Jisoo's Birthday

Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

Lisa glanced warily at the cat-eyed girl next to her, her feet tapping in slight annoyance ‘’Why is she here earlier than me?’’ She thought in frustration as she gripped the strap of her backpack

‘’Shouldn’t you go on ahead to Jisoo-unnie’s house?’’ Lisa said subtly

Jennie shrugged, hearing Lisa despite wearing her earphones ‘’I texted my hubby if we could go together and she said yes’’

Lisa’s nose flared at that and couldn’t keep her envy in check ‘’Look Jen, I’m Chaeyoung’s girlfriend.’’

Jennie raised her eyebrows ‘’So?’’ She said bluntly ‘’What does that have to do with me properly asking Chaeyoung if we go together?’’

Lisa gritted her teeth to keep her anger in bay, she was about to retort but what Jennie said made sense. They are best friends so it’s normal to go together right?


Jennie silently snickered at the grumping maknae ''You can't get rid of me that easily Lalisa'' She smirked lightly

''Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late''

Jennie smiled seeing her hubby fresh and dandy, her own backpack worn quite stylishly and she was heading towards them with her signature warm smile

''Hey hubby'' Jennie flashed her gummy smile and received an eager hug from the latter

''I missed you'' Jennie whispered and tightened her hug to the younger girl

''I missed you too'' Chaeyoung whispered back before pulling away to greet her girlfriend with a grin

''What's with that silly pout?'' Chaeyoung giggled and proceeded to kiss Lisa at the cheek to take away her bad mood

Lisa visibly calmed down but still continue pouting ''You hugged Jennie-unnie first before your own girlfriend...''

Chaeyoung shook her head in amusement ''You know? I'm getting kind of used to your jealousy tantrums.''

Lisa pinched Chaeyoung's cheek before sending her a teasing smirk ''So that you could make out with me because I’m hot getting jealous?''

Chaeyoung blushed furiously remembering that ''W-whatever! Let's go already, Jisoo-unnie is waiting!''

Jennie rolled her eyes and grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand which didn’t go unnoticed to Lisa’s sharp eyes, in a sneer as she also grabbed Chaeyoung’s other hand, tightening it.

‘’Yeah let’s go babe’’ Lisa emphasized her endearment to Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung just sighed inwardly feeling the tugging to both of her hands as she could feel a slight deja vu. She flashed a reassuring smile to Lisa who returned it whole heartedly

Then she looked at her left side and once again she could never get over her wifey’s charisma and eyes that seems to bore into her very soul.

Jennie winked and is now thoroughly satisfied seeing her hubby blushing because of her. She looked at her phone’s lock screen and smiled fondly; A picture of Chaeyoung with a dazzling smile on her face after their ziplining while looking out at the vineyard.

‘’She’s such a beautiful woman…’’ Jennie turned off her phone and smiled ahead

‘’And I can keep waiting if I get to keep that smile on her face’’

And unknown to her while she was looking at her phone earlier, an angry gaze is being directed to her oblivious fond smile


Jisoo grinned happily as she was tackled by a certain chipmunk

‘’Hey pasta!’’

Chaeyoung let go of the hug and felt herself relieved to see her usual Jisoo-unnie going back to her usual self ‘’How are you?’’ She whispered

Jisoo pat Chaeyoung in the head to comfort her thoughts ‘’I’m fine pasta don’t worry about me’’

‘’Is everything okay with your…’’ Chaeyoung hesitated a bit, not wanting to ruin the mood

‘’We’re fine Chaeng’’ Jisoo smiled softly ‘’How about we get inside to get settled?’’ She looked at the two glaring girls behind her

‘’Yah! Stop laser beaming at each other and let’s go already!’’

Jennie and Lisa finally stopped glaring at each other begrudgingly as they all entered Jisoo’s humungous house once again

They came in to Jisoo’s room and Chaeyoung was quite surprise to see it clean, much cleaner than the regular Jisoo style.

