Chaeyoung's Side

Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

After leaving the two at the restaurant, Jisoo decided to go to the park to clear her thoughts again. The park always makes her feel so peaceful and it never fails to make her calm again and be herself.

While walking towards her signature bench, she saw a familiar black-haired girl also sitting there, staring at the sky with closed eyes as she breathed in and out the fresh air

‘’Chaeyoung-ah…’’ Jisoo admired her, she really is beautiful…a rare gem indeed and Jisoo felt really lucky that this girl once loved her before. She walked towards her and sat beside Chaeyoung, the said girl not noticing her.

Jisoo cleared ‘’So you’re stealing my signature bench right now?’’ She watched in amusement when Chaeyoung jolted out of her thoughts and stared at her with wide eyes while clutching her fast beating heart.

‘’Jeez Jichu, you almost killed me!’’ Chaeyoung exclaimed

Jisoo laughed ‘’Sorry I couldn’t help it.’’ She said with a soft smile. Chaeyoung sighed but nodded, a small smile also tugging her lips. A comfortable silence around them as the two girls just looked at the peaceful scenery of the park.

‘’Hey Jichu,’’ Jisoo looked at her with a questioning look ‘’I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier…I…I just got scared that things will change between the four of us and things might get awkward and’’

Jisoo chuckled ‘’Chaeyoung is rambling again’’  She shush her, her own eyes smiling at the rambling girl ‘’It’s okay Chaeng…beside I do think they deserve to know since they are our best friends.’’ Jisoo said ‘’And Jennie told you about Lisa and hers right?’’ Chaeyoung nodded ‘’Then don’t worry, there won’t be any awkwardness happening around us’’ Jisoo smiled positively effectively cheering up the younger girl

Chaeyoung smiled, one of the things that made her fall in love with Jisoo is because of her always cheering her up and supporting her… ‘’Yeah you’re always are’’ Chaeyoung smiled and sighed, releasing all her pent up stress at the air.

Both were once again quiet for a moment until Jisoo cut the silence ‘’So…do you like Lisa or Jennie?’’

Chaeyoung shot her a quick look and a pink tint on her face ‘’That’s rather…blunt unnie’’

‘’I’m always blunt’’

‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung hesitated and Jisoo looked at her, observing her.

‘’……’’ Jisoo hummed and patted Chaeyoung’s head ‘’You don’t need to answer me right now’’ Jisoo chuckled while Chaeyoung looked at her in a confused way ‘’Why did you even ask me that?’’

Jisoo smiled and looked up at the now orange sky ‘’Nothing in particular’’

Chaeyoung gave her a weird look and continued staring at the sky, a small smile tugging at her lips. Jisoo stole a glance at her and concluded one thing ‘’So she does like one of them…but who?’’

A ringing was heard interrupting Jisoo’s thoughts. Chaeyoung looked curious and answered the call


‘’Hey chipmunk! You okay?’’

Chaeyoung smiled hearing Lisa’s energetic voice as Jisoo just watched her

‘’Yeah I’m fine Lisa, sorry for storming out earlier’’

‘’It’s okay though, want to go and get some ice cream to cool you off?’’

Chaeyoung grinned at the thought of food ‘’I would love to!’’

‘’Great! Where are you then?’’

‘’Here at the park with Jisoo’’

‘’You’re with Jisoo-unnie?’’ Jisoo chuckled hearing a hint of disappointment in Lisa’s voice

‘’Yeah, I should ask her to come too’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’Sure I guess’’

Chaeyoung turned to Jisoo who was snickering ‘’Want to come with us Jichu?’’

Jisoo continued snickering and shook her head ‘’No thanks, I think I’m going to go home and rest.’’

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo in a confused way, did Jisoo really got tired from sharing their past to Jennie and Lisa? Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’Jisoo is not the type of opening up to someone even her close friends…maybe it did got her emotionally tired’’

‘’Well Jichu won’t be coming Lisa looks like it will only be the two of us’’ Chaeyoung said. Lisa let out a small shout of glee ‘’Great then! Just wait there and I’ll pick you up.’’

