



Shownu froze and he took a step back from the girl, Miyoung was smiling at him. But all he could feel was panic and a lot of uncertainty.

She was so going to run away from him now.

“Mi—Miyoung-ah, I can explain.”

“Okay, go.” Miyoung’s smile remained and she she leaned against his car behind her. Shownu cleared his throat before meeting her gaze.

“I..I bought that a while ago, I..you were still in school.”

“Oh, wow.” Miyoung nodded along, Shownu his lips and looked around them.

“Look, Miyoung-ah, I know how this looks like. And please trust me when I say that I only bought that before because I wanted you to know that…that you were endgame for me.”

“I was endgame? So, now I’m not?”

Shownu looked at her, his forehead creasing. Miyoung’s lips quirked up, she rarely saw the usually calm Son Hyunwoo lose his cool like this.

“You are endgame for me, you always will be. I just..didn’t want to scare you, that ring..I meant it as a promise. I was planning to give it to you after your graduation, but other things happened.”

“Yeah, Sera happened.” She said, Shownu let out a small sigh and nodded, he buried his hands in his pockets.

“Miyoung-ah, if it bothers you I can~”

“But, I didn’t know you were this committed, and yet I was always causing trouble. Oops.” She mused at him, Shownu looked at her, wanting to gauge her mood.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t remove it from its place. It’s still in my wardrobe.”

Shownu nodded in reply, Miyoung chuckled before slowly wrapping her arms around his waist.

“And it doesn’t bother me. Don’t worry.”

“Miyoung-ah, we just got back together and you find this ring,”

“But that ring was from Son Hyunwoo who was my boyfriend years ago. Now is different.”

“Different?” Shownu repeated, pressing his nose against her hair.

“Just different. We’ve been through a lot and, I kind of disappeared on you so,” She shrugged, Shownu chuckled and pulled back to meet her gaze.

“It doesn’t scare you? There is a high chance that I will ask you to marry me.”

“Nope. And, maybe you can ask later? Unnie will kill you if you steal her thunder or something.” She offered with a smile, Shownu laughed before pressing his lips against hers.

“Okay, we can do it later. We have all the time now.”




Minah was on her way to her room when she noticed that her sister was pacing about in hers, she paused and made her way to the already opened door.


Miyoung paused, she was standing by the windows, there were a few pieces of clothes strewn on her bed.

“Oh, I was trying to rearrange my winter….closet. Sorry, did I make too much noise?”

“No, no. What’s up?” Minah asked as she started folding her sister’s sweaters while sitting down.

“Up? Nothing’s up? I did not pair up with Sehun to prank you or anything. It wasn’t me.”

Minah had to laugh, someone had delivered at least two hundred cupcakes at her office earlier. It was all decorated in candy flowers, it also came with champagne.

“He thinks he can sweet talk to your staff, so that they won’t ask you to come back to work right away.” Miyoung added, she sat down by her computer.

“I know. But, I meant, what’s up? What’s new with you? Anything going on right now?”

Miyoung’s eyes narrowed, Minah blinked back at her, trying to look clueless.

“I see your best friend has called.”

“He was worried.” Minah flinched, Miyoung sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Young, he never really meant for you to find it. He kept it here because he didn’t want anyone else to…The ring’s owner is you, that’s why he left it in your room.”

“Well, obviously.”

“Hwang Miyoung.” Minah sighed at her sister, Miyoung was grinning at her.

“Why is he worried?”

“He doesn’t want to pressure you.”

“I don’t feel pressured. I don’t understand…I never felt that with him, unnie. I mean, yes, things have always been serious with us, I knew from the start that..what I was getting into was not just some..fling. It scared the hell out of me at first, but it’s him. It’s Son Hyunwoo. He never made me feel that way.” She mumbled, Minah smiled at her and set the pile of sweaters aside.

“What way?”

“He never made me feel that I’m being tied to him. Things were always so natural with him, you know. I never really had the time to overthink it.” Miyoung slowly nodded, she jutted her lips towards the dresser. Minah stood up and she halted, the most talked about ring was seated right there. It stood out amongst her sister’s collection of jewelry, which was something, since Miyoung was once H One Jewels’ big boss.

