
Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

If earlier Jisoo said that time is so slow, well she finally experienced that time really do flies fast. As she and Chaeyoung kept hanging out and having fun, she didn’t notice that the sun was already going down signaling that night time is just around the corner

‘’It’s night time already?’’ Chaeyoung commented looking at the now darkening sky

‘’What?’’ Jisoo thought with a small frown, she was really enjoying Chaeyoung’s company and the tingly feeling everytime Chaeyoung smile and touch her…she’ll have to think about it later though. Right now, it’s time for them to go home since it’s really dangerous going home at night

‘’Well…I guess we should go home then?’’ Jisoo suggested and she swore she saw a flash of disappointment in Chaeyoung’s eyes ‘’What’s wrong?’’ She asked, her detective skills going on.

Chaeyoung blushed, she didn’t expect Jisoo to notice what she feels ‘’Well…I really don’t want the day to end’’ She said sheepishly ‘’I really enjoyed your company and…’’

Jisoo couldn’t help the grin breaking out her face ‘’And?’’

Chaeyoung fidgeted her fingers nervously ‘’I was wondering if we could hang out again?’’

‘’Like a date?’’ Jisoo

Chaeyoung blushed again and started to wave her hands frantically ‘’N-no! I-I mean uhmm…’’

Jisoo didn’t know what came over her but she snatched Chaeyoung’s phone whose owner protested, and put her number in it before returning it ‘’I’ll see you tomorrow then’’ Jisoo winked before turning around and walking away, she didn’t notice Chaeyoung’s adored stare at her as she walked away and the way she clutched her phone closet to her chest

‘’I-I’ll see you!’’

Jisoo quietly laugh at Chaeyoung’s squeak and just waved back. Looks like she’s going to start praying that semestral break will take even longer then.

It’s been almost a week since Jisoo and Chaeyoung started hanging out and they literally stick together like they were glued. Jisoo got to know Chaeyoung more and vice-versa, somehow the other girl managed to trigger her soft side and without even knowing it, Chaeyoung managed to get to know Jisoo like they were close friends for months.

‘’Pastaaaa, I’m hungry’’ They were at the mall and they just finished playing in the arcade and Jisoo felt proud. She managed to get Chaeyoung to be amazed at her gaming skills and even taught her how to play some. Yup, she felt like a proud girlfriend right now ‘’Wait…..what?’’

Chaeyoung pouted ‘’Stop calling me that unnie…I should have never let you see that picture’’

‘’But you really do look like a pasta with your hair wavy like a spaghetti’’ Jisoo giggled ‘’Never knew orange hair would suit you though’’

‘’Is that a compliment I hear?’’

‘’No it’s not’’

Chaeyoung just laughed, she started walking and held Jisoo’s hand ‘’Where are we going?’’ Jisoo asked, her mind gone temporarily blank because of their hands holding, feeling the girl's soft hands enveloping hers

‘’We’re going to eat, you said you were hungry’’ Chaeyoung looked at her amused and squeeze her hand to wake her up to reality ‘’You’re so hungry that you lost some of your precious brain cells?’’

Jisoo scoffed ‘’Are you dissing me Park Chaeyoung?’’

‘’Maybe I am?’’ Chaeyoung giggled naughtily

‘’You do know you need to make it up for me?’’

‘’But how about the times that you tease me!’’ Chaeyoung pouted like a child ''Does that mean you should make up to me...multiple times already?''

‘’Isn’t my company enough?’’ Jisoo said innocently

Chaeyoung shook her head ‘’Aish…you’re so unreasonable’’

‘’Thank you’’ Jisoo took it as a compliment

Chaeyoung laughed at the 4D girl ''She's so weird but'' Chaeyoung sneaked a glance at the shorter girl '''I like her...''

‘’So how are you going to make it up for me?’’ Jisoo demanded her

‘’Such a demanding girl’’ Chaeyoung teased and stopped ‘’We’re here’’

Jisoo looked in front of her and saw chicken on sale

‘’I love you so much. You know that right?’’

Chaeyoung blushed and looked away ‘’Shut up…’’  She whispered shyly making Jisoo grin as the two entered the restaurant and let’s just say Jisoo almost emptied Chaeyoung’s wallet.