‘’Wait what about Jennie where is she?’’ Chaeyoung asked ‘’Isn’t she together with you? Why not let her come too?’’

Jisoo silently laughed hearing Lisa’s agitated voice ‘’Well…she left earlier and I really didn’t know where she go so yeah’’

Chaeyoung hummed and nodded ‘’Okay, I’ll wait for you here then.’’

‘’Stay still chipmunk! Don’t you dare go anywhere!’’

Chaeyoung laughed ‘’I won’t I won’t. Now go, I don’t like to be kept on waiting’’ She joked.

Lisa laughed ‘’Aish impatient girl…I’m on my way’’ She said and hanged up the call

Chaeyoung closed her phone and looked at Jisoo ‘’You’re really going home?’’

‘’Why you miss me already?’’ Jisoo chuckled

‘’You and your lame flirting...why did I even fall in love with you?’’

‘’Because I’m me’’ Jisoo grinned before walking away to go home ‘’Text me when you get home so that I’d know that Lisa didn’t murder you or something’’

Chaeyoung laughed and slapped Jisoo’s arm ‘’Just go home and rest already Jichu!’’

Jisoo also laughed before waving bye to Chaeyoung and walked away. ‘’I’m glad everything’s fine and dandy now…’’ Jisoo felt an unexplainable weight off of your shoulders. She should thank Chaeyoung though, she made her open up a part of herself to Jennie and Lisa, her two best friends since high school started. It felt good…it felt good opening it up to them and them accepting and even comforting her. She promised to herself that she was never going to let these three girls go away from her life. ‘’I’ll make sure all of us will stay together.’’

As Jisoo was walking, she saw a familiar person walking swiftly towards the park. ‘’Is that?’’ Jisoo muttered and looked closely seeing the person walk up to Chaeyoung with her gummy smile ‘’Don’t tell me she followed me knowing that I will find Chaeyoung to clear things up?’’ Jisoo chuckled and shook her head ‘’Aish Jendeukie, you really know me too much’’

Jisoo continued walking with a smile and thought ‘’Lisa’s just unlucky as always’’ She chuckled, looks like those two won’t be alone for ice cream then and as much as she wants to watch those three, Jisoo really needs some rest as she is a bit emotionally drained from earlier. ‘’Oh well, Chaeyoung can tell me about it later through the phone.’’


Chaeyoung was surprised seeing Jennie with her gummy smile on place ‘’Wifey!’’ She said back a grin on her own plastered on her face ‘’What are you doing here?’’

‘’I just happened to pass by the park and saw you’’ Jennie said with an innocent smile and Chaeyoung bought it ‘’Wow, it’s like we’re fated to see each other everyday’’

‘’You don’t want it?’’ Jennie flirted ‘’You always make my day hubby’’

Chaeyoung blushed and stuttered ‘’I-I do?’’

Jennie grinned and placed her hand on top of Chaeyoung’s ‘’You always do’’ She whispered looking through Chaeyoung’s eyes to show her sincerity

‘’I…’’ Chaeyoung couldn’t get her sentence started as she too got lost at Jennie’s captivating gaze, her charisma overwhelming her. Chaeyoung looked at Jennie's cat-like eyes ''She's really beautiful...''

‘’Yah! What do you think you’re doing to my chipmunk!’’

Jennie felt herself got pulled away from her staring contest to Chaeyoung and switched her grin to a glare at the one person who always interrupt her moments with Chaeyoung

‘’Jennie?'' Lisa said in surprised ''What are you doing here?’’ She asked with raised eyebrows, her arms around Chaeyoung’s shoulder in a protective way ‘’I thought you were a creep harassing Chaeyoung here jeez…’’

‘’Just happened to pass by’’ Jennie said bluntly ‘’How about you?’’

