



“So, that went well.” Hyungwon commented as Miyoung put her phone in her purse, Eunyoung was happily spooned her Lucky Charms.

“Oh, last night? It was a disaster, but okay.” Miyoung mumbled back in hushed tones, Hyungwon broke into one of his calm smiles.

“We handled it well.”

“You handled it well. If you hadn’t arrived, I would have hidden under the counter.”

“Hmm, very mature of you.” He mused at her, she sighed at him.

“What are you worried about?” He asked her, Miyoung pursed her lips.

“I worry about you. And Eunyoung.”

“Why? We didn’t say~”

“Exactly, Hyungwon-ah.” She replied, Hyungwon slowly nodded back at her.

“So, Jeju?” He asked as the girl picked up her purse.

“Yes, wish me luck.”

“Working with the ex?” Hyungwon whispered at her, Miyoung elbowed him before kissing Eunyoung’s cheek.

Mommy will be back later.” She said to her, Eunyoung gave her a thumbs up.

“Can you pick me up later? Please don’t send a car.”

“I’ll come pick you up later. Safe travels.” Hyungwon promised, Miyoung smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

“Thank you.”

Hyungwon watched as Miyoung got inside the Rolls Royce and the vehicle eased out of the driveway.

“Appa will be just in his office downstairs, you know the drill, right?” Hyungwon spoke to his daughter.

“Yes, I won’t forget to brush my teeth before leaving for school.”

He smiled and kissed the top of her head before making his way towards his home office. Hyungwon pushed the doors open and he walked in.

“I have questions.” The male spoke from the leather seat, Hyungwon faced him.

“We both do.” He replied, Sehun chuckled and nodded back at him.

“She doesn’t know you’re here. I feel like a traitor.”

“Don’t worry, if she ever finds out, she’ll probably kill me first. Then, you next.” Sehun stated, Hyunwon grew amused and agreed with him.

“What do you know, Korea Air?” He asked as he took the seat across him.

“Almost nothing. All I know is that…she left after that accident. And, we never heard anything from her after that. She was gone for five years. And nothing.”

“She demanded you let her fly, Sehun.” Hyungwon spoke, Sehun nodded back.

“Yes. Up to now, I still don’t know if I regret ever giving in to her request.” He murmured, his gaze was on the windows.

“You knew she was injured, huh?”

“I was out of town when it happened. No, I made it a point to be out of town. So, it was the twins, Shownu hyung and Sera. They all planned to go this place outside Seoul, and try this bungee jumping attraction. Everyone was hyped about it, it….” Sehun trailed off and he shook his head.

“It was bad, Hyungwon. Shownu hyung…he almost died because of all the injuries he got. He was hospitalized for months, he needed intense therapy…Minah was so lost that time. Her best friend fighting for his life, her twin sister being gone. Even I didn’t know what to do.”

“What happened? Did he fall?”

Sehun’s forehead creased and pressed his hands together.

“They were all having fun, and..alcohol was involved. Miyoung..I’m sure you’ve heard how she was before. She..was always so carefree, reckless even.”

Hyungwon nodded back at him and picked up his coffee.

“Miyoung…wanted to try tandem jumping. She begged Shownu to go with her. And, she was already slightly drunk.” Sehun recited, his forehead creasing again.

“And then it all happened so fast, the cable snapped and..Shownu hyung crashed against the jump’s poles, hurting his back really badly before landing on the water. Miyoung…from what I heard landed roughly on some wooden planks. But, she was still able to stand.” Sehun recounted.

“She needed physical therapy too, she had to stay at this clinic in Manhattan for a couple of weeks.” Hyungwon informed him, Sehun nodded back at him.

“How…How was she back then? Was…Miyoung…okay?” Sehun said, he noticed how Hyungwon’s forehead creased at his words.

“It wasn’t easy, her recovery almost..destroyed her.” Hyungwon murmured, Sehun glanced at the male, sensing his discomfort.

“But, there are other pressing matters you seem to want to talk about.” Sehun stated, Hyungwon’s brows went up.

“You made it a point not to be there.” Hyungwon repeated.

“I don’t like Sera. I don’t understand why they all became friends with her.” Sehun crossed his arms and shrugged.

“Well, you’re also not going to like this.” Hyungwon said as he stood up and walked to his desk, Sehun watched as he produced a folder from his drawer.




Minah was smiling as she walked in Sehun’s office, the male looked up, surprised.

