



“I’m having the rooms fixed tomorrow.” Miyoung said as she wiped her makeup away, Hyungwon grinned on the screen.

“You mean you’re redecorating.”

“Eunyoung wants her room to have a yellow and green theme, I told you she didn’t like the pink and purple you chose for her.” She ran her hair through her fingers.

“You met up with your brother and best friend today, how did it go?”

Miyoung tilted her head and she leaned back on the chair.

“Unnie really wants me at the wedding, as her bridesmaid. I still..don’t know how to meet up with her. She might kill me.” She could see that he was already at work.

“Do you need me there?”

“No, I know you’re busy over there. How’s Eunyoung? Did you already talk to her school?”

“I did, we’ll be spending two weeks there, and its up to you whether you’re flying back with us.”

“You think I’d stay longer? Here?” She shuddered and stood up with her phone, Hyungwon smiled.

“For what’s it worth, I think you should see her before the wedding. Not just…simply appear at her wedding. You know, that might cause more trouble, baby.”

She pursed her lips and she arrived at the living room.

“I’m not worried over meeting her again, it’s the…questions that follow, Hyungwon. I have a child now, a husband too.”

“Glad that I came as an afterthought,” Hyungwon nodded and that made her smile.

“If she kills me, make sure Eunyoung gets my 4 carat diamond ring and not your second wife, alright?”

Hyungwon laughed and nodded.

“I’ll set an appointment with our lawyers then.”

“Do you want me to have your study prepared too?” She asked him.

“Yes, please. I have some work I think I need to bring over. How are you feeling? It’s cold there.”

“It is, but I’m fine. I wish you two were here.” She said as she plopped down on the couch, Hyungwon winked at her.

“We’ll be there shortly, but Miyoung-ah, reach out to your sister, okay?”

Miyoung made a show of rolling her eyes and she ended the call. She leaned over and picked up her cup of tea, she checked her phone again. Sehun had sent her Minah’s phone number and work numbers, Miyoung saved her sister’s private numbers and sighed again.

“How do I do this?”




Sera was smiling as she sat across the older male.

“How did you know I like this place?” She said as she picked up the menu, Shownu leaned back on his seat and smiled back at her.

“You mentioned this place a couple of times, thank you for going to have lunch with me.”

“Don’t mention, oppa. Auntie called me earlier this week, she did ask about us again.” She said as she went through the menu, Shownu’s forehead creased briefly.

“She asked about our plans, and~”

“Sera,” Shownu cleared his throat, Sera chuckled.

“I know, I know, don’t worry, I didn’t say anything, oppa. You told me that your mother could be~”

“Pushy, yes. But, there’s something I need to discuss with you.” Shownu said, his tone calm and careful.

Sera nodded for him to continue.

“I know my mother has been saying a lot of things to you, with the mention of marriage and all that,”

“Oppa, you don’t have to explain that. I’ll wait for you.”

Shownu pressed his lips together, and then he smiled.

“Exactly. Please don’t.”

Sera stilled, she was about to speak when the waiter arrived with their food. The girl paused, she pressed her lips together.

“We’ve known each other for quite a while, you’re one of my good friends. And I don’t want to keep on…dragging you along, you don’t have to wait on me, Sera-ah.” Shownu continued, his forehead creasing, clearly not enjoying the heavy atmosphere.

“O—ppa, what are you trying to say?”

“Please don’t expect things from me, Sera-ah. I’m..I’m sure that there’s someone out there for you, someone better than me.”

“Oppa, I~”

“I know you must not want to eat with me right now, I…I’ll get going first. I already ordered your favorites. I..I’m sorry.” Shownu said, he reached out to gently pat her hand. Sera could only watch as he made his way out of the restaurant, she let out a shaky breath and looked away.




“You…You’ve been your phone since last night.” Minah said as she walked in Sehun’s office, he looked up and smiled at her.

“I thought you couldn’t make it to lunch.” He stood up and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

“Miraculously one of my meetings got cancelled, I escaped the office right away.”

Sehun chuckled and picked up his coat, Minah glanced around his office, his phone buzzed again.

“It’s actually my surprise for you. A wedding gift, something like that.” Sehun mused as they stepped out of his office.

“Should I be worried?”

“Hmmm,” Sehun hummed, Minah sighed and elbowed him.

“I think…you shouldn’t be. But, I’m kind of worried about it.” Sehun said as the elevator doors opened, Minah chuckled.

“Is Jooheon in on it too?”

“Yes, I asked for his help. Your brother is the best.” Sehun joked back, the two employees in the elevator greeted them politely as they went inside.

“Any update on your best friend?” Minah asked softly, Sehun glanced at her. The doors opened and they stepped out to the lobby.

“N..Nothing. Why? Did she call you?”

“Call? I can’t even get a text back. She could be married with ten kids, and we would never find out.” She snorted as they crossed the lobby, Sehun took her hand in his and smiled.

“The ten kids thing is a bit impossible. And I doubt she’d get married and not tell me. Or you.”

“So, you think she’d tell you first?” Minah was now smiling, Sehun pursed his lips and nodded.

“She probably will. I’m the best friend.”

“I’m the twin.”

“That too.” Sehun shrugged, Minah saw Sehun’s car being brought around.

“I swear to god, if she shows up as if nothing happens, I’ll skin her alive.” She made a face as she walked ahead of him.

“I thought you hoped she’d show up.” Sehun asked, a little worried.

“I’ll skin her alive after the wedding, she disappeared on us for five years, she didn’t even say goodbye.” Minah murmured as they reached his car.

“You miss her.” Sehun softly said, Minah rolled her eyes.

