi pushes Gyuri’s body off of her and proceeds to fall down after because of the blood rapidly filling up her dress shirt. It’s not her blood and she shot the woman.


“It’s not mine, dad.”


“Thank god.” Chanyeol touches her face. “Sweetie…”


But Seulgi is looking at the omega on the ground. She isn’t dead but she is hurt. The way she’s looking at her too is making Seulgi more uncomfortable than ever. It’s like the woman doesn’t even care if she’s shot and bleeding. She’s maintaining a freaky eye contact and Seulgi tries not to look in anyway bothered, even though she is.


“That didn’t even hurt, Seulgi. I knew you cared.” Gyuri speaks and touches the gun wound in her side.


“Shut up, !” Chanyeol growls and then to Seulgi’s surprise he takes part of his jacket and uses it as a tourniquet. Seulgi doesn’t understand this at first, but then two of the guards rush in.


“Boss?” They say to Chanyeol.


“Take her and wait for me, and make sure the doesn’t die. Not before I have the chance to finish the job myself.”


It makes sense now. Seulgi closes her eyes and tries desperately to forget about shooting Gyuri. It’s not like she even wanted to in the first place. The younger alpha is very much on autopilot when she feels her dad helping her up.


“Are you okay?” The dark-haired man asks.


“No.” Seulgi answers.


“It’ll be fine, sweetie. But you need to get out of here. The men will handle the mess and you just go home. Get rid of that bloody shirt, Seul. You know how to handle this.”


“Yes, dad.”


“I love you, princess.” He kisses her forehead and takes off after his guards. Seulgi stands there for a few moments and just stares at the ground where there is blood. She has to go now, but can still feel Gyuri’s body and now she wants to vomit for real. But it’s over or it will be soon. Meanwhile, Joohyun and the three guards were heading back before they heard what certainly sounded like a gunshot.


“Did you hear that?” Joohyun asks worriedly. “It sounded like a gunshot.”


“No, Mrs. Kang, I wouldn’t worry too much about that.” Yunho tells her. “It might have been anything.”


The omega knows what she heard, though. It sounded like a gunshot and now she needs to find Seulgi. They don’t have time to find her because they see her in the distance. Seulgi looks so lost and not there in the moment. Joohyun takes off running for her.




She was about to hug her but the alpha puts her hand out. “No, don’t.”


Joohyun understands right away because that is clearly blood on her shirt. Jae reacts first.


“Little boss, have you been shot!”


“Seulgi, are you alright?”


“Boss, what happened. Where’s you dad?”


The three of them ask her questions and she still looks not there. Joohyun reaches for her hand to try to bring her back somewhat.


“We have to go, but it’s not my blood. My dad went with the other men, and…” Seulgi stops. “Let’s go, ok.”


“Yes, little Boss!” Jae nods. “Out this way, it’s a side exit and we can avoid any press. Will you be okay to drive?”


Joohyun is worried about that same thing. It’s very clear that Seulgi is not fine and seems to be very out of it. Joohyun heard her say it’s not her blood that means it’s Gyuri’s. Now she has so many questions. But most of all she is worried about her wife.


“I’m fine. We need to go, someone will handle the mess.”


“The mess?” The shorter woman thinks. This is what it also means to be apart of the Kang family. The fact that Seulgi is speaking as if she’s been through this very exact thing before scares her. She doesn’t even feel Seulgi holding her hand really. The raven can see that they are indeed holding hands as they walk out of the event hall, but it’s almost nonexistent. The monolid woman’s warm hand feels so light in hers. Seulgi is still on an autopilot mode of sorts. Joohyun is in the car when she sees her mate looking to be giving instructions of some sort to the three. Jae wraps his arms around her in a hug anyway, blood on her shirt or not. It’s amazing to think that the smaller woman is over here directing three much older and taller alpha, but that is something that will only continue. She is the heir and will be the CEO officially. When Seulgi returns she pays the valet person and gets in. Joohyun wants to talk to her but what can she say. Seulgi doesn’t seem to be in any mood to be talking, or rather seems unable.


The entire drive is eerily silent and Joohyun knows they need to talk. Once at home Seulgi opens the car door for her and then she feels Joohyun touching her cheek.


“Please talk to me. I’m worried about you.”


Seulgi looks up into her face and Joohyun has never seen this level of faraway behavior from her wife. Not in any of these months they’ve been married, and they are much closer now.


“Don’t worry, Hyun. It’ll be over soon.”


