Detective Skills

Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

Because of the heart-warming moment last night, Lalisa Manoban was able to sleep the night with a silly grin on her face. She felt like she scored some points from the one and only Park Chaeyoung last night. Though she also made a note to herself to never make her upset or angry, she wasn’t even that mad and she was already scary. The dancer got up from her bed and got ready to start her day.

‘’Is it me, or are you getting up early in the morning these past few days?’’

Lisa turned her head to see her mother looking at her with a surprised look. ‘’Is that really you Lalisa?’’ Lisa’s mother moved towards her daughter to put a hand to her forehead ‘’Are you sick or something?’’

Lisa playfully slapped away her mother’s hand from her forehead ‘’Mom stop overacting.’’ She pouted ‘’Is it bad that I’m getting up early?’’

‘’So…are there any other reasons?’’ Her mom said, raising her eyebrows with a knowing look. Lisa blushed a bit and shook her head ‘’N-none! There’s absolutely none!’’

Her mom laugh ‘’Oh Lalisa, tell me all about it someday.’’ She set their 1st meal of the day ‘’For now, eat your breakfast.’’

Lisa nodded dutifully and took a seat as both her and her mother ate breakfast while talking about random topics. Lisa looked at their window and saw Jennie walking past her house.

‘’She’s pretty early’’ Lisa shook her head, Jennie has always been the early bird, the exact opposite of Jisoo. Then she remembered that they’re going to Chaeyoung’s house before going to Jisoo. She can’t let Jennie be the first Chaeyoung see. Call her selfish or what, she wanted to be the one Chaeyoung will see first.

‘’I gotta go now mom! See you later!’’

Lisa quickly kissed her mother’s cheek who was surprised at her sudden leave but bid her farewell. Lisa didn’t know she suddenly got competitive on reaching Chaeyoung’s house before Jennie…But remembering about what happened last night made Lisa want to see Chaeyoung immediately.

‘’Jennie wait up!’’

Jennie looked up from her phone and saw Lisa running towards her. ‘’She’s early again…She was never a morning person.’’ Jennie raised her eyebrows suspiciously at Lisa’s odd behavior.

‘’Going to chipmunk’s?’’ Lisa said with a cheeky grin. Jennie nodded ‘’Yeah, you’re pretty early again.’’ Jennie teased ‘’And not sleepy too wow. You’re improving Pranpiya.’’

‘’Don’t call me that!’’

Jennie laugh as they stopped in front of Chaeyoung’s place. ‘’So how are you going to make up with Chaeng?’’

‘’I already did’’ Lisa said proudly ‘’We made up last night.’’

Jennie rose her eyebrows, once again the maknae surprising her. Though she feels happy that their friendship together isn’t going to be awkward or anything, but a part of her feels disappointed that Lisa will still be a wall for her quality time with Chaeyoung. ‘’Huh, that’s good then.’’ Jennie shrug it off, at least the four of them are still together. Lisa hummed happily as the both of them waited for their girl crush to come out from her house.

Few minutes of waiting and a comfortable silence between them, Chaeyoung finally came out from her house and waving, probably saying bye to her mom. She looks in front of her house and smiled ‘’Hey!’’

Lisa couldn’t contain her giddiness and ran forward to tackle Chaeyoung in a hug ‘’Chipmunk! I missed you!’’

Chaeyoung laugh ‘’We just saw each other last night Lisa’’ She then looked behind her and saw Jennie as she gave her a wide smile ‘’Jennie-unnie!’’ She pulled away from Lisa’s hug to greet the older girl.

‘’Hey Chaeng’’ Jennie smiled before grabbing her hand ‘’Let’s go to Jisoo’s then?’’

‘’Yeah!’’ Chaeyoung said. Jennie grinned ‘’Come on Lalisa!’’

Lisa nodded and linked her arm with Chaeyoung’s other arm ‘’Let’s go to the humble home of our unnie’’

As they walk toward Jisoo's house, Chaeyoung was getting a bit unnerved at the pulling of the two girls.

‘’Yah Lalisa stop pulling Chaeyoung too much.’’

‘’Ani! You’re the one who keeps pulling her hand’’

‘’I do not!’’

‘’Yes you are!’’

