Only Fools Rush In

Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

Chaeyoung stormed out of the restaurant, she felt hurt that Jisoo didn’t tell Lisa and Jennie about their…former relationship. Fear started clouding her mind, what if it started to get awkward when they meet up again?

‘’Is Jichu really that ashamed to our past?’’ She whispered. Chaeyoung felt really guilty for storming out like that, leaving Jisoo to explain their past to them but…she really can’t return right now. She sighed and sat on a bench at a nearby park.

‘’Well this seems familiar’’ Chaeyoung mused. This is the very exact bench where she met Jisoo, and just like that she also started to reminisce her past.

Sometimes Chaeyoung couldn’t believe at her former self, she’s so bold at making the first move and maybe that’s why she started to let others do the first move and it all depends on her feeling if she liked it or not…She remembered that night where she said ‘I love you’ to Jisoo and that’s probably the most embarrassing confession she made in her entire life

‘’Like what kind of person confess on a phone and so sudden too?’’ Chaeyoung chuckled to herself remembering that night


Chaeyoung ended the call and rolled around her bed ‘’I can’t believe I said that!’’ She squealed and started hitting herself with her plushie

‘’What if Jichu reacted violently?’’ She whispered and then she got scared. Will thing change between them? She didn’t even know if Jisoo likes her more than a friend…she’s not even sure if she even like girls! Then Chaeyoung started to panic

‘’Oh no…’’

She shouldn’t have said those 3 words so suddenly, she shouldn’t have ended the call too quickly. She bit her lip and pondered to herself if she should call Jisoo again but she’s probably asleep now. ‘’Will she be disgusted?’’

‘’Aish Park Chaeyoung you’re such a fool sometimes!’’ She whined to herself and lay down on her bed staring at the ceiling.

‘’Only one way to find out though…’’ Chaeyoung said, Jisoo said she was going to her house tomorrow since Chaeyoung already had been in hers.

It was a funny experience though, Chaeyoung giggled remembering Jisoo’s sister and mom gushing at her cheeks. She blushed remembering that as they pinched her cheeks with Jisoo swatting their hands away, probably embarrassed on how her family is acting.

She also remembered Jisoo’s brother subtle flirting. ‘’Well now that I look back at it…’’ Chaeyoung noticed Jisoo’s fierce glare to her brother and stated she and Chaeyoung will go to her room since they were being annoying. Jisoo’s father pouted and said they should get to know her better and Jisoo’s brother nodded eagerly which made Jisoo decline it even more since she probably knew her brother is just going to flirt with Chaeyoung

‘’She did look like a bit jealous back there and practically had me all to herself that day even though I said I want to get to know her family too.’’ Chaeyoung thought and Jisoo’s family is fun to be around with, like their daughter. ‘’Am I looking at this too much?’’

Chaeyoung messed up her hair in frustration, she’s nervous for tomorrow. Will Jisoo give her the cold shoulder? Will she…reciprocate what she’s feeling?

Let’s just say that Chaeyoung didn’t get enough sleep that night

‘’Chipmunk confessed to you…in a phone call?’’ Lisa asked snickering a bit ‘’Who does that?’’ Jennie also giggled at that

Jisoo laughed ‘’Only Chaeyoungie as you can see’’

‘’So…what happened next?’’ Jennie asked ‘’Did you…’’

Jisoo nodded ‘’Yeah…I did when I went to her house the next day’’


Jisoo stood in front of the house nervously. She’s standing at the door for a few minutes now and she made sure she got the correct address Chaeyoung sent to her. ‘’Ok Jisoo calm down. You just need to act normal and when the mood is right, I’ll confess to her. Yeah I’ll confess to her’’

Jisoo didn’t get enough sleep that night also, she started to read and she’s not exactly proud of it but she started to read about books that have contents of being a lesbian and being a first time lesbian and even discovering your own uality and feelings. Yeah books like that, she read all of it last night, and although it has been a week since they’ve met, Jisoo wanted to discover more of what connection they have with each other and she is sure. She is sure that she also has feelings with Chaeyoung and she is planning on to make it official and do more bonding together. With just that thought, she started to feel giddy and finally have the courage to knock the door.