‘’Before you could say anything pasta, yes I cleaned my room before you all come’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes seeing the amused glint in her ex-girlfriend’s face

‘’You know me too well’’ Chaeyoung giggled

‘’So unnie,’’ Lisa started after settling their things ‘’How have you been?’’ She asked with an uncharacteristically soft voice

‘’Yeah unnie’’ Jennie said ‘’What happened in you Jeju vacation anyways?’’

Jisoo smiled ‘’After my breakdown and pasta here helped me overcome that’’

‘’More like my girlfriend’’ Lisa murmured making Chaeyoung slap her shoulder to hush her and Jennie looked confused about that

‘’Yeah whatever Limario’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes ‘’You’re just jealous that I’m a much better kisser than you’’ She smirked

‘’Yah!’’ Lisa glared before turning it to Chaeyoung ‘’Is that true?!’’

‘’I’m confused’’ Jennie said with a frown

Chaeyoung can feel a headache coming and decided to not stray the topic ‘’Please not now’’ She groaned ‘’Continue your story unnie please’’

‘’Yah! Answer me Park Chaeyoung!’’ Lisa shouted

Jennie snickered ‘’Whoah there monkey, remember Chaeyoung is much older than you’’

‘’By a month!’’

‘’Still older than you’’ Jisoo chimed in

‘’What have I gotten myself into…’’ Chaeyoung muttered before speaking in a much louder voice ‘’Yes Jisoo-unnie is a good kisser’’ She said before adding in quick seeing Lisa about to explode again

 ‘’And you are too Lalisa! Sheesh!’’ Chaeyoung covered her face with her hands because she was blushing ‘’Can we please go back on the topic now?!’’

Jisoo was laughing hysterically because of her reaction and Lisa’s red face. She glanced at Jennie who was sporting an amused smirk making her raise an eyebrow ‘’Huh? Why’s Jendeukie amused by the whole thing?’’


Jisoo got her answer soon


‘’How about me hubby? Am I a good kisser?’’ Jennie said it bluntly, still sporting that amused smirk

Chaeyoung looked at her with wide eyes and mouth open, almost looking like her own fish while Lisa and Jisoo stared at Jennie with a ‘wtf’ expression in their face

Now it’s Jennie’s turn to laugh hysterically because how could she not? Her best friends’ faces are way too funny to not laugh at and the only thing she regrets right now is that she can’t snap a picture of their reaction

‘’HAHAHAHHAHA! You guys should have seen the look on your faces!’’ Jennie laughed

‘’Yah Jendeukie don’t joke around like that!’’ Jisoo started laughing again ‘’That’ll make Chaeyoungie here such a playgirl’’ She joked

‘’You had me worried there’’ Lisa muttered before frowning remembering a little something from earlier.

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung who was still sporting a shocked expression and her red blush is still painted on her face

‘’Okay I’ll stop my jealousy tantrum’’ Lisa giggled since she does look kind of cute and funny. She pecked Chaeyoung in the cheek ‘’Continue the story unnie!’’

Jisoo snickered ‘’We would have finished already if you weren’t such a brat!’’

‘’Hey! I’m not the one who my girlfriend!’’

‘’Limario I’m pretty sure we still have our V card so stop acting like a kid’’

Both girlfriends blushed furiously

‘’Get on the topic already!’’ Lisa and Chaeyoung exclaimed

Jennie couldn’t stifle her laugh as she released it once again


God, she missed them so much


‘’So, my brother and sister decided to fix whatever problem they have by having a trip to Jeju Island’’ Jisoo reminisced her Christmas vacation

‘’At first I thought it was a bad idea, but then my brother mentioned something that might make it work’’ Jisoo cringed but a happy smile was on her lips

‘’What is it?’’ Chaeyoung asked

‘’Jeju Island was where…my dad proposed to my mom in one of their getaway vacations’’ Jisoo laughed a bit hearing the ‘aww’ from the three girls ‘’So my brother thought that maybe going there and reminding them what they once had will bring that love back’’

Jisoo smiled so happily that a tear left her eye ‘’And I still can’t believe it freaking worked’’

‘’We purposely put a mistletoe above their head when they weren’t looking and I really want to gagged how much they looked at each other with new refound love’’ Jisoo said, her hand going to her heart ‘’I can still feel how happy me and my siblings were when they said those three magic words’’

‘’I hate you?’’

