Gift Giver

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thank you all for reading last chapter. And for being interested still, more things will happen here. We’ll see Seulgi, Joohyun will learn the extent of what’s happening, and yeah drama indeed. Lastly, I am promoting my friend emmenemoii. If anyone has a twitter, it would be cool if you wouldn’t mind commenting and liking an amazing art piece for the red velvet handbook, you can find the link on either the story Art or Crush. It would be appreciated, and now here’s chapter 3.


“Seulgi, baby talk to me.” Dara repeats into the phone. She hears static, but no actual coherent words.


“Switch it to video mode, Dara.” Sooyoung suggests. Dara had been so focused on the call. She hadn’t thought of trying to switch it to video mode. She does, but everything is so dark.


“Seulgi, talk to me. Are you hurt?”


Chaerin wraps her arms around her mate. She nuzzles her neck in an effort to help calm her down. Dara is getting upset, because now it seems as if something is terribly wrong. For all they know, that isn’t even Seulgi trying to call, but someone that has her phone. That would be more a worse case scenario, then.


“Hey, maybe it’s a bad signal.” Sooyoung suggests. “She’ll call you back, don’t worry.”


“I am going to Japan, in a minute if she doesn’t call me back.” Dara declares. If something is wrong with her child. Then she will surely find out about it, and there won’t be anything to stop her.


Meanwhile, in Kyoto, Japan. A young, brunette sits with her phone in her hand. She’s once again trying to reach her mother. For, what is probably the 100th time.


“Mom, mom….can you hear me?” Seulgi speaks. There is nothing, but silence on the line. Her signal has been mostly here, especially at the rented house she’s been staying in for the time she’s been here. She’ll have to try again. She knows that her mother will not be fine, until she hears her voice.


“Ms. Kang?” There’s a knock at the door, to reveal one of the secretaries she’s been working with at the Japanese branch of the company. Seulgi, has spent many hours of her days getting to know staff on a personal level. Hearing specific company issues as they relate to the Japanese branch of her family’s company. Overall, the young alpha has been welcomed kindly, or rather she’s been treated like royalty. Being Kang Chanyeol’s daughter comes with that sort of immediate recognition. More so, because they know she is the heir and future leader.


“Mina, hi. What brings you here?”


“I just wanted to know if I could get you anything. Do you need something?”


The brunette isn’t an idiot. She can tell when she is wanted. Mina, has been wearing a scent concealer that hides the fact that she’s omega. A smart thing to do in the event she’s in heat, and starved alphas are on the prowl. Seulgi knew almost right away that she was an omega, and not a beta as her scent would suggest. It was also too clear that, Mina wanted to be ed by her. Everything in her actions suggests so, from how she dresses, how she bends over casually at the office, and is pretty much at her every beck and call. It’s to the point if the heiress sneezes Mina is right there, with a tissue to wipe her face. Seulgi will not miss her at all.


“I’m starving, actually. Would you mind ordering some takeout?”


“Sure thing. Oh, I do have a message for you. It’s from your father.”

Seulgi looks up immediately when her father is mentioned. He’s probably coming to check on her progress, although she has been sending detailed weekly reports. It doesn’t surprise her that he wants to see how things are for himself.


“Did he say why?”


“No, just something about it being a surprise. I’ll order extra for his arrival.”


“Okay, thanks. I’m going to go down to the lake house. My signal is usually better there for some reason.”


Seulgi doesn’t wait for Mina to speak again. The girl makes her a bit too uncomfortable, especially with all her gawking. The lake house is not that far from the main property, and the view is also breathtaking. Seulgi has even managed to sketch, and get some paintings done here in her spare time. Right now, she has to call her mom. She hits redial. Dara answers her phone right away.


“Kang Seulgi! If you aren’t dead, you will be. If you don’t answer me!”


“Mom, hi. Can you hear me?” Seulgi can hear her loud and clear. She just wants to make sure her mom, can also hear her too. Dara breathes in relief when she hears her daughter, finally.


“Thank god. I was about to get on a plane, and ring your neck.”


That makes Seulgi chuckle in amusement. That sounds like her mom, alright.


“Sis!” She hears Sooyoung next. “Put it on speaker at least, Dara.”


“Hey, Sooyoung. You need to calm down.”


“I need to calm down! You’re the one over here screaming bloody murder, because Seulgi didn’t answer her phone.”


“Listen, you may not be my kid, but I will surely beat you as if you are.”


Sooyoung laughs. “Oh, yeah right. You know you love me.”


Seulgi groans. Why is this her family? She’s just about to hang up, when her mother shouts at her.


“Don’t you hang up on me, young lady!”


Damn, her mother is scary as hell when she does that.


“Okay, can you both stop screaming.” Seulgi asks.


The phone call gets switched to video mode. Seulgi sees her mother, stepmother, and Sooyoung all in the kitchen.


“Should you all be around the knives?”


“Calm down, no one will die. Hey, Seul we’ve been worried about you.” Chaerin tells her stepdaughter.


“Hi, Mama Chae. I’m fine, but I’m sorry I haven't been in touch lately. My signal is out here.”


“Oh, my baby.” Dara sighs. “Look at you. You look so tired, and so thin.”


“She’s always thin!” Sooyoung points it out, although no one has asked.


“Sooyoung, go home or something. You have a mate.” Dara reminds her.


“I told you that she’s passed out!”