Seulgi says no more and Joohyun remembers Seungwan’s warning about not to ask too much into the family business. Because even when they are completely inside the house Seulgi disappears into one of the entrances to the underground safe house. The alpha takes off her shirt and goes to the fireplace. She sets it and once there’s a fire going the monolid woman throws the ruined shirt into the flames. It’s evidence now and evidence has to be destroyed, another rule her dad taught her. Seulgi sits down on the ground in her undershirt and releases a breath that was held too long. Her dad is going to handle things from here and she knows that. But that isn’t doing anything for the guilt she feels about shooting Gyuri. The scent of lavender hits her nostrils and it’s Joohyun releasing it in strong waves. Seulgi turns to her.


“What are you doing down here?” She asks in that faraway tone. Joohyun sees the shirt is burning away and that tells her too much. But at this moment all she wants to do is be there for her mate. The raven wraps her arms around the slightly taller woman and engulfs her in the lavender scent until it helps Seulgi. The monolid woman settles into her embrace and leans into her.


“What happened? Were you hurt at all?”


The alpha said that it wasn’t her blood but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t hurt at all. Seulgi isn’t sure she can fully talk about what happened back in that area of the event hall. A part of her is still shaken up and she feels like a scared 18-year-old all over again.


“She found me because we set her up to make it seem like I was alone, and…”


“And…” Joohyun gently presses, even though the idea of Seulgi being used in that manner sickens her.


“She taunted me and kept on talking about how special that night was, but it wasn’t special, and I…” Seulgi stops. Because that delayed reaction of vomiting wants to happen.


“Excuse me..” The brunette gets up as quick as she can and runs for the nearest bathroom. Joohyun hears the vomiting and it’s not from being sick in the physical sense. This is all from anxiety, stress, and being uncomfortable. For Seulgi being around a woman that was nothing but a traumatizing experience couldn’t have been anything good. Joohyun goes to help her even when Seulgi tells her not to.


“Hey, look at me.” Joohyun gently pulls her face to hers. “We’re going to get you through this, Seul. You’re not alone here.”


“Thank you.” The alpha nods and is able to stand up and wash out. She still doesn’t feel well at this moment. Joohyun senses that and tells her that she will make her something light to eat and some tea as well.


“Is she dead?” Seulgi hears her wife ask while they start walking back up to the house.


“She will be.”


As a man with business ventures all over and with unlimited resources and wealth Kang Chanyeol will get things done. He’s made friends in places and gets away with murder, literally. If there is anything he needs to be done then it shall be done. He has set up something special for Park Gyuri, and she will die in a most grand way. Gyuri is being led to a warehouse of sorts and the bleeding has stopped because of the makeshift tourniquet.


“Chan, you interrupted my very important time with my Seulgi.”


“You shut up!” He tells her with his gun pointing at her face. “I warned you , and you will pay for what you’ve done. My daughter had herself together, and now she has to rebuild because of your psycho . You’re going to regret coming back to Seoul, believe me.”


The lights are shut on and Gyuri sees the large tank with sharks swimming around in them. It doesn’t surprise her in the least to see such an extreme way to end someone’s life. Chanyeol has a lot of resources and who knows how very easy it could have been to get sharks.


“My pets are hungry and you will be their meal for today. I ing told you to leave my daughter alone and you refused. Your delusional brain is what got you into this mess, Gyuri. My daughter has been with other women outside of you, trust me. You are nothing but a that was paid for a service. Your time is up.”


The two men start to lead her up an accompanying ladder. “Get moving.”


“Chan, I met your other daughter, Sooyoung. She’s very much like you, you know?”


Chanyeol says nothing and simply watches. Whatever the last words Gyuri was about to say gets muffled when she’s pushed into the tank. The sharks immediately swim around and attack. He has seen enough death from his own hands to not be bothered in anyway. Not even when her cold dead eyes met his and the tank is filled with blood. The woman is finally dead and he got to see to it himself.


“Chan…” She doesn’t get to finish because all that was heard before throwing her into the tank completely was screaming.




“Have someone clean this tank out by morning, and make sure our friends here are sent back to the sea.”


“Yes, Sir. It’ll be done.”


Chanyeol leaves after that. He will check on his daughter in the morning, because right now the last thing she needs is to talk to him. He knows that she wasn’t fine after first shooting Gyuri, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t worried about her. He finally fixed the mess he created, but at what cost?