“I thought I was going to drive by to pick you up. Did you ditch work? For me?” He chuckled as he stood up, Minah snorted before kissing his cheek.

“Well, I figured why not take a day off since Miyoung has kind of taken over for me.” She said as she put her purse down, she noticed the pile of documents on his desk.

“Are you busy?”

“No, but it was a great morning.” Sehun stated, Minah’s brows went up.

“Right, you were up early today. Did Miyoung ask to be driven to the airport?”

“Sure, she needs me to drive here there when her husband has a fleet of cars just for her and their child.” Sehun mused, Minah paused again. Sehun seem happy, too happy. No, he seems jolly.

And that kind of irked her.

“Is there something I should know? Or something I should be alarmed with?” She queried before taking a seat.

“Nothing really new. I’ll tell you once I verify it, though. What time are we needed for the fitting?” Sehun asked as he picked up his coat, his secretary politely stepped in the room.

“Good morning, vice president Hwang.” The male greeted her, Minah smiled back at him.

“I’ll see you at the lobby. I need to call to check on Miyoung. Don’t take too long, I’m hungry.” She said before leaving the room.

“What is it?” Sehun spoke to the male.

“This is everything, sir. Her personal accounts, also the ones she used for her family’s company transactions.”

Sehun’s lips quirked up, his secretary took a glance at his boss.

“I still have not gotten a word from Hyungwon, so, for now,”

“I think you and the H One executive are ganging up on miss Yoo.” The male said in a solemn tone, Sehun shrugged, not really bothered.

“It seems fun to do while we pass time, so,”

“You plan to have president Chae cancel all her cards? Even the White Lotus one from us?”


“Admin might question this move, sir.”

Sehun put on his jacket and nodded back.

“Send their calls to me, I’ll take care of it. Maybe it’s time Sera remembers who she’s messed with.”




Sera was typing on her phone as she waited for her purchases to be brought her. She was coordinating clothes to wear for Minah’s engagement party. She was enjoying tea and some cakes inside the Lotte’s VIP lounge at the mall’s top floor.

“Excuse me, ma’am.”

She looked up, seeing the lounge’s manager smiling at her, the girl nodded.

“Yes, what is it?”

“I’m sorry, but we checked your membership again,” Sera noticed that she was holding onto her White Lotus membership card, it was issued by Korea Air for being a frequent flyer.

“It’s been cancelled, ma’am. It seems like you have insufficient points to be here.”

Sera stilled at her words, she took the card from the girl.


“We tried it three times, ma’am. We even called our main office as well as Korea Air. Your membership has been considered null.”

Sera paled as she realized that some of other VIP guests were looking at her.

“N—No, I’ll make~”

Another lady walked in, she saw Sera and she made her way towards them.

“Miss Yoo, this is regarding your credit card.” She politely said, Sera could see how uncomfortable she was.

“What is it now?” She grew agitated.

“The transaction won’t push through, ma’am.”

The other girl turned to her coworker, and her brows went up.

“What?” Sera balked; the girl stood up.

“Did you try again? That’s impossible, my card~”

“Then, that settles it. I’m sorry, miss Yoo, but we will have to ask you to leave the lounge.”

Sera grew pale and she took another furtive glance around them, the other customers were murmuring as they kept looking at her.

“No, call the bank. I’m sure that there must be a mistake here. Do you know who I am?”

“We already did, they confirmed that you are no longer banking with them and that your card has been cancelled, ma’am.”

Sera felt her stomach drop and she started to gather her things.

“Try again, I’m sure~”

“We did, ma’am. The main office informed us that we are to you out.” The other staff spoke firmly, Sera started to shake her head.

“It’s not~”

“Miss Yoo, please leave the premises. You are no longer a part of our VIP list.”




Shownu glanced up from the document he was reading when he heard the doors swung open, the rest of the employees stood up to greet the young lady who had just walked in.

“Director Hwang,” They greeted her, Shownu saw how the girl’s eyes widened at their greeting.

“Hi, I’m sorry but I had to take a few calls before coming up here. I’m here in behalf of my sister.” She spoke warmly.

“It’s not a problem, ma’am.”

“Miyoung-ah,” Shownu had a smile on his face as he walked towards her, Miyoung paused but she took his offered hand.

“I guess speaking casually is the way to go.” Miyoung blinked back at him, he nodded at her.

