And then you realize, it's love

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: chaos chaos chaos a lot of you seem to want chaos for seulrene and that really surprises me. But with that being said I appreciate the feedback from everyone since it’s nice to see reviews/interest  about my story this is my absolute favorite fic, but with all respect and I respect all opinions but seulrene do not need to be toxic or hyper dramatic in the way some of you specifically want for them to be good. I also can’t handle so much toxicity when we already have enough with it in Wenjoy, and other aspects of the story. seulrene will have problems to face but their conflict will not be with each other in the way some of you seem to want, and if so it certainly will not be extreme or dramatic, this is my story that I’ve had in my mind for a long time much of it is planned out, so if some of you have issues with how I am choosing to write my story I won’t apologize for that, but I respect the reviews and feedback but this is my absolute favorite story and I won’t let it be ruined, if ppl have that much of an issue with how things are written then please don’t read. This is the best story I have, is it perfect no, but nothing is, it’s still a damn good story overall, so thank you for the support and interest! Here’s the next chapter sorry for the long note.



Seulgi had not spoken to her sister since the evening of her grand opening. And in turn Sooyoung had not spoken a word to her either. They were using work as an excuse, especially Sooyoung who was honestly in her new business phase and she was busy.  Busy in all sorts of new ways, as anyone who has just started a business is. Seulgi was busy too, as per usual, and also finalizing everything as much as she could before she and Joohyun left for Japan, which was coming up soon. Now, the omega was sure as hell pissed at the time when she saw the younger Kang hitting her wife. Truthfully, she still wasn’t all that thrilled by Sooyoung at the moment. And yet, both she and Seungwan were worried about their mates. Both omegas wanted the two sisters to come together and talk, preferably with them there so nothing could get out of hand.


“Thank you,” Joohyun takes the offered glass of lemonade from Seungwan. Today, she had been invited over to her house for a late lunch. The main reason why she agreed was that Sooyoung wasn’t home, as she hadn’t spoken much to her sister-in-law either. But maybe, Joohyun was over being angry too. She knew how much the sister’s meant to one another, and they had a strong bond. They’d get through this and if it took herself and Seungwan to help things along. They would do whatever they could.


“You’re welcome. Thank you for coming, I know you’re worried about them.” The blonde omega mentions her wife and Seulgi. This is probably the longest the Kang siblings have gone without talking. Without it being a situation like Sooyoung skipping town, or Seulgi swamped with work. Though, Seungwan knew that Seulgi was indeed swamped with work, just as much as her wife was. This was different with no one even trying to talk to the other.


“I am worried too.” Seungwan sighs. “What Soo did was wrong, and I’m not defending her here. I just know at her core she’s not a bad person. I just know how much therapy could help her, if she would allow herself to be helped.”


Joohyun frowns in concern. She doesn’t want the pregnant omega to be upset, as she is now in her second trimester, with swell more noticeable than it first was. The last thing Joohyun wants is to somehow cause more stress or upset to Seungwan. She hopes the surprise baby shower that she and Dara have planned will help everyone out, give them something to look forward to. However, before they even get to that point. Joohyun knew they had to get the sister’s talking again.


“I don’t think Sooyoung’s a bad person either, Seungwan. But because she has deep rooted issues , it doesn’t give her the right to hit my wife, who never once hit her back.” Joohyun stops, now she’s getting angry again, and that’s not what she wants. 


“We have to do whatever it takes to help smooth this over. We are all family here, and families go through things all the time.”


“I agree. Now, the only question is how do we get them in the same room, without one of them walking off.” Seungwan is talking about Sooyoung more than anything, as she does have a tendency to bail when she’s overwhelmed. 


The dark-haired omega sets her lemonade down on the dining table. “We suggest dinner to them, myself with Seulgi and you with Sooyoung. I’m hoping being out in a public place will make them not want to end up causing a scene. You know, since the press are somehow always around.”


It wasn’t a bad idea. Seungwan knew without telling all the details to Sooyoung, might be the only way to get her to come out to dinner. She only hoped this wouldn’t backfire on them, somehow. Most of all she did want Sooyoung and Seulgi on speaking terms again, and she knew the sister’s wanted the same thing.


“She was talking to me last night about this magazine article that had nothing but good things to say about her designs. And she almost said Seul’s name, so I know Sooyoung misses her.”


Joohyun agrees. Even if Seulgi won’t say a word about her sister. She knows her mate no doubt misses and worries about her too. That’s why she and Seungwan will see this through, and hopefully it works out.