Jisoo flicked Lisa in the forehead ‘’Pabo as always’’

‘’I believe it was’’ Jennie subtly glanced at Chaeyoung who was smiling and tearing up a bit at Jisoo’s story

‘’I love you….’’

Jisoo laughed ‘’It feels so weird hearing that from you Jendeukie. It’s so unlike of you’’

Lisa cackled at that making Jennie roll her eyes and blush a bit ‘’Whatever’’

‘’And that’s my miracle in Christmas’’ Jisoo stretched her body ‘’How about you guys? We only greeted each other thru texts and calls but I want to know how your Christmas went’’ She smiled

Lisa immediately spoke with an excited voice ‘’I finally got to hang with my stepdad after a year! Man I really missed him and I could really see he makes my mom very happy!’’ She grinned ‘’He even bought me a ukulele and chipmunk taught me a bit when she got back from New Zealand’’

Chaeyoung smiled seeing Lisa so happy, her happiness is just contagious to her ‘’She even taught me a song in Thailand’’ Chaeyoung chuckled

‘’Yeah! Bao bao!’’ Lisa’s eyes sparkled

‘’What is it about?’’ Jennie asked

‘’It’s all about tender love’’ Lisa looked at Chaeyoung with that same meaning ‘’And chipmunk really is a fast learner, a musician by heart’’

‘’Don’t forget me when you get famous pasta!’’ Jisoo clutched her heart as if it was in pain ‘’It will hurt me so so…’’

Lisa mimicked Jisoo’s action ‘’Ack! Please babe, I’m your hottest girlfriend don’t forget me!’’

Chaeyoung giggled ‘’I’m not going famous! What are you all talking about?!’’

‘’They’re weirdos hubby don’t mind them’’ Jennie chuckled

Chaeyoung laughed as another bicker started among them

‘’I really love you guys’’ Chaeyoung grinned as she started to calm them down again since she’s the peacemaker of the group

‘’Anyways how about you Jendeukie?’’ Jisoo asked ‘’Did chipmunk did something stupid or embarrassing?’’

Chaeyoung laughed ‘’More like Jennie did’’ She teased while smiling mischievously at her wifey

‘’Do tell pasta!’’

Chaeyoung snickered hearing Jennie groaning already ‘’When we were at Sky Tower and we’re going to bungee jump at the top of the tower, Jennie screamed so loud’’ Then she laughed lightly ‘’But not when we were the ones jumping’’

‘’Hubby stop’’

Chaeyoung giggled and continued anyways despite Jennie shooting her small glares ‘’When her parents jumped off the platform, my wifey here screamed so loud that I could hear the ringing of her screams in my ears right now.’’

‘’Hey! You didn’t say that when I screamed’’ Jennie pouted

‘’Because you were being a scaredy-cat’’ Chaeyoung stuck out her tongue at her ‘’You screamed louder than your parents!’’

Jisoo laughed loudly while Lisa giggled imagining what just Chaeyoung said ‘’More more!’’ Jisoo said in rare English

‘’Hmmm…’’ Chaeyoung thought about some more of their vacation but really all of it was fun and memorable but there isn’t anything that is too funny for her to reveal

‘’What about when hubby here woke up with a killer hangover that she keeps rolling on the bed and holding her head in pain’’ Jennie chuckled with a smirk ‘’Seriously she’s like a chipmunk rolling around a grass with a nut in her hand’’

‘’Hangover?’’ Lisa asked, tilting her head in confusion ‘’Wait…you guys’’ Lisa frowned looking between the two


‘’Oh ’’ Jennie face-palmed internally. That scene was just so funny and she just really wants to get revenge on Chaeyoung for giving them an embarrassing story of hers.

