Don't make assumptions

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: I was amazed to see this fic get featured, so big thank you to all who made this a possibility. I hope the interest continues and more of you get into the story itself and not just focus all on seulrene because a lot of effort has gone into this story and I’m particularly proud of it. Here’s chapter 7, enjoy.


Kang Chanyeol is a man of careful planning and action. He is always several steps ahead of his business rivals and that’s partly why he’s always remained on top of the corporate world. He has gone against his original intentions he promised his daughter. Chanyeol told Seulgi that he would delay for a year. He didn’t mean what he said because as soon as he was able he went to meet with his personal lawyers. He had everything officially taken care of so when the time comes all power will transition to Seulgi. She might not think she’s ready, but he knows otherwise. His daughter is responsible, dedicated, and will always get the task done no matter what. He knows without a doubt his heir will do him proud as she always has.


There are many things Chanyeol regrets in his life, particularly the ending of his marriage with Dara and how it affected Seulgi. There is one thing he never has regretted and that’s Seulgi herself. For Chanyeol his daughter is the best thing he has ever created. He sits in his office with a glass of wine. Seulgi will not be happy when she learns what he has done. Then again, there have been many times she wasn’t happy with him. However, he does know despite that Seulgi loves him. If there’s anyone’s love he can always count on that’s Seulgi.


“Sir?” He hears a knock at the door. It’s one of his personal lawyers.


“Yes, what is it?”


“It’s about the adjusting to your will, or really the changes you made about the business.”


“Come in, and close the door.”


The lawyer nods and enters the office fully. He sits down across from his boss. Chanyeol is looking at him with an expectant look.


“I haven’t finalized the papers as of yet.”


“Why are you stalling?” The dark-haired man asks with sharp eyes on his employee.


“No, sir. I’m not stalling. I just wanted to be sure that you don’t want to add your other daughter, um Sooyoung?”


Chanyeol frowns and the lawyer swallows nervously. He hopes he won’t be fired or worse.


“Are you questioning me?”




“I said are you questioning me? Do not ever question me when I have already expressed what I want done. Seulgi is my one and only heir. The business and anything to do with the business will be hers and any of her future children. Sooyoung is already set up with her very substantial trust fund. She will have nothing to do with the company. Do you understand?”


The lawyer gives a nod and doesn’t wait for his boss to dismiss him. He simply gets up and tells him the paperwork will be filed. Chanyeol goes back to his wine. He sighs and massages his temples. If he was always sure of his love for Seulgi. The thing that had always been in question was his complicated feelings toward his daughter Sooyoung. It all boils down to a few things. The first being the fact that he didn’t love Jinri, and she certainly didn’t love him either. Their situation was more of a lust, physical attraction that eventually settled into a mutual disdain for one another. The entire affair with Jinri was really based on his love of pretty things, and Jinri was one definitely gorgeous woman. She resisted him at first as many do, but his charm won in the end. Chanyeol can still remember when he discovered her pregnancy, and it was not a pretty conversation.




Jinri was avoiding him that much was clear. She hasn’t responded to any of his calls or messages. It’s been three months since the last time he was with her, and he couldn’t stand to be ignored. The alpha had people all over the situation and they reported Jinri being spotted in Jeju. Chanyeol lied to his wife about going on an overnight business trip, so he could see Jinri. When he found her just outside of a beach house. He saw what was very clearly a pregnant Jinri who looked shocked to see him. She tried to run and bar the door.


“Don’t run.” He told her with his hand blocking her from slamming the door shut.


“What are you doing here, Chanyeol.”


He isn’t looking at her per say. He’s really looking at her slight swell and thinks back to the last time they had . The dark-haired man was certain that she was on birth control. This is not what he expected to see.


“Let me in, Jinri. I just want to talk to you.”


“Fine, talk if you must, but then leave. I have the cops on speedial, so don’t try anything.”


He smiles and caresses her cheek. “You’ve let me in before, don’t be so shy now.”


She snarls and pushes his hand away from her face. “Don’t touch me.”


“Fine, let’s discuss this development. You’re pregnant.”