Chaeyoung was getting a bit uncomfortable ‘’Uhm…guys can you stop? You’re pulling both of my arm and hand too much…’’

Because of the two bickering to both Chaeyoung’s ears too much, which the girl didn’t like very much, Chaeyoung decided to cling onto Jisoo as soon as they reach her house.

‘’Unnie,’’ Chaeyoung whispered ‘’Those two are driving me crazy.’’ She said while looking at the glaring Jennie and Lisa. ‘’They’re pulling me like no tomorrow!'’

Jisoo chuckles ‘’Maybe they like you’’ She joked while winking at her. Chaeyoung blushed ‘’S-stop joking around unnie.’’ She pouted ‘’I think I’m going to be with you for a while.’’ She gestured to the still glaring girls.

Jisoo hummed in thought, an idea popping to her mind ‘’It’s okay pasta, you can stick with me. I’ll handle it.’’ A devious plan formulating in her bright mind, Jisoo smirks. She’s going to have fun messing at the two, and to also confirm if those two do have a crush on dear Chaeyoung here. ‘’This is gonna be fun’’ Jisoo giddily thought like she was playing a game.

Jennie and Lisa saw Jisoo winking at Chaeyoung who blush and that made their bickering stop. ‘’Did Jisoo-unnie just made chipmunk blush?’’ Lisa frowned

Jennie just tsk in her mind and decided to walk closer to the two girls while throwing a suspicious glare at Jisoo ‘’Let’s go?’’ She said with a smile. Jennie offered her hand to Chaeyoung but before Chaeyoung could take any action. Jisoo tugged Chaeyoung closer to her and said ‘’Sorry Jendeukie, Chaeyoung here is sticking with me’’ The oldest gripped Chaeyoung’s hand tightly and smirked before walking ‘’Let’s go! We’re going to be late.’’

Chaeyoung looks on in confusion ‘’What is Jisoo thinking right now?’’ Jisoo rarely initiates any physical contact at all but shrugged it off. At least it will take some time off from the two. ‘’Seriously, they’ve been too clingy to me lately…I don’t mind but’’ Chaeyoung really doesn’t like to be treated like a doll that children fight over.

Jennie and Lisa were stunned at Jisoo’s bold move. They also knew that Jisoo rarely initiates any physical contact at any of them, and seeing her boldly pulling Chaeyoung close to her and holding her hand like it was going to go away, really put them into thinking mode.

‘’What…just happened?’’ Lisa asked as she and Jennie immediately walked besides the two. Just what is Jisoo’s plan?

At the rooftop (In which they decided it will be their eating place) Jennie and Lisa were rather quiet looking at the two as they ate. Jisoo was talking to Chaeyoung animatedly and excitedly while joking around, effectively making Chaeyoung laugh and at that moment, Jisoo felt two pair of eyes on her and then she smirked again

‘’Yah Chaeyoung, you look gorgeous today’’ Jisoo complimented her while looking at her with doe eyes, her acting skills turning on.

Chaeyoung is surprised at the sudden compliment and stuttered ‘’W-what?’’

Jisoo laughs and saw a fallen strand of hair so she put the strand of Chaeyoung’s hair back to her ear ‘’I said’’ She whispered, ignoring the two piercing gaze at her ‘’You look gorgeous today Chaeyoung.’’ Jisoo shot her kilo-watt smile while in her mind she was gagging in her own actions. ‘’What am I even doing?’’ Jisoo thought and resisted a laugh when glanced at the two fuming girls.

Chaeyoung pulled away from Jisoo’s hold quickly while blushing furiously ‘’Uhmm…Thanks I guess.’’ She muttered, still blushing as she continued eating. ‘’What’s up with Jisoo-unnie today?’’

 ‘’Awwww you look so cute blushing right now pasta’’ Jisoo pinched her cheeks and laughs at Chaeyoung’s incredulous reaction

‘’Could you please stop flirting in front of us?’’

The two turned at the sharp tone of Jennie who was not looking at them in the eye while Lisa looked away, slightly scared of where this is going. Jennie’s temper is not something you will test with

Chaeyoung blinked in wonder while Jisoo was trying to hold her laugh so she just curled her lips up ‘’I’m always like this to Chaeyoung Jendeukie’’ She said

‘’Always?’’ Lisa asked while Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo strangely. Jisoo never acts affectionate with her like this ‘’No you’re no-‘’ Chaeyoung was cut off due to Jisoo leaning in close to her, too close for her liking to make her stop talking.