Chaeyoung gulped seeing the disapproval look on Lisa’s face as well as the surprised look on Jisoo’s face ‘’No…I don’t want to ruin Jisoo-unnie’s birthday…not now’’

‘’Yeah, wine in Waiheke sure is the best and I can vouch for that’’ Chaeyoung quickly said and chuckling a bit to cover up her nervousness

‘’Wow’’ Jisoo said in awe ‘’That’s like, the first time I heard that you drank willingly’’

''It's just wine unnie, it's not like we get really drunk from that'' 

Lisa frowned and stayed quiet. Seeing that, Chaeyoung immediately scooted closer to her to place a comforting hand on her girlfriend’s hand ‘’I’m sorry I forgot to tell you’’

Lisa bit back the question that was nagging at the back of

‘’Did something happen? I called you at midnight in New Zealand and you declined it…were you drunk that time?’’

Not to mention, what she saw earlier only made her feel like there’s more to the story than what Chaeyoung and Jennie telling them

Lisa sighed and smiled weakly. She doesn’t want to ruin her unnie’s birthday especially since for God knows how many weeks or months even that Jisoo finally looked truly happy

‘’It’s fine, it’s a tourist attraction.’’ Lisa said and pecked Chaeyoung’s cheek ‘’Besides, I bet your families were with you.’’

Sensing the awkwardness settling, Jisoo cleared ‘’Anyways, you guys want to play?’’ She grinned excitedly ‘’I watched K-pop idols play this game and I bet it will be extremely funny for us to play!’’

‘’What is it unnie?’’ Jennie asked, glad for the change of topic.

‘’It’s called a Whisper Game!’’ Jisoo grinned

‘’Ooooh! I know that!’’ Lisa also grinned like a child, her earlier thoughts vanishing ‘’It’s where a group of people put on headphones with really loud music and you must guess what they’re saying correctly’’

‘’I’m used to bursting my eardrums with music’’ Jennie smirked ‘’Don’t accuse me for cheating’’

‘’Whatever Jendeukie, you always win at whatever games you pick’’ Jisoo rolled her eyes ‘’I would really want to pair you up with monkey here so that your luck and her luck will clash’’

‘’Yah!’’ Lisa and Jennie glared

‘’Don’t you dare Kim Jisoo!’’ Jennie pouted

‘’And I’m not that unlucky!’’ Lisa also pouted

Chaeyoung looked really amused at what’s happening and as the peacemaker that she is, she spoke up

‘’Let’s just randomly pick partners by picking a paper or something’’

‘’Not a bad idea pasta’’ Jisoo hummed and took 4 small papers to put their names in ‘’And since you’re the one who suggested it, you get to pick so that I won’t be murdered by these two’’

‘’Why would you be murdered?’’ Chaeyoung giggled

‘’If ever I picked you as my partner, they will definitely kill me for setting them up’’

Chaeyoung laughed ‘’You’re crazy unnie, but fine I’ll do it’’

Jennie and Lisa watched in anticipation as Jisoo shook the papers in her hands and Chaeyoung picked one.




‘’Yes!’’ Jennie cheered ‘’We’ll definitely win this!’’


Jisoo groaned ‘’I can already feel losing right now…’’


‘’Meanie!’’ Lisa playfully strangled Jisoo who was dramatically yelling for help


‘’Let’s get started’’ Jennie said excitedly ‘’We’ll go first’’


‘’Confident are we?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows at her


‘’With you?’’ Jennie winked and grabbed her hand


‘’I always am’’


Chaeyoung blushed a bit and cleared ‘’A-anyways, how long will this take? I don’t want to lose my sense of hearing so soon’’


Jisoo chuckled ‘’We have a time limit pasta don’t worry. We each have 3 minutes to guess 5 words. Teams who got the most wins’’