“Wow.” Minah blurted out, Miyoung hummed back and nodded.

“See, no need to be worried about. I’m fine. Things are fine. Don’t worry about me, unnie.”

“I know I don’t have to, you’re marrying my best friend.”

“Huh, I should be the one saying that. We aren’t engaged yet. I think.”

“You, what?”

Miyoung grimaced and she looked away.

“You think? So, you’re not sure? What?”


“Did he not ask?”

“Does he have to? Must we have to go through all the formalities?” Miyoung murmured.

“Miyoung-ah,” Minah sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

“Unnie, it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. It’s Son Hyunwoo.”

“I know, but he should at least ask.” She muttered under her breath.

“Uhm, young miss, in case you forgot, your wedding is just days away. Would you be pleased if he does that now?”

Miyoung paused, she eyed her sister warily.


“Drop it, Hwang Minah. Just go fuss about your wedding.”

“He did ask, right?” Meens paused by the door, Miyoung stopped moving and she met her sister’s gaze.

“He did, Eunyoung was there too. But, he made her pinky promise not to tell anyone yet.”





“I didn’t know we.. were expecting guests.” Ara mused as Jooheon, Sehun and Miyoung piled into their living room. Eunyoung looked up and beamed at her favorite people.

“We’re here to seek shelter.” Jooheon said as he plopped down on the carpeted floor beside Eunyoung, the girl put her bunny plushie away from her.

“Shelter? From what?” Ara was clearly confused, Hyungwon walked in, he was already dressed for work.

He blinked at the crowd inside the living room, he turned to Ara.

“They’re here for shelter or something.” She said, Miyoung grinned and lazily raised her fist to him. Hyungwon blinked again and bumped fists with her.

“Other noona had gone all dinosaur, T-rex mood on us, she hisses at anything that moves, so we’re all here. Hiding.” Jooheon said, Sehun, the fiancé, nodded.

“Oh.” Ara grew amused,

“Well, it’s two days till the wedding, I guess..that makes sense. But she’s terrifying.” Miyoung murmured as she comfortably lounged on the sofa.

“Why? Is something wrong?” Hyungwon asked, Sehun looked up and shook his head.

“Everything is going smoothly, I just think it’s the nerves. Or, pressure, I’d like to help her but like he said, she hisses.” Miyoung grimaced, Ara grinned and sat beside her.

“She’s usually the calm twin, now I’m not sure what role to play.”

“I already fed her, so I’m assuming it’s the nerves.”

“As the husband, aren’t you too calm?” Ara jokingly said, Hyungwon came back with a tray of cookies and some pastries.

“My mother is already yelling at me home because she thinks that I’m too calm. I am worried about it, but..what else could go wrong?” Sehun said, in his usual calm tone.

“Exactly.” Miyoung agreed as she nibbled on a cookie, Eunyoung smiled and climbed onto her lap.

“But, other mommy,”

Ara looked at her daughter and smiled, Miyoung nodded for her to continue.

“I have a feeling she’s going to grow up spoiled.” Hyungwon mumbled to himself, Jooheon gave him a thumbs up.

“Why are you alone?” Eunyoung switched to Korean, Miyoung was confused.

“What do you mean alone? I came with uncle Honey and uncle Sehun.”

“No, the other uncle. Why is he not here with you?”

Hyungwon and Sehun started to grin at her, Miyoung grimaced.

“Uncle Shownu.” Eunyoung happily said, Ara laughed and leaned back on the sofa.

“He’s probably at work, I…didn’t call him before leaving the house.” She said as she picked up another cookie.

“Why?” Eunyoung continued, Jooheon chuckled and nudged Sehun.


“Why did you not call him? Aren’t you going to marry uncle Shownu?”

Miyoung froze, and she could feel all the eyes on her. Hyungwon started to laugh and he high-fived his daughter.