“I am.” The omega nods. She backs up a safe distance away from him. “This is none of your concern.”


“You’re pregnant with my pup, you bet your it’s my concern. Get rid of it.”


The cold way he tells her to abort the child sends chills down Jinri's spine. This is why she took off when she knew for sure about the baby. Jinri isn’t an idiot and she has heard the stories of women having claimed to have his child, and never being heard from again.


“This isn’t an it. This is a baby whom belongs to me. You can’t come in here telling me to abort my child.”


“Jinri, get rid of it or else.”


“Or else what! Are you going to kill me like you did the others.”


Chanyeol freezes then when she stands up to him. There are very few people who stand up to him, and the fact that Jinri looks unafraid as she protects her unborn child it strikes a nerve in him. He thinks about Seulgi at home and then he sighs.


“Fine, have the child. My wife can’t find out about this though. I will send you money as you need but..” He stops. “My wife and daughter can’t find out about this.” Chanyeol adds then. He would do anything to stop that from happening.




Of course, Dara did find out and Seulgi too when Sooyoung turned four. The news about Sooyoung wasn’t the final straw that ended his marriage, however. Dara was just sick of his constant womanizing and behaviors. He thought for awhile he could win her back, but once she officially married Lee Chaerin. Chanyeol knew he had lost her for good, and that is another regret. He has never been close to Sooyoung and has always kept a distance between the two of them. The dark-haired man has his reasons for why she won’t be apart of his business and he thinks one day Seulgi will understand. He presses a button on the intercom.


“Yes, Mr. Kang?”


“I’m stepping out of the office for awhile. If there is anything important notify me at once.”


“Yes, Sir.” The secretary nods. He has things to plan and put in motion, but first a little detour. He calls his limo driver and goes to meet them downstairs. It’s been about a month since Seulgi was married to the Bae girl, and he finds himself curious to how it’s going. Whenever he sees his daughter in the office, or for their weekly dinners they have. Seulgi doesn’t talk about anything. She never discusses her new wife or how she’s being treated. It concerns Chanyeol as he really does want his daughter to be happy more than anything.


“I swear if that girl proves useless in anyway like her family.”  He clenches his fist. Seulgi isn’t at the office today because he has made sure she takes at least one day out of the week off. He can’t have her overworking before she’s the new CEO. Although, he will sometimes find out she’s been working anyway. Chanyeol has a plan to find out how the situation is going with Seulgi and her wife, and he plans to find out soon.


It’s been about a month since becoming Mrs. Kang and Joohyun is used to the house, freedom, and the fact that she barely sees Seulgi outside of for breakfast and dinners. The omega is in the kitchen making breakfast when she hears Seulgi entering. The alpha walks passed her and makes herself a cup of tea. The silence in the room is very awkward and they pass by each other a few times as they move about in the kitchen. Seulgi turns soon and looks at the back of the raven’s head.


“Are we not going to talk about what happened?”


Joohyun isn’t surprised that Seulgi would eventually bring it up. They actually got into a heated conversation, or rather Joohyun was the one heated while Seulgi remained the calmer of the two.


“We resolved it from the last time, didn’t we?”


Seulgi frowns some. She doesn’t think anything was truly resolved.


“You know I wasn’t trying to offend or upset you, right?”


“I know.” Joohyun nods. “I know, I apologized before and I didn’t mean to snap at you.”


They both remember exactly how and what the discussion was about. It was about a topic that couldn’t necessarily be avoided, as it needed to be discussed no matter how uncomfortable Joohyun was then.




A week had passed since they had been married. Seulgi came home from work to find Joohyun had already finished cooking dinner and seemed to be waiting for her to arrive.


“Do you mind if we talk first?” The brunette wonders as she sits down on the couch across from the recliner Joohyun is sitting in.


“Sure, what is it?”


Seulgi knows this won’t be an easy discussion. There is just no way to avoid it for long. They need to have this talk about her heat cycles.


“I kind of need to know what your heat cycles are like? Are you on any suppressants, or birth control?”