“Then we suggest dinner to them. I do think it’ll be alright, Seungwan. I have never met sister’s as close as them, and it would take more than a punch to sever that bond.”


Seungwan nods with a thankful smile. She chooses to think positively too, as extra stress or worry will not help her or the pregnancy right now. Sisters like her wife and Seulgi are not the type to stay angry at each other for long. And she agrees with Joohyun, it would take something more than fists thrown to end their bond.


“Let’s try and have dinner tonight, then? The sooner we do this the better for us all.”


And so both women sent texts to their respective partners, suggesting dinner without saying all the details, in hopes they were ultimately doing the right thing. 


Kang Sooyoung was a good actress. She prided herself on that, and though she was having a wonderful time with her company, her designs, the fashion shows, sitting in on company meetings. Finally, a real sense of accomplishment, and the press response was incredibly positive. Once in a while she would see the article mentioning her family legacy, a legacy she herself was not a part of. The alpha would ignore those particular articles, and consumed herself in her work. She was drawing and designing more than ever, and it felt good. Though, sometimes when she was alone in her office, sketching, or planning out things for future events. No one could tell there was anything bothering her, at least no one close to her.


“What the is wrong with you?” Were the first words out of Yerim’s mouth as she entered her other boss’ office. A deal was worked out for everyone, where she could freely work between both Seulgi’s and Sooyoung’s company. She spends three days out of her week with Seulgi and the last two with Sooyoung. The main reason why the omega agreed to this, was because she could see how genuine her friend was about needing someone she could trust. Not that there weren't other competent staff around Sooyoung’s company, and so far Yerim has met very decent and intelligent people. She could respect the alpha’s need to have someone she could trust. Especially knowing what she knows about her friend. Sooyoung has been through a lot, that much Yerim knows, and not all of it due to her past drug use. 


“Yerimie?” Sooyoung smiles, “What’s up?”


“Don’t do that, don’t try and act like nothing’s wrong with you. I can see it on your face you’re not alright, so…” Yerim thinks about things. Seulgi hasn’t been her usual self either, though she is still in her boss mode and handling the company well. Now that the omega thinks about it, there must be something going on between the sisters, where there is awkwardness. And yet, something also tells Yerim that’s not the only thing on Sooyoung’s mind. She supposes she can’t blame the alpha for being distracted, she’s just started her new company, has a child on the way, and even if she’s in good spirits. Or seems to be in spirits, that doesn’t mean she’s dealing with everything well. 


“Alright, alright, I confess.” The dark-haired woman sighs. “I have no idea what to order for the company luncheon I’m planning. Do we go really big and order fancy filet mignons and seafood, or lowkey with burgers and fries.”

The next thing Sooyoung feels is a smack upside the head, though not hard enough to actually hurt. And as she goes to ask Yerim why the hell she hit her? She pauses because Yerim looks downright pissed at her, or rather a mix of concern and pissed.


“You cut that out, Soo. You asked me to work here to help you, and you know I’m going to always be honest with you. What is wrong, and don’t use humor to deflect? Talk to me.”


Sooyoung has no idea if it’s the firm way Yerim is talking to her, or the fact she has respect for the omega and trusts her. Or maybe, Sooyoung is just tired of acting for a moment. She sighs and nods to Yerim to sit down in the seat across from her desk.


“I’m honestly happy that everything is going so well, and it feels good to be busy like this, and being productive.”


“But?” Yerim gently asks.


“But, I’m not talking to my sister right now, pretty much because I ed up, per usual. I’m scared about having a baby I’m honestly not ready for, and sometimes I really, really just want to sit in a room, get high as , and not think about anything.”


She hasn’t really admitted all of this to anyone. At least no one in her family. And maybe that’s why it was so easy to tell Yerim this. Yerim knows that and appreciates Sooyoung being able to tell her. 


“I know struggling with addiction, past or present isn’t easy. You should give yourself some credit, you haven’t gone out to get high, right? Not that I know of anyway. Just the same, if you’re feeling that overwhelmed. It’s not wrong to get help before it’s too late. You don’t want to end up in that really dark place again, Sooyoung.” Yerim is worried, mostly as Sooyoung has shared with her a bit from those troubled times. She doesn’t want her friend to end up going back down a road there might be no coming back from the next time.


“So like AA but for cokeheads?” 


“You’re not funny, Kang Sooyoung.”


“I’m sorry, I’m not ungrateful, Yerimie. It’s hard for me to talk about this with my family. They worry about me enough as it is, so I appreciate you talking to me.”


