



“Nothing.” Hyungwon echoed, his secretary nodded back at him. He exhaled and pulled the folder closer to him, he opened it.

“Yoo Holdings. She took over a few years ago. Her hobbies include horseback riding and she does a bit of swimming. And,”

Hyungwon spotted a familiar name on the paper, he tilted his head.

“A few months back, there were rumors of her marrying into the ShinHan family. But they were recently shot down, and it was claimed that she and vice president Son are just good friends.”

“Son Hyunwoo. Right?”

The other male nodded, Hyungwon set the papers down and exhaled.

“Is something wrong, sir? While checking on miss Yoo, I also discovered that~”

“Somehow Yoo Sera, Son Hyunwoo and my wife are linked?” Hyungwon continued for him, his secretary nodded again.

“I’m not sure if this is all true, but I contacted some people and past employees from the families,” He continued as he handed more documents to the young executive.

“Back then, it was common knowledge that the young master Son has always been smitten over her, the young miss.”

“It’s fine.” Hyungwon smiled at him, the other male seemed a little hesitant about talking.

“They were together since high school. Both families approved of their relationship. Son Hyunwoo had become like family to them, miss Hwang was loved by the Sons too. But,”

“There’s always a but.” Hyungwon said as he eyed the photo of Sera on the folder.

“Yoo Sera has always been interested in him. She befriended the twins, and was introduced to mister Son. That’s how it all started. Some of the Yoo family staff even commented that she was almost…like obsessed with him.”

Hyungwon’s brows went up and he leaned back on the chair, he crossed his legs and picked up Sera’s photos.

“Should I look more into it, sir?”

Hyungwon’s phone beeped, Miyoung had texted him.

I’m at unnie’s office, Eunyoung’s with me. -Miyoung

Hyungwon faced his secretary again and he nodded.

“I guess there’s no danger in knowing more. I’m simply trying to make sense of what I know.”




Miyoung watched as the her assistant walked after Eunyoung to get some cereal from the other aisle. She faced the shopping cart and started pushing. She made her way towards the cleaning supplies area and stared at the display.

“We have so many brands here, this,” She murmured as she tried to reach for the bottle of disinfectant on the top shelf.

Miyoung sighed, giving up.

“Let me.”

The girl froze and she turned her head, he had an unfathomable look on his face as he waited for her to move.

“O—Okay.” She murmured as she stepped away, Shownu effortlessly grabbed the bottle and set it down on the cart.

“Why are you alone?” He asked her, Miyoung chewed on the insides of her cheeks.

“I’m not, Eunyoung went to another aisle.” She stated, Shownu nodded back, Miyoung puffed her cheeks.

“T—Thanks, oppa. I’ll get~”

“You don’t have to avoid me, Miyoung-ah.” He suddenly spoke, Miyoung stopped moving, she gripped on the cart’s handle and turned to him.

“I’m not, I~”

“You don’t have to lie to me as well.” Shownu said, being his usual straightforward self again.

“Shouldn’t…Shouldn’t you be the one avoiding me?” Miyoung faced him, and she regretted it. Shownu was dressed casually, a pair of black denim jeans, a nice fitting knitted sweater and a black oversized leather jacket. He looked so good, he always did.

“But I know that Minah wouldn’t want that. No, she wouldn’t like that. I think she made herself pretty obvious the other day, Young-ah.” He continued, Miyoung pursed her  lips, a little annoyed with how things seem to be so easy for him. Maybe because he was always so straightforward, always the type to face things head on, unflinching.

Very Son Hyunwoo.

The girl nodded and looked at her shoes.

“I want to talk to you. But I know you wouldn’t like that.”

“O—Oppa, I~”

“I just wish you wouldn’t be like this with me. We’re not strangers, Miyoung. We have so much history between us to be acting like this.” Shownu exhaled as he buried his hands in his pockets.


Mommy!” Eunyoung came running towards them, Miyoung halted and she broke into a smile.

“Eunyoung-ah, don’t run~”

“Oh, is he your friend too?” Eunyoung switched to Korean, Shownu faced her and he smiled.

“Do you know me, miss Chae?” He said as he leaned down to talk to her.

Eunyoung nodded while hugging her box of Lucky Charms.

“Uncle Honey pointed at you during that party. He told me about mommy and auntie Minah’s friends. You’re auntie Minah’s best friend.” Minah’s accent got thicker as she spoke quickly. Shownu smiled and nodded at her.

“My name is Shownu. You can call me uncle Shownu.” He said as he extended his hand to her, but Eunyoung shook her head and stretched both arms to him instead.

“Eunyoung-ah, what~”

Shownu chuckled and lifted the girl in his arms, Miyoung looked away and pursed her lips.

“It’s nice to meet you, uncle Shownu. You’re good friends with mommy too?” She asked him, Miyoung took the cereal from her.

“Yes, I’d like to think that.” Shownu nodded at her, he turned to Miyoung briefly. She was already busy with her phone.

“Your mommy’s busy.” He said to the girl, Eunyoung rolled her eyes at him and it made Shownu laugh.

“That’s what she does when she wants to escape a conversation. But, uncle, can we go to the candy aisle?” Eunyoung whispered to him, Miyoung paused, but she didn’t look up.

“Of course.” Shownu agreed and started walking away with the girl still in his arms.

Miyoung let out a shaky breath and finally peeled her gaze from her phone, she watched as Eunyoung chatted with Shownu while showing the bead bracelets she was wearing.