It opened and there she saw the object of her feelings ‘’Chaeyoung-ah!’’ She exclaimed and hugged her.

Chaeyoung seems surprised but immediately hugged her back ‘’Jichu! Come on in, I was waiting for you’’

Jisoo nodded happily and both inwardly sighed in relief that no awkwardness came between them because of Chaeyoung’s sudden confession last night. ‘’So where’s your mom and dad?’’

‘’Dad is at work and mom just went out to buy some groceries.’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’Let’s go to my room’’

‘’Ooooh I get to finally see pasta’s room’’ Jisoo clapped like a child ‘’Will there be pastas around your room? Maybe you keep hidden pastas for you to eat at night, or do you have posters about pastas too?’’

‘’Honestly, you’re weird sometimes’’ Chaeyoung giggled ‘’And for your information, there are no any kind of pasta around my room’’

‘’Well you have that picture…’’

Chaeyoung blushed and slapped Jisoo’s arm ‘’Jichu!’’

Jisoo laughed and they entered Chaeyoung’s room. Jisoo got to admit, Chaeyoung’s room has that cozy feeling and it was painted in a light pink and a fluffy bed. Then she saw what looked like a study table and there she noticed a familiar instrument that probably made her fall even more to Chaeyoung

‘’Is that a guitar?’’ Jisoo asked excitedly ‘’You play guitar?’’

Chaeyoung grinned and nodded ‘’Yeah I play guitar…it’s actually my hobby and I play with it every single day’’

Jisoo swore she has stars on her eyes ‘’Can you play for me?’’ Jisoo immediately asked. Chaeyoung looks surprise ‘’Of course I can but…I might not be good’’

Jisoo scoffed ‘’Well you haven’t met me yet I suppose’’ She joked ‘’I swear your room will probably cry when I play the guitar’’

Chaeyoung laughed ‘’Alright alright I’ll play’’ She chuckled ‘’I don’t want my room crying because of you’’ Jisoo pouted as Chaeyoung picked up her guitar and they sat down at her bed. Chaeyoung glanced at Jisoo’s excited face which made her heart skip a beat. She cleared and started playing her guitar and at the start of it all, Jisoo felt her breath got taken away, once again reminded why she love people who plays guitar so elegantly

Wise men says, only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Jisoo is still not breathing, this is the first time she heard Chaeyoung sing and boy did it melt her entire being right away. She knows Chaeyoung has a sweet voice but when she sings…’’Now that is music….’’ And the way Chaeyoung plucked the guitar and looked at her, Jisoo got hooked and got lost in her eyes

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you

Chaeyoung continued singing, she hoped the lyrics of the song will reach Jisoo. It’s been a week since they met and yet…Chaeyoung can’t really help but love the funny girl in front of her, staring at her eyes with an undecipherable emotion so she continued singing the song with feelings

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

‘’Cause I can’t help,’’ Chaeyoung started to finish the song but was surprised and even shock that another melodious voice sang and finished the song with her ‘’falling in love with you…’’ Jisoo and Chaeyoung ended the song with Chaeyoung strumming the last note, their eyes locking at one another, their faces leaning closer. Before they processed what they are doing, their lips met in a soft kiss.

Both felt a rush that they never experienced before and continued kissing softly, their lips feeling each other until air became a problem for both of them. They pulled away with soft breathings and their foreheads touching

‘’I love you too Chaeng’’ Jisoo whispered ‘’We might be rushing it too much but’’ She grinned ‘’I can’t help myself’’

‘’Glad the song caught up to you’’ Chaeyoung chuckled, her eyes glowing with happiness ‘’I’m willing to explore this with you…will you be there with me Jichu?’’

‘’Pabo’’ Jisoo chuckled before pecking Chaeyoung’s lips ‘’You already know my answer’’

And the moment couldn’t get anymore perfect as the two finally made it official and bonded together. They hoped that nothing bad will happen too much to their new relationship as both seems new to all of this but…they are willing to fight through it all

Or so they thought

End Flashback

Lisa and Jennie were quiet…from what Jisoo was telling to them; they seem to be almost…perfect for each other like they were so close and happy yet something probably happened for them to break apart.

