You're still you

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hey, very very sorry about the extended absence of this story. Part of it is just life being what it is, and then I have multiple fics going on at once though that’s nothing new, and of course no one’s fault but my own. I also understand if interest has been lost here, that would be completely understandable since I know how long a story this is and it will still take a while yet to complete, so I apologize sincerely. However, if there’s still interest in reading this story, thank you very much! 


It was not as if Seungwan enjoyed this. Not at all. In all honesty it felt embarrassing to come after her wife in such a way. When it would have felt so much better had Sooyoung allowed her to come with her, like originally planned. So perhaps, Seungwan was partly acting on hurt feelings when she came here. The omega also knew she needed answers, and she didn’t want to sit around waiting for answers, not when she was owed them now.


“Is that my mom’s car?” The alpha questions and Seungwan frowns. Is this really what Sooyoung is asking about? Of all the things she could have said first, and it’s that?


“She might have let me borrow her car when she stopped by the bakery. It’s fast and she knew I needed to get here. Now, are you going to explain to me why you decided to not let me come with you? Right after you said it was okay.”


In Sooyoung’s opinion, this was hardly the time or place to have this conversation. While she did understand why Seungwan was upset. She truly did. She knew for certain if the situation were reversed she would be upset too. This still didn’t exactly feel like an appropriate place for a conversation.


“Hey, Wan. Believe me, I get it. I know I was random in deciding not to have you come. But if we can, please talk about this at home.”


“No!” Now, Seungwan wasn’t sure if this was somewhat pregnancy hormones. Or if she just had enough of not being able to talk when she needs to at the moment. Sooyoung will answer her and Seungwan finds that she doesn’t care if they stand here until dark. She will get answers. 


Sooyoung blinks in surprise. “Seungwan?”


“I asked you a question, and I want you to give me an answer. It shouldn’t be that difficult.”


“I just don’t think now is the place, that’s all.”


Logically, Seungwan gets that. She really does and it’s even fortunate for her mate that she does understand that now is no time or place to possibly cause a scene. And yet, the omega can’t bring herself to care all that much because she deserves an explanation.


“Yeah, you’re right now is probably not the time or place. But I want to know why because it’s the very least you can do for me right now, Soo.”


The alpha knew that her mate was right. Seungwan had a point and perhaps Sooyoung could not stand how she was being looked at. She hated to see how upset Seungwan was at the moment. The only problem now was how much truth could she lay on her wife. She didn’t want to hurt her feelings, and yet she knew a lie would not be enough to suffice. 


“It’s not that I didn’t want you to come with me, Wan.” She originally had planned to have Seungwan come with her. She knows how important it is for Seungwan to be able to support her. Sooyoung knows she probably feels robbed of her first real opportunity to do so. And while, it wasn’t her intention to hurt Seungwan’s feelings. The fact of the matter is that’s what happened. 


“I guess I wasn’t as ready as I thought to have you join me. That’s not really your fault though. I can only apologize and I think you can understand that this is all new to me. I’m still not all that used to going in there and talking to someone about my deepest and darkest problems. It’s going to take some time. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to, Wan.”


The blonde looks up at her as if trying to analyze every single frame of her face for any hint of deception. She could find none and at that point Seungwan could do nothing but accept Sooyoung’s apology.


“Alright, then I accept your apology. You could have just told me this. I would have understood. I know this is a process for you and I don’t expect you to force yourself into things you’re not ready for. I only want you to be honest with me, Soo.”


“That’s…” Sooyoung pauses. As easy as it would be to say something more. She tries to hold back so she doesn’t hurt Seungwan’s feelings. Something tells the alpha that it’s probably the last thing she should do. Instead, she should be grateful that her wife accepts her apology. “That’s fair, thank you, Wan.”


“Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m going to take your mom’s car back. I still have a few more things to do at the bakery before closing time. I’ll see you at home. If you feel up to it then maybe you can tell me how today's session went?”


“Yeah, I’ll see you at home, Wan.”


And as she watched her wife leave, Sooyoung could think of only one other thing. She would have to come clean to Dr. Moon about her real identity much sooner than she anticipated. She certainly couldn’t expect to go on like this for a number of reasons. Especially if it meant having a repeat performance of what just happened between herself and Seungwan. 


Sooyoung knew what she needed to do.





