



Sehun looked up from his desk as he heard the doors open, he broke into a smile as he saw Minah.

“Hi, how did it go with the event organizer?” He spoke as he stood up and walked towards her, he kissed her cheek and the girl sighed at him.

“I had lunch with my parents, you know. Just me. No siblings.”

“I know, I ate with Miyoung. And Hyungwon. And Shownu.”

Minah blinked at him, her brows went up. He grinned and made her sit down.

“I have so many questions, but I want to go first.”

“Okay, what happened?” Sehun was smiling, Minah put her purse down and faced him.

“Well, eomma mentioned how….Miyoung never talked to her about her family. How..she did promise them that she’d tell them more about Hyungwon and Eunyoung.” Minah murmured while fiddling with Sehun’s cufflink.

“She never told them anything?”

“No. she said that she asked about Eunyoung and her documents, you know. So that eomma can add her to the family trust, but Miyoung never handed her one. And, it seems like she has no plans to. But,”

Sehun’s forehead creased, he may have been in contact with Hyungwon for a weeks now, but he never really had the guts to ask about what’s going on between him and Miyoung, and also anything about Eunyoung. He couldn’t bring himself to.

“I just feel like something’s up and my sister is not telling us anything. And, of course, I want to ask her. But it’s just a…very delicate subject, you know.”

Sehun pressed his lips together and nodded at her.

“Maybe she’ll tell us when she’s ready, or when she’s made up her mind.”

“But, it makes you think, huh? About her and Eunyoung. Her and Hyungwon.” Minah stated, Sehun could only nod in reply.

Some things were starting to not make sense.




Wonho carefully put his coat on the empty seat before turning to his friend, Shownu gave him a nod and picked up his drink again.

“What’s this? Did something happen?” He asked as he asked the bartender to get himt he same drink as his friend’s.

“Not really. Are you coming to Minah’s engagement party this weekend?” Shownu asked as he studied the amber colored liquid in his glass. Wonho’s eyes went to the white envelope on the bar, Shownu was staring at it.

“Of course, I am. And, I know she’ll kill you if you won’t, even though seeing Miyoung hurts you.” He commented, Shownu leaned back on his seat, still quiet.

“Okay, now I’m worried. What’s wrong?”

Wonho noticed how his friend’s forehead crumpled and he gestured towards the envelope before him.

“I…Ever since she came back…I tried..I tried to know what happened and…”

“You found out things that you shouldn’t have?” Wonho added, he pulled his drink closer to him and turned to his friend.

“The girl, she’s not hers.” Shownu said without meeting his gaze, Wonho paused, stunned.

“Eunyoung was already around three months old when she first met the Chae son.”


Shownu nodded and took a long sip from his drink.

“She was…badly injured when she left the country. I found out that…she was never hospitalized after the fall. She fainted at the airport when she arrived in New York. She was admitted to the hospital for a couple months, and needed therapy for it.” He continued, his brows grew knitted together as he took the envelope from the table.

“And..I got this today.” He said as he handed him the envelope, Wonho slowly took it from him and took out the contents. He was greeted by a couple of photos of a frail looking Miyoung, and then he froze.

“S---Shownu, this…this..”

“I had to make a few calls to clarify…that. I wanted it..to be false, and that the person I hired was just lying to me. I really did wish that…all that is fake. But it’s not.”

Wonho put the photos away and he started to read the documents, and shook his head.

“She tried to take her own life, Wonho. Just…Just what happened? Why would she do that? She left me, shouldn’t I be the one suffering more? It doesn’t make sense. Why…Why…I thought she wanted to be free of me.”

Wonho leaned back on his seat, unsure of what to say.

“She stayed in that facility for six months, it was during that time she got close with Hyungwon. They fabricated Eunyoung’s birth certificate too.”

“Shownu, I don’t know what to say. But, I don’t think Miyoung wanted to be free of you, no, not like that.”

“Then, why? Why…Why would she do that to herself? Why couldn’t she just tell me that she wanted to leave me? Why…Why did she choose to suffer alone?” Shownu struggled with his words and tears lined his eyes.

“I don’t even like knowing all these, her and the child. Her and Hyungwon. I…I don’t know what to do now.”

“What do you mean? Do…Do…Are you still in love with her?” Wonho asked him, Shownu looked away and let out a shaky breath. The older male turned quiet again and picked up his drink.

“I don’t know where to stand.” He finally spoke, Wonho didn’t speak.

“I really want her back, but she’s with Hyungwon. I respect that.”

“Even if it hurts you?” Wonho replied, Shownu glanced at him.

“I have to find out what really happened. I have to know.” He said, ignoring his friend’s question.




“Please, stop calling.” Hyungwon sighed as he picked up, Miyoung made a face as she stepped down from the car. She was guided towards a white kiosk and saw her sister’s event organizer and secretary.

“But she was coughing when I left.”

“She’ll be fine, I already gave her some medicine. I feel bad for letting you go alone, but I’ll be there once she falls asleep.”

“It’s fine, stay with her. I~”

“Why would I let you go to a family event alone, Miyoung? That’s not how we roll. Don’t worry about Eunyoung, the private nurse is already on her way here.”

Miyoung sighed at him, Hyungwon let out a small chuckle before speaking.

“Relax. Be there for your sister.”

Miyoung chucked her phone in her vintage Chanel clutch bag and followed the decorated path on the grass. Minah had opted for a garden party at one of the Oh’s private villas and everything looked surreal, from the flowers that were artfully hung above the tables and the stage that was covered with different kind of petals and laces.

