
Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

Chaeyoung groaned hearing a phone call ‘’Who the heck is calling me so early in the morning’’ Chaeyoung grumbled and with her eyes closed, she grabbed her phone from the desk and answered


‘’Chipmunk! What the heck you’ve just woken up?!’’

‘’What’s wrong Lisa?’’ Chaeyoung yawned

‘’Uhm, we have school? Are you still on a hangover or something?’’


Chaeyoung jolted up and looked at the time ‘’Lisa! It’s freaking 5am in the morning! School doesn’t start until 8!’’ She shouted at her phone and glared at it hearing Lisa laugh at her

‘’HAHAHAHA Sorry about that’’ Lisa teased and Chaeyoung just huffed at her irritatingly

‘’Forgive me please?’’ Her aegyo voice can be heard

Chaeyoung sighed, somehow she’s weak when Lisa does her aegyo ‘’Alright alright you dork’’ She chuckled and ran her hand through her bed ridden hair ‘’Why did you wake me up at 5am in the morning then?’’

‘’I want us to jog’’ Lisa grinned ‘’You know to exercise and stuff’’

Chaeyoung was surprise ‘’to…jog?’’ Usually it was Jennie who always ask her to exercise in the morning since Lisa is a heavy sleeper…

‘’…you do know what a jog is right?’’ Lisa’s amused voice said ‘’You know the kind of exercise where we’ll use our feet to energize our body and therefore’’ Lisa kept on talking explaining what a jog is

Chaeyoung laughed heartily ‘’Stop talking so smart! It’s so unlike you!’’

Chaeyoung could hear the grin from Lisa ‘’Now that you’re awake and laughing, go and get dress for a jog’’ Lisa said ‘’Think of it as a morning date with me since’’

Chaeyoung smiled hearing Lisa exclaim ‘’You agreed to go out with me’’

‘’That I did’’

‘’I really love you Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa suddenly said softly

Chaeyoung blushed deeply ‘’I-I’ll go change now’’

Lisa chuckled ‘’You better be finish when I get there cause if not, I’ll be the one changing your clothes’’


Lisa laughed and hanged up

When Lisa reached Chaeyoung’s house, she saw Chaeyoung already outside her house and yawning ‘’Hey!’’ Lisa waved and ran towards her then she frowned

Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows ‘’What?’’

‘’I really thought I was going to change your clothes…’’

Chaeyoung slapped Lisa’s arm ‘’Lisa!’’

Lisa giggled and put her arm around Chaeyoung’s shoulder ‘’Just kidding babe’’

Chaeyoung sputtered ‘’B-babe?’’

‘’Yeah babe’’ Lisa said confidently ‘’You better get used to it now chipmunk’’ Then her voice turned into a teasing one ‘’Unless you want chipmunk as your forever nickname, I don’t mind’’

Chaeyoung decided that it’s time for payback for all Lisa’s teasing to her. She turned to Lisa and kissed her cheek and lingering it there. She leaned back to whisper ‘’I think I’ll take the latter’’ Chaeyoung winked at the shocked Lisa ‘’Babe’’ Chaeyoung silently laughed at Lisa’s reaction and felt warm all over when she grabbed her hand and intertwined them.

‘’Let’s start our exercise then babe’’ Chaeyoung effectively making Lisa blush but grin, she really loves that word coming out from Chaeyoung’s mouth, especially if it’s directed towards to her

‘’Catch me if you can babe’’ Lisa laughed before suddenly running

‘’Hey that’s not jogging anymore!’’ Chaeyoung laughed but still ran up to catch her. They were jogging around for almost an hour now and the sun was slowly going up since they began jogging

Lisa panted, entering a café they both know ‘’At least I won’’ She grinned at the equally sweating Chaeyoung. Her eyes raked over Chaeyoung’s sweat being and gulped ‘’go away bad thoughts. Go away’’

‘’Now I really see why you’re younger than me’’ Chaeyoung rolled her eyes but giggled ‘’You really tired yourself out…don’t forget we have school today’’