‘’Yes I am’’ Jisoo winked before leaning back and finishing her food. Chaeyoung turned red again and just shut up while Jennie quietly growled and finished her food quick before getting up. ‘’I’m out of here. I can’t handle another set of flirting of the two of you.’’

The three were silent when Jennie left the table without looking at them. ‘’What’s up with her?’’ Chaeyoung wondered what triggered Jennie’s temper when Jisoo just flirted with her with no reason at all. Chaeyoung looked at the surprisingly quiet maknae ‘’Do you know why?’’

Lisa glanced at her and just continued eating. Chaeyoung rose her eyebrows at the sudden cold shoulder she was getting at the maknae when they just made up last night. ‘’Lisa?’’

Lisa suddenly stood up and said ‘’I’ll see you at class.’’ But before she went away, she glanced at the two of them and saw Jisoo swirling patterns at Chaeyoung’s hand. Her eyebrows twitched a bit before finally going away.

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows ‘’What is up with them?’’ Jisoo giggled a bit making Chaeyoung look at her ‘’You know something don’t you?’’

‘’It’s better if you find out in your own.’’ Jisoo chuckled ’’It seems like I confirmed something today.’’

‘’But unnie I’m your friend too.’’ Chaeyoung cross her arms with a frown ‘’I’m curious why they’re acting so cold to us.’’

Jisoo laugh ’Oh Chaeyoung….sweet innocent oblivious Park Chaeyoung.’’

‘’You’ll find out soon Chaeng.’’ She said

At the classroom, Lisa saw Jennie sitting on her chair, her resting face on and many students know not to talk or mess with her when she’s in that mood. Well, except for her close friends of course.

‘’Unnie?’’ Lisa called out to her ‘’Are you okay?’’

‘’Yeah, just fine.’’ Jennie grunted. Lisa rolled her eyes and slang her arm at Jennie’s shoulder ‘’Come on tell me. You can trust me.’’

Jennie stayed quiet at first. She can’t tell Lisa about her jealousy issues especially when she’s in it the most of all. Jisoo really surprised her today and seeing her flirting openly to Chaeyoung, who Jennie had to admit, she is crushing hard on the girl, made her explode especially since Chaeyoung was reacting to it, blushing and all that.

‘’No, no it’s fine.’’

Lisa looked a bit hurt that Jennie didn’t open up to her. Though she’s used to it because even before Jennie almost never opens up unless she feels like it, but it didn’t made the maknae feel a bit hurt. Shrugging that off, Lisa decided to ask something running at her mind since earlier ‘’Do you think Jisoo-unnie and chipmunk are a thing?’’ She was surprised at Jennie’s sharp turn of her head to her ‘’I don’t know’’ ‘’Though I hope not…’’

‘’Hey!’’ Chaeyoung and Jisoo entered the room as Chaeyoung rushed to Jennie and Lisa. She pouted making Jennie and Lisa’s heart melt ‘’Why are you guys so cold today?’’ She frowned, a bit upset.

‘’It’s nothing Chaeng,’’ Jennie answered her with a small smile ‘’Just a bad day I guess…’’

Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows at her ‘’But you were just fine earlier today?’’ She said ‘’I do recall you and Lisa bickering as always earlier.’’ Chaeyoung then shot a glance at Jisoo who was silently snickering ‘’You did something did you?’’ Chaeyoung accused pointing her finger to Jisoo.

‘’No I didn’t.’’ Jisoo answered

‘’Really chipmunk it’s nothing.’’ Lisa reassured her but Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Fine…I’ll let you guys slide for today.’’ Then her phone rang ‘’Sorry guys it’s my mom. Be right back.’’

Jisoo laughed as Chaeyoung left and answered her phone while making ridiculous faces. ‘’Mrs. Park is seriously a worrier don’t you think guys?’’ She asked the two but was answered with piercing gazes like they were trying to put a hole to her head ‘’Man if your eyes are guns I would be dead right now’’ She joked

‘’Do you like Chaeyoung unnie?’’ Lisa suddenly asked and Jennie’s eyes couldn’t get any sharper at that question. Jisoo blinked and laughed ‘’I can’t believe it! They are crushing on her!’’ Jisoo thought

‘’No I don’t’’ Jisoo answered after laughing a bit ‘’How about you guys? Are you crushing on Chaeyoung?’’ She teased them effectively turning them a bit pink

‘’N-no we’re not!’’ They both said and then looked at each other with a strange look.