‘’From what Jisoo told us, they seem so happy together’’ Jennie thought and then she saw Jisoo’s anguish look ‘’What happened unnie?’’

Jisoo cleared to compose herself ‘’Semestral break was almost over and…Chaeyoung has to go back to Australia’’ She said in almost a stoic voice ‘’We…had a fight and broke it off that day’’


‘’Wait, what?’’ Jisoo exclaimed, looking at the guilty looking Chaeyoung with a horrified look ‘’Can you repeat what you just said please?’’

Chaeyoung gulped, not used seeing Jisoo like this ‘’I…We’re going back to Australia in a few days…’’ She said in a hushed voice ‘’Semestral break is almost over and I have to go back…’’ Chaeyoung said in a small voice, not looking at the angry looking Jisoo ''Dad's job is also almost finished here in we really don't have any reason to stay anymore''

Jisoo sat down at Chaeyoung’s bed like she was a robot and glanced at the luggages beside  Chaeyoung’s study table ‘’So…you already packed up?’’

Chaeyoung meekly nodded. Jisoo glared at her ‘’So you lied to me! You said that those were your dad’s things!’’ Jisoo shouted at her

Chaeyoung flinched and looked away ‘’I…I don’t want to ruin every moment Jichu…’’ She said in a vulnerable voice ‘’Believe me when I say I am happy when I’m with you and I really do love you…I don’t want for you to overthink or count the days of when I will leave…I want for both of us to enjoy and savor every moment we have to each other…’’

‘’Why are you leaving then?’’

Jisoo’s cracked but angry voice spoke to her. ‘’If you really do love me then why are you leaving? Why can’t you stay? Do what we have is all just a plaything for you? For you to pass time?’’

Chaeyoung snapped back at her immediately ‘’No! I do not treat you as if you’re a toy!’’ She shouted ‘’ I do love you Jisoo! I really do! That’s why I always make time for you, I never left your side since we’ve met…’’ Then she switched to a quiet one ‘’I knew…I knew the day will come where I will leave Korea and I really don’t know when I will return…but Jisoo’’ Chaeyoung placed her hand on Jisoo’s cheek and felt her heart break seeing tears streaming down at her face that made her own eyes swell up in tears also, Jisoo never cries and…this is the first time seeing her cry and it’s breaking her heart so much right now ‘’I might be a fool for rushing our relationship’’ She chuckled sadly ‘’But I can’t help myself’’ Chaeyoung returned Jisoo’s word and that broke the dam as Chaeyoung started crying, her shoulders shaking

Jisoo couldn’t take this, she’s scared…She can’t handle the long distance relationship since it’s really hard…She’s scared Chaeyoung might found others in Australia…She’s scared that she’s not going to feel Chaeyoung’s lips wrapped around her own ones…She’s scared that she’ll go crazy when she will not see those adorable cheeks…She’s scared that she will feel cold without the warmth of the other…

‘’I…I can’t do this’’

‘’Let’s…’’ Jisoo spoke up shakily making Chaeyoung look at her, fear in her eyes ‘’Let’s break up…’’

Chaeyoung felt her world crash at those 3 words. She felt numb and more tears came out from her eyes, sobs also coming out from ‘’Jichu…please’’  Chaeyoung’s forehead touched Jisoo’s and at that moment Jisoo felt so broken, that song was right. Only fools rush in love…and now here they were, crying their hearts out, love is really scary. It comes in an unexpected timing and taken away so quickly too if it is rushed…

''Maybe they really are fools''

‘’I’m sorry Chaeng…’’ Jisoo said and closed her eyes not wanting to see the tears of her now ex-girlfriend ‘’I can’t handle being apart from you for far too long…Both of us don’t know when we will meet again so…I think it’s best that we just…move on from this.’’

Chaeyoung sobbed but nodded weakly, she is also new to this so she is also scared…’’Okay….’’ Chaeyoung nodded and started to pull away but Jisoo grabbed her hand ''If that's what you want...''

''No..'' Jisoo's lips quivered ''It's not what I want...we fell with each other in a very wrong timing...'' The world is really unfair...Jisoo learned that today but she's not going to let it deter her.