Night hadn’t been easy for one Kang Sooyoung either. Her dreams are plagued with not only the dead man her father killed in front of her, but now she dreams of being a child and unable to help her mother. She dreams of seeing her father pushing her mother down the stairs. Sooyoung dreams of her father choking the life out of her.


“No…” Sooyoung screams when she awakes. “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me.” She practically falls out of bed and is in such a state that Seungwan is right there almost immediately. Sooyoung isn’t even looking at her but she’s not here in the moment.


“Sooyoung, what’s wrong?”


“W-What?” The dark-haired alpha speaks and slowly brings her attention to her wife who is sitting in her lap practically. Her hands are to her cheeks and she looks more than worried.


“You screamed in your sleep. What sort of nightmare are you having?”


“I…” Sooyoung begins. “Bad dream about dad.” She tells her at least that much. It doesn’t tell the blonde nearly enough but at the same time it does tell her something. Kang Chanyeol is a killer and everyone in the family knows that much. They may have not ever seen him kill personally but they all know he has. It’s why neither Dara or Sulli would ever push him but so much. He’s a dangerous man.


“Did he hurt you?”


“No.” Sooyoung lies. “He was pushing my mom down the stairs.”


“I’m sorry, baby.” Seungwan hugs her then. Sooyoung nods against her. These dreams are getting worse and more frequent. Sooyoung doesn’t even want to sleep some nights that’s how bad they are getting. When she’s up and off the floor Seungwan makes a suggestion.


“What about going out for breakfast, hm?” She smiles some. “We can go out instead and maybe it’ll get your mind off of some of this.”


“Yeah, sure.”


Sooyoung goes to get herself showered and dressed for this breakfast out. Being out in some air should help some the alpha hopes. In the shower she leans up against the wall and lets the water wash over her. Out of the shower she combs her hair and dresses simply in a red top and dark jeans. She’s so exhausted right now but the air should fix that. When Sooyoung returns to their bedroom Seungwan looks to be getting a text.


“Soo, how do you feel about dinner with Seul and Joohyun this coming Tuesday?” Seungwan shows her the text sent from Seulgi asking them to join her and Joohyun for dinner.


“Well, it’s about damn time.” Sooyoung nods in agreement. “They’ve been married what 5 months or something. They should have already had us over for dinner.”


Seungwan chuckles some and fixes her wife’s shirt collar. “Seul is always busy with work and schedules were conflicting. But I’m going to text her back that we’ll come. I’ll bring something over.” The omega thinks about what sort of pastry she could bring them for that night. Sooyoung is mostly looking forward to getting the chance to talk to Seulgi. They really need to talk about so much, but for now she’s going to go out for breakfast with her wife. Sooyoung waits for Seungwan downstairs and while she does checks her phone. There are articles online about the event her dad and Seulgi attended last night.


“They sure look happy.” Sooyoung thinks sarcastically as she scrolls through the images of the father and daughter duo posing for pictures. It’s a fake smile from her sister if she’s ever seen one. Sooyoung hopes she’s alright.


“Hey, I’m ready.” The blonde comes down then and Sooyoung eyes her for a second with a suspicious look.


“What’s wrong?”


Sooyoung still stares at her for a bit but doesn’t say anything. “Nothing, let’s go. Do you know where you want to go?”


“Yeah, I know. Let’s take my car.”




Sooyoung follows after her mate and they head into her car. Since Seungwan knows where it is she wants to go. Sooyoung really looks through her phone almost the entire drive but does respond to the questions Seungwan asks.


“I’m glad we’re getting out right now, even if it’s just breakfast, you know. You’ve not been sleeping well lately and at least now I know part of why.” Since Sooyoung told her a little more about her nightmares. It makes sense as to why sometimes she’ll feel Sooyoung tossing and turning. Other times Sooyoung won’t be in bed at all and in her home office, or in the kitchen with coffee.


“Yeah, lots of bad dreams lately.”


“Soo, I know you probably don’t want to hear this. But if you don’t want to talk to me about this, why don’t you see someone?”


“See someone?”


“Yeah, like a therapist. You have so many things going on in your head. Mostly about your dad and what he’s done to you, and it can’t be good keeping it all in all the time. I’ll go with you if you want?”


Sooyoung hears what Seungwan is saying. At this moment the last thing the dark-haired woman wants to do is see a therapist. What good will that do anyway? Her issues with her dad aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and even more than that she doesn’t want someone getting paid to hear about her issues that stem from childhood. A therapist would have a field day on some of the stuff she could tell them. Instead, she thanks Seungwan for the concern but says nothing more. The place they end up at is a fusion restaurant that serves American dishes too.