“Not sure if I miss her, or I’m mad at her.”


“Let’s not talk about her, I’m hungry.” She made a face, Sehun opened the car’s door for her and she slid inside the vehicle.




Miyoung walked in the furniture shop and her eyes wandered around, she could feel the presence of the assistant Hyungwon assigned to her.

“I’ll be outside if you need me, Mrs. Chae.” He politely said to her, Miyoung nodded back at the male and he excused himself.

She walked towards the display of office desks, she was searching for something Hyungwon would like for his home study.

“He needs a chair too, or I can just let him stand.” She smiled to herself, the girl moved along amongst the sea of customers.

A coffee table caught her eye and she made her way towards it, she looked around in search for an attendant.

“I’m telling you, sunbae, you don’t have to worry about it.”

She still at the familiar voice, Miyoung stopped moving and did not even dare to move her head.

“I know, I’ll wait for you here. It must be big, seeing how you want to talk right away.” The feminine voice said happily, Miyoung looked at the table’s glass stop and saw the woman’s reflection, she flinched and looked away.

Minah was standing right behind her, and she was smiling as she spoke on the phone.

“Sunbae, you don’t have to rush. I’m here to do some shopping for the house anyway. Just give me a call.”

Miyoung was about to move forward, but she accidentally dropped her phone. The girl leaned down to pick it up but someone beat her to it.

“Son Hyunwoo-ssi, we can talk later, I~” Minah faced the phone’s owner and she froze, Miyoung took a step back from her.

“M—Mi..” Minah stammered, she ended the call and continued to stare at the person before her.

“U—Unnie,” Miyoung stammered, Minah’s eyes went to her face and down to her shoes.

“I—It’s you. You..You’re here.” Minah spoke, Miyoung pressed her lips together.

“Unnie, I can explain. I just~”

“Hwang Miyoung! You rotten brat!” Minah then started to pulling her towards the doors, Miyoung grimaced, she saw her assistant approaching them but she shook her head at the male.

It’s fine. You can go.” She mouthed at him, the male nodded back hesitantly. The twins were finally out of the shop and Minah let go of her.

“Unnie, hi.” Miyoung blurted out, Minah let out a shaky breath.

“Hi? You want to say hi?” Minah hissed at her and she crossed her arms, Miyoung grimaced.

“I was about to call you.”

“How? I’ve changed numbers over the years, but of course you wouldn’t know that.”

Miyoung paused, realizing her mistake.

“How did you get my number?” Minah demanded, Miyoung winced and looked away.

“Unnie, I~”

“Are you the big surprise Sehun has been talking about? Huh, it’s a gift I cannot even return to the store if I want it changed.”

“Unnie, I really was about to~”

Minah raised her palm, signaling for her to stop talking, Miyoung looked away.

“Five years, Miyoung. Five.”

“I know, that’s why I…I’ve been mustering up the guts to reach out to you. Please…I know you’re mad at me, but..at least me explain.”

Minah let out a sigh before facing her again.

“Home. Let’s talk at home.”


“Why? Do I need to wait another five years for this too?”

Miyoung flinched at her tone, and then Minah’s eyes widened, realizing something.

“We have to get out of here before he..”

Miyoung looked at her with wide eyes, Minah swallowed and she saw the familiar Audi pulling by the street.

“Come on.” Minah pulled the girl with her and started calling her driver.

“Unnie, your car isn’t~”

“It’s just nearby, let’s talk at home. You and Sehun have some explaining to do.”

“Honey too. He knows I’m back.”

“Traitors.” Minah sighed under her breath, Miyoung’s lips curled up and looked at her sibling who was busily typing on her phone as they walked.

“I missed you, unnie.”

“That won’t work, Hwang Miyoung.” Minah stated, she hit send and faced her sibling.

“Let’s get out of here.” She said to her as she saw her high school senior go down from his car and walk in to the furniture shop, he paused to take his phone out and his brows rose as he read a text.

Minah saw the Mercedes Benz sedan, it stopped before the twins and they quickly got inside.





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Chapter 52: This is totally different from your other fics and here me loving it so❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Plot? Immaculate. Flow? Amazing. Writing? Bomb. I LOVE IT!!!,!!!!,!
Chapter 52: We really need more Shownu Fics!
jonghostesoro #4
Chapter 52: i can never get over you shownu’s fics aaaaaaaa they are all so good 😭😭
2030 streak #6
Chapter 52: Aw the story has already ended? How I wished this went on forever! LoL... Anyway, although I am a little sad that it has ended, I gotta say I enjoyed reading the story. Their parents are fun as usual and so are Jooheon and Sehun. And Eunyoung is such a cutie interrogating him like that. Finally, that gif at the end, Hyunwoo is so cute ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 51: I can't believe there's only one chapter left for this story to end. This chapter was nice and as usual enjoyed the interaction between Miyoung and Hyunwoo. And that makes me want this story to continue forever. LoL... Jokes aside, this chapter was nice and I will be back later to read the last chapter of the story ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 50: Oh, I guessed right! When Sehun gave the box to Hyunwoo, I thought he had escaped but like I guessed in the chapter, she has already seen it? Hahaha I can't wait to see how Hyunwoo would react now. LoL... And it's cute how everyone is including Eunyoung in their family list. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 49: Hahaha is that taped brown bag what I think it is? And Sehun shouldn't have hung up like that. This only makes it more suspicious. Wonder how things would span out herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 48: Awww... Somehow I want her to find it first, just to see how she'd react. And I cracked up hard at Shownu's innocent question about getting a pony as a gift for Eunyoung. I can kinda imagine doing that. Suits him. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
PS Wish you a Happy New Year!!