‘’What if we guessed it all right?’’ Lisa asked


‘’Then it depends on the time we finished it’’


‘’What if we finished it at the same time?’’ Lisa asked again making the three girls look at her as if she’s from another world


‘’You’re so cute that I want to punch you’’ Jisoo sighed


‘’Are you sure you want to wear the headphones?’’ Jennie asked

‘’Yeah, don’t want them to accuse you of cheating’’ Chaeyoung chuckled as she put on the headphones Jisoo provided ‘’Hey where’s the mu-’’

She yelped loudly as she jumped in surprised hearing the loud trumpets suddenly attacking her ears ‘’Yah! I wasn’t prepared for that!’’ She unknowingly yelled at Jisoo, holding her heart to make it stay in place.

‘’Oh sorry’’ Jisoo laughed ‘’I forgot Kill This Love has that kind of intro’’

Chaeyoung pouted and grumbled

‘’You ready?’’ Lisa asked, already holding sketchpad that has 5 words that she and Jisoo thought of. She grinned evilly which made Jennie nervous

‘’Seriously…these two crackheads probably thought of ridiculous things’’

‘’You ready hubby?’’ Jennie asked and the way Chaeyoung looked at her with confusion melted her heart

‘’Are we already starting?!’’ Chaeyoung shouted making the three of them laugh at how loud her voice is

Jennie nodded as Jisoo started the timer

Jennie wanted to laugh ‘’Jisoo definitely thought of this since it’s all she thinks about’’

‘’Chicken!’’ Jennie said in her Kiwi accent

‘’She what?’’ Chaeyoung shouted

‘’Chicken!’’ Jennie mouthed the word carefully

‘’Sick? You’re sick unnie?!’’ Chaeyoung panicked


It’s just the first word and Jennie wanted to scream in frustration as she shook her head in negative to let Chaeyoung know she’s not sick


‘’Chick!’’ Jennie held out 1 finger and Chaeyoung followed


‘’Ken!’’ She held out 2 fingers now and an excited look overcomes Chaeyoung’s features


Jennie clapped happily and looked at the next word. She glared at the snickering Lisoo before speaking out



‘’Dumpling!’’ Jennie blow her cheeks out making Lisoo laugh even harder on how silly she looks. Jennie could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.




Jennie face-palmed and pointed to herself


‘’Dumpling!’’ Chaeyoung clapped excitedly


‘’Yah is that even allowed!’’ Lisa pouted

‘’Maybe we shouldn’t put dumpling since looking at Jendeukie is already cheating’’ Jisoo snickered

Jennie rolled her eyes and glanced at the next word


Chaeyoung looks utterly confused ‘’Yah?’’

Jennie couldn’t help but snicker ‘’Boom!’’


‘’Boom hubby!’’



For the first time in Jennie’s life, she wants to smack Chaeyoung right now


‘’Boom! Ba! Yah!’’ She yelled loudly and slowly

‘’Oppayah?’’ Chaeyoung’s eye then lit up in recognition and started clapping excitedly ‘’Ah! Boomba-!’’

‘’Times up!’’ Jisoo smirked as she removed Chaeyoung’s headphone with her phone ringing signaling that time is up

‘’What already?’’ Jennie said frustrated

‘’Aww we only had 2 words?’’ Chaeyoung pouted

‘’We are so going to make it so hard that you will never get a word correct’’ Jennie glared at them ‘’Come on hubby, let’s think’’

Jisoo snickered ‘’Please I’m technically a master of this game Jendeukie’’

‘’You are?’’ Lisa said excitedly

‘’I am!’’