Joohyun logically understands why Seulgi is asking her such questions. As an omega she would understand better than anyone how badly heats can be and how difficult it is without suppressants. Not to mention the fact that other alphas will be affected by the heat. At the same time there is something that upsets her about Seulgi asking. It’s none of her business, right?


“I’m not sleeping with you.”


“What?” Seulgi speaks.


“My heats are none of your concern because I’m not going to bed with you.”


“Hold on a second.” The alpha puts her hand up. “I didn’t ask this because of that. You and I are not mates, Joohyun. You’re my wife legally but you’re not my mate. What do you think will happen to you if you go into heat and someone gets to you? Joohyun you know how some alphas are. They don’t care about consent when all they can think of is the omega in heat. I’m only asking because I will set up precautions to protect you.”


The raven feels bad after Seulgi explains why. The brunette isn’t wrong because they’re not mates. If she was Seulgi’s mate it would deter other alphas away from her. There is very little that can be done here, but then Seulgi said she will set something up in order to protect her.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”


“You remember when you said that I wasn’t like my father?”


“Yes.” The raven nods. Seulgi is not like Chanyeol that has always been clear, and becoming more clear as she spends time with her.


“I hope you try to remember that. I’m not like him or some of the other alphas.”




Joohyun did apologize to her again. She was out of line then and shouldn’t have jumped to the worst conclusion.


“We should go over the precautions.”


“Okay, what are you going to do?”


“There is a area I have in the house, and it’s difficult to get to, or rather it’s underground. It was originally meant to be an underground safe house. You will be safe there when you go into heats. I can even have some of my father’s guards to protect you. They are both betas and wouldn’t be affected by your heat.”


Joohyun is at a loss for words. The level of kindness in Seulgi’s words and tone blow her away. She didn’t expect for the alpha to go as far as that.


“I don’t know what to say.”


“You don’t need to say anything. No one should ever force you against your will. I’ll have a key made for you, in case you need. You have your suppressants too, right?”


“I do, thank you, Seulgi.”


“You’re welcome, Joohyun.”


Seulgi doesn’t stay long afterwards. She says she has things to do for work, but as always tells Joohyun she doesn’t have to stay home if she wants to go out. The brunette gets to the door and Joohyun stops her before she goes.


“Hey, I know I said I was sorry before. I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions. I will do better about that.”


The monolid woman turns back to look at her and gives a small smile. She does understand how uncomfortable this situation is for Joohyun.


“I think we both still need to adjust, and we can’t do that if we don’t at least spend time together. Would you mind if we go to dinner tonight?”


“Dinner tonight?” It sounds like a date. She thinks it’s the least she can do, go out to dinner with Seulgi. It’s why Joohyun agrees and thanks her again for being understanding.


“I will see you later, okay.”


“Goodbye, Seulgi. Have a good day.” She waves her off from the doorway and watches as she gets into her car. Joohyun tells herself she will do her best to not jump down Seulgi’s throat. It’s not like she had a choice either in this marriage.


Meanwhile, Seungwan has been working at her bakery. She's been here since 8 am, boxing up cakes and checking inventory. She likes to be the kind of hands on boss who interacts with her staff and customers. The blonde has her back turned trying to fill an order for an online customer when she hears the bell chime signaling a customer.


“Hi, welcome to…” She pauses when she notices who the customer is. Mr. Kang is standing there dressed in his expensive navy suit, loafers, and looking as if he shouldn’t be anywhere near her causal, low key business.


“Oh, Mr. Kang.” The omega offers a small smile. “What brings you by?”


Chanyeol walks over with a charming smile. “Seungwan, you don’t have to be so formal. I’ve only known you for years.”


“Sorry, what brings you by?”


He looks passed her to the menu. “I would like a box of your chocolate cake.”


“Sure, let me just box that up for you.” She turns to get the cake and can feel his gaze on her. Seungwan has never told Sooyoung this, but Chanyeol makes her uncomfortable sometimes. It’s not always, but there are times such as these where she hopes their interactions don’t last long.


“Here you go. I…”


“Can we talk?” Chanyeol interrupts.