‘’We’re going on an ice cream date.’’

Both girls shoot their eyebrows upwards ‘’Date?’’ Jennie and Chaeyoung said. Lisa blushed in embarrassment because Chaeyoung also looked at her questioningly making Jennie laugh mockingly

‘’A date that Chaeyoung didn’t even know?’’ Jennie said amusingly. Lisa pinched Chaeyoung’s arm ‘’Ouch! What did you do that for’’ Chaeyoung murmured while pouting a bit.

‘’Why didn’t you get along?’’ Lisa whispered to her while Chaeyoung looked at her confused ‘’Why?’’

‘’Aish this chipmunk is too innocent for her own good’’ Lisa sighed, someitmes Chaeyoung's innocent also makes her thick-headed...and dense.

‘’Since it’s not a date,’’ Jennie smirked seeing Lisa’s dreaded look ‘’Can I come along?’’ Before Lisa could protest Chaeyoung spoke first ‘’Sure! The more the merrier’’

Lisa almost shouted in frustration while Jennie felt elated ‘’Let’s go then?’’ Jennie grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and started to walk away

‘’Yah! I’m the one who planned this and you’re leaving me behind!’’ Lisa pouted and ran up to catch up with them, she walked beside Chaeyoung and threw a glare at Jennie who also glared back

‘’It’s on now.’’

They found an ice cream shop near and decided to just eat there. The three talked together with Jennie and Lisa shooting glares at each other without Chaeyoung noticing. They ordered their own ice cream; strawberry for Chaeyoung, milk for Jennie, and chocolate for Lisa. The three sat down and their own ice cream respectively

‘’So hubby,’’ Jennie started a conversation ‘’How are you feeling so far?’’

Chaeyoung glanced at her and hummed ‘’I’m pretty good…I’ve talked to Jichu earlier and we made up.’’

There was a lingering thought in Lisa’s head as they’ve talked about Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s past relationship. They have known earlier that Jisoo already said that she didn’t love Chaeyoung anymore…and apparently Chaeyoung too but she really didn’t hear it yet coming from the chipmunk’s mouth herself.  ‘’What if…Chaeyoung still loves her and is hiding it? After all Jisoo did say that Chaeyoung is more protective to herself right now and doesn’t make the first move…’’ The maknae glanced at Chaeyoung, trying to figure our her true feelings ''What if she's just saying that so that we can all move on from it?''

‘’Lisa? What’s wrong you’ve been quiet?’’ Chaeyoung asked, a tint of worry in her voice ‘’Is something bothering you?’’

‘’Actually, yeah there is.’’ Lisa stated seriously, surprising the two older girls since it’s very rare for Lisa to be serious

‘’This is my first time seeing Lisa so serious’’ Chaeyoung thought ‘’What is it?’’

‘’Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa started before looking at her eyes intently ‘’Do you still love Jisoo?’’

Both girls’ eyes widened at Lisa’s question. ‘’That’s troubling her?’’ Chaeyoung thought looking at Lisa’s serious face ‘’But…why did she ask?’’

‘’Why are you asking me that Lisa-yah?’’ Chaeyoung tilted her head in confusion

‘’Do you Chaeng?’’ Jennie suddenly asked also, her face being serious also making Chaeyoung even more confused ‘’Jennie too?’’

‘’Uhmm…’’ Chaeyoung started, hesistating a bit

Lisa and Jennie felt nervous, why is Chaeyoung hesistating? Did that mean…

‘’You still love her?’’ Lisa asked, masking her disappointment

Chaeyoung laughed melodiously ‘’To be honest’’ Chaeyoung said with a smile ‘’I still have what you say ‘residual feelings’ to Jichu’’ Chaeyoung said and continued her ice cream ‘’I loved Jisoo…I really loved her with all my heart, she made me really happy that Korea became my home because of her and for me’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’It’s kind of hard to let go.’’