‘’I had a great time today Jichu’’ Chaeyoung said as they walked around the park where they met ‘’Thank you so much’’

Jisoo grinned softly ‘’Me too Chaeng’’ She looked up and stared at the sky in disdain ‘’Night already?’’ Time spent with Chaeyoung is always so fast…Jisoo is starting to get upset at the God of time, she doesn’t want it to end so soon

A ring was heard and Chaeyoung answered her phone and spoke in English in instinct ‘’Oh hey mom! Yeah we’re about to go home, we are just taking a stroll around here in the park.’’ Then she laughed ‘’Dad! I’ll come back jeez…’’ Then she blushed ‘’S-shut up! No! Ugh I’ll see you at home dad. Bye love you!’’

Jisoo stared at the talking girl with admiration, her accent really made her feel like she could listen to it all day. Her laughs that always cheered up her day, and her adorable blush that made her feel proud if she was the one who is the cause of that cute blush

‘’Jichu? You’re staring again’’ Chaeyoung giggled and Jisoo just grinned as the two stared at each other’s eyes not noticing their faces leaning closer.

Chaeyoung sneak a peek at Jisoo’s lips and seems conflicted that she didn’t notice Jisoo’s eyes flickering to her own lips as well.

Chaeyoung then took the daring move and kissed Jisoo....







 at the cheek, lingering it. Jisoo’s eyes widened and then she finally experienced it…the stop of time

She experience the time when it was slow; The time when she's all alone in this world and have no one beside her, time when she is bored and sad

 She also experienced time going so fast; Those were the times when she is having fun and having the time of her life. Smiling and laughing well being happy makes time fast I guess

 And now…she get to experience the stop of the flow of time when Chaeyoung kissed her cheek. It was as if the clock stopped ticking, everything frozen around them. Only the feeling of the younger girl's lips was all Jisoo could feel and think at this moment.

‘’Thank you so much for today Jichu’’ Chaeyoung pulled away and said it in a soft whisper ‘’Be careful on your way home okay?’’ Chaeyoung smiled with a pink tint on her cheeks before walking away quickly, her own heart beating fast that she didn’t wait for Jisoo’s reply. ''Well'' Chaeyoung touched her lips and smiled ''That was a bold move from me'' Remembering the soft skin that she kissed and how her heart beat fast, she also felt time has stopped. ''I think...I'm falling for her''

Jisoo stood there like a statue, still processing what just happened ‘’Did Chaeyoung just… kissed me?’’ She held her cheek like it was delicate and then time flowed again. She walked home, not noticing to herself that she has a small grin playing on her lips and a pink blush around her face.

‘’Well you look really happy today’’ Jisoo’s sister said as they ate. This was one of the rare time when Jisoo’s family are complete and unfortunately it was a really wrong timing since Jisoo doesn’t want to be teased at. She’s the maknae at the family so…it’s only natural to be teased ‘’Is there someone you are seeing right now?’’ Her sister grinned playfully and winking at her

‘’Jisoo? Our baby Jisoo has a crush?’’ Her brother took on a shock look and started inspecting his younger sister who was still staring at her plate, a small smile still on her face

‘’Nah that’s impossible right honey?’’ Jisoo’s father laughed it off and expected his youngest daughter to scoff and fight her siblings but was surprised when he saw she was in a daze ‘’Jisoo honey?’’ Still no answer.

‘’No it can’t be…’’ Her father started crying fake tears and looked at his wife, who giggled at his reaction ‘’Honey? Is our baby girl finally experiencing that stage in life?’’

Jisoo’s mom laughed at the ridiculousness of her husband ‘’Oh honey, it’s alright for Jisoo to have some kind of crush. It’s normal’’

‘’But I don’t want my baby to leave me’’ Jisoo’s father pouted and crossed his arms like a kid.

Jisoo finally snapped out of her daydreaming and scoffed at her father ‘’Aish, stop it you guys’’

‘’Who is it?’’ Her sister wiggled her eyebrows ‘’Oooh ooh, is it a boy or a girl?’’

‘’Really?’’ Jisoo deadpanned while her brother put his arm around Jisoo ‘’Oh Jisoo, we’ll still accept you even if you love old people’’

Jisoo took on a look of disgust ‘’Is that what you learn at your new school’’ She rolled her eyes and put away her laughing brother’s arm around her. ‘’And for you information no I don’t have a crush on anyone right now.’’