“Why aren’t you mad at me?”




“Are you sure about this, sir? I mean, this is Hwang Miyoung, chairman.”

Sehun rolled his eyes from his seat and grabbed the envelope from the male.

“Of course, I am.”

“She might kill us.”

“Not me. Probably just you.” Sehun even had the energy to grin at his secretary, the latter sighed at his boss.


“She won’t know. Don’t worry. It’s just that,” Sehun let out a sigh, he was eyeing the invitation on his desk. Their engagement party was in a week, and he was ecstatic about it. Things were going well, nothing was out of the order. But there was thing one tiny thing about Miyoung that bothered the hell out of him.

“Don’t you think it’s too perfect?” He asked, the doors opened and a smiling Jooheon walked in.

“Good, you’re here.” Sehun said to him, his secretary greeted the male with familiarity. Sehun is a cool boss, and his secretary was aware that his future brother-in-law was like that too.

“What’s up? Did something happen?” Jooheon asked as he plopped down.

“No, but I got curious.” Sehun spoke, Jooheon looked up from his phone and eyed the other male.

“What do you mean?”

Sehun opened the folder and went through the documents.

“Chae Hyungwon. H One Jewels.” He started reading, Jooheon balked and jogged over to his side.

“He left the country at an early age, he finished studies in the US.” Sehun murmured, then his brows rose, and he began to laugh.

“This…This is…funny.” He mused, Jooheon followed his gaze and he paused.

“He’s one of the KB Financial Group grandkids.” Jooheon spoke, he tilted his head at Sehun.

“I don’t get it.” He said, Sehun looked at him.

“In this country, there are only two banks big enough to take on each other. Two rivals. Who’s the other one?”

“Of course, it’s ShinHan. Oh.” Jooheon halted, Sehun nodded at him.

“Son Hyunwoo. ShinHan. So, Miyoung’s ex and her husband are rivals. In business, of course.” Sehun made a face, his secretary shook his head and sat down.

“You…Those words will get you in trouble.” Jooheon sighed at him before returning to couch.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?”


“True, Eunyoung is their child. We did the math. They met in New York, then after year, she gave birth. Yes?”

“Yes.” Jooheon said, a little suspicious.

“But, why is it so perfect?”


“He got her pregnant. They got married. Miyoung is H One Jewels vice president and they own properties together.” Sehun recited as he went through the papers again, there were even photos of the couple, with Miyoung still pregnant.

“It’s not…It’s not like her. You…don’t get it.” Sehun trailed off, he sighed and loosened his tie. Jooheon pressed his lips together and leaned back on the sofa.

“What do you mean, sir?”

“I know that people might think I’m being too cautious or that I’m prying into her life, but Miyoung has always been like a sister to me. And, I can say with confidence that I know her well. I know how she processes things.”

“Oh Sehun, people change and~”

“I see that Minah can sense it too. Something’s wrong with Miyoung and she’s hiding it. And in turn, it affects my fiancé. I don’t like seeing the two important women of my life being troubled.” Sehun trailed off, Jooheon looked at the male.

“So, you’re against Hyungwon?”

“No. What I’m against is not knowing the truth.”

“She already told us~”

“I’d like to know everything. Also, I’d like to know why my best friend isn’t being her usual self.”

“Is this the beginning of the end?” Jooheon mumbled to himself and Sehun’s secretary nodded at him.




“Yes, yes. Just make sure she gets the easier ones.” Minah murmured as she walked across the lobby, she made it pass through the front desk and stood before the elevator.

“Miyoung starts next week, I’m assuming you’ve checked the projects that can be put under her care?” She asked, the girl was on the phone with her secretary.

“Yes, ma’am. Most of them are the ones with companies we’ve worked before, so, the director won’t have a problem.”

“Good. I don’t want her to be rushed into things. Call me if we get word from the Hana Group deal.” Minah said before ending the call, she got inside the elevator and pressed for the top floor. The doors pinged open and she stepped out, the girl paused when she saw a familiar face.

“Oh, chairman,” The male smiled.

“Is your boss in? I’ve been trying to call him, but he’s not picking up.” She spoke to Shownu’s secretary.

“Ah, he was in a meeting earlier. He must be back by now. Is this about the expansion?”

“Yes, I need to discuss this with him. I’ll get going.” Minah spoke, the male gave her a polite bow as she walked away from him.

Minah puffed her cheeks and made her way down the hall with familiarity.

“He might hate me for what I did the other day, but this is Son Hyunwoo. He’ll just let it pass.” She murmured to herself, she reached the white double doors, her fingers landed on the knob and she stopped. The doors were open.

Minah smiled, she was about to push them open until she heard the voices inside.

“I don’t understand, how could you do this to me, oppa?”

Minah’s brows rose, it was Sera. She was inside his office.

“Sera, I already told you. I asked you not to expect too much from me.”

Minah dropped her hand to her side and swallowed, she turned her back to the door.

“I’ve been waiting for you, oppa. I never left your side, not even once.” Sera replied to him, Minah exhaled and looked away.

“Sera, please, stop this. I don’t want things to be difficult for us.”

“Difficult? You’ve been acting different ever since she’s back. Don’t deny it!”

Minah stilled, she turned to the doors again.


“Why? Do you think she’ll look at you again, oppa? She left you.” Sera said to him.

“Keep her out of this.”

“Is it not true? Are you going to deny it? Ever since she’s back, you’ve been acting weird. She still affects you, don’t deny it!”

“So what if she does?”





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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!