‘’1st step: Denial.’’ Jisoo thought. ‘’Let’s see how long you guys will hold your girl crush.’’

‘’Maybe you’re the one!’’ Jennie accused her to change the topic ‘’You’re the one who was flirting to her all morning!’’

‘’Well she seems to like it’’ Jisoo winked and laughed once again at Jennie’s huff. ‘’I never knew playing cupid was fun.’’ Well as long that it wasn’t anything serious, Jisoo’s fine with it. After all everyone do have crushes, it excites life a bit.


It was now the end of the class, and also the start of the auditions of the dance and singing club. The four girls gathered together as always and talked

‘’So what are you going to do Chaeng?’’ Jennie asked while packing up her stuffs ‘’Auditions are starting later.’’

Chaeyoung hummed ‘’I still don’t know if I should join the dancing club….’’ The answer gave frowns to Lisa and Jennie so they sighed

‘’It’s okay chipmunk.’’ Lisa grinned at her ‘’I’m going to go change and audition now. C’mon Jen’’

Jennie nodded ‘’You guys will wait?’’ Jisoo answered her ‘’Yeah we’ll wait for you, we might watch as well.’’

‘’C’mon Jen!’’

‘’I’m coming Lisa jeez…’’ Jennie shouted back before going after her.

Jisoo waved and then glanced at the thinking Chaeyoung ‘’Why won’t you join?’’ She asked ‘’Don’t tell me you’re still shy?’’ Chaeyoung crossed her arms ‘’When will you get ever tired of teasing me?’’

‘’It’s not just you that I tease.’’

‘’Is that supposed to make me feel better?’’

‘’Don’t change the topic’’ Jisoo pointed at her ‘’Just join jeez. You’re not going to lose anything if you join.’’

‘’What if I …’’ Chaeyoung mumbled but Jisoo was able to hear it. Jisoo rolled her eyes ‘’Chaeng, I’ve seen you dance before. Seriously if I was a boy, I would be crushing on you hard.’’ Jisoo said ‘’They way you move your body to the music and your hips sway to the beat  and your face so ho-‘’ Chaeyoung slapped Jisoo’s mouth with an embarrassed blush ‘’Okay stop describing how I dance!’’

Jisoo put Chaeyoung’s hand away from her hand ‘’Then go get change and make them drop their jaw.’’

‘’Why do you always say the right thing?’’ Chaeyoung sighed as she stood up

‘’Cuz I’m always right.’’

Chaeyoung was about to go out and then she remembered something ‘’I don’t have any clothes to change to.’’

‘’Leave that to me’’ Jisoo grinned ‘’You can borrow mine. Be thankful I always bring spare ones.’’

‘’Seriously, you’re the best.’’

‘’Yes pasta, I know.’’ Jisoo smirked ‘’After this dance audition, those two will be crushing on her very hard.’’

At the dance auditions

There were a decent amount of people deciding to audition and of course, Lisa and Jennie are one of them.

Lisa was wearing a simple denim shorts and black top showing a bit of her flat stomach while Jennie wore a black sweatpants and white top to compliment with her hair tied up in a ponytail.

‘’So what are you going to dance?’’ Jennie asked. ‘’Lean On by Major Lazer. How about you?’’ Lisa said

‘’Can’t Feel My Face by The Weeknd’’ Jennie answered. ‘’Bet you’re going to get in immediately’’ Lisa winked while Jennie laughed ‘’Wow I’m flattered that it’s coming out from your mouth.’’

‘’Next up Lalisa Manoban!’’

‘’Well, here I go.’’ Lisa stood up with confidence around her. ‘’You might as well just stand there and do nothing. I’m sure you’re still going to get in.’’ Jennie joked making Lisa laugh and slap her arm playfully ‘’Stop it unnie.’’

After Lisa freestyling to her dance, Jennie was up next and she also slayed her dance just like Lisa. Both knew they were going in so they started to talk, not noticing a newcomer entering the auditions who talked to the ones who are judging the people who were auditioning. They nodded and cleared their throat.