‘’Wait,’’ Jisoo said ‘’Before we end it, please for one last time…’’ Without waiting for Chaeyoung's permission, Jisoo grabbed Chaeyoung’s cheeks and crashed her lips passionately to Chaeyoung’s, tasting the saltiness of their tears and Chaeyoung kissed back just as passionately. She understood why Jisoo did this, they poured all their feelings to this kiss, hoping when they pull away, said feelings will also go away.

Jisoo pulled away, and her lips still ache, wanting the lips of the others to cover hers again but no...this will be the last time she will get to experience that and that broke Jisoo's heart again, hiding her eyes before sobs overtook her. Chaeyoung hugged her tightly as both became a crying mess that day. ‘’I will never forget this Jichu…’’ Chaeyoung said softly ‘’Thank you…for everything.’’

Jisoo didn’t speak and just listened to Chaeyoung however she did answer in her mind ‘’Thank you Chaeyoung…for everything also’’

Hopefully they will be able to move on and become close friends who once had a relationship but the timing is wrong and maybe…they were just not fated to one another,

End Flashback

‘’Unnie…’’ Lisa spoke and touched her cheek like she was wiping away something

‘’Huh?’’ Jisoo asked

Jennie sighed ‘’You’re crying Jisoo…’’

Jisoo was surprised and touched her eyes and felt moisture ‘’Sorry’’ She chuckled ‘’I was trying to forget that part of our memories since it was really painful and suddenly bringing it up now’’ Jisoo laughed, tears still falling ‘’Yeah it hurts’’

Both girls were quiet, not knowing what to say since Jisoo knows that both of them likes Chaeyoung more than a friend. They got to say, they felt jealous when Jisoo told their story…She got to experience her love but now that they are not together, they have a chance but…hearing the story also made them feel about what they are going to do now, like Jisoo was now the wall to have a relationship with Chaeyoung.

‘’Do you still love her?’’ Jennie asked and Jisoo shook her head ‘’No…it’s been a year Jendeukie and we’re happy with what we are right now. We talked about it in a phone about the end of our school year and decided to just be friends.’’

‘’Feelings do go away though I am thankful for Chaeyoung because she let me experience what it’s like to be in a relationship’’ Then she chuckled ‘’Right now though? I don’t plan on settling down in a relationship just yet.’’ Jisoo smiled at the two girls ‘’I’m happy with my friends right now, friends that apparently both like Park Chaeyoung as well.’’

Jennie and Lisa blushed and looked away ‘’Don’t worry, Chaeyoung really does have that kind of charm don’t you think?’’ Jisoo teased ‘’Be thankful that I’m now immune to it since I got my turn already.’’

‘’Alright alright no need to flaunt it to us’’ Lisa said, rolling her eyes

Jisoo laughed and stood up looking at the two ‘’Well, good luck to both of you. If there is one thing that changed about Chaeyoung is that…’’ Jisoo said ‘’She doesn’t do the first move anymore so you will never know if she likes you more than a friend, it’s hard to read her right now and yet she is still the same Chaeyoung just….protected’’

‘’Remember if you guys hurt her’’ Jisoo glared ‘’Be ready for my wrath’’

‘’Wait Jisoo!’’ Jennie called out making Jisoo look at her ‘’Why are you supporting us on this’’

Jisoo smiled knowingly  ‘’That’s for you two to find out…’’ Then she walked away

Jennie and Lisa both looked at each other, not believing the turn of this day ‘’Well…what are you going to do now?’’ Jennie asked ‘’Because I will not let go of what I am feeling to my wifey right now’’

Lisa grinned ‘’Good luck then, you do know that I am stubborn right?’’ Jennie chuckled and also started to walk away ‘’May the best girl win then.’’

Lisa nodded and thought to herself, remembering Jisoo’s story ‘’Well,’’ She mused ‘’She answered my question about Chaeyoung liking girls.’’

School is really not getting along with my time management but here is a chapter for you guys! Hope you like it and this will probably be the end of Chaesoo moments here in this story. Who knows I might change my mind?

Anyways, thank you guys for supporting my story! So proud of our queens finally performing in a big stage and I'm so happy seeing them perform and smiling along the way! Let's support them blinks and protect them from any haters! Love you guys!


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story