“I understand, I’m an outside person not immediately connected. So if I can help I will, but don’t be afraid to seek professional help of any kind too. It doesn’t make you crazy if you need help, Sooyoung. Now, before I go since I’ve actually got work to do. Try and make up with the boss.”


The omega notices how Sooyoung looks then at the mention of Seulgi. With a slight look of regret and discomfort. 


“You and she are both probably feeling awkward right now. But it wouldn’t hurt to be the bigger person and reach out, would it? Anyway, I’ll see you, Sooyoung.”


“Alright, I’ll see you. Bye, Yerim.”


Honestly, after she had really calmed down. Sooyoung did feel bad for losing her temper. She shouldn’t have reacted so poorly just because she was upset. The younger alpha did want to talk to Seulgi. She owed her sister a real apology. She felt like she owed Joohyun an apology too. Maybe, she did need to grow a pair and reach out first. Or she would have, if not for the text from Seungwan.


“Dinner tonight?” She reads it out loud. Going out tonight for dinner wasn’t exactly on Sooyoung’s agenda. However, she felt the least she could do was treat her wife out to a nice dinner. Before Sooyoung knows it the baby will be coming and they won’t probably have so many nights out for a while. That’s why she agrees to the dinner and tells Seungwan she’ll be home around six to pick her up.


And Sooyoung wasn’t the only one unaware of why dinner was suggested tonight. Kang Seulgi was using her lunch break to talk to her wife. Joohyun had brought up the dinner suggestion in a text too. Though, the omega wasn’t necessarily surprised that her wife had called her. Lately, when Seulgi has time she will call her during her lunch break, or at some point in the work day, even if it’s just to see how Joohyun is. It was a very sweet thing that Joohyun found she appreciated. 


“Does tonight not work for you, baby?” Joohyun has to ask, keeping in mind that there are times her mate is busy with work. Lately, more so than ever as her alpha explained to her she was doing all she could to finalize things, before their upcoming trip to Japan. A trip that the omega was looking forward to more than ever. She knew they could both use the break away from Seoul, and it was a perfect opportunity for them to spend much needed time away, together.


“No, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it, but it’s fine. I’ll be home around 6, so we can go then. Wherever you want it’s fine.”


That is a huge relief to Joohyun, as everything had already been set up. She and Seungwan were so hopeful for their plan to go off without a hitch. The two of them had already made reservations for the restaurant of choice. Seungwan had a friend in the restaurant business, who made it possible for everyone to have dinner tonight, in one of their private party rooms. It would be perfect in case, something should happen. Though, the raven chooses to think positively. Mostly, as she knows Seulgi and trusts her to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Besides, she and Seungwan will be there too, that should help smooth things over.


“Good, I just want to treat you to dinner tonight. You’ve been working a lot lately, and I worry about you, Seul.”


That part was not a lie. She was worried about Seulgi, and if that wasn’t enough. The trial date for Baekhyun had been set too. Seulgi didn’t talk too much about that either, and that also worried her. The omega just knew that whatever happened. She would be there for her wife, to support, and care for her.


“Don’t worry, Hyunnie. It’ll calm down soon, I’m only trying to get the majority of my work done here, so when we leave for Japan. We won’t have anything to worry about except being together.”


It was sweet, thoughtful, very much her wife. “I understand, but that doesn’t mean I want my wife exhausting herself either. Or do you like coming home and falling asleep at the dinner table,” Joohyun lightly teases. Seulgi sighs on the phone and chuckles just a bit.


“In my defense it was very warm in the kitchen.”

“Oh, it was very warm in the kitchen, very good defense, Seul. Okay, I know you have to get back to work soon, so please eat your lunch that I packed for you, if you haven’t already.”


“Yes, Mrs. Kang. Have a good rest of your day, Hyun. I’ll see you when I get home.”


“Okay, I’ll see you when you get home. Have a good day too, baby. I l…” She pauses, and realizes she was about to say she loved her. And that’s when it hit Joohyun, fully, really. She loves her.


It’s no longer about being comfortable in her marriage. She loves her alpha and is in love with her. Maybe, this was already there? Just pushed to the side and Joohyun had not fully allowed herself to admit these feelings. But that doesn’t mean they were not there, constantly growing stronger. She loves her wife. She looks forward to spending evenings together, hearing about Seulgi’s day, being with her. Their intimacy honestly continues to grow, in small but profound ways. Hugs, kisses, cuddling, touches, and there was that she enjoyed because it was with her alpha. 