Earlier when Jinri had stepped into her daughter-in-law’s bakery to see how she was, and possibly pick up some baked goods to bring home for herself and wife. It took her all of five seconds to notice that something was wrong. But it had taken longer for Seungwan to tell her why she was upset. Unsurprisingly, it had everything to do with her daughter. And when Jinri found out exactly what happened she had no problems offering her car to Seungwan. Though, at first she had offered to drive. She understood this was something she couldn’t interfere with at this time.


With all that in mind, she couldn’t help but to feel horrible about everything. Not just for her daughter, daughter-in-law, but for their unborn child as well. 


“What to do?” Jinri sighs as she wonders just how this situation can come to a good conclusion. Sooyoung has started going to therapy, which is a good first start. Still, even that would take time. No one is expecting a miracle to happen overnight. Ir didn’t mean Jinri didn’t want things to be okay for her family. She felt helpless in a way because of not knowing what to do.


“Hello?” She barely noticed her phone ringing. She had been so deep in thought. 


“Jinri, hey. Are you busy?”


“I….” Technically she wasn’t busy, at least not so much she couldn’t see what was going on with Dara. “No, I’m not busy. What’s going on, Dara?”


“Oh good.” Her fellow omega breathes a sigh of relief. Dara hates to interrupt if Jinri is busy and she also knows her friend is having a particularly hard time with everything going on with Sooyoung. It’s why she has offered to help her because they are at the end of the day all family.


“Nope, I’m all yours.” She can hear Jinri practically smiling on the other end. “But talk fast in case I suddenly become busy.”


It’s a joke that they both laugh over. Jinri needed this distraction right now, and she finds herself grateful Dara called. 


“Okay, so I was wondering how you felt about Chae and I inviting Soo and Seungwan over for dinner. Just the four of us? I promise we won’t bombard Sooyoung with questions and make her feel trapped. I know she hates that.”


“She does.” Jinri agrees. She has seen time and time again how her daughter can react when she feels trapped. Jinri can vividly remember each time Sooyoung had done a disappearing act and ended up in other countries. All so she could get away. Whatever happens, Jinri didn’t want that to happen again. 


“I know, it’s why I was thinking it would be just a dinner to talk with them. No pressure, just to be reassuring and have both of them know we are here in support too.”


“I think that’s a wonderful idea. I think Soo and Seungwan could use all the love and support we can all give them. Besides, Soo always listens to you better than me.” It’s a small joke that has Dara coughing loudly suddenly.


“We are talking about the same Sooyoung? Because I don’t recall her ever listening to me.”


Now that makes Jinri laugh. Truly, she is grateful to have had this call with Dara and finds herself feeling a bit better. Just when she thought she was helpless. She is reminded that she is not. Somehow, everything would have to be okay.


“I’ll be in touch, and let you know how everything goes. This should come from me and Chae, that way we won’t have Sooyoung suspicious and thinking something is up.”


Jinri agrees and thanks her again. They don’t stay on the phone very long afterwards. Just promising to meet again when it’s time to further plan for Seungwan’s surprise baby shower. By the time she ends the call she sees Seungwan has returned. Without her daughter, there is something different in the pregnant omega’s energy. At least, she doesn’t seem nearly as upset as she had when Jinri had first seen her.


“Hey,” Jinri smiles. “How are you? Do you want to talk?”


“I’m not really sure how I am.” The blonde admits. Seungwan is feeling quite conflicted. On the one hand she feels proud for standing up for herself and not backing down, and putting her feelings first for a change. On the other hand, it still doesn’t feel all that good that she even had to go about it in this manner. When she thinks about how she has seen Seulgi and Joohyun. And how their interactions seem effortless, where there is a quiet unspoken understanding, and mutual respect. It makes the omega realize something important. It’s not necessarily about the amount of time you’ve been with someone, but the connection.


“Come here.” Jinri frowns in concern and hugs her. She wants to ask how everything went, but also wants for Seungwan to speak at her own pace. Which doesn’t happen right away, as her daughter-in-law decides that the best distraction is to finish up with work. Jinri doesn’t push her to talk, instead she offers to stay and help. Seungwan seemed appreciative of that and it made everything go by faster. Jinri just didn’t know if she should be worried or not with how Seungwan moved around like she was trying her best to not think.


“Thank you!” Seungwan is waving soon to the last staff member who is leaving for the evening. Now that it’s just the two of them, Jinri is sure they will be able to talk properly soon.


“Is there anything else I can do to help?” The older omega wonders, though judging by how well everything is put away. There doesn’t seem to be much to do except close up and go. 