“Oh, sure.” He is still her father-in-law at the end of the day. She was taught to respect her elders, and her parents are also friends with him. The truth of the matter is that her parents and Chanyeol had always hoped to marry her off to Seulgi. It’s something she had always been aware of. The hope was to combine their two families with one another, by using herself and Seulgi to achieve this, The thing is she and Seulgi were always just best friends, and there was no romantic feelings. She had feelings for Sooyoung and as their relationship did develop it was clear her parents and Mr. Kang were disappointed by the situation.


“I am going to have a family dinner soon, and invite everyone that consists of my family. Sooyoung and I are not on the best of terms, so I was hoping you could talk to her and convince her to show.”


She just like Seulgi and Sooyoung’s mom had hoped for the two of them to grow their own relationship. Unfortunately, that never happened and the distance continued to grow. It’s as if there is an ocean between the father and daughter. It feels like something that will never be crossed.


“I’ll try, Mr. Kang. She will probably go if Seul will be there.”


“I said all members of my family.”


“Okay, I’ll talk to her later about it.”


“Thank you, Seungwan. You’re good for her, sadly I do not believe my daughter is any good for you in return.”


“What?” The blonde whispers in a slightly hurt and confused tone.


“You would do just about anything for her, wouldn’t you? Don’t answer I can tell. Can you say without a doubt she would for you?”


“Mr. Kang, I…”


The sound of a customer walking in alerts the young woman and she turns sharply toward the door. Chanyeol backs away from her and thanks her for the cake. He pays with more money than he should and says nothing when he leaves. Seungwan immediately plants a smile on her face and addresses the customer. Mr. Kang has always made her more uncomfortable than he should.


Joohyun was about to leave the house when there’s a loud banging on the door that startles the poor raven so badly she hides behind the couch. If it’s that mean and horrible cleaning lady then she will call the cops. Joohyun has met the supposedly nice and harmless woman who Seulgi hired to clean. The omega is so sure that woman is really a witch. The very first time they met she was rude to her, and made it clear she couldn’t believe Joohyun was really Mrs. Kang. The cleaning lady actually took one look at her and laughed, making it clear she thought Ms. Seulgi could do much better.


“Yo, sis! Are you home?” Sooyoung shouts from the other side of the door.


“Seulgi’s sister?” Joohyun wonders in surprise. The raven hasn’t seen Sooyoung since the evening of the wedding.


“Hey. Are you dead in there? I need to talk to you.”


Joohyun goes to answer the door just when the taller woman is about to knock again.


“Oh, hey it’s you.” Sooyoung stops and takes her hand back from knocking.


“Hi, Sooyoung. Seulgi isn’t home.”


“Oh, well . I needed to talk to her, but since I’m here.” The dark-haired alpha walks inside without even waiting for Joohyun to officially let her in. There is certainly a difference the two siblings. Seulgi is quiet, calm, and her aura is not as brash as Sooyoung’s. There is a slight similarity in their scents because of the shared father, but there is a difference because Sooyoung has an apple like scent more than Seulgi whom has a citrusy smell.


“Well, come on in then.” Joohyun deadpans.


“Haha, come on in.” Sooyoung grins and her mind travels to the gutter for a moment. “I’m starving, got any food? I know Seul can’t cook for , but she has a cool chef.”


This is her wife’s sister and so Joohyun will be hospitable. She tells Sooyoung to sit at the dining table and she brings out some shrimp japchae and a glass of water.


“Thanks! Did you make this?”


“I did.”


“Oh, well cool. If you cook then neither you or my sister will starve to death.”


Joohyun watches as Sooyoung tackles the plate in what seems like no time. The next thing she knows it’s all clear.


“What in the world?”


“Hey, so thanks for the food. How’s it going? Are you glad to be a Kang, it’s an honor, you know?”


The alpha’s tone is so lackluster and deadpan that there’s no way Joohyun can take it seriously. She can’t deny that there is an immediate adjustment to being Seulgi’s wife. She remembers the other day when she went shopping with one of Seulgi’s cards, and the store went crazy and treat

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.