“Hyun?” Seulgi asks worriedly.


She wasn’t going to tell Seulgi she loved her over the phone. Not for the first time, something like that should be said in person. 


“Nothing, Seul. I’ll see you when you get home.”


“Alright?” The alpha sounds reluctant, as if she’s worried that something might be wrong. Seulgi doesn’t push, though and they do get off the phone. Joohyun sets her phone down on the bed and sits in their bedroom, letting it all sink in. 


“I love my wife.”


She says it out loud for the first time, and it feels good to say it out loud, even to no one but herself right now.


“I love my wife.”


“I love my wife. I love Kang Seulgi!” This time it’s said with a laugh and excitement as she falls back into the bed. The omega really did love her wife and Joohyun closes her eyes in content. This happiness, this feeling of looking forward to seeing her alpha after a long work day, supporting her, kisses that made her breathless in the best way possible. All of this and more were signs of love for her mate, and it feels great to be able to come to that realization. Now, Joohyun’s new problem was when and how to tell Seulgi. This wasn’t anything that should be kept hidden for long.


“Now, how to tell her…”


Surely, she couldn’t just say it randomly like ‘oh, honey by the way. I love you.’  and yet, maybe this didn’t need to be something complicated either. All she needed to do was tell this most amazing woman and alpha she has ever known, that she loves her. Shouldn’t be that difficult, right?


Or maybe it was, mostly because when Seulgi did come home later, before their scheduled dinner. She and Seungwan had gone over the plan again, and discussed all possible scenarios. The best situation of course, was getting the two sisters to talk and everything smoothing itself. The worst, another fight breaking out. Both omega’s knew that they had to do anything they could to avoid a fight, a real one, especially in public. That aside, she noticed how drained Seulgi looked, more so than usual. Perhaps tonight wasn’t the best night to do this after all, and yet everything was pretty much already set. Seungwan had not too long ago sent her the text that she and Sooyoung would be heading to the restaurant soon. The whole thing was a go, now she needed to see what was troubling her mate.


“What’s wrong, baby?” The soft gentle hand on her cheek is what has Seulgi look down at her wife. Joohyun looks at her with such concern, and it touches the alpha’s heart in more than one way. Seulgi knew for some time that she was fortunate to have married Joohyun, and there was probably no other way she would have met this incredible woman, had it not been for her father. Earlier, Seulgi had this feeling that Joohyun had wanted to say something important to her. The only reason why the monolid woman didn’t push was because she too was struggling with thoughts lately, but at least in the case of the new thoughts. They were for a positive reason, and not anything stressful. Seulgi carefully reaches for her mate’s hand and leaves a kiss to her knuckles. Something else had sparked in Seulgi’s mind, ever since the night she had seen Joohyun so angry that she was in tears over what had occurred between herself and Sooyoung.


The way she wanted to make sure no one ever made her mate cry. The way Seulgi wanted to be sure she was never upset like that again, not simply out of mere protection as she is her alpha. But out of something more, and it dawned on Seulgi that she loved Joohyun. Sure, she wasn’t thrilled by it coming from the fact she and her sister weren’t on good terms. She still loved this beautiful and kind woman right here, and this is honestly the first time Seulgi has been in love before. What a beautiful thing it is to be in love with your mate, and so scary too as she has no idea when and how to tell Joohyun. Their marriage had originally begun as an arrangement, but months had passed since then. So much had occurred between them, easy conversations, hand-holding, laughter, intimacy that was only normalizing and increasing between spouses.


“I do love her.” Seulgi thinks to herself. Still, something about right now didn’t feel all that appropriate to say, or maybe the alpha had some concern that Joohyun might not believe her. 


“Hard day at work?” Joohyun asks, as she helps her sit down on the couch. They can stand to wait a few moments before heading out to dinner. She wants to make sure Seulgi is alright first, at least before she gets surprised by the fact her sister will be at dinner later. Joohyun has already promised herself to be on her best behavior too, and not get upset. Even if sometimes, her mind will easily flash back to how Sooyoung punched Seulgi. The way she reacted to it was also a sign of her love for her wife, though again at the time Joohyun had not admitted it to herself yet.


“Sort of, I got a call today from the prosecutors in the case against Mr. Byun. They asked if I wanted to provide a victim’s impact statement, in case I don’t show up to the trial.”


The date was soon for that too, as far as Joohyun can remember. She can see the stress and worry on her mate’s face and that always saddens her. Joohyun wraps her arms around the tanned woman and slowly releases that intoxicating lavender scent, working it’s magic and calming Seulgi down. 