‘’So I was a bit thankful that when we broke up, I returned to Australia’’ Chaeyoung shared ‘’The distance and months of no communication, the feelings really died down though there was always this longing for Jisoo…'' Chaeyoung said softly before chuckling to herself ''Actually she was my first girlfriend’’

‘’I had crushes before, whether it be a boy or girl, I had crushes but I was too shy to even confess I like someone’’ Chaeyoung said

‘’You seem rather bold with Jisoo though’’ Jennie pointed out

Chaeyoung blushed ‘’Well, there is just something around her that calms me and let me be myself…it’s just…it’s just easier with Jichu’’ Chaeyoung said softly ‘’And sometimes I do wonder what if I didn’t return to Australia, would Jisoo and I still be together? I thought of that when I was in Australia’’ Chaeyoung said, unknowingly opening up her heart to the two girls beside her that not even Jisoo knows about ‘’I had a hard time…a really really hard time when we broke up’’

Jennie and Lisa felt some sympathy to the girl opening up to them ‘’It must have been hard to keep it all to herself’’ If Chaeyoung were to open this to Jisoo it would have been awkward since it’s all about her and now that Chaeyoung has Jennie and Lisa, she have more people to listen to her inner problems so they stayed quiet, letting Chaeyoung continue

‘’My dad was really worried and can’t comfort me much since he’s busy with work. My mom is also working so she’s not around much…my sister is studying so I don’t want to add up to her stress so I acted really cheerful so that they don’t worry about me too much’’ Chaeyoung finished her ice cream but still continuing her story ‘’But every late night…I released all my problems…my hurt…my agony’’ Chaeyoung stated and remembering those nights makes tears well up in her eyes ‘’This continued on for months until the end of my school year and on that day…Jisoo called to me’’


Chaeyoung laid on her bed, school year was finally over and still time seems so slow for her. Ever since her breakup with Jisoo months ago, she has never been the same. She is still hung up on the break up and got swallowed up by her sorrow when Jisoo didn’t even came to see her fly back to Australia

‘’And no communication too…’’ Chaeyoung chuckled bitterly. Though there were times that she didn’t even think about the older girl at all so it must mean that she is moving on slowly but…something is still bugging her. Like something is still not yet fixed though Chaeyoung knows what to do to fix it, she is too scared to do it. Too scared to get rejected and it also hurts to be rejected at a phone call.

Chaeyoung plans to call Jisoo months ago, to fix and talked about everything so that all things will be cleared up. She sighed and muffled her face to her pillow ‘’Oh Jisoo…I miss you so much’’

She closed her eyes, tears escaping her eyes as she desperately tried to sleep but the heavy feelings inside of her always makes her stay awake until midnight. ''As always'' She thought bitterly. She is running out of concealers to cover her eyebags due to her sleeping very late. The only times when she will sleep early is when she's very tired and that rarely happens now since she seems to beout of energy to do anything.

A ringtone disturbed her disrupt thoughts and Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Must be dad…I’ll just tell him I’m tired.’’

She answered the phone not seeing the caller’s ID ‘’Hello?’’ She heard the person’s breath hitch so she repeated what she said, a bit confused at the action‘'Dad, I'm tired. I assure you I'm fine I just need some sleep an-’’ She was cut off however by a soft voice


Chaeyoung felt her heart stop ‘’That voice…’’ Chaeyoung knows that voice very well even though she didn’t hear it for many months, she always knows that melodious voice. She will never forget that voice

‘’Jichu…’’ Chaeyoung breathed out ‘’You…you called’’

Jisoo laughed awkwardly ‘’Yeah…did I disturb you?’’

Though Chaeyoung was trying to sleep, she really didn’t disturb her, in fact she was waiting for this phone call months ago but her hopes are slowly dwindling down ‘’Until now that is’’

''I heard you're going to sleep so...I'll guess I hang up?'' Jisoo hesitated, she sounds like she needs to say something though.