“Just like a movie.” She smiled to herself as she reached the crowd, and in that instant, she flinched. She could feel the eyes on her, she mentally sighed.

Sera was standing by her assigned table when she noticed that the party had gone silent, she looked around, thinking that the event was about to start and the couple had appeared.

But, no. it was Miyoung, everyone was looking at her with awe. And of course, they were curious about the “runaway” Hwang daughter.

“I haven’t seen her in so long, but wow!”

“Exactly, and people say she got married and they have a daughter now.”

“I heard that too, she married into the Chae family. What a nice choice for one of the Hwang kids, to be honest.”

She heard a few of the female guests gossip, her forehead creased.

“Remember when there was talk of her and that Son boy? I also thought that they’d end up together. They looked so perfect.”

“Exactly, I feel bad for that friend of theirs. Yoo Sera, right?”

“Ah, her?”

“She tries so hard to be around him, but I don’t think she’s made any progress.” The two quietly laughed together.

Sera looked away just as he saw Shownu walk in the party with Jooheon, the two males lit up when they saw Miyoung.

“Well, it makes sense. How would you feel if you the man you want has Hwang Miyoung for an ex? She cannot compete where she doesn’t compare.”

Sera let out a shaky breath and made her way towards the restroom area.




“I see things are going on smoothly.” Kihyun mused at his cousin as they walked towards the front, family members of the couple were being called to take photos.

“I know, I haven’t seen Minah unnie glare at someone.” Miyoung chuckled as Changkyun joined them.

“How come you’re alone, noona? Where’s our darling princess niece?” The younger male asked.

“She’s not feeling well, Hyungwon will be here later. He had to stay with her for a bit.” She replied, they reached the two and were immediately ushered up the stage. Miyoung paused as she almost bumped into someone, she paused when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“The floor can get a little slippery. Be careufl.” Shownu was smiling at her, Miyoung paused, but she slowly nodded back at him.

“Thank you, oppa.” She blurted out, he nodded at her before letting go and moving away. Miyoung’s forehead creased and her eyes followed him and she watched as he returned to their table. She saw Wonho and the older male gave her a small wave, she smiled back.


She turned, Minah was waving her over. Miyougn nodded back at her sister, she took another glance at their table, and Shownu was staring right back at her.

I’ve been hiding things for so long. I thought I could not appear in front of you again so that you wouldn’t have to get hurt. But, no.

There’s so much history between us.

Our families are even tied together.

She walked towards Sehun and Minah, she hugged the two before joining her parents and cousins behind the couple.

Miyoung faced the camera and plastered a smile on her face.

This happened because of me, because I was reckless. Because I was so used to having you protecting me. Because I knew you’d always have my back.

I was letting this on without realizing that I don’t deserve you.

I don’t even know where to begin. I’m sorry.

Miyoung felt Changkyun nudge her and they followed the elders down the steps, her mother waved her over.

“Y—Yes, eomma?” She stammered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

“Any update on Eunyoung?” Mrs. Lee asked with a small frown.

“Her fever’s gone down, Hyungwon left the house about ten minutes ago.” She replied, the elder nodded and gave hugged her.

“It’s such a happy evening, huh? Your unnie and Sehun. It’s only a month till the wedding, we, no, I am so glad you decided to come home, darling.”

Miyoung nodded and kissed her mother’s cheek.

“Yes, eomma.” She said, and then she noticed a familiar male standing by one of the gazebos, her brows rose.

She carefully made her way towards the male and he bowed as soon as he saw her.

“Did Hyungwon ask you to come here?” She asked him.

“Mrs. Chae, good evening. Yes, these papers were delivered to his office late this afternoon. And he requested that I bring them here. I think it’s urgent business documents from our New York office.” He said as he produced a brown envelope, Miyoung tilted her head and took it from him.

“It’s already late, I’ll take this and make sure he gets it. You should rest.” She said to him, the male thanked her.

“Then, I’ll get going, ma’am.”

Miyoung crossed the manicured lawn again, tucking the envelope under her arm, it was quite heavy, which made her think that it was probably from their US offices.

She was about to take her phone out to call Hyungwon when the envelope slipped from her grip and fell onto the grass with a soft thud. The girl sighed and scooted down to gather the papers, but she stopped moving when she noticed a photograph of a familiar person.

“Sera.” She blurted out, and then she pulled the papers towards her, her eyes skimmed over the documents from KB Banking and ShinHan Banking.

“Are these her…bank transactions?” She murmured and then she halted as she came across photos of her and the people she went bungee jumping with. And there it was, details about the man they met on that day, the very same man who showed them around the facilities.

Miyoung picked up another piece of paper and she froze.

“N—No.” She gasped as she read Hyungwon’s notes on the paper, he even had written dates and timelines on them.

And it all led back to Sera’s offshore bank account.

It all started coming back to her, Sera confronting her at the hospital while she bled. Sera blaming her for everything, telling her that Shownu was going to die because of her.

Sera telling her that she would be the death of him.

“One hundred thousand dollars.” She breathed as she dropped the rest of the papers she was holding.

“One hundred thousand dollars so that she could get rid of me. And it almost killed him.”

Miyoung slowly stood up and her eyes scanned the guest, and then she saw her. Sera was chatting with her parents by the fountain.

Miyoung’s lips quirked up and she exhaled.

“Should…I try destroying you?” She said in a tone that sounded like her old self.





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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!