Lisa groaned ‘’…I forgot about that’’

Chaeyoung just looked at her blankly before shaking her head ‘’Oh Lisa…Sometimes I wonder why I really like you’’ She teased

‘’Because you don’t like me’’ Lisa said seriously making Chaeyoung panic a bit until Lisa continued it

‘’You love me’’

‘’You dork’’ Chaeyoung laughed ‘’You almost hurt me there!’’ Lisa’s silly grin made her laugh again ‘’That was smooth Manoban. Real smooth’’

‘’So you’re not denying it?’’ Lisa wriggled her eyebrows

Chaeyoung kept on smiling and said ‘’Let’s just eat babe’’

Lisa pouted but followed her anyways, she looked at Chaeyoung and thought with admiration ‘’I can’t wait to call her my girlfriend…’’

They were having fun talking while eating, with Lisa making faces, Chaeyoung laughing animatedly and also making faces at Lisa. They continued this until it was 7am where they need to take a shower now

‘’We better get going, I don’t to go to school smelling like sweat’’ Chaeyoung stretched ‘’Though that jog sure did readied my body for the day’’ She smiled at the maknae ‘’Thank you for that babe’’

Lisa smiled back, grabbing her hand and gripping it ‘’No problem’’ She said ‘’Can I take a shower at your house?’’

‘’You’re being a again…’’

‘’Yah! I’m not saying that we should shower together’’ Lisa laughed before teasing Chaeyoung ‘’Aish you’re the one who’s the ert here. How could you think of me like that Chaeng!’’

Chaeyoung blushed furiously ‘’Yah! I just got used to your y comments’’ She pouted

Lisa smiled slyly ‘’If you do want to shower together’’ She leaned in close ‘’Why not?’’

‘’Just go get your clothes!’’

Mrs. Park was doing her daily watering of her plants as the two maknaes finished their jogging and are probably showering right now. She shook her head while smiling ‘’So Lisa was the one who confessed first’’ She said to herself ‘’I wonder how is Jennie dear is feeling…’’

‘’Good morning Mrs. Park!’’

Speaking of the devil, Jennie rushed towards Chaeyoung’s house with a huge smile on her face as she greeted Chaeyoung’s mother. ‘’Is Chaeyoung finished?’’

Mrs. Park smiled back at the unusually energetic girl ‘’She’s upstairs with Lisa, they jogged around the neighborhood and decided to shower here.’’

Jennie raised her eyebrows at that ‘’Lisa? As in lazy bum Lisa jogged around in the morning?’’ She shook her head ‘’So she’s really making moves…’’ She muttered to herself before looking at Mrs. Park ‘’Can I come in?’’ She smiled innocently

Mrs. Park couldn’t deny Jennie’s charm and nodded ‘’Sure go on ahead dear. Just don’t suddenly barge in my daughter’s room’’ She snickered ‘’Though I would like it if you do that’’

Jennie laughed ‘’Maybe I will…’’ She grinned before bowing politely at her then going inside the house

Mrs. Park shook her head ‘’Looks like she isn’t giving up. Not bad’’ She hummed in approval. She likes the two girls pursuing her daughter, she just has to make sure her daughter picks the one who makes her happier than the other.

Lisa was laying at Chaeyoung’s bed, fully dressed for school as she waits for Chaeyoung to finish dressing up in her bathroom ‘’Chipmunk hurry up! I’m bored’’ She groaned

‘’A few more minutes!’’

‘’I might fall asleep at your few minutes!’’ Lisa shouted back ‘’Remember I’m a heavy sleeper! You’ll have a tough time waking me up!’’

‘’Aish then just don’t go to school!’’

Lisa laughed, she loves making Chaeyoung angry, she just looks really cute when she’s irritated at her. When she heard the bathroom door open, she closed her eyes and pretends to be asleep.