‘’Last one before we end the auditions is Park Chaeyoung!’’

Lisa and Jennie snapped their head as soon as they heard the name and there they saw Chaeyoung clad in a black sweatpants and black top while wearing a sheeping grin and shyly waving at Jennie and Lisa.


Jennie and Lisa turned their head to see Jisoo walking towards them with a knowing grin. ‘’Jisoo-unnie!’’ Lisa called out and hugged her

‘’Ewww Lalisa get off of me you’re full of sweat!’’

‘’I love you too unnie’’ Lisa laughed ‘’So chipmunk is auditioning?’’ She said excitedly while jumping up and down. Jisoo nodded ‘’Thank me for that, it took a few magic words from me to make her audition.’’ She said proudly.

Jennie rolled her eyes ‘’Whatever. Let’s just watch Chaeng.’’ She looked at Chaeyoung who was whispering her music to the one who was in charge of the speaker (I don’t know what it is called okay?)

‘’So what is she dancing?’’ Jennie asked a bit curious. Jisoo snickered ‘’Partition by Beyonce.’’

When the music started, Jisoo smirked ‘’Get ready to get your jaws drop.’’ ‘’And your nose bleeding.’’

(Just look at their partition dance at Youtube and you will probably know what I mean)

When the beat dropped so does Chaeyoung's body and Jennie and Lisa’s jaw. It’s like there’s a switch in Chaeyoung, her sheepish face turned fierce and her body just moved and rolled at the beat of the music. The audition room was quiet, only the music of Partition and Chaeyoung doing y moves are the only thing attracting everyone's attention

‘’What…the…actual…’’ Jennie thought and bit her lip. Chaeyoung can dance…can really really dance. Lisa felt hot all over the place seeing Chaeyoung doing her moves ‘’Well hot damn…’’ She muttered while Jisoo chuckled ‘’I can’t believe I actually convinced Chaeng to do that dance.’’

When Chaeyoung laid down a bit and grinded on the floor, Jennie almost lost her . ‘’This should be illegal. Really illegal. Is she really dancing or seducing us?’’

Lisa wasn’t fairing any better when Chaeyoung did that move. She started fanning her face which was absolutely red seeing her girl crush dance like that. ‘’Can someone turn on the aircon? It’s getting a bit hot here.’’

Chaeyoung continued dancing until the end of the chorus and it was pure torture to the both crushing girls. Both of them released their breath, didn’t know that they were holding in since the start.

Everyone started clapping and some even wolf-whistled. Another switch and Chaeyoung bowed with a shy smile while panting a bit with beads of perspiration running down her body.

‘’Great job Chaeng!’’ Jisoo praised while clapping her hand when Chaeyoung walked towards them. ‘’I really don’t know why you suggested that song…’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’Because that’s the latest dance you’ve did before going here.’’ Jisoo said innocently ‘’I just thought that it will be easier for you if you dance to a song you know before transferring here.’’

Chaeyoung blinked at Jisoo’s answer and shrugged ‘’Thanks I guess…’’ Then she looked at the two staring girls ‘’So….how did I do?’’ Chaeyoung felt her lips dry and them

Jennie swore seeing her pink tongue swiping her lips while Lisa is obviously restraining herself to jumping at her. Jisoo glanced at them and smirked ‘’Yeah they are crushing hard’’

‘’I need a cold shower…a very cold shower after this..’’ Jennie and Lisa thought before proceeding in attacking the girl with praises and doe eyes while finding an excuse to touch her. Jennie grabbed the towel and wiped Chaeyoung’s sweat saying that she’s sweating too much. Chaeyoung thanked the older girl for her thoughtfulness while Lisa jokingly said she will massage her back with her reason as it might hurt etc.

Jisoo silently laughed at Lisa’s excuse and watched the funny scene in front of her. She then glanced at Jennie and Lisa with an amused expression and shook her head. ‘’How ironic.’’ Jisoo mused ‘’Former lovers now turned to love rivals.’’

I'm having fun writing this! I hoped you guys liked it! Unfortunately only a month's left before schools starts in my country...I hope I'll be able to update every now and then. And also please stream the MV! We are almost at 100M guys! We can do it! Hwaiting!!!!!


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story