‘’Then you get to guess the word!’’ Lisa smiled cheekily

‘’Why me?!’’ Jisoo frowned

‘’You said you’re a master of this game.’’ Lisa pointed out then to herself ‘’Besides, I at this kind of game’’

‘’Maybe your unluckiness will sleep today’’ Jisoo said before pointing to herself with a confident smirk ‘’Because I’m here to win this thing’’

‘’Ready?’’ Jennie smirked holding the sketchpad

‘’Bring it on’’ Lisoo said excitedly as Chaeyoung put the loud headphones to Jisoo

Lisa glanced at the word ‘’Jisoo basically invented this word. She’ll definitely guess this’’


‘’Nyeonganne!’’ Lisa said


‘’Yoga?’’ Jisoo said


‘’Nyeong!’’ Lisa mouthed the words carefully ‘’Anne!’’


‘’You what?’’










‘’N Y E O N G’’ Lisa said slowly and frustration already on her face




‘’Oh you got to be kidding me!’’ Lisa groaned then started to shout slowly




Jisoo clapped happily making Lisa finally sigh in relief


‘’You’re an ant!’’


‘’Seriously unnie!? You’re such a pabo!’’


Jisoo glared ‘’Yah! Who are you calling a pabo huh!’’


Lisa looked at her dumbfounded ‘’You understood that but not the word?!’’ Lisa cursed and the two began to bicker almost forgetting the game itself

Chaennie has been cackling loud ever since the game started…until the timer finally rang with Lisoo not getting even the first word right

‘’Times up losers’’ Jennies smirked

‘’Ow my ears are ringing’’ Jisoo whined then glanced at the sketchpad ‘’What?! This is copyright I tell you!’’

Jisoo glared at the snickering Chaennie ‘’You stole my word! I could sue you two!’’

‘’Yeah, your own word that you didn’t even guess right…’’ Lisa grumbled crossing her arms as she lost…again

‘’I heard that Limario!’’ Jisoo tackled Lisa and laid on top of her ‘’Pasta! Help me punish this unlucky maknae for making us lose!’’

‘’Yah! You’re the one who is supposed to guess the word!’’

Chaeyoung laughed and despite Lisa’s protest, she followed her unnie’s words and jumped on top of them

‘’Ooof! Pasta I didn’t tell you to jump on me too’’ Jisoo pouted ‘’Did you gain weight?’’

Chaeyoung pinched Jisoo making her yelp ‘’I work out thank you very much’’ She said with a cute glare

Jennie laughed freely; God she missed these 3 dimwits together

‘’Aw, what the heck’’ Jennie grinned

‘’Augh!’’ Lisa groaned ‘’Help! I’m suffocating!’’

‘’Wifey! You took me by surprise!’’ Chaeyoung giggled as Jennie hugged her

‘’Jendeukie get out!’’ Jisoo struggled

‘’Not until you give us our reward for winning unnie’’ Jennie teased

Jisoo gasped ‘’It’s MY birthday!’’

‘’Doesn’t matter~’’ Jennie sang

‘’No!’’ Jisoo huffed ‘’Not even if you kidnap my Dalgomie!’’

‘’…Do you mean that?’’ Jennie raised her eyebrows

Sweat began to drip on Jisoo’s face ‘’…okay maybe don’t kidnap my son’’

‘’Seriously you guys?! I’m turning blue here!’’ Lisa groaned and just gave up trying to get them off of her

‘’Ooooh that’s cool! I could have an Avatar Lisa!’’ Chaeyoung said excitedly

‘’Not funny babe!’’

After lots of negotiation between Jensoo, more giggles from Chaeyoung, and the groaning of their maknae, they finally decided to eat dinner as well as get dressed to their pajamas since it’s already night time.

‘’Hey Jennie-unnie…’’

Jennie finished brushing her hair to look at the source of the voice curiously

‘’What is it Lisa?’’

Lisa looked at her directly in the eyes and seeing that they’re alone because Chaesoo decided to prepare their snacks for the movies, it’s the perfect time to confront the older girl.

‘’Why is my girlfriend your lock screen?’’

Jennie blinked in surprise, she certainly wasn’t expecting Lisa to question her about that, but what she was surprise the most was how she found out

‘’How did you know?’’