‘’You have got to be kidding me’’ Lisa has to prevent herself from snickering hearing Chaeyoung’s exasperated voice. She felt Chaeyoung getting closer and somehow knows to herself that their face-to-face right now. She felt Chaeyoung gracing her fingers at her face so softly that it’s making her blush ‘’So cute…’’ Chaeyoung muttered. She softly caress Lisa’s cheek and even pinching it a bit making her giggle. Then her fingers got curious and swerved towards Lisa’s lips, so plump and full. Chaeyoung quietly gulped sensing temptation inside her.  

‘’Now how am I going to wake you up’’ She whispered

‘’Do you watch Disney movies?’’ Lisa suddenly spoke up startling Chaeyoung

‘’Yah you’re awake!’’ Chaeyoung pouted

‘’No I’m not. My eyes are still closed’’ Lisa grinned and yes her eyes are still closed.

‘’Yes I do watch Disney movies’’

‘’Then you know Sleeping Beauty’’ Lisa said ‘’That’s how you wake me up’’

‘’But you’re already awake’’ Chaeyoung giggled

‘’I’m just sleeptalking’’

Chaeyoung laughed heartily at that, leave it to Lisa to make her laugh at her silliness. Chaeyoung just decided to do it so that they can get going so she kissed Lisa on the cheek

Chaeyoung leaned back and saw Lisa’s eyes still closed ‘’yah I already kissed you’’

‘’I’m pretty sure the kiss wasn’t on the cheek…’’

Chaeyoung blushed deeply ‘’You’ve been asking a kiss on the lips for quite some time now…’’

Lisa just hummed and let out a small smile ‘’Who wouldn’t want their lover’s lips on theirs?’’

Chaeyoung leaned in ‘’Somehow,’’ She said softly, her breath fanning Lisa’s lips and her own eyes closing a bit ‘’I think you’re right’’

Before Lisa could say anything, her door was suddenly slammed open ‘’Good morning hubby!’’

The two girls scrambled out of each other thinking that it was Chaeyoung’s mother but was shock to see it wasn’t ‘’J-Jennie!’’ They both said in unison

Jennie raised her eyebrows at Chaeyoung who cleared ‘’I-I meant wifey hey’’ She grinned seeing the older girl

Lisa however was not happy at how Jennie interrupted their moment ‘’What are you doing here Jen?’’

‘’Duh, we go to school together’’ Jennie smirked ‘’Now come on, we’re going to be late. We need to fetch Jisoo-unnie’’

Lisa rolled her eyes, clearly in a bad mood because of the interruption and just stood up, grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and pushing Jennie out of the door as they went outside.

Jennie was surprised at Lisa’s sudden bad mood ‘’Geez it’s like I interrupted something important’’ She muttered before shrugging and following after them. Well if it was important, ‘’I’m glad I interrupted it then’’ Jennie grinned deviously, she was not going to lose this.

Jisoo raised her eyebrows at the frowning maknae who kept shooting glares at Jennie, who was talking to Chaeyoung and keeping her busy

‘’So are you feeling okay?’’ Jennie asked ‘’You didn’t get any hangover right?’’

Chaeyoung giggled ‘’Nah I only drank a bit so I don’t have any hangover right now’’

Lisa frowned as they kept on talking and gripped Chaeyoung’s hand tightly ‘’Yah Lalisa you’re gripping my hand too much’’ Chaeyoung said, looking at the pouting maknae

‘’That’s not what you called me earlier…’’ Lisa said

Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’Please don’t grip my hand too much babe’’ She said jokingly effectively making Lisa smile again ‘’Yay! That’s my babe’’ She said proudly and subtle glanced at Jennie smugly

Jennie narrowed her eyes ‘’What is up with that girl lately? She’s been rather…’’ She stared at the two with Lisa glancing at her every now and then ‘’arrogant lately…’’

‘’What’s wrong Jen?’’ Jisoo asked while they were walking to their school, the two maknaes in front of them, hand-in-hand.

Jennie just kept on frowning ‘’Nothing….’’ Her and Lisa’s eyes connected once again and Jennie saw the victorious glint in Lisa’s ayes making Jennie clenched her fists tightly

‘’Nothing at all…’’


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story