Seulgi looks concerned by her sister’s sudden outburst. She is positive that Sooyoung wouldn’t hurt Seungwan, or anything, but she isn’t going to pretend it’s not alarming.


“Soo, what did you to to Wan?”


Sooyoung focuses her attention to her older sister. There is a cocky smile on her face.


“I had , Seul! You remember what is, right? I know it’s probably been forever since you were laid, but…”


“That’s it, get out!” Dara grabs Sooyoung and shows her to the door. There is no way she wants to hear about her daughter’s life. That is honestly Seulgi’s personal business.


“Okay, jeez….I’ll go. Bye, Ms. Chaerin, sis call me later. Bye for now, Mommy Dara.” She teases and kisses the older omega on the cheek.


“Frustrating, child.” Dara sighs, and soon all they hear is Sooyoung’s car roaring to life, and going out the driveway at full speed. She is not the most careful driver on a good day. God help, anyone who gets caught in her in path, and that’s not even a joke.


“You love her, mom.” Seulgi reminds her.


“I do, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t frustrating. Anyway, Seul, where the hell have you been? It’s been impossible to reach you. I thought that maybe, your father….”


“Dad?” Seulgi blinks. “He doesn’t have me held hostage anywhere, you know.”


“That’s what I told your mom, kiddo.” The blonde alpha nods. “She was still freaking out.”


“I don’t trust him, but as long as you’re not hurt, baby. You will be coming home soon, right?”


“Yeah, maybe in another week or two. Mom, I’m really fine. I promise you. So, don’t worry about me.”


Dara gives a nod. Having the chance to see Seulgi at least on the screen, saying that she’s fine. It does make her feel a lot better. Outside of the fact she seems a bit tired. Seulgi does look overall fine, and more importantly not hurt.


“Alright, listen as soon as you land. You come over here to see, Chae and I. We’ll have all of your favorite foods, and you spend a few days here with us. I just miss you.”


“I miss you too, mom. I’ve missed everyone back home. Can I ask you a question?”


“Yes, what’s going on?”


“Dad is coming here. Did he happen to tell you what it’s about?”


Dara frowns visibly, a disgusted growl escapes her lips. She had absolutely no idea that Chanyeol was going to Japan. Not that he would have shared such information with her, anyway.


“No. He didn’t act as if he was going to see you. Seulgi, be careful. I don’t care, if he’s your father or not, you just be careful.”


“I will, mom.” The young alpha promises. She ends the call, but promises she’ll talk to her again soon. Seulgi has no idea why her father is coming here, but she supposes she will prepare for his arrival to find out.


Sooyoung doesn’t go home. She has one more important stop to make. The young, dark-haired alpha parks her ferrari, and enters the home through a garden exit. She spots her target in the kitchen slicing vegetables. Sooyoung smiles before shouting.


“Yo, Ma!”


“Jesus, !” Jinri jumps out of her skin, knife in hand. The older dark-haired omega turns to see her daughter, standing there laughing her off.


“Oh, Soo…” She sighs. “When are you going to stop sneaking up on me?”


“I don’t know why you act so scared, mom. You know you can smell me.”


“You know that I don’t like surprises.” Jinri puts the knife down. She washes her hands and goes to hug her daughter. Sooyoung hugs her tightly in a way that has the older woman worried. Sooyoung doesn’t normally hug her quite like this, or she hasn’t since she was younger.


“What’s wrong, baby?”


“Nothing, the usual. I tried to talk to dad about the business. You know, he couldn’t be bothered.”


Jinri pats Sooyoung’s head lovingly. She knows that no matter how strong her daughter likes to act. She is never okay about the relationship that she has with Chanyeol. She and Dara did their best to always make her feel like she had a family, with them, and Seulgi too. It doesn’t change the fact that her dad treats her much like an afterthought. It has always been clear who his golden child is.


“Sit, sweetie. Let me make you some hot chocolate.”


Sooyoung chuckles. It’s what her mom would always do for her, when she was a kid. Anytime she was disappointed by something, usually her dad. Her mom would break out the hot chocolate, and most times with desserts too.


“Mom, I’m not a baby.”


“You’re always going to be my baby. Now, do you want the hot chocolate or not?”


“Yes, please. I want extra marshmallows, too.”


Jinri laughs, and kisses her forehead. Sooyoung could be Fourty-years-old and, this would still be her baby.


“I know you had dinner already with Dara and Chaerin, so I won’t offer you more food.”


“Mom, you’d let me starve. I am your only child.”


The older omega frowns, before placing a plate of desserts in front of her, a small mix of cake, cookies, and a tart. It will be gone in no time, as Sooyoung has quite the appetite.


“Thank you mom, you’re the best.”


“Just eat, baby.” Jinri  pinches her cheek. Sooyoung frowns at the sudden grabbing of her face.


“Hey, I’m a grown up! I have a wife.”


“That doesn’t make you a grown up, Soo. The only thing that means is you were too , had , and made the commitment.” The omega whacks her daughter upside the head.


“Ow.” The young alpha feigns being hurt. “This is child abuse.”


“I thought you weren’t a child.”


“I’m your child! Isn't that what you just said.”


“Oh, my baby. Come here.” Jinri dramatically hugs her daughter. Sooyoung tries to push her mother off of her.


“Mom, get off of me.”


“You’re my only child, remember?” Jinri tries to kiss her cheeks, much

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.