‘’No wait!’’ Chaeyoung almost shouted, probably startling Jisoo ‘’It's...It's okay. I'm not really that sleepy now. I just thought it was my dad so I said I was tired.’’

''Oh...'' Jisoo breathed a sigh of relief making Chaeyoung smile a bit ''That's great then''

Chaeyoung positioned herself to a much more comfortable position ''So...why did you call?'' She asked softly 

Jisoo seems to hesitate at the phone so Chaeyoung gently pushed her ‘’It’s okay Jichu, whatever you’re going to say I’m going to listen.’’ Chaeyoung heard Jisoo chuckle ‘’You’re still the same as ever’’ Jisoo said lovingly

‘’Is that a bad thing?’ Chaeyoung joked and felt her heart explode hearing Jisoo laugh. ‘’It has been a long time’’ Chaeyoung mused, she really missed the older girl

‘’No, no’’ Jisoo laughed ‘’It’s a good thing actually…’’

‘’So go on, tell me I won’t hang up’’

‘’You better be’’ Jisoo said threateningly making Chaeyoung laugh a bit but stayed quiet for Jisoo to continue

‘’I…I really missed you Chaeng’’ Jisoo started ‘’These past few months have been lonely for me since my two best friends are dating well, they actually ended it a few days ago’’

‘’So literally you’re not that lonely anymore now?’’ Chaeyoung said jokingly

‘’Let me finish will you? Pabo…’’ Jisoo scoffed and Chaeyoung hid her laugh

‘’Well it’s been awkward really, I really don’t know how to hang out with the two of them though there are times we are back as best friends but there is still this lingering tension between the three of us and it’s so awkward sometimes.’’

‘’You know Jichu if they are former lovers, it is awkward before they can go back to being their usual self if the three of you are best friends. It may take some time but it will work out in the end Jichu’’ Chaeyoung said ''They are still moving on of course, you all just need to be patient and things will go back the way they are''

‘’You always give the best advice…’’

‘’I got it from you apparently’’ Chaeyoung chuckled ‘’So…Is that what you were going to say?’’ She tried to hide the disappoinment in her voice

‘’No…’’ Jisoo immediately said ‘’I…I was too scared to call you when we broke up, but after counseling my two best friend, I just…it made me think about you’’ She said with honesty in her voice.

Chaeyoung stayed quiet letting Jisoo continue ‘’I felt this need to clear things up to you when both of them ended things rather well. I thought about ours and we…didn’t ended it really well. It’s been bothering me since’’

‘’Oh Jisoo…’’ Chaeyoung thought. So she’s not the only one…

‘’Chaeng…’’ Jisoo said ‘’I’m sorry…I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for being too scared, I’m sorry for not seeing you fly back to Australia. I was hurt…too hurt in fact. I can’t bear being away with you…You were too far away and it pains me just imagining it. I feel like I would break myself if I see my first love going far away so...I didn't come to see you off’’

Chaeyoung stayed quiet and hearing Jisoo’s strained voice, she knows that she’s preventing herself to cry ‘’Jichu…It’s okay to cry’’ Chaeyoung said in a soothing voice ‘’It’s okay to let out your feelings sometimes…I'm here, I'm listening and I won't go away’’

Then she heard a sob that broke her heart ‘’You always know how to make me cry like how do you do that?’’ Jisoo cried ‘’I loved you Chaeyoung…God I loved you so much that these past few months are torture to me…’’

‘’I didn’t call you because I’m in pain and probably hearing your voice would probably turn me into a crybaby again like now.’’ Jisoo laughed ‘’God I hate crying so much I look so stupid crying and talking at the phone.’’