“You’ve done a lot to help, thank you.” Seungwan smiles. “I am really glad you stopped by. It was really like one of those much needed moments you don’t even know you need, but you do?”


“Yes.” Jinri does agree and smiles back. “We should thank my cravings for sweets.”


They share a warm laugh over that statement, but Seungwan does thank her mother-in-law again. Shortly after she then explains what happened and Jinri can certainly understand why Seungwan felt conflicted. 


“You’re not wrong for standing up for yourself, Seungwan.” She is sure to tell the younger woman. “A relationship is about two people the last time I checked. I love Sooyoung very much. She is my daughter but that doesn’t make her needs and wants greater than yours.”


That’s something Seungwan always did appreciate about her mother-in-law. Kind and caring to everyone. She never showed bias when it came to Sooyoung, no matter if she was her daughter. She always tried her best to be supportive to both of them. Seungwan couldn’t help but be grateful to know this amazing woman, and call her mom too.


“Thank you, that means so much for me to hear you say. I guess, at the end of the day I’m only human too.”


“Yes, and there’s only so much a person can take. Give yourself more credit, alright? And you know if there’s ever anything you need…”


“I know.” The blonde gently cuts her off. “I know, thank you, mom.  If I’m half as good a mom as you are, to this little one.” She thinks of her unborn child. Which is where her focus ultimately will be and continuing being as time goes on. “I think this will be one very lucky kid.”


“I think you will be fine, Seungwan. You love this child and that’s the first step. Besides, you won’t be alone during this and in that my grandchild is going to be one very lucky child surrounded by so much love.”


Seungwan agrees as she thinks about how much love there will be for this baby. It is comforting to know. Even in the back of her mind she thinks about Sooyoung and her recovery process. Something she could not rush and she knew that. But that didn’t change the fact that there was a baby coming whether Sooyoung felt mentally ready or not.





Someone else who had to start being mentally ready was Joohyun.


Things wouldn’t just change for Seulgi only as the new CEO and head of the Kang family empire Chanyeol left behind. Joohyun knew that as her wife, mate, and closest person to her that things would change for her in ways too. 


The omega stood looking at the calendar on the kitchen wall with Friday circled in purple ink so she would not forget. Seulgi had told her days ago about a dinner function she had to attend, and because mostly everyone who was married would be bringing their spouse. It was expected for Joohyun to come, naturally. The one and only Mrs. Kang could not be walking beside her wife and holding onto her arm that evening.


“Think about what the tabloids and crazy press will say if you don’t go! The Kang Queen without her consort, really, Hyun.” She can still hear Jennie’s teasing voice from when they last spoke. Joohyun had found it funny at the time, but as the date approached she wasn’t sure if she found it quite so funny. As someone who had lived such a quiet and relatively mundane life until marrying Seulgi. It can still be a little overwhelming being in large crowds with faces she doesn’t know, and in some cases doesn’t wish to know. Though overall, Joohyun knows she has gotten used to certain things like the nosy paparazzi, and their cameras.


The omega had been so lost in thought she didn’t right away notice Seulgi had come home. Seulgi looked worriedly at the woman she loved, and could only think of what would be best for her.


“Hey, Hyun.”


“Oh…” The raven turns and smiles when she sees Seulgi. “Hi, baby. Did you just get in?”


Seulgi nods. “Come, sit with me.” The alpha took a hold of her hand and together they sat down at the kitchen table. She holds her wife’s hands in her own and gently caresses Joohyun’s fingers. 


“I know you’re probably nervous about the dinner event on Friday.”


“Was it that obvious?” Joohyun smiles and appreciates how Seulgi’s being her usual calming presence. It’s amazing how she can go from feeling anxious to calmer in no time thanks to her wife.


“Just a little.” Seulgi speaks in a small teasing way that is mostly full of affection. She could tell in the little actions that Joohyun was nervous. Whether it was staring at the calendar too long, or pacing around the kitchen when the omega didn’t think she noticed.


“I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be. I wanted to say if you’d feel comfortable staying home. You know I would understand.”


Joohyun does understand why Seulgi is offering her the option to stay home. She is trying to be considerate of her feelings and Joohyun loves that about her wife. She also can’t imagine not being supportive of her mate either. Not when Seulgi might need her.


“Don’t you want me with you?”


Joohyun hopes she’s not coming off in a way like she’s blaming Seulgi. Because that’s not what her intentions are right now. If her mate is worried about that possibility it doesn’t show in her face. 