“The waffles here are really good.” The omega tells her as she takes her hand. “I’ve had breakfast meetings with my staff here sometimes.”


“I’m starving now, so whatever it is I’m definitely eating.”


The pair are seated soon at a nice table to the back with a good outside view. Sooyoung orders herself a latte to go with her food. The waffles do look good too and Seungwan cuts some from her plate.


“Want some?” She smiles and offers her a bite. Sooyoung takes a bite of what are red velvet waffles with powdered sugar and just the right amount of syrup where it’s not too sweet. They are very good.


“You’re right, they’re really good.”


“I knew you would like them. After breakfast let’s go to the store, okay? I think I know what to make for when we have dinner with Seul and Joohyun.”


Sooyoung agrees and continues to eat her own food. Tuesday can’t come fast enough for the alpha. Meanwhile, Joohyun has awoken from bed to find that Seulgi isn’t there and from the feel of how cold it is. She hasn’t been there for some time. Last night was hard for her wife and she didn’t want to elaborate but so much after their brief conversation. Joohyun at the least was able to hold her some to help her sleep. The omega gets up soon and when she’s downstairs she hears moving about in the kitchen. Seulgi is dressed in a white shirt and black jeans looking casual.


“Hey, good morning.” Joohyun speaks.


“Morning, Hyun.” Seulgi says in response. “I’m not anywhere near the cook you are. But I brought some really good food back from this restaurant near work. I hope you enjoy. I need to get going.”


“Get going?” The omega repeats. It’s a Sunday and she doesn’t appear to be going into the office.


“Yeah, I need to go meet with my dad.”


Joohyun gets it. Why would she not have to go meet with him after those events of last night? The raven is concerned about what’s going to happen. Seulgi really does seem fine or rather she seems much better than last night. It doesn’t mean that she really is. Joohyun walks over to take her hand and this time it doesn’t feel as light in her own. Seulgi is much more present in the moment.


“Can’t it wait? I’d like to eat breakfast with you.”


Seulgi looks hesitant about this for all of a few seconds. She ultimately agrees and quickly calls her dad that she will come to the house in an hour or so. The two of them sit to the breakfast that Seulgi purchased.


“Were you able to sleep at all?”


“A little.” Seulgi admits. She hadn’t really slept but so much. The little sleep she did get was interrupted by bad dreams and it’s why she left the bed around 4 to spend time drawing. That helped for a little while but even then she needed to go out for a drive to clear her head. Her head is as clear as it’s going to be.


“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re dealing with right now, and I want to go with you when you see your dad.”


“What?” Seulgi says in surprise and nearly drops the mug of coffee to the ground. The monolid woman is staring at her for so long that Joohyun reaches over for her hand.


“I want to. I don’t want you going alone.”


“I’m going to his house.”


“I know.” Joohyun heard that part of her telling Chanyeol she’ll meet him at his house. The omega honestly can’t help to think of seeing how out of it her wife was last night. She doesn’t want Seulgi going to speak to her dad alone.


“He will not talk with you there, Hyun. Listen, it’s nothing personal. I appreciate that you are concerned about me. But he expects for just me to show up.”


“Then I will wait until you’re finished. When I lived there I was able to meet and talk to some of the staff, and I could talk with them, no? I just would feel better if I was still with you.”


Seulgi is very touched by her offer. It’s why she agrees and thanks her again for offering. Joohyun smiles some and leans over to kiss the side of the brunette’s face. Even if she won’t be hearing the personal details of what her wife will be discussing with her dad. She just doesn’t want for Seulgi to be alone. They finish eating and the alpha waits for her to get dressed for them to go. Seulgi gives her dad a heads up that Joohyun will be with her. She also makes sure to tell him that she won’t be in the study with them. Chanyeol seems fine with it and in his response he makes that clear.


Dad: I don’t care if you bring your wife with you, princess. I have to talk with you and you alone about last night. Don’t worry about anything anymore. I’ll see you soon.


“Yeah, see you soon, dad.”


Chanyeol advises his staff to see to whatever Joohyun wants when she comes here. She is his daughter-in-law and he is nothing it not an excellent host. He also request for the cooks to have something prepared for himself and Seulgi. He can finally provide proof that Park Gyuri is dead and will not ever be a problem for his daughter again. Chanyeol is in the middle of finishing his own coffee when his men from last night knock on the door. They come in and assure him that

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.