“Baby steps.” Shownu said as he pulled the chair for her, Miyoung thanked him and sat down.

“Oppa, I went through the plans and the contracts, I’m curious.” She spoke as she leaned forward.

“About what?”

“It’s a business complex, as well, right?”

Shownu nodded at her as the girl browsed through the folders, the two continued to chat comfortably unaware of the staff staring at them. They didn’t expect for the two to be so at ease with each other, despite the rumors of them being exes.

“You’re right. It can be risky, and we don’t want it to seem that we are only appealing to the upper class.” Shownu said to her, Miyoung nodded back and pulled the plate of cookies towards them.

“It’s a bit questionable too, we can’t rely so much on this kind of green energy process. It’s new and not a lot of companies have tried it,”

Shownu picked up a cookie and started eating, Miyoung paused, realizing that she was sitting too close to him.

“You’re right. Do we have a backup for this?” Shownu looked up and the employees all moved, scrambling to provide him an answer.

Miyoung leaned back on her seat and glanced around her, this was her sister’s world. It would have been hers too, if she hadn’t been so reckless and so…naïve.

She pressed her lips into a thin line as she looked at the faint hint of her scar on her wrist. She could feel Shownu’s movements beside her, he was speaking with one of the Lotte Holdings’ staff.

She slowly stood up and regretted it, all eyes went to her.

“Is something wrong, director?”

“I—I just need some air, does anyone want something from the café outside?” She offered, and they politely declined. Miyoung stepped out of the room and took quick breaths as she made her way to the elevator.

The doors were about to close when Shownu appeared from the other side. She halted; her eyes widened as he joined her.

“Are things okay? You seem pale.” Shownu said as the machine went down.

“I just…I think I forgot how much work it is to be Hwang Minah.” She replied, keeping her voice even.

“They’re only curious about you, don’t worry.” Shownu replied as he leaned back, Miyoung glanced at him, he was dressed quite casually, his white dress shirt tucked in his jeans, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

“Did you fly here, oppa?”

“I did, last night. Did you get in okay?” He asked, the doors opened and they stepped out.

“Oppa, about…” She started as they stepped out of the building, Shownu turned to her.


“That time, I…don’t think I ever apologized for it. I’m..sorry, oppa. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” She stopped walking and tugged on his sleeve, Shownu faced her.

“Miyoung-ah, what~”

“If we really…If we really want to go down this road, to being friends again. I think I should apologize. What I did…What I forced you to do, it almost cost you your life, oppa. And, I find it hard facing you without admitting it.”

“Miyoung,” Shownu’s forehead creased, his fists curled, unsure of whether to reach out to hold her hands.

“I don’t think it’s..good that no one’s mentioned it. It’s true, Son Hyunwoo. You almost died because of me. And, up to now, I still don’t know how you do it.” Miyoung tucked her hair behind her ears.

“What..do you mean?”

“How can you just stand there and be all nice and warm to me when I…I…” She stammered as she wrapped her fingers around her wrist, Shownu noticed how her eyes were starting water.

“Miyoung-ah, it was an accident. And it’s not your fault. It never was.”

“Oppa, if I only I hadn’t forced you to go with me that day, if only I didn’t drink too much, you…you..” Her shoulders started to shake, Shownu grew concerned.

“Then, none of this…you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Oppa, I kno~”

“Stop it.” Shownu said, taking her hand in his, he felt Miyoung tense, but she didn’t pull back.

“It was an accident. And, please, don’t ever blame yourself over it. I…would have gone with you anywhere, you know that.” Shownu stated, Miyoung’s forehead creased.

“Even if you hadn’t asked, I would still have jumped with you.” He repeated as he briefly cupped her cheek.

“I know you got hurt too, Miyoung-ah. So, stop. It’s all in the past now.”

Miyoung looked away from him, Shownu exhaled and took a step back from her.

“Now, if I heard correctly, you offered to buy food from the café?” He asked, Miyoung’s eyes snapped at him and she broke into a smile.

“Of course, you heard that.”

“I’m hungry, let’s go.” Shownu mused before crossing the street ahead of her, Miyoung looked at him.

How can he just shrug it off like that? How can he just smile about it?

Why is it always him?

“Miyoung-ah?” Shownu paused and glanced at her, Miyoung looked up and jogged after him.

“So, can I get two sandwiches?” He asked as they reached the other side of the road, the girl chuckled and nodded.

“Of course.”








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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!