“You know I want you with me, Hyun. That’s not why I’m suggesting you stay home. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable and you not attending one event doesn’t mean you don’t love me. It also doesn’t mean you don’t support me either, understand?” Seulgi knows that’s probably how Joohyun might be feeling. And the alpha would never think anything like that because she remembers the woman who stood by her side as she planned her father’s funeral. The woman who held her as she cried and woke up from horrible nightmares, and this was all before admitting love for her. No one would ever question Joohyun’s support and love for her.


“I know my not showing up wouldn’t mean that I don’t support you, Seul. I guess I’m  used to being by your side. I can’t imagine not being, whether I’m nervous or not. Besides, it’s just a dinner event and it’s not like we haven’t been to these sorts of things together before.”


Seulgi gives one of those warm and understanding smiles as she moves her hand to caress one of Joohyun’s cheeks. “I like it when you’re by my side too. I like being able to stand beside you in life as my partner. But you’re right that it’s just dinner. We have been to things like this before, and it will be okay if you don’t feel up to it, alright?”


Joohyun knew she had the most amazing mate in Seulgi. It’s still nice to have that reassurance no matter what and so she leans over and captures Seulgi’s lips in a kiss. She missed her welcome home kiss anyways and now was as good a time as any. After a few extra soft kisses to the monolid woman’s lips. She breaks away with a smile on her face.


“Alright, that’s fair. Let me think about it, okay? We still have a few days left, so if I want to go with you…”


“Then you’re of course more than welcome to come. You’d be missing out on great food and music, but of course there will probably be boring conversations, and we’ll have to pose for photos, you know a typical fancy night out.” Seulgi waves her hand in the air in an almost dramatic way.


Joohyun laughs and is feeling increasingly better as they talk. Maybe that’s all she needed was to talk this out with her wife.


“Will there be an opportunity to dance?”


“An opportunity to dance?” Seulgi repeats and almost misses the intense glint in Joohyun’s eyes. It’s the kind of look that has the alpha feel her cheeks flush ever slightly and her mind go to that brief time they did get to dance together. How lucky was she to not only have an incredible dance partner in Joohyun, but the most amazing wife and partner for the rest of her life.


“Oh…” the alpha gets it and agrees. “I’m sure there will be an opportunity to dance. That would be something else to look forward to. You know, besides the great food and music. Dancing together with my lovely wife.”


Joohyun agrees. “Well, if they also have fancy gift bags then I suppose I can suffer through one night out.” She jokes and since Seulgi not only understands her humor. She appreciates said humor, it’s nothing except for this warm, lighthearted energy between them. 


“Hey,” The alpha begins after a short while. “I love you. I know how things will change for you too now that I’m the CEO. I don’t want you to feel pressure in any way, Hyun. If it’s one thing I’ve learned is that you and I. We can get through anything no matter what it is, as long as we face it together.”


And because it was said so sincerely, so thoughtfully, with the alpha looking at her with all that love in those beautiful monolid eyes that the omega had grown to adore so much. Joohyun almost felt at a total loss for words. 


“I love you too, Seulgi. And you’re right we can face anything as long as we’re together.”


Joohyun thinks she might not need those few days to think about it after all. She wanted to be beside the woman she loved, supporting her, as her wife. 


She’d make sure to be ready for Friday, and because this wasn’t going to be her first public appearance with Seulgi. It wouldn’t even be her last for that matter. Joohyun knew what to expect, there would be no surprises, and she knew that she could do this.


Because she wanted to. Nothing meant more than being with Seulgi.





Speaking of surprises….


Generally, Kang Sooyoung did not like surprises. From as long as she could remember she didn’t like being surprised. Unless it involved booze, food, and or . Not necessarily in that order. But the younger alpha didn’t like surprises. 


“What, really!” Sooyoung looked excited about the fact that Seungwan had free tickets and backstage passes to see Taeyeon. 


“And you say you don’t like surprises.” Seungwan, naturally, can't help but to tease. Sooyoung doesn’t seem to hear her as her eyes are glued to the tickets. 


“Well, these surprises are okay. So, I’m assuming these are for you, me, Seul, and Joohyun?”


“You would assume correctly.”


“Oh, nice! But, isn’t that going to be awkward? Didn't Seul used to have a thing with her or….”


Seungwan honestly can do nothing but laugh. Is she the only one that remembers Seulgi only went on one date with the singer? A date that had been planned by her father and Taeyeon’s label. 