‘’I saw it earlier while we were walking towards Jisoo-unnie’s house’’

‘’Oh…’’ Jennie said before thinking for a bit. This could be the chance for her to finally tell Lisa the truth…


But no, Jennie isn’t like that. She’ll wait for Chaeyoung to tell Lisa herself instead of speeding up the process and possibly ruin their little group.


‘’…Because I want to’’ Jennie looked away from her to continue putting on her lip balm

‘’Jen…’’ Lisa said quietly ‘’Are you really still in love with Chaeyoung?’’

Jennie stopped her actions




‘’I told you to stop it already…why can you let us be happy?’’ Lisa sighed ‘’It’s honestly frustrating and making me feel guilty you know.’’

Jennie snickered ‘’If it makes you feel guilty then break up with your girlfriend’’ She fired, she was getting riled up at these questions.


How dare Lisa think she can control her feelings like that?


She scoffed ‘’Oh if only it were that easy’’ She thought bitterly. She can’t give up now, after her magical Christmas vacation…She can’t give up


She won’t give up


Lisa’s eyes hardened ‘’I’m her girlfriend Jennie.’’ She said icily ‘’She chose me. Not you’’

Hurt attacked her at the way Lisa spoke to her ‘’What happened to you Lisa?  You’re not this cold…’’

Jennie turned around angrily and poked Lisa’s chest ‘’You can’t control how I feel Lalisa’’ She spit out with hurt on her voice ‘’You don’t know how it feels to hold back these feelings…especially after my Christmas vacation with her’’

Lisa’s nose flared ‘’So something did happen…’’

Jennie froze a bit before gaining control so that Lisa could not notice it ‘’It was Christmas Lisa, of course something happened. We went out and hang out with our families’’ She gazed at Lisa's eyes with determination ''We've grown closer''

Lisa narrowed her eyes before stepping back to glance at Jennie warily

‘’Tell me Jen,’’ Lisa spoke with a deadly calm voice ‘’When you two drank, did something happen?’’

She walked closer and each step making her closer to Jennie


‘’Did the two of you goof of?’’


 ‘’Did you hug her?’’


‘’Did you cuddle?


‘’Did you tell dark secrets to each other?’’


‘’…Did you kiss and made out with her?’’ She whispered with restrained anger at just the thought of it


‘’Nothing happened Lalisa!’’ Jennie hissed, sweat dripping a bit from nervousness and a bit of fear because of how intimidating the usual happy-go-lucky maknae is.

Jennie turned away from her to breath deeply. ‘’What is wrong with her?! Why is she speaking to me like we're not close!’’ Jennie thought while willing the angry tears away from her eyes

‘’We’re back!’’ Jisoo grinned with Chaeyoung behind her, an armful of snacks and juices on their arms.

‘’What’s with you two?’’ Jisoo asked amused seeing the two former love rivals looking at each other warily ‘’Did Jennie turn into a zombie or something? You’re looking at Jennie like you’re about to blow her brains off Limario’’ She snickered

Chaeyoung giggled ‘’You’re so silly unnie’’

‘’Yah Lalisa! Make your long arms useful and help us with this! I’m going to fix our bed and movie’’ Jisoo said

Lisa nodded but not before giving Jennie a warning look that told her ‘She’s mine’ as she jogged towards them and pecked Chaeyoung at the lips.

‘’Missed me that much?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows

‘’I always miss you’’ Lisa grinned before getting the foods from Jisoo

Jennie gritted her teeth ‘’Let me help you with that unnie…’’

‘’Sure’’ Jisoo said

The eldest glanced at Jennie and she could feel the she’s holding something back. ‘’There’s something she’s hiding…’’

Jisoo looked at the maknaes of the group who was joking at each other though her eyes zeroed on her former girlfriend 

‘’…And I got a feeling it has something to do with Chaeyoung’’

Few hours have passed and the crackheads of the group are already sleeping away without even finishing their 2nd movie.

‘’They must be tired’’ Jennie remarked

Chaeyouung smiled, patting Lisa’s hand since she’s hugging her ‘’Yeah…’’

‘’How have you been hubby?’’