‘’But why are you in a daze?’’ Her mom said with a glint in her eyes ‘’You said to me earlier that you and Chaeyoung were going to hang out at the mall’’ She said Chaeyoung’s name with a small drawl ‘’Did you two did something after that?’’

Jisoo spit out the precious rice from and started to stutter ‘’N-no we didn’t! W-we just played and talked and’’ Her siblings laughed at her reaction while her dad started acting like a kid who’s got his toy taken away. That alone, they immediately knew

‘’Ooooh Chaeyoung?’’ Her sister said with a small snicker ‘’Nice choice kid’’

‘’She’s pretty hot too’’ Her brother commented making Jisoo glare at him and pointing her fork at him in a threatening way ‘’Yah don’t speak to Chaeyoung like that!’’

‘’Already being protective to your girlfriend huh’’ Her mom teased and Jisoo couldn’t stop the blush from her face as she huffed, finished her food and storming away towards her room ‘’Shut up!’’

Jisoo heard her family laugh and slumped in her bed, starting to get lost in her thoughts.

‘’Do I…like Chaeyoung more than a friend?’’ She whispered to herself. She got to admit, Chaeyoung made her feel special. She felt so happy being around her and they were so close…almost as close as Jennie and Lisa to her.

And speaking of the two, they didn’t even notice her sudden disappearance from their group chat and Jisoo thought they are probably busy with each other. She couldn’t blame them really, she got to admit to herself that she almost forgot about them when she was hanging out with Chaeyoung.

Jisoo really don’t understand her own feelings sometimes. This is her first time being lost in the dark like this. She closed her eyes and started to remember their every moment and Chaeyoung’s beautiful face and personality and then her calming aura…

Jisoo sighed contentedly reminiscing their day and of course, Chaeyoung’s kiss to her cheek. That action she has to admit, really highlighted her day. Another silly grin made its way to her face, once again touching her cheek.

She was startled when there was a sudden ring to her phone and scrambled around to answer it. Jisoo cleared and pressed answer ‘’Hello?’’


Jisoo stood up abruptly ‘’Chaeng! What’s up?’’

‘’I just wanted to make sure you’re home safe and sound’’ Chaeyoung’s sweet voice melted Jisoo’s heart

‘’Well, you are talking to me right now’’ She heard the other girl’s giggle unconsciously making her smile

‘’Good then’’ Jisoo heard Chaeyoung’s yawn ‘’You’re going to sleep?’’ Jisoo asked and the two fell in a comfortable atmosphere.

‘’Yeah’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’Just really wanted to hear your voice before I sleep’’

Jisoo blushed at that ‘’You missed me already? Aish Chaeyoung-ah I didn’t know you like me that much to miss me already’’

‘’I-I just!’’ Jisoo heard Chaeyoung’s rambling again and it made her laugh ‘’Just joking pasta. Go to sleep already.’’

‘’Meanie’’ Jisoo swore she could hear the girl’s pouting face ‘’Alright then. Good night Jichu’’ Another pause and Jisoo was about to say good night too but Chaeyoung spoke first

‘’Thank you for today and...’’ Chaeyoung seems to hesitate then Jisoo heard her take a deep breath ''I love you''

Jisoo wasn’t able to answer her back since Chaeyoung ended the call immediately. She was in shock at what she just heard

‘’Thank you for today and...’’ Jisoo repeated those words, Chaeyoung's honey-like voice speaking the next three words that stopped not only time itself, but also her heart ''I love you''

Chaeyoung’s quick and shy voice was the last thing Jisoo heard and those words….Did she just…confess? Jisoo felt her heart explode and if she can do it, she’s probably going to squeal right now and roll around her bed but Jisoo was too cool to do that. However she did let out a little squeal and hugged her pillow

A bark was heard beside her since she was moving too much disturbing her fellow partner ‘’Dalgomie sorry about that’’ She said sheepishly. Dalgom just shrugged and her hand in forgiveness

 ‘’Oh Dalgomie, I think’’ Jisoo blushed and petted the dog beside her ‘’I think I like Park Chaeyoung more than a friend…’’

Well I hope this satisfies some Chaesoo cravings from the readers! I hope you enjoyed it and more are coming next chapter and one spoiler is Chaesoo moments might be ending but who knows? The events of the story might change but still! Thank you for supporting and reading my story! I hope you all enjoy it!




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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story