“No, don’t you remember it was one date. Seulgi hasn’t really had very many serious relationships.” Seungwan has been her best friend since they were kids. She knows when Seulgi was serious, and the few romantic relationships she did have were nothing at all like what Seungwan has seen with Joohyun.


“How the hell would I know?” Sooyoung shrugs. “Seul isn’t exactly forthcoming with all her personal details. It’s like talking to a brick wall with her sometimes trying to get her to talk about that stuff.” The alpha sighs, remembering the many times she had indeed tried to get Seulgi to talk about who she was seeing, if anyone.


“That’s because you lack tact.”


“I lack tact.” The dark-haired woman looks scandalized and places her hand over her chest for dramatic effect. “Me, Kang Sooyoung? Now that’s ridiculous.”


“Sure, ridiculous.” The omega rolls her eyes in a dramatic way. “Anyway, I think it will be a nice chance for a double date. Seul and Joohyun don’t have any issues with it, and the show is free. So as long as you’re up for it as well?”


“Oh, yeah. Why would I turn down a free concert? I like music as much as anyone. Thanks for getting us the tickets, Wan.” However, Sooyoung also knew her wife enough to know that this couldn’t possibly be it. There had to be something else and she had this eerie feeling she might not like it.


“Is there something else?”


Seungwan had been doing some thinking. Prior to her talk with Jinri she had thought about bringing up the possibility of going on a trip together with Sooyoung. It didn’t have to be anything elaborate or fancy. She wanted to give them a chance to get away while she still felt good to travel. Besides, a romantic trip away could do wonders. Not saying it would solve everything between them. But it would be a nice gesture, and especially nice if Sooyoung would agree without there being an issue.


“Yeah, I was thinking we’d get away for a weekend. Nothing fancy. We don’t even have to go far. A break out of the busy city would do us both good, what do you say?”


And with that Sooyoung remembered that she really hated surprises. 


Now, the only thing she could think about was how best to approach this without sounding like a complete and total .


“You mean go out of town instead of a free concert?” It’s asked in such a way that she hopes her usual charm will win out.


Seungwan doesn’t look all that amused. “Haha, you’re so funny, Soo. No, really what do you think about us going out of town for a weekend. Don’t worry I haven’t planned anything ahead of time. I just want to spend some time with you, you know, before I’m too pregnant to travel and not really feeling up to it.”


Of course, now that Seungwan had gone and played that card. There was very little Sooyoung could say now without sounding awful. Especially if the alpha decided she would rather not go anywhere for a weekend. Besides, it wasn’t like Seungwan had asked for anything impossible. She really hadn’t. 


“Alright, sure. We can get away for a weekend.”


The omega felt so happy that her wife agreed she didn’t even mind in the moment that Sooyoung didn’t seem thrilled. Or perhaps, she told herself it would be fine because this trip would be good for them both. Either way, she thanked Sooyoung with a hug.


“Thanks, Soo. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”


“Yeah, you’re welcome, Wan.”


She really hated surprises…..





With only a few hours to go before attending the dinner event. Kang Seulgi looked forward to getting out of the office, heading home, greeting her wife, and leaving for what should more than likely be a routine dinner for them. She expected no surprises because everything about this event screamed a typical affair.


“Boss.” She looked up to see one of the Division X agents at the door, which had taken Seulgi by surprise. She had not expected any of them to show up at the office. Nor did she summon anyone.


“Is something wrong? No, don’t answer that. There must be something wrong if you show up without being called.”


That’s not to say Seulgi has called the Division X agents all that much since assuming the role of leader. It’s well within her right to do so as the new CEO and boss. But she remembers all the reasons why her father would use their services. He would call on these agents for more sinister work, and that never sat right with Seulgi. Especially as she got older and found out what the secret organization’s true purposes had been for. She hoped to not use Division X for the same things her father once had. She really hoped not to.


“No, nothing bad yet, ma’am. I am here as a precaution.”


It’s not unheard of for Division X agents to give warning advice. Seulgi suspected it’s partly why her father always remained so ahead of the game. He had eyes and ears everywhere, quite literally.


“Alright, what’s going on?”


Seulgi would not turn away the agent. Because their organization had been known for their brutal tactics. Did not mean they were not useful in other ways too. 


“My team and I have already checked out the event space for tonight. We had a look at the guest list too, and there were at least four prior business rivals of your father’s. I’m not saying they would do something in public, but…”


“You're just saying I should be careful and have some of you shadowing tonight anyways.”