“You haven’t decided if you will go. I know nothing about this is easy, knowing who your father’s killer is, and now with a trial date coming up. I know you’ve got a lot on your mind. I just want you to know, I’m with you, Seul. No matter what you do decide or what happens. I’m right here.”


Seulgi smiles softly in thanks. She is so lucky to have this woman with her. “Thank you, Hyunnie.” The alpha leaves a kiss to her forehead. “I know you’re with me, and that somehow makes everything okay, you know.”


“I know, you always make everything okay for me too when I need it to be. Now, are you ready to go to dinner?” Joohyun runs her fingers through her alpha’s brown locks. She wanted to be able to tell Seulgi that dinner would be a nice distraction. Only she can’t actually say so, since she has no idea how this is going to go. The omega feels bad too for not being honest about this, as she and Seulgi are as honest as possible with one another. Save for the fact that there are some things Seulgi can’t share with her because of the family business. They still get ready to leave their house and meet Seungwan and Sooyoung for dinner. Joohyun just hopes it doesn’t turn out badly, and that her mate will understand why she and Seungwan are going about things in this manner.


It’s the same thing Seungwan hopes for as she and Sooyoung arrive at the restaurant. The alpha was already suspicious from the moment they arrived and rather than going to a regular table for two. They were being led to a private party area, so unless Seungwan was inviting a bunch of people. That she had failed to mention, there was clearly something up.


“Did my invite to this party get lost in the mail?” The alpha asks with slight sarcasm in her voice.


“Huh,” Seungwan looks up and over to her wife, slightly distracted as she waits for some sort of text from Joohyun, or maybe just a sign of the other couple. Sooyoung looks at her with an eyebrow slightly raised in question. 


“Are you alright?” 


“Yeah, I’m fine, Soo.” Seungwan nods with a warm smile. “I just think it’s really great we were able to get out tonight. I know you’ve been very busy lately, which I understand, since you’re just getting started. But I am really proud of you, Soo.” The blonde smiles. “You are doing well, so maybe try and give yourself some credit.”


The alpha pauses and takes all that in. She doesn’t think she should be taking credit for finally getting herself together, at least business and career-wise. She knows she has a long way to go, before she is in a better mindframe. 


“Thank you, Wan.” She does tell her in a genuine tone. “But that doesn’t let you off the hook here. Who’s coming to the party?”

Seungwan doesn’t answer, mostly as there is no need. Sooyoung happens to look up when she notices who is being led over to them. Her sister-in-law and sister. If Seulgi was surprised to see her too. Her sister didn’t let it show at all.


“Well, me…” 


Sooyoung supposes she was going to have to grow a pair much sooner now, if her sister and Joohyun were coming to have dinner with them. Seulgi had to say, she wasn’t all that surprised by this. The older alpha might not have been full expecting to see her sister and Seungwan sitting there, but she wasn’t surprised. She knew that it wasn’t just herself being affected by her current situation with Sooyoung. Naturally, that would spill over to their wives too, who both no doubt did this to help. Joohyun pulls her to the side.


“Don’t be upset with me, please. I didn’t withhold this to hurt you.” Joohyun whispers and grabs a hold of her alpha’s cheeks, to have Seulgi look at her. Seulgi hasn’t really said much to her since they arrived at the restaurant, and was still silent, not even mentioning the fact that Sooyoung and Seungwan are sitting at one of the dining tables waiting for them.


“I’m not upset with you, Hyunnie. I think you and Wan probably did this because it was what you felt was best. Don’t worry, this can’t be put off for another month either.” To show her omega that she wasn’t upset with her. The alpha reached for her hand and interlocked their fingers. The small but meaningful gesture made Joohyun feel much better. Though she knew they would have to talk about this at home at some point. They were already here and now heading over to the table. Sooyoung had not stopped looking at them and now that the other couple were here in front of her. The younger alpha didn’t even know what to say, what should she say? Or what could she say to them. Seungwan comes to the rescue on that part at least, by saying hello to Joohyun and Seulgi before inviting them both to sit down. This was no doubt the most awkward start to any dinner in a long time.


“Thank you for coming.” Seungwan tells Seulgi. Then she turns to look at her wife, who hasn’t said anything. The blonde takes one of her alpha’s hands.


“Please don’t be upset, Soo. Joohyun and I just wanted to do whatever we could to bring you two together. I think you both are probably tired of the awkwardness too.”


No one says anything still.

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
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Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
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Hello?? We miss this story.