‘’I’m…okay I guess’’ Chaeyoung whispered

Seeing the two are asleep, she took the brave move to softly hold Chaeyoung’s hand ‘’Have you…thought about it?’’

Chaeyoung became rigid ‘’I…have but I’m not done yet…’’

‘’Hey…’’ Jennie said gently ‘’I’m not rushing you okay? Take all the time that you need’’

Chaeyoung smiled weakly ‘’Thank you wifey’’

Jennie smiled and scooted closer to Chaeyoung’s personal space, putting her head on Chaeyoung’s shoulder as they laid in bed while the movie’s still rolling

‘’Is this okay?’’

Chaeyoung’s breath shakily stopped before nodding slowly

‘’Yeah…it’s fine’’

They laid like that for quite a while, immersing themselves at the movie. Their hands have somehow intertwined along the way and unknowingly to them, theirs heart beating in sync.

Half an hour of enjoying each other’s presence and the movie, the latter finally finished as Jennie stood up to turn it off

‘’Let’s get some sleep’’ Jennie yawned

Chaeyoung smiled, her heart bursting seeing her cute dumpling sleepy ‘’Yeah…’’

Jennie carefully navigate her way towards her position to the bed but the darkness of the room is not helping at all.

‘’Wifey be careful’’ Chaeyoung’s worried voice entered her ears making her chuckle

‘’I’ll be fine, it’s just dark.’’ Jennie said playfully before yelping as she tripped

Chaeyoung somehow knew Jennie was already close and frantically spoke out ‘’Wifey?! What happened?’’

A hitching of breath was all she could heard and now, she was painfully aware that Jennie somehow almost landed on her…

Her ears could feel Jennie’s hands at the sides of her head and both of their eyes are probably wide right now since their faces are actually so close to each other…to the point they could feel the other’s breathing

‘’Well…’’ Jennie giggled nervously ‘’I was closer than I thought’’

Chaeyoung laughed quietly ‘’Yeah…you kind of are’’

Jennie could still feel Chaeyoung’s hot breath on her lips making her gulp


Chaeyoung’s heart was beating too fast right now ‘’I…yeah let’s sleep wifey’’

Jennie could feel a trickle of disappointment enter her heart

‘’Oh yeah…okay’’

Chaeyoung sighed a bit and just turned to her left side where Lisa was hugging her. She could feel Lisa tightening her hug to her while whispering groggily

‘’I love you chipmunk…’’

Another pang of guilt hit Chaeyoung ‘’Why do I even have these conflicting feelings…I’m hurting them’’ She bit her lip; This sleepover is really fun and it made her happy that they could all be best friends, having fun and all. But her position…she’s sandwiched between Lisa and Jennie, both girls who have been stringing her heart but right now


Chaeyoung’s heart stopped feeling another pair of slender arms hugging her from behind and she knew exactly who was it


‘’You’re so warm hubby…’’


Chaeyoung tried to stop the itch to turn around but of course she has to turn around.


Chaeyoung sighed inwardly, she was always weak to Jennie…


Her heart is weak for the sweet cat-eyes looking sleepily at her and that small gummy smile only meant for her


‘’Cuddle me…’’ Jennie whispered and her heart cheered feeling the familiar arms of her hubby hugging her waist

Chaeyoung chuckled poorly ‘’I could never say no to you…stupid wifey’’

Jennie snickered and snuggled closer to Chaeyoung’s neck as she could feel herself falling asleep…peacefully for the first time since they went back to Korea

‘’Whatever…stupid hubby’’

Yeah, they’re both stupid when it comes to each other

Finally after almost a week of no Internet, I could finally update.  Did you guys had fun from the funny OT4 moment? Because I sure did! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't worry! More updates will be coming soon as we are now 70% done of the story. Once again, thank you all guys for the support and warm comments! I'm eternally grateful for the confidence you all gave to me and for giving me more reasons to finish this story! 

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story