“You have been cornered, Young. By your own daughter too, nice.” Ara hummed, Miyoung started to shake her head while Eunyoung was batting her eyelashes at her.

“It’s not what you think, guys.”

“Really.” Sehun said, she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Well, it wouldn’t have to be discussed if you hid the ring first or, found it before I did!”

Jooheon turned to her with wide eyes.

“She found the ring?” He balked, Sehun grimaced and looked away.

“He already has a ring? Nice.” Hyungwon raised his brows at Miyoung, the girl hissed at him.

“Now, you have a role to play.” Sehun chimed in, Miyoung kicked his shin.

“Why are you my brother-in-law?” She grumbled.

“Hey, you’ve always wanted me and your sister to~”

“You liked her first! She wouldn’t look at you if I hadn’t~”

“Okay, children.” Jooheon stood up and shushed them, Miyoung rolled her eyes and Sehun continued to laugh.

Hyungwon laughed and stood up.

“I have to get to work. Please clear the house by night. I don’t want Minah coming for me later.” He announced as he leaned down to kiss the top of Eunyoung’s head.

“We’re going out later after I pick her up from school.” Ara told him, he nodded back and planted a quick kiss on her cheek before leaving.

“So,” Ara spoke after a few minutes of silence.

“Will there be another wedding next month?”





“I tried keeping it. But no, you had to go ahead and ask that in front of my daughter.” Miyoung murmured, Shownu grinned and took her hand in his. The two were at the mall, Minah had some errands she needed to be done, and Miyoung volunteered to do it.

“We don’t have to keep it, really. Minah didn’t yell at me.”

“But the talk, oppa. People will talk.”

“Does that bother you?” Shownu took a quick glance at her, but the girl was smiling as she eyed their surroundings.

“No, I’m worried it might bother you. I mean, it is quite known that I was..well, people think you’re marrying a divorced woman. Although, technically, no. Hyungwon would never drag me into that. But, you know, it might change things for you and with your work~”

“Miyoung-ah,” Shownu stopped walking, the girl turned to him, her brows going up.

“I don’t care.”


“Those trivial things never bothered me. I don’t care.” He said, Miyoung chewed on her lower lip and prompted for them to walk. Shownu smiled as the girl hooked arms with him.

“I left you, oppa. And people know that.”

“I know, I got over it. I’m sure they will.”

Miyoung balked at him, he grinned and kissed the side of her head.

“Oh to be calm in the midst of everything, how do you do it, Son Hyunwoo?” She murmured under her breath, Shownu chuckled to himself as they entered a candle shop.

“What about your parents?” Miyoung asked, Shownu had picked up a box of scented candles.

“I mentioned it over dinner last night, eomma was ecstatic. Abeoji thinks you’re too good for me.”

Miyoung smiled, she let go of him and spoke to one of sale assistants regarding her sister’s orders.

“But, Miyoung-ah,”

Miyoung paused as she felt his palm on the center of her back, she turned to him.

“What about your parents? I..realized I haven’t spoken to your mother yet, and uncle too.” Shownu said, Miyoung noticed how he had chewed on the inside of his right cheek for a moment.

“You’re worried about that?”

“Of course.”

“You think my parents would say no to you? You?” She mused at him, Shownu frowned in response.

“Can you…Can you arrange dinner? I don’t..want to impose, I would~”

“I will arrange dinner, but maybe in two weeks?” She said as she reached over to fix the lapels of his coat, Shownu’s forehead creased slightly.


“Because, by then unnie and Sehun will be back from..I don’t know where they’re heading. It would be nice to have everyone over, your parents too.”

Shownu’s lips curled up, he nodded and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“That sounds great.”

Miyoung nodded back, she was about to pay for the items when Shownu tugged on her waist again, she faced him.

“But, you can wear the ring, right? I don’t…You won’t wait for two weeks, yes?”

“Whoa, you’re just making sure I put it on.” Miyoung said in a teasing tone, Shownu grinned back at her.

“Well, I finally got you back, so,” He trailed off, being playful.

“I’ll wear it tomorrow at the wedding, so that everyone can see. Happy?”






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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!