The alpha knows enough that this is what the agent is warning her about. She knows enough because her father would often have Division X agents shadowing both herself and mother, whether they were with him or not for safety precautions. Seulgi would like to think no one would be bold enough to try anything in a public setting. But she also knew better than to be careless just in case. Besides, in her experience it never hurt to have the extra bodyguards around. 


“Okay, that’s fair. My wife is going to be with me, as you know…”


“Yes, ma’am.” The agent gives a firm nod. “You need not worry about the safety of Mrs. Kang. It’s my hope there won’t be any trouble this evening, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”


When you’re in this family, Seulgi knows it doesn’t hurt to be cautious. She thanks the agent and proceeds to shut everything down in order to leave. The last thing she needs is to be on alert about an old business associate of her father’s possibly wanting to have it out with her tonight of all nights. Yet, Seulgi knows better than to not cover all of her bases. Furthermore she will not allow anything to happen to Joohyun, or put Joohyun in a situation that can make her a target. It’s the same thing that her dad had to do when he was alive, always protect her and her mother. Her father might have been a lot of things, but he always made sure they were as safe as possible. In that, Seulgi supposes she doesn’t mind being compared to Kang Chanyeol.


Somehow, between leaving the office and getting home. The alpha must have been running on autopilot because she didn’t even realize she was soon getting out of her car, and heading inside the house. The only thing that brought Seulgi back to reality had been that all too familiar lavender scent and warm hands against her cheek.




“Well, there you are?” Joohyun smiles, then frowns in concern. “I’ve only been saying your name five times. What’s the matter, Seul?”


Seulgi really did seem out of it and Joohyun didn’t want to jump to any conclusions or start worrying too much right away. It’s not often Seulgi gets like this, but when she does it normally does worry the omega. She thinks about how much stress her wife is truly under, how many things are probably going on in her mind at once, and how often Seulgi does seem to try and have everything under control. No one is able to always have everything under complete control. Joohyun thinks she has to remind the woman she loves that she is no robot.


“I’m sorry.” The alpha apologizes and takes her hands. She places two kisses against pale knuckles and holds onto Joohyun’s hands for a moment. “I didn’t mean to worry you, Hyunnie. You look beautiful.” She finally does notice that Joohyun is dressed in a pretty dark sequin dress, hair put back into a fancy bun held up by a fancy broach, and if Seulgi looked closely the silver of the broach matched the dress shirt she was currently wearing. It was kind of cute in a way that Joohyun would always find a way to match with her, even if it was in some subtle way. 


“Uh-huh, thank you, of course you look amazing too. Now that the compliments are out of the way. Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”


Seulgi didn’t intend to keep anything from Joohyun. So it’s why she told her the truth. There had been no reason to lie or keep this information from her wife. 


“They’ll not be obviously watching us or anything, Hyun. But I did want you to know that some of them will be around in case someone wants to try something.”


It wasn’t the extra guards or secret protection that worried Joohyun. She already has been told and knows why there might sometimes be a need for it. In fact, she’d much rather have Seulgi’s bodyguards around than not at all. Particularly, when she thinks about seeing that former employee stab her wife in such an unprovoked way. Whatever keeps them safe. She also knows Seulgi is doing the best she can to deal with everything.


“I’m not going to stay home.” Joohyun tells her. “I’m going to go with you. You’ve already done what you needed to make sure we’re going to be fine, should something happen, right?”


“Yes,” the alpha promises. “I’m still remaining optimistic it’ll be a typical and expected dinner. But in case there’s anything to be concerned about. My people are on it.” It does still feel a bit strange to keep on calling Division X as her people. Even though they are. Seulgi knows it’ll take some getting used to, thinking of them as her people, and no longer her father’s.


Joohyun smiles and nods before smoothing out her wife’s suit jacket. “Then let’s hope people leave their vengeful thoughts at home tonight. And just enjoy the fancy food and good wine?”


That makes Seulgi laugh. She really needed to laugh and not think for a moment. Her mate is very good at distracting and reassuring her at the same time. Seulgi thanks her with a kiss and tells her they’ll try to have a good time.


“Let’s try and have a good night. We can’t go out each time thinking something awful might happen. Unless it’s boring conversations with people you know you don’t want to talk to again, or if there’s no more fancy edible gold on top of the desserts.”


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
68 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
68 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
68 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
68 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
68 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.