Chaeyoung also started crying hearing Jisoo cry ‘’Yah,’’ Chaeyoung laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks ‘’How can you be funny when you’re crying? You’re so weird sometimes’’

‘’That’s just me pasta’’

Chaeyoung groaned ‘’Stop calling me that please…’’

Jisoo laughed a bit, though her tears are still falling, Chaeyoung managed to make her laugh. She took a deep breath ‘’That’s the real reason why I called Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo said ‘’To apologize and…fix ourselves. Apparently I want to lay off from relationships…It’s troublesome it’s making me a crybaby’’

‘’Oh Jisoo’’ Chaeyoung laughed and felt like some weight lifted from her shoulders; finally…they have communication and started to talk about everything

‘’Is it…okay for us to be friends again?’’ Jisoo asked with hope in her voice ‘’I really missed you Chaeng…I really do’’

‘’We’re more like sisters actually’’ Chaeyoung joked making both of them laugh

‘’True’’ Jisoo mused ‘’So…I just wanted to say this one last time before we restart everything’’

Chaeyoung nodded and wondered what Jisoo is going to say

‘’I love you Park Chaeyoung. I always have and always will.’’

Chaeyoung froze, more tears coming out of her eyes and put her hand to to silence her sobs. ‘’After all this time…I’ve though I’m the only one suffering…but’’ Chaeyoung took a deep breath to steady her voice, this will be the last time they are going to say those words with love and sincerity before they finally move on from their past and start anew

‘’I love you too Kim Jisoo. I always have and always will’’

Chaeyoung could practically imagines Jisoo’s teary smile

‘’You know’’ Jisoo then laughed ‘’This breakup is much better than our last one’’

Chaeyoung laughed out loud, it’s been a while since she felt so free from her problems ‘’Yeah you’re right’’ She grinned. ‘’It’s finally time to move on’’

End Flashback

Chaeyoung finished her story , silent tears streaming down her face though there was a small smile on her face

Jennie and Lisa felt themselves fall even hard at the crying and smiling girl at the middle

‘’She’s so strong…I want to…I want to love her and never let her go’’ Jennie thought, her love for her hubby skyrocketing

‘’I’ll make sure chipmunk gets the happy ending she deserves’’ Lisa thought with determination and she’s going to make sure she will be the one with Chaeyoung.

‘’So to answer your question Lisa’’ Chaeyoung turned to her with a small smile

‘’I don’t love Kim Jisoo like that anymore’’ Chaeyoung stated ‘’After that talk, I’ve been able to move on rather fast. There may be some kind of longing but I’m okay now.’’ She smiled at them brightly ‘’I have you guys now. The four of us together is what made my day and keeps me going’’

Jennie and Lisa smiled at the and put a comforting hand to her shoulder ‘’We’re always here Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa stated

‘’Thank you for sharing your side with us’’ Jennie said with warm eyes ‘’You’re so strong you know?’’

Chaeyoung giggled ‘’Maybe? I really don’t know but I’m thankful for everything right now’’

‘’So do you have someone you’re interested in right now?” Lisa asked with Jennie nodding her head in agreement and also looked at Chaeyoung curiously

Chaeyoung glanced at the two of them before blushing lightly and looking at the sky with a small smile. ‘’Maybe?’’ She answered in her thoughts and her silence made the two girls pout and tried to get some answers to her but failed miserably with Chaeyoung just smiling at them.

I'm so confused on who should be the endgame pairing :( I was thinking of making a poll but I am still not sure though judging from the comments I've read, so many of you are chanting Chaennie like wow it's becoming the superior ship right now though I got to say that Chaennie is really sailing hard ever since BP house. 

If ever that I am still confused about the endgame pairing, I will put on a poll on who will the the endgame pairing. Thank you so much for subscribing and even for the upvotes! I feel really proud of my work and will strive harder to finish this in a good note :) I already have another story in mind but I got to finish this first before I write a new one. Thank you guys again and please support Chaesoo in tvN's variety show next week! Finally our chipmunk is showing in a variety show! Let's support and love them!

P.S I hope the rumored comeback in